View Full Version : Haircut etiquette

03-07-2008, 02:12 PM
I've been getting my haircut at the same place, by the same stylist for the past few years. She usually does an ok job (acceptable). The last couple of times I've come in, my regular stylist has been off, and a new girl cut my hair...it was an awesome cut...best I've had. Now (like yesterday) when I go in, I see my old stylist, she just assumes she's doing it and I get a mediocre cut. I've tried telling her politely how I like it, but she usually just smiles, nods, and keeps doing it the same way then engages me in mindless chatter. She's quite a nice lady and I'd hate to make it an awkward situation if I switch.

I'm thinking I'll just go in when she's off and try my luck.

What is the proper procedure for handling this situation?

Secondly, I find it weird how your obliged to tip even for a bad cut (its worse than the serving industry).

Kind of a weird industry that way....

03-07-2008, 02:21 PM
You just have to be honest before you even sit down. Tell her that you want it this way and if she cant do it then you'll go to someone who will.
I had that happen before, I had a guy that insisted that the shorter my hair was, the better. It got to the point that I had to tell him that I want a just a trim and that he messed my hair up last time. Since then, he's been perfect.
You have to walk around with the haircut, not her. Insist that its done to your liking. As for tipping, If you are not happy with your haircut you should tell her right then and there, At that point since you expressed that you are unhappy, you shouldnt tip her. That will be a reminder the next time you walk in.

03-07-2008, 02:31 PM
This is a tough one. Call and find out what her scheduled days off are and go on her days off. I have had some bad cuts too but my hair cuts are easy most of the time I just have them shave it with a #2. If they dont go over it a few times in different directions I will have long spots the next day. So I tell them to go over it and make sure no long spots. I have had to go back the next day after a wash to get the missed spots. They looked at me really weird but the did it.

Egon Spengler
03-07-2008, 03:02 PM
Things could be worse

03-07-2008, 03:03 PM
Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn.

Be smart and get your hair cut at another place.

03-07-2008, 03:51 PM
Avoid her, go in on her day off.

Mike Poore
03-07-2008, 04:56 PM
You're assuming she gives a crap whether she cuts your hair, or not. Perhaps she doesn't like you and is doing a lousy job to drive you away? In any case it's your prerogative to request whichever stylist you choose. It's your money, and your hair, why should you be making judgments about what you think this woman wants, or how she feels?

Be a man about it, oh wait; you're getting your hair done at a beauty parlor, aren't you. :rofl:

03-07-2008, 05:44 PM
Be a man about it, oh wait; you're getting your hair done at a beauty parlor, aren't you. :rofl:

Mike, your too bad.

03-07-2008, 05:56 PM
You're assuming she gives a crap whether she cuts your hair, or not. Perhaps she doesn't like you and is doing a lousy job to drive you away? In any case it's your prerogative to request whichever stylist you choose. It's your money, and your hair, why should you be making judgments about what you think this woman wants, or how she feels?

Be a man about it, oh wait; you're getting your hair done at a beauty parlor, aren't you. :rofl:

Magic cuts. But thanks. Are you angry?

2003 MIB
03-07-2008, 06:17 PM
What is the proper procedure for handling this situation?

Wear a toque. Sorry, couldn't resist a little Canadian humor...I think you have to find a new shop to avoid hurting her feelings.

03-07-2008, 07:20 PM
I'd try my luck at a different place. That way it wont be too ackward. If the new place sucks, then try some of the suggestions here by demanding it be cut the way you want it and if it's not, switch the other stylist. Calling to find out her off daus may not be effective because they might not have set weekly schedules. Eventually the place will figure out that you are the one who shows up five minutes after they tell you over the phone that your normal stylist is not present.

03-07-2008, 08:15 PM
LOL. Thanks guys. I know its kind of a dumb thread, but just had to find out the consensus. The new girl has her station right next to the regular one so it'd be weird if I switched outright...getting eye contact through the mirror and all. Looks like I'll attempt to set her straight as well as start coming during her off hours.

Aren Jay
03-07-2008, 10:35 PM
Simple find out the name of the new girl, and book an appointment with her for next time.

