View Full Version : Attention America!!!!!

03-07-2008, 02:14 AM
Bend over and TAKE IT UP THE F^&ING A$$!!! :bs::bs:
This is how you crash an economy...Not through regular PETROL, but diesel through our freight liners (no pun intended).

White castle tonight, an example, they were changing prices on their boards as i ordered. It went from 53 cents a burger (2 weeks ago), to 59 (tonight), now up to 64 (as i was ordering). :wtf: Transportation is trickling down to everyday goods. INFLATION will overcome mostly everyone this summer. Depression...HERE WE COME!
http://a344.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/97/l_12139b8404d2fe6c1744e2f971cc 224f.jpg

03-07-2008, 04:26 AM
Dude, you don't know what you're talking about. Depression - do you know what depression is. Let me explain, I'm not a yankee, but, when people talk about White Castle and I'd have to travel 600 miles to get some, I get very depressed. When our kids were littler and we'd go on vacation somewhere north, we'd plot out the White Castles and hit one on the way to our hotel. That first box would last about two days. You're worried about the price of diesel, I'd pay $4.00 apiece for a fresh White Castle (One-hit, Slider, Inhaler etc.)! You are killing me!

Depressed in Florida,


03-07-2008, 04:48 AM
I think someone needs to see the movie "The Secret"

03-07-2008, 05:09 AM
Look out...I saw Diesel for $3.95 and Regular for $3.55 on Tuesday. I'm not going to say where.

03-07-2008, 05:25 AM
Look out...I saw Diesel for $3.95 and Regular for $3.55 on Tuesday. I'm not going to say where.
Last night, I paid $3.339 for Sunoco 93. Diesel was listed at $3.799.

Egon Spengler
03-07-2008, 06:27 AM
Can't wait for the nicer weather to come... the motorcycle is going to get a workout this year!!!! Good thing.... marauder will get some rest!!!

03-07-2008, 06:33 AM
Last night, I paid $3.339 for Sunoco 93. Diesel was listed at $3.799.

Charlie, through all the previous price run-ups I have never paid more than $3.39 for 93. Last week I paid $3.37. Yesterday I saw $3.41 at my local Sunoco. Looks like my high price mark is going to get blown in the next week.\

I'm saving a few dollars this week as I'm driving a Dodge Caliber (yikes!) to work while the MM is in the body shop.

03-07-2008, 06:39 AM
Depression...HERE WE COME! The word is Recession! And they say it's already here.


Bradley G
03-07-2008, 06:59 AM
Pretty harsh words for a couple dimes at the pump.
And quit eating that *****y food!:food:

03-07-2008, 07:03 AM
How about a new movie?

Jman and Ckadiddle Go To White Castle

Warning, this may not be funny to the rest of you but it cracks me up. I am somewhat medicated this morning.

03-07-2008, 07:10 AM
Guys, I have been paying $3.55 + for months.

It is not going ot get any better for a loooong time. Better buckle down. I was going to get headers from DR, but with the way things are, I may not.

Man, am I glad I paid off my house.

03-07-2008, 07:40 AM
Between the areas I am always in the price has been $3.29 to $3.39 a gallon for 93. Even just a few miles down the road the price jumps all over the place. Diesel is $3.77 I think per gallon.

I remember a while back even when the prices first started going up I always saw people filling up completely. Now I see people only getting $10-15 max.

It's sucks cause the price of gas is controling the price of everything else we buy.

03-07-2008, 07:42 AM
Look up how much tax makes up that price of the gallon of gas.

80% off our coast is banned from drilling.

My father placed the insurance over 30 years ago on the last new refinery built in the US.

Our gov't has made it next to impossible to build a new oil refinery yet half the costs of all ethanol refineries is paid for by the taxpayer.

03-07-2008, 07:43 AM
How about a new movie?

Jman and Ckadiddle Go To White Castle

Warning, this may not be funny to the rest of you but it cracks me up. I am somewhat medicated this morning.

BWAHAHAHAHAAA! I don'd needa no stinkin' medication! Atlanta, here we come!


03-07-2008, 08:02 AM
Try operating tow boats. The first 2 months of the year the diesel alone was $231,254.00. Thats at $3.45 per gallon. It is killing us. We are thinking about a fuel surcharge of 33% on every job. Shaijack. Thats over $1,200.000 for the year and it may be more.

03-07-2008, 08:09 AM
Sounds like an e-mail FWD chain letter to me, just turned into a thread.

03-07-2008, 08:17 AM
Dude, you don't know what you're talking about. Depression - do you know what depression is. Let me explain, I'm not a yankee, but, when people talk about White Castle and I'd have to travel 600 miles to get some, I get very depressed. When our kids were littler and we'd go on vacation somewhere north, we'd plot out the White Castles and hit one on the way to our hotel. That first box would last about two days. You're worried about the price of diesel, I'd pay $4.00 apiece for a fresh White Castle (One-hit, Slider, Inhaler etc.)! You are killing me!

Depressed in Florida,


Jake, sounds like we are doomed anyway.....we might as well head for Atlanta and the White Castle, if we each get a box we would have enough to get all the way back to the Fl/ Ga line:D Dennis

03-07-2008, 08:19 AM
How about a new movie?

Jman and Ckadiddle Go To White Castle

Warning, this may not be funny to the rest of you but it cracks me up. I am somewhat medicated this morning.

Pete, that's a horrible visual!!!!

03-07-2008, 08:50 AM
The word is Recession! And they say it's already here.


No kidding. I said a depression is ON ITS WAY. Not so much now, but KEYWORD, follow me now...ON ITS WAY.

03-07-2008, 08:52 AM
:shake: And if all of you cant see that i was just USING WHAT I SAID as an EXAMPLE, then....holy hell, we are ******ed. Laugh now, but we all sure as hell will NOT be laughing later.

03-07-2008, 08:55 AM
Guys, I have been paying $3.55 + for months.

It is not going ot get any better for a loooong time. Better buckle down. I was going to get headers from DR, but with the way things are, I may not.

Man, am I glad I paid off my house.

When did i mention here ANYTHING ABOUT 93+ Octane fuel???? This is about DIESEL!

Obviously we cant be destroyed by $3.50 for REGULAR PETROL FUEL...Ok, follow me again all... Doesn't anyone see this???

All of you keep talking about how much you paid for SUPER! Wtf am i missing here???? :shake:

***Sorry, im not directing my comment to you, im just using this as an overall example for peoples responses.

03-07-2008, 08:59 AM
Try operating tow boats. The first 2 months of the year the diesel alone was $231,254.00. Thats at $3.45 per gallon. It is killing us. We are thinking about a fuel surcharge of 33% on every job. Shaijack. Thats over $1,200.000 for the year and it may be more.

Dont think about charging it. Just do it. I hear alot of big rig Owner-operators are getting together to park their rigs shortly.

03-07-2008, 09:06 AM
Pretty harsh words for a couple dimes at the pump.
And quit eating that *****y food!:food:

Those "couple of dimes" you're talking about at 4-5 mpg to deliver your home heating oil, food, get to WORK, pay for clothes, eat your ****g dinner, will add up so quickly that none of us will believe it until its all over.

Yea, you know what, i may sound like im being a ***** about it, but ask how many people cant afford just going to work. Its only a few dimes to you, but it means staying warm or eating a decent dinner.

As for the shi**y food, I just GOT TEH CRAVE :beer:;)

03-07-2008, 09:08 AM
I don't understand the surprise, nothing is constant.

I don't see the sky falling either. (I know I have actually seen it fall.)

We as a nation will survive this economic "depression" or "recession".

Humanbeings are very resiliant and will survive/thrive/respond to their environment.

I have seen the effects first hand of government "involvement" in real and perceived crisis. Other than first responders government "involvement" frequently prolongs and magnifies the crisis.

110,000 people in our area did nothing to rebuild their homes for 2 years because they were waiting on the government to pay for it. In some ways rightfully so because many of those that rebuilt with out gov't provided money were told they were not eligible for reimbursement.:mad2:

One of the greatest threats to prosperity this Nation faces is gov't policies that financially reward irresponsible behavior while penalizing responsible behavior.

03-07-2008, 09:10 AM
One of the greatest threats to prosperity this Nation faces is gov't policies that financially reward irresponsible behavior while penalizing responsible behavior.

Yep, thats socialism for ya.

