View Full Version : Stupid Laws.

Aren Jay
03-07-2008, 10:54 PM

Yes we have dumb laws too, but a year in jail for that, come on.

03-07-2008, 11:59 PM
another reason why golf is a bottum of the barrel game (not a sport)

right there with bowling!!

03-08-2008, 12:03 AM
A year in jail...no. But come on...the fricking guy took 10 trys before he nailed it! I'm no posy sniffer and Green peacer's and Sierra clubbers make me wanna puke, but this guy should have consequences for his irresponsable actions.

03-08-2008, 12:08 AM
"I was trying to simply scare it into flying away." "Isenhour drove closer to the bird in a golf cart and hit several balls toward it before giving up and returning to the video set". "Isenhour tried again, and on his 10th attempt he hit the hawk, which fell to the ground and bled from its nostrils.."

Ummm....Thats pretty harsh isn't it? What if it was a punk kid with a slingshot?

He should be lined up while someone drives 10 golf balls at him. I'd use my 5 iron.

03-08-2008, 12:23 AM
I hope he gets a year! He's another big hotshot sports celebrity that's spoiled as hell and thinks he can do whatever he wants. If I'd have seen him doing it I'd have punched his azz out. Maybe he'd learn a little respect for things. That wasn't a rat he killed,it was a bird of prey,something that kills and eats vermin and helps keep them in check,it wasn't doing a damn thing to bother him other than making a little noise,and how much noise could it have made from 300 yards away to bother the punk that much anyway.It ain't like he's performing open heart surgery or something,he was screwing around on a golf course when he killed the bird.:mad2:
I ain't no tree hugger either but I figure you either kill something to eat it,or if it's vermin or in self defense,not just to show off and kill it because it's "bothering" you.

03-08-2008, 12:26 AM
yeah.... what a ****.
"I couldnt swing because the bird was chirping"
"i have no concentration and need TOTAL silence"

if the guy does that about a bird, i wonder what happens when his wife burns the roast?

03-08-2008, 06:21 AM
A year in jail when the average term served for murdering a humanbeing is less than 9 years? Sounds a bit paganistic!

I am aware of this law, when there is an accidental oil spill the Feds have been known to use it.

The 1856 Migratory Bird Act is unconstitutional because there is no due process, bird dies and you are guilty period.

I have told my wife if you hit a bird with the car throw it in the trunk and we will eat it to destroy the evidence.

As a society we are becoming more and more paganistic. Putting animal rights above human rights. We are being brain washed by the enviro propaganda.

One of the scariest movements is the enviro movement. They have determined "Mother Earth" can only support 210 million humans. They are determined to get the population to 210 million so we stop destroying "Mother Earth". There is a reason they keep breaking into research labs and it is not to free the aninmals!:mad:

PETA has a multi step agenda. First we stop eating animals and then they will say plants are living things. We will then eat each other. Solent Green is real, save your spoons and jam! Stay away from processed food with a green tint.

Be nice to monkeys.

Remember in the avg lifetime 55,000 new laws are passed, soon it will be easire to tell us what to do instead of what not to do. Wear your underwear on your head as a sign of protest and that you are a member of the underground movement!

03-08-2008, 06:55 AM
Ok He Killed A Bird .. Maybe They Should Have Moved To Another Place To Film... But Nun The Less The Bird Should'nt Have Had To Die . He Should Have To Pay And If It Calls For A Year In Jail Then So Be It.... Im Not Saying The Law Is Right Or Wrong But What What Was Done Was.

03-08-2008, 08:23 AM
I am a staunch conservative and right wing, but this fool should take responsiblity for his actions. He kept trying to scare it away then gave up and went back to filming his video and when the hawk flew closer he started hitting golf balls at it again, saying; "I didn't think I would hit it." Yea right!! The hawk was not bothering him, oh I forgot the screeching. If I would have seen him hit the hawk I would have made him run as I threw his golf clubs at him saying; "I wasn't trying to hit him, just scare him away."

03-08-2008, 08:35 AM
It is one thig to hit an animal with the car. I'm not taking a ditch for a squirrel. A moose now, well the ditch might be a better choice. He did this on purpose. That is the deciding factor. It was amusement. I love shooting and used to be an avid hunter, I either ate what I killed or had friends that wanted them. Where I live now there is not really anything to hunt that I want to eat, so I don't hunt. I just don't see the fun in killing something just to say you killed it. This guy is an ass and I hope he is made an example of. Problem is and we already see it in some of the responses here, is that it is no bib deal or worse "cool". I hope his golf career with the PGA is over. :mad2:

03-08-2008, 08:35 AM
All I can say is you are a bunch of pagins who put animal rights over humans. The hawk was harassing him and invading his space, made agressive moves towards him. He defended himself.

His only mistake was not taking it home as food for his cats.

The next time your loved ones are on a plane that crashes because it ingested a hawk feeding on the runway that the airlines could not shoot remember what you said here.

Lets not forget the 3 firefighters who died in the NW because it was illegal for the helicopter to draw water from the lake for fear a fish would die.

03-08-2008, 08:42 AM
All I can say is you are a bunch of pagins who put animal rights over humans. The hawk was harassing him and invading his space, made agressive moves towards him. He defended himself.

His only mistake was not taking it home as food for his cats.

The next time your loved ones are on a plane that crashes because it ingested a hawk feeding on the runway that the airlines could not shoot remember what you said here.

Lets not forget the 3 firefighters who died in the NW because it was illegal for the helicopter to draw water from the lake for fear a fish would die.

I'm sorry dude, but your full of crap! He was defending nothing, but his spare time. I agree that this animal rights thing has run amuck. Yes the safety of people is paramount over animals. I don't know about the deal with the fire-fighters if that is the case that is lunacy. Were I the pilot of that helicopter I would have taken my chances in court. This idiot was just having fun. Bottom line. Fun is a piss poor reason to kill something.

03-08-2008, 09:37 AM
He was defending his right to make a living. The same as if he were shooing away a fly buzzing around the set.

Why would he interrupt his filming to have fun with a hawk. The sound guy said the screeching was interrupting.

I think I will go kill some rats in my back yard or go hunting with my neighbor.

03-08-2008, 10:22 PM
All I can say is you are a bunch of pagins who put animal rights over humans. The hawk was harassing him and invading his space, made agressive moves towards him. He defended himself.

His only mistake was not taking it home as food for his cats.

The next time your loved ones are on a plane that crashes because it ingested a hawk feeding on the runway that the airlines could not shoot remember what you said here.

Lets not forget the 3 firefighters who died in the NW because it was illegal for the helicopter to draw water from the lake for fear a fish would die.

Sailsmen, I usually agree with you 99% of the time. But I draw the line here that hawk was not bothering that six figure golfer, and boo hoo if it was. He had no right killing that hawk and what if we are pagans? Hunting is a sport, but that was not hunting and you eat what you kill if not don't hunt.

If I ever see anyone doing any stupid shi*t like that to any animal I will kick their A$$. A former friend of mine was driving and was going to swerve to hit a cat, I told him if he did I would kick his a$$, he avoided the cat.

I am a conservative to the point that none of the canidates running for President were right wing enough for me, so I chose the closest one and he is now out of the race and that leaves me with to left wing liberal commies and a moderate.

03-08-2008, 10:46 PM
"The next time your loved ones are on a plane that crashes because it ingested a hawk feeding on the runway that the airlines could not shoot remember what you said here."
I got news for you, airports are finding out the most effective way to scare birds away that could cause damage to a plane landing or taking off is to use hawks to scare them away.
Haggis,amen brother.

Aren Jay
03-09-2008, 03:55 PM

Another stupid law.

This and the Quebec Language law rate right up there, but atleast you don't go to jail.

03-09-2008, 06:02 PM
That first one wasn't stupid. If not jail time, a hefty fine should do it...$10 grand sounds about right.

