View Full Version : photo radar

Aren Jay
03-09-2008, 04:01 PM
What do you think?


Mike Poore
03-10-2008, 05:29 AM
Read Patrick Bedard's article in Car & Driver:
http://www.caranddriver.com/features/columns/c_d_staff/patrick_bedard/robot_revenuing_shots_were_fir ed_column

03-10-2008, 06:41 AM
Anyone have any luck with the spray on coating to make your plates reflect light back to the camera?

03-10-2008, 07:01 AM
What do you think?

"In the last eight months of 2007, Montgomery County's new speed cameras recorded 224 cases in which police vehicles were recorded travelling more than 15 kilometres an hour over the speed limit, according to department records."

Well there's the first problem; we do not use kilometers in the US.

Maryland LEO's are allowed to travel as fast as they want, illegal lane change and cut people off with no worries of consquence. They do not even need to be on a call and can have their family in the car with them.

03-10-2008, 07:07 AM
Actually, I kind of agree with the union. The ticket is issued to the registered owner. This puts the onus on the owner to make every effort to ensure that they only give their cars to responsible people.
In this case, the department should pay the fine and then dock the pay of the offending officer. It's the department's car, and if you abuse it, you pay.
Seems like a simple fix and it follows the letter of the law.

Aren Jay
03-10-2008, 10:08 AM
This is Yahoo Canada, they convert everything.

03-10-2008, 12:45 PM
Try this argument when they are responding to a bank job or other calamity and they have to stop to update their memo books.. Total BS, officers have to break the law to sometimes enforce it and I cant remember every time I had to bury the pedal to get somewhere of importance. Get me a pic of the chief and I will name him the new douche and replace the guy above.

Joe Walsh
03-10-2008, 01:54 PM
Another money making scheme from Montgomery County Md.

As Gordon stated: In Maryland; It seems that the officers are NOT required to follow the laws that they enforce...:mad:

I understand the 'emergency call' speed violations, BUT a majority of the citations did NOT correlate to an emergency call.

Set an example officers....PAY YOUR FINES!!!! (or follow the speed limit!)

My brother got nailed by one of those MOCOPO cameras while driving the 427 Cobra....:mad2:

37 in a 25 mph zone.

He DID get a nice photo of him in the Cobra for all his fine $$$.

03-10-2008, 03:00 PM
Anyone have any luck with the spray on coating to make your plates reflect light back to the camera?

It doesnt work.

Mythbusters did all kinds of tests with the plate covers, spray on stuff, excessive speed.... And nothing worked except a jet powered drag car was able to go faster than the reaction time of the camera IIRC.

Joe Walsh
03-10-2008, 05:40 PM
Montgomery County at work.....

My brother 'donated' $40.00 to them, but some Montgomery County Policeman feel that they shouldn't have to pay when they speed for no reason.

03-10-2008, 05:53 PM
I believe there are plate covers that work for this purpose. Get on radardetector.net - they have a forum for this very thing. If anyone knows, they would. I thought I remember reading about something that works with against these cameras.

Where there's an enforcement, there's a countermeasure.

It doesnt work.

Mythbusters did all kinds of tests with the plate covers, spray on stuff, excessive speed.... And nothing worked except a jet powered drag car was able to go faster than the reaction time of the camera IIRC.

03-10-2008, 11:55 PM
Try this argument when they are responding to a bank job or other calamity and they have to stop to update their memo books.. Total BS, officers have to break the law to sometimes enforce it and I cant remember every time I had to bury the pedal to get somewhere of importance. Get me a pic of the chief and I will name him the new douche and replace the guy above.

During legitimate emergencies, yes, LEOs are and should be afforded exceptions. I'm sick of seeing (1) endless lane changes without directionals, (2) turning on the flashing lights for 15 seconds to go through a red light only to turn them back off after the intersection, and (3) speeding.

Want me to obey the laws enforced? Set a good example.

Mike Poore
03-11-2008, 05:11 AM
Don't blame the cops, it's the municipalities who shorten the interval on the yellow (amber) lights, and fudge the regulations to increase revenues (taxes), which should have you howling. :mad2:

Remember, these systems are usually leased from contractors who administrate, and make the judgments, along with mailing the summons for the tribute. The borough managers just happily collect their share of the remittance, while the contractor, who BTW, has a vested interest in naming as many lawbreakers (you) as possible, which increases his cut.
Again, read the Bedard article in Car & Driver
http://www.caranddriver.com/features/columns/c_d_staff/patrick_bedard/robot_revenuing_shots_were_fir ed_column

03-11-2008, 09:31 AM
Don't blame the cops, it's the municipalities who shorten the interval on the yellow (amber) lights, and fudge the regulations to increase revenues (taxes), which should have you howling. :mad2:

Their not the ones I see drive the police cars that cut off other cars drive on the shoulder because traffic on I-270 is slow, lane change without directionals and just agressive driving. The ones I see are wearing uniforms that are either Montgomery Co., Frederick Co. or MD State police.

03-11-2008, 09:56 AM
They tried those plate covers as well. But not every brand so some maybe be better than others. They even tried hair spray IIRC which was a wives tale some viewer had sent in.

Thanks for the link. I will be checking that site out from home!!!!

I believe there are plate covers that work for this purpose. Get on radardetector.net - they have a forum for this very thing. If anyone knows, they would. I thought I remember reading about something that works with against these cameras.

Where there's an enforcement, there's a countermeasure.

03-11-2008, 11:20 AM
Oh there are cheap plate covers and there are ones that have actually been researched and probably do work. The thing is do you want to spend the $ for them? Also I have read some of them make your plates so dark you can get a ticket for not being able to read them from 50' away at night or whatever your local statute says.

Geeks (the good kind) abound on that site and they know their stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if they had 4 different options for you.

They tried those plate covers as well. But not every brand so some maybe be better than others. They even tried hair spray IIRC which was a wives tale some viewer had sent in.

Thanks for the link. I will be checking that site out from home!!!!

Aren Jay
03-11-2008, 11:30 AM
It doesnt work.

Mythbusters did all kinds of tests with the plate covers, spray on stuff, excessive speed.... And nothing worked except a jet powered drag car was able to go faster than the reaction time of the camera IIRC.

The only sprays that work are when you spray the camera.

03-11-2008, 05:13 PM
Don't blame the cops, it's the municipalities who shorten the interval on the yellow (amber) lights, and fudge the regulations to increase revenues (taxes), which should have you howling. :mad2:

It starting to be let make a new law with your host Monty (bush) Hall:banana2::confused: