View Full Version : best getting screwed over story ive heard for a while

03-11-2008, 11:00 PM
this guy at work tell me tonight "hey, heads up, dont throw you cigarette butts out of the window on the roads anymore"
I looked at him and asked why
"i got nailed on the way home from work last night, $147 ticket for litering":eek:
i just laughed at him. poor S.O.B.

that cop must have been really bored, wouldnt even give him a warning.

thats getting screwed!

03-11-2008, 11:16 PM
Im kinda glad about that...but yet not...don't know what to say! I'm glad SOMEBODY gets busted for littering, just not me!

03-12-2008, 03:23 AM
Here in Beaufort, SC you can get fined up to $500 for ANYTHING blowing out of a truck bed!!:confused: :argue:

A friend of mine got a warning for a gum wrapper blowing out.....he now covers the bed or make sure NOTHING is back there!!:shake:

Littering is stupid....and yes cigarette butts qualify....not to mention the FIRE HAZARD!!!:cool:


03-12-2008, 04:24 AM
That's awesome. That cop should be promoted. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only person that gets pissed when smokers throw their cigarettes on the ground. When one of my subordinates at work does that, I make them pick it up and dispose of it properly.

03-12-2008, 04:28 AM
That's awesome. That cop should be promoted. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only person that gets pissed when smokers throw their cigarettes on the ground. When one of my subordinates at work does that, I make them pick it up and dispose of it properly.

^^^I agree.^^^

It is about time some dumba$$ gets a ticket for that. You smoke in your car, leave the butt in your car.


Mike Poore
03-12-2008, 04:30 AM
We were on our way back from Jacksonville with a side trip to Macon when we saw the sign : $50 for littering. John threw out the empty six pack, "there", he said, "that's three hundred bucks they owe me". :rolleyes:

03-12-2008, 05:17 AM
We were on our way back from Jacksonville with a side trip to Macon when we saw the sign : $50 for littering. John threw out the empty six pack, "there", he said, "that's three hundred bucks they owe me". :rolleyes:
I'm still waiting for my "watch for children" I turned in 2 kids, so I get two watches, right?

03-12-2008, 06:09 AM
I remember when I had my '78 T-Bird. One of my employees pitched a butt, bounced off my hood, as I was driving behind them on the way to work.

Oh, I was pissed. Foockin' jerks.

Give 'em all tickets.

I drink a cup of coffe on my ride into work, and don't throw my cup out the window.

03-12-2008, 06:18 AM
The waste from the cigarette is the butt. If they get to throw the butt out the window, I get to eliminate the waste from my beverage out the window, too, and I don't mean the cup or bottle.

I once saw a cigarette butt fly out of the window of an state patrol car. I was going to call it in but didn't have the chance to write down the number.

If they're going to enforce the law they should first obey it.

03-12-2008, 06:25 AM
:laugh: :laugh:

I'm still waiting for my "watch for children" I turned in 2 kids, so I get two watches, right?
That's funny .... :rofl:

The sign at the top of my street says "SLOW Children". They all seem pretty normal to me. ;)

I agree with the littering comments ^^^. Just don't do it.

Egon Spengler
03-12-2008, 06:26 AM

03-12-2008, 06:32 AM
That's awesome. That cop should be promoted. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only person that gets pissed when smokers throw their cigarettes on the ground. When one of my subordinates at work does that, I make them pick it up and dispose of it properly.

That's not getting screwed over, that's just "don't do the crime if you can't do the time".
I have lived in the Orlando area since I was born. I get really ticked when I see people throw cigarette