You can be nice and look stupid or you can be smart and look good.


Your not married to the old girl are you?

Or we could make it really simple.

If you had your Marauder in for an oil change and the old girl did it wrong and new girl did it perfect, who would you have change your oil. Now think about that when you drive over for your next hair cut. And please get a decent hair cut this time.

Mike Poore
03-08-2008, 05:03 AM
Magic cuts. But thanks. Are you angry?


Amused, is more like it. I mean, here we are, a bunch of Black Leather jacket wearing tough guys, (see the Marauder brochure), driving 4,000+ lb behemoths capable of 11 sec 1/4 mile times, some in the 10's; agonizing, on a high performance car forum, with our panties in a bunch over a haircut.:rolleyes:

The Arnold Schwarzenegger pronouncement about "girlie men" came to mind, and the juxtaposition made me smile.

Just think, while the "other woman" is cutting your hair, you can be watching the jilted one, in the mirror, slowly raising her pistol, just like the story in today's news. :eek:

In fact, I'm not sure I'd go back there. :depress:

Just remember, this is an open forum, and although your concerns and questions are sincere, the expectation that someone's gonna poke fun, must always be expected.

Dom's innumerable top 10 fav. punk band/song threads, for instance. :rolleyes:

03-08-2008, 05:46 AM
I just heard on the news where a lady complained about her cut, the cutter went into the back room, emerged with a gun, fired one round into the ceiling and another round into the back of the customer. Hm, how to handle it. New place or avoid her and go in on the days she's home reloading.

03-08-2008, 05:52 AM
It's a haircut man!! :rolleyes: Don't sweat the small things in life. After 3 days, it won't make much difference who cut your hair ... it'll all look about the same. ;) If you like one better over the other ... just do it ... its your money.

I look for ONE thing in a haircut .... speed. If it takes longer than 10 minutes or involves "Mousse" ... I'm outta there. I kinda chuckle at the guys who give 5 minutes of instructions on how to cut their hair. :shake:

03-08-2008, 06:51 AM
Haircut? What's a haircut?:D

Just shave your head, no more problem. And look at all of the money you'll save for mods. Ask me how I know!


03-08-2008, 07:33 AM
At that point since you expressed that you are unhappy, you shouldnt tip her. That will be a reminder the next time you walk in.

Or next time you're in and she remembers the situation from last time, "Oops, sorry I accidentally gave you a MOHAWK."

03-08-2008, 07:54 AM
Haircut? What's a haircut?:D

Just shave your head, no more problem. And look at all of the money you'll save for mods. Ask me how I know!


no fuss, no muss, and you can do it on your own time.

Mike Poore
03-08-2008, 08:17 AM
Hey, Waymon, Ken, Charlie, this has the potential of becoming the next

You guys cary on, .........I'll distract :bunny::bunny2:Bunny:bunny2: :bunny:

03-08-2008, 08:19 AM
Ok Did Not Read All The Posts But I Find Using The Same Girl (stylist) After Awile They Start Cutting The Way They Want. A New Girl Will Listen To What You Want And Cut It That Way Thats Y I Change Every So Many Months... Aas For Tipping I Myself Have Alsways Paid And Tipped Even For A Bad Cut But Thats Just Me

03-08-2008, 08:36 AM

Amused, is more like it. I mean, here we are, a bunch of Black Leather jacket wearing tough guys, (see the Marauder brochure), driving 4,000+ lb behemoths capable of 11 sec 1/4 mile times, some in the 10's; agonizing, on a high performance car forum, with our panties in a bunch over a haircut.:rolleyes:

The Arnold Schwarzenegger pronouncement about "girlie men" came to mind, and the juxtaposition made me smile.

Just think, while the "other woman" is cutting your hair, you can be watching the jilted one, in the mirror, slowly raising her pistol, just like the story in today's news. :eek:

In fact, I'm not sure I'd go back there. :depress:

Just remember, this is an open forum, and although your concerns and questions are sincere, the expectation that someone's gonna poke fun, must always be expected.

Dom's innumerable top 10 fav. punk band/song threads, for instance. :rolleyes:

^^^This coming from you!^^^:lol:

Besides you don't drive a Marauder.

burt ragio
03-08-2008, 08:57 AM
The next time you go in for a cut politely tell her you have been unhappy with the last few cuts and proceed how you want it cut. Then ask her if she has any questions and verify the understanding. When she completes your cut it should be done as discussed to satisfaction. If not let her know it still isn't right tip her as normal. The next time you book a cut use the other girl each and every time after. If her station is next to the girl you are useing thats even better she will get the message. If she cares about her job and customers she will learn from this.

Mike Poore
03-08-2008, 08:58 AM
^^^This coming from you!^^^:lol:

Besides you don't drive a Marauder.

Sure I do......Chris lets me drive yours :drive: on nice days, while you're at work. :burn:

Me and Calvin :cat: We go to Main's for BUTTERMILK

03-08-2008, 09:56 AM
There was a Seinfeld episode about this very thing.


03-08-2008, 09:59 AM
Sure I do......Chris lets me drive yours :drive: on nice days, while you're at work. :burn:

Me and Calvin :cat: We go to Main's for BUTTERMILK

In your wet dreams.

Mike Poore
03-08-2008, 11:16 AM
In your wet dreams.

Chris likes me best, y'know. :neener:

Aren Jay
03-08-2008, 12:03 PM
Tipping is a problem I never have.

I never tip.

O's Fan Rich
03-08-2008, 01:25 PM
What's that?

03-08-2008, 01:55 PM
call and she if lady #1 is there, if not ask if lady #2 is, then go get your good haircut

Mike Poore
03-08-2008, 02:13 PM
What's that?

Except for Dan, Dennis, and CheeseheadBob, that's about our crop of chromedomes. :D

By the way Rich, we're sending a rip-snort'n storm your way.
Better duck. :hide:

O's Fan Rich
03-08-2008, 02:53 PM
Except for Dan, Dennis, and CheeseheadBob, that's about our crop of chromedomes. :D

By the way Rich, we're sending a rip-snort'n storm your way.
Better duck. :hide:

Yep... so I hear... I'd say Thanks, but, I can't.

03-08-2008, 04:24 PM
The next time you go in for a cut politely tell her you have been unhappy with the last few cuts and proceed how you want it cut. Then ask her if she has any questions and verify the understanding. When she completes your cut it should be done as discussed to satisfaction. If not let her know it still isn't right tip her as normal. The next time you book a cut use the other girl each and every time after. If her station is next to the girl you are useing thats even better she will get the message. If she cares about her job and customers she will learn from this.
^^^ what Kurt said ^^^

Mike Poore
03-09-2008, 05:52 AM
^^^ what Kurt said ^^^

UH,OH, BUSTED! :eek:

How did she find out about the new BUTTERMILK thread?

:rolleyes: I guess, it's not for nothing, Bunnies have big ears. :bunny:

03-09-2008, 10:01 AM
Huh....not nearly as much ridicule as I thought you would get from starting this thread, Derek.

But I STILL say, don't bring up the whole "leg-waxing" question you asked me about, that could opening up a can of worms....:rofl:

03-09-2008, 11:31 AM
Huh....not nearly as much ridicule as I thought you would get from starting this thread, Derek.

But I STILL say, don't bring up the whole "leg-waxing" question you asked me about, that could opening up a can of worms....:rofl:

Yeah, guess I should have interlaced each sentence with censored swear words to make it a more manly thread....LOL.

Its funny what sets some people off.

O's Fan Rich
03-09-2008, 02:41 PM
BTW, when I did go out for haircuts ( I shave mine, well what's left, myself with a WAHL razor and 1/8 inch depth comb) I usually just picked the girl with the largest breasts.

03-09-2008, 02:47 PM
:laugh: :laugh:

But I STILL say, don't bring up the whole "leg-waxing" question you asked me about, that could opening up a can of worms....:rofl:
Now that IS funny !!! :rofl:

BTW, when I did go out for haircuts ... I usually just picked the girl with the largest breasts.