03-07-2008, 09:32 AM
Here's your socialism...

http://www.offshoreonly.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=32 8622&d=1204252133

03-07-2008, 09:46 AM
^^^^ Big red "X"

03-07-2008, 09:50 AM
^^^^ Big red "X"

It's the modern communists symbol, the red sickle and hammer were deemed politically incorrect. Too many associated it with the tens of millions slaughtered by Mao and Stalin.

03-07-2008, 10:23 AM
When did i mention here ANYTHING ABOUT 93+ Octane fuel???? This is about DIESEL!

Obviously we cant be destroyed by $3.50 for REGULAR PETROL FUEL...Ok, follow me again all... Doesn't anyone see this???

All of you keep talking about how much you paid for SUPER! Wtf am i missing here???? :shake:

***Sorry, im not directing my comment to you, im just using this as an overall example for peoples responses.

Well, I was actually responding the "Bluerauder" and "jonroe". Sorry if we interupted your train of thought.

My Bad !

03-07-2008, 10:53 AM
Well, I was actually responding the "Bluerauder" and "jonroe". Sorry if we interupted your train of thought.

My Bad !
Just passin' it along, Boss !! :rolleyes:

When did the price of diesel surpass the cost of gasoline? Not more than 15-20 years ago, diesel was cheaper than gas. I seem to recall people wanting diesel engine cars for economy and savings.

Also seem to recall that refining of gasoline is more expensive than for diesel 'cause it is higher on the Cracking Tower. Cheaper stuff is at the bottom (i.e. Asphalt, Bunker C, heating fuel, diesel, kerosene, gasoline). What's up with that?

I remember when gas was 24.9 and diesel was 19.9. And yes, I fully understand the impact of diesel on transportation of goods and its impact on life in general. ;)

03-07-2008, 10:56 AM
Well, I was actually responding the "Bluerauder" and "jonroe". Sorry if we interupted your train of thought.

My Bad !

My apologies for adding to getting off track here. Jon

03-07-2008, 11:02 AM
Well, I was actually responding the "Bluerauder" and "jonroe". Sorry if we interupted your train of thought.

My Bad !

Difficult to tell sometimes... oops

03-07-2008, 11:32 AM
When did the price of diesel surpass the cost of gasoline? Not more than 15-20 years ago, diesel was cheaper than gas. I seem to recall people wanting diesel engine cars for economy and savings.

When the demand for diesel started increasing. Increase in demand = increase in price. More profit!!! :mad:

03-07-2008, 11:50 AM
Supply & Demand economics are not applicable in this exercise. (Although you said nothing about supply) Guess that's right, Use more, buy more, pay more. Use less, buy less, pay more. Just pay more.... OPEC has us "over a barrel" so to speak.

We need to become self sufficient and kill OPEC. Until that happens, we will have to pay and pay and pay. US Gov't has no control.

03-07-2008, 11:57 AM
Supply & Demand economics are not applicable in this exercise. (Although you said nothing about supply) Guess that's right, Use more, buy more, pay more. Use less, buy less, pay more. Just pay more.... OPEC has us "over a barrel" so to speak.

We need to become self sufficient and kill OPEC. Until that happens, we will have to pay and pay and pay. US Gov't has no control.

The US Gov't has lots of control and it's the control it has exercised to make us dependent on oil imports. Open ANWAR and the 80% of the US Offshore that is currently closed to exploration. Allow new refineries to be built.

Drop the regulation that Natural Gas Auto Tanks must be built of steel.

03-07-2008, 12:18 PM
Yeah, but isn't the gov't restricting exploration due to "public pressures" from US citizens? I thought that was a big reason.

I don't think US can do anything about what OPEC does. US and NY sure do tax the crap out of the fuel we use.

Honestly don't know that much about the way all this oil - drilling - exploration - ANWAR - OPEC crap works. I do agree it is absolutely killing our economy. We have not seen the full effects or the worst of it all.

Then, you compound all this with the fact farmers planted corn for ethonol vs wheat, barley etc.... Now THIS is where the supply/demand function kicks our asses.

What a mess.

Our grocery bill has gone up considerably over the past 8 months. More $$ to fill the gas tank, more $$ to fill the cupboards, more $$$ for health care, more $$ for education, higher taxes, now UAW wage cuts. We're in trouble.

Oh, but wait! Let's give everyone $600, that'll solve the problem.