Dr Caleb
03-10-2008, 10:28 AM
Sailsmen, I usually agree with you 99% of the time. But I draw the line here that hawk was not bothering that six figure golfer, and boo hoo if it was. He had no right killing that hawk and what if we are pagans? Hunting is a sport, but that was not hunting and you eat what you kill if not don't hunt.

If I ever see anyone doing any stupid shi*t like that to any animal I will kick their A$$. A former friend of mine was driving and was going to swerve to hit a cat, I told him if he did I would kick his a$$, he avoided the cat.

I am a conservative to the point that none of the canidates running for President were right wing enough for me, so I chose the closest one and he is now out of the race and that leaves me with to left wing liberal commies and a moderate.

:up: :up:

I can't believe people would say, 'It's only a bird'. No, it's an endangered predator, and the food chain needs all the predators it can get. Check out what rabbits and frogs are doing in Australia as an example of unchecked prey.

Killing a California Condor because it annoys your pool party isn't a valid excuse. He hunted this animal, he actively perused it - his golf ball was the weapon. I was always taught that you eat what you kill, or you leave it alone. And if it's endangered, doubly so.

The only thing I would ever use to shoot one of these magnificent creatures with is my camera. It's even law around here that if you find a feather from a predator (Bald or Golden Eagle, Peregrine falcon, Red Tailed hawk) you must give it to Alberta Fish and Wildlife. It's a religious symbol for local natives, and they won't kill one of these birds just for it's feathers.

There are people in BC poaching Bald Eagles, and when they are found they better hope it's the RCMP that find them.

Aren Jay
03-10-2008, 01:12 PM
:up: :up:

I can't believe people would say, 'It's only a bird'. No, it's an endangered predator, and the food chain needs all the predators it can get. Check out what rabbits and frogs are doing in Australia as an example of unchecked prey.

Killing a California Condor because it annoys your pool party isn't a valid excuse. He hunted this animal, he actively perused it - his golf ball was the weapon. I was always taught that you eat what you kill, or you leave it alone. And if it's endangered, doubly so.

The only thing I would ever use to shoot one of these magnificent creatures with is my camera. It's even law around here that if you find a feather from a predator (Bald or Golden Eagle, Peregrine falcon, Red Tailed hawk) you must give it to Alberta Fish and Wildlife. It's a religious symbol for local natives, and they won't kill one of these birds just for it's feathers.

There are people in BC poaching Bald Eagles, and when they are found they better hope it's the RCMP that find them.

Rabbits and frogs are not native to australia. They have no natural predators and they thrive.

Bald Eagles in BC are not being poached by golfers!

The bird was making a noise and needed to be scared away.

It is just like you saying that at the next marauder ville if a crow lands on the track everyone must stop racing and wait until the crow flies away. No you can't scare it or drive and have it fly away, you must wait.


Dr Caleb
03-10-2008, 03:14 PM
Rabbits and frogs are not native to australia. They have no natural predators and they thrive.

Read what I wrote, not what you thought I wrote.

Bald Eagles in BC are not being poached by golfers!

The bird was making a noise and needed to be scared away.

The endangered hawk did not need to be killed. It was doing what hawks do, looking for a mate, looking for dinner. It didn't give two sh--s about the etiquette of golf. (nether do I, as my best drinking buddies have a golfing problem.)

There are consequences for our actions, and going out of his way to kill an endangered animal because it broke the concentration of a golfer has some serious consequences.

It is just like you saying that at the next marauder ville if a crow lands on the track everyone must stop racing and wait until the crow flies away. No you can't scare it or drive and have it fly away, you must wait.


No, it's not 'just like saying' anything; that's what is known as the 'strawman fallicy' .

Crows are not endangered, but in may places there are laws against intentionally killing a scavenger bird like a crow. Calgary has such a law. The difference in your strawman is intent.

There is no need to stop a race, because there is no intent to kill the non-endangered crow. If we were to race to the bird, stop, and start pelting it with golf balls, then there is a problem. And we would have to live with the consequences of our actions.

Just as this moron will have to.

Aren Jay
03-11-2008, 08:32 PM
I bet he sells lots of videos, and gets off with probation.