I think we could go on for days, weeks, months about this. No quick fix.

On top of it all, the stock market is a friggin' wreck.

03-07-2008, 05:56 PM
Dude, you don't know what you're talking about. Depression - do you know what depression is. Let me explain, I'm not a yankee, but, when people talk about White Castle and I'd have to travel 600 miles to get some, I get very depressed. When our kids were littler and we'd go on vacation somewhere north, we'd plot out the White Castles and hit one on the way to our hotel. That first box would last about two days. You're worried about the price of diesel, I'd pay $4.00 apiece for a fresh White Castle (One-hit, Slider, Inhaler etc.)! You are killing me!

Depressed in Florida,


Makes my mouth water for a sack:P.....

03-07-2008, 06:27 PM
There's a White Castle in Atlanta ?.

I thought the closest in the south was @ mid to west Tennessee ?.

Sign me up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Growing up in Trenton NJ ... there wasn't any . Many a trip was made up Rt 1 North to Woodbridge(NJ) just to get them, turn around - come home, & nothing more.

One time my father went absolutely OVERBOARD in telling people we were making a trip up there.

When all was said & done, after figuring in what we were bringing home & what everyone else wanted us to bring back .....

The order came out to @ 300 or so frozen.

The fresh part of the order was something like .............

700 burgers !.

The looks on those people's faces was priceless. They had to load up a u-frame and a hand truck for us & send someone out to the parking lot with us.

The car reeked of WC's for months.

True story.

03-07-2008, 07:23 PM
Dude, you don't know what you're talking about. Depression - do you know what depression is. Let me explain, I'm not a yankee, but, when people talk about White Castle and I'd have to travel 600 miles to get some, I get very depressed. When our kids were littler and we'd go on vacation somewhere north, we'd plot out the White Castles and hit one on the way to our hotel. That first box would last about two days. You're worried about the price of diesel, I'd pay $4.00 apiece for a fresh White Castle (One-hit, Slider, Inhaler etc.)! You are killing me!

Depressed in Florida,

I've got a White Castle within 60 miles, but the closest Sonic is 200. I never see White Castle ads, but they're always killin' me with the Sonic ads. I friggin love drive-thru breakfasts...

Oh, yeah, gas is gonna kill me too. Maybe I'll take a hang-gilder to work...

Blk Mamba
03-07-2008, 07:30 PM
Of the 13 (get that number) members of OPEC 6 are mid east, 4 African, 1 Asian, & 2 South American, none of which are our allies. Why we deal with these thieves I'll never know. On another note even if we did start off shore exploration, drilling , & new refineries it would take 20 years to get on line. Even simple changes are so far in the future that we should all realize that driving our cars will be considered a luxury, in just a few years, and we will be taxed to do it. Only Outlaws will have Gas Guzzlers!!! I'll be an outlaw, and you will have to pry my cold dead fingers off her!!!!

03-07-2008, 10:11 PM
Don't go blaming farmers for high food prices. We get hit by high fuel prices just like anyone else.

I have no more control over food prices than the clerk at a gas station has over fuel prices.

Ethanol should be bringing down corn prices. Heck, I know guys that are dang near plowing their own lawns under to plant corn.

The dollar is weak. China is buying lots of oil now. The Euro is killing us. Period. End of story.

Try to spend your money better. Help is NOT on the way.

Aren Jay
03-07-2008, 10:29 PM
105 Barrel for crude.

This is good news for Alberta!

We have more oil than Suadi Arabia.

The only real problem with everything made in China, your going to need Diesel to get it to you, on the other hand you just might have a chance to compete with China due to the expensive transport costs and have, once again, Made in USA stamped on your goods.

This will be good for your Economy and even with a little slump it is only good news for you in the long run.

What I don't get is why Farmers and Corn producers even the Oil Sands machinery, why isn't it all electric?

Electric tractors, solar recharged, Electric dump trucks, solar recharged, Electric Corn pickers, solar recharged.

Hmm maybe I'm on to something.

Aren Jay
03-07-2008, 10:49 PM
how do you delete a post?

03-08-2008, 07:08 AM
how do you delete a post?

You dont. Just edit it the way you did ;)

03-08-2008, 07:16 AM
how do you delete a post?

In the thread you want to delete, hit the EDIT clicky in the lower right. When the EDIT window opens up, hit the DELETE clicky in the bottom right corner....

03-08-2008, 07:26 AM
Of the 13 (get that number) members of OPEC 6 are mid east, 4 African, 1 Asian, & 2 South American, none of which are our allies. Why we deal with these thieves I'll never know. On another note even if we did start off shore exploration, drilling , & new refineries it would take 20 years to get on line. Even simple changes are so far in the future that we should all realize that driving our cars will be considered a luxury, in just a few years, and we will be taxed to do it. Only Outlaws will have Gas Guzzlers!!! I'll be an outlaw, and you will have to pry my cold dead fingers off her!!!!

I have worked in the offshore oil industry and have clients in this industry. It does not take 20 years, try less than 5.

Regardless, we do not have independence because we do not want to. A very small group opposes further US oil development. ANWAR is a perfect example. This group cheers everytime gas goes up, they don't want us to use it and they are agaienst human development.

Oil exploration and production can be enviro friendly. A client has an oil field in the marsh developed in the 1950's and 1960's there are eagles and alligators. An alligator is the top predator in our area, meaning the food chain has to be completely intact to support them.

As a Nation we have no energy policy.

03-08-2008, 08:11 AM
How about a new movie?

Jman and Ckadiddle Go To White Castle

Warning, this may not be funny to the rest of you but it cracks me up. I am somewhat medicated this morning.

It's the after the visit you have to worry about!! :cry:

03-08-2008, 03:46 PM
3.59 For Regular Here And 3.99 For Diesel.and Its Not Even Summer Yet.

03-08-2008, 06:21 PM
Dear Leadfoot,

I would never bash a Farmer, sorry if it sounded like I did. I don't think anything is the Farmers fault. The way the gov't goes about things is a bit screwy and, in my opinion, not well thought out these days.

No offense to you and yours.

03-08-2008, 08:30 PM
Dude, you don't know what you're talking about. Depression - do you know what depression is. Let me explain, I'm not a yankee, but, when people talk about White Castle and I'd have to travel 600 miles to get some, I get very depressed. When our kids were littler and we'd go on vacation somewhere north, we'd plot out the White Castles and hit one on the way to our hotel. That first box would last about two days. You're worried about the price of diesel, I'd pay $4.00 apiece for a fresh White Castle (One-hit, Slider, Inhaler etc.)! You are killing me!

Depressed in Florida,


Wow, you guys may loathe me for this but I am only "2" blocks away from a WC. I get up in the middle of the night for a midnight crave all the time. The morning crew know me well and usually have my breakfast ready and waiting.

and once a buddy of mine and I were driving home from a party at 2am and dropped by another WC that closer to him and shared a case, though he took home the leftover cheeseburgers, I kept the handful of Bacon cheeseburgers.

Though my peril is that I have never seen a sonic, and all those commercials kill me! Closest thing I have to a sonic is a Checkers on the other side of the borough.

03-09-2008, 04:36 PM
Sorry to make you guys jealous, I have 3 white castles within a 5 mile radius I can go to just so I can feel sick for a week. :P

03-09-2008, 05:51 PM
Dude, you don't know what you're talking about. Depression - do you know what depression is. Let me explain, I'm not a yankee, but, when people talk about White Castle and I'd have to travel 600 miles to get some, I get very depressed. When our kids were littler and we'd go on vacation somewhere north, we'd plot out the White Castles and hit one on the way to our hotel. That first box would last about two days. You're worried about the price of diesel, I'd pay $4.00 apiece for a fresh White Castle (One-hit, Slider, Inhaler etc.)! You are killing me!

Depressed in Florida,



You truly are a piece of work.

Dazed and Confused in Macclenny

03-09-2008, 08:31 PM
Sorry to make you guys jealous, I have 3 white castles within a 5 mile radius I can go to just so I can feel sick for a week. :P

Woo, lets hear it for White Castle's love for NYC!

03-09-2008, 09:14 PM
Woo, lets hear it for White Castle's love for NYC!
Hell yeah!!! Woo....Woo....

03-10-2008, 01:03 AM
Dear Leadfoot,

I would never bash a Farmer, sorry if it sounded like I did. I don't think anything is the Farmers fault. The way the gov't goes about things is a bit screwy and, in my opinion, not well thought out these days.

No offense to you and yours.

No offence taken Joe! I just think that there is a lot of mis-information running around about agriculture in general. Heck, I just learned that 97% of the corn plant (what you see standing in cornfeilds) comes from nutrients it secures from the air. Nutrients like C02 (a "Greenhouse gas") and H20. Corn is even solar powered.

Yep, that corn is bad for the environment allright.:rolleyes:

We're getting screwed just like everyone else. Tractors that were $75,000 used last year are now going for $90k+.

It's like my Dad always said; "No matter which way you look, your a$$ is always behind you". I'm just waiting for the Ford dealer to start slapping E-85 "windfall" surcharges on pick-ups sold to farmers.

As far as E-85 goes, well, I quit. I won't discuss it any further here. It can't replace fossil fuels 100% so lets get rid of it. While we're at it, lets tear down Hoover dam too. After all hydro-electric power could never replace coal 100% either.

Killing foriegn oil dependance with a "1,000 paper cuts" is a bad idea. Forget bio-fuels, wind power, E-85, electric cars, offshore drilling, ect.

Lets just wait for a magic bullet to replace it 100%. Until then lets all just try and enjoy living under OPECS thumb.

Five years from now we'll look back on $3 gas as "the good old days".

Dr Caleb
03-10-2008, 10:44 AM
Five years from now we'll look back on $3 gas as "the good old days".

Well said.

Around here, gas is going through the roof - if you can find it. Stations are running out, because both Esso (Exxon) and Husky are having refinery problems. They blame unscheduled shutdowns for the problem. Yet, Exxon makes more profit in a year than most of the worlds countries GDP.

And they haven't built a refinery in 27 years. Way to artificially inflate prices! OPEC isn't alone in fault people, sometimes profit is the motivating factor. Oil is of great importance to our economy here, so people pay attention. And we aren't fooled by their excuses anymore.

My last fill-up approached $150.00.

03-10-2008, 03:10 PM
In 1961 I paid 14.9 cents a gallon during a "GAS WAR" in Rock Hill, SC!!!:eek:

Normal pricing back then was 19.9 cents......now the killer NEWS.....adjusted for inflation......regular gasoline should be $3.55 a gallon!!!:cool:

The last five years have seen a steep rise in pricing and it has not been easy to absorb but I always said gasoline as a "Chemical" is VERY CHEAP at $0.55 a pound!!!:confused: What else in the chemical world is that cheap......NOTHING??:shake:

Ethanol is a waste of time and tax payers money!!:argue::mad2:


03-10-2008, 03:36 PM
In 1961 I paid 14.9 cents a gallon during a "GAS WAR" in Rock Hill, SC!!!:eek:

Normal pricing back then was 19.9 cents......now the killer NEWS.....adjusted for inflation......regular gasoline should be $3.55 a gallon!!!:cool:

The last five years have seen a steep rise in pricing and it has not been easy to absorb but I always said gasoline as a "Chemical" is VERY CHEAP at $0.55 a pound!!!:confused: What else in the chemical world is that cheap......NOTHING??:shake:

Ethanol is a waste of time and tax payers money!!:argue::mad2:


I would have to agree that it was long overdue for gas prices to rise, but I wasn't ready for it to happen now. :depress:

E85 hmmmm... I would like to pay the same or more for a gallon of E85 than gas, and get much less MPG........yeah right!

Stranger in the Black Sedan
03-10-2008, 03:54 PM
I'm converting my MM to diesel. Cummins 5.9.

Blk Mamba
03-11-2008, 03:57 PM
If milk prices rose sharply we could drink something else, if beef prices rose sharply we could eat something else, if cotton prices rose sharply we could wear something else, Etc. But my MM runs only on gasoline, now what do we do. I only wish there were a law that would force the retailers to give 10 days notice of price fluctuations, or only allow raises two times in a 30 day period. We can't boycott oil, everything in our lives is dependent upon it. But if we could plan on price raises it would be easier to make ends meet. Just because the price of a barrel of crude goes up a dollar today, does not mean that the gasoline in the underground tanks has appreciated. Yet we are forced to pay a raise in price that same day. Write your representative in the state, and federal govt., they have to buy gasoline too, and are just as fed up as me, maybe you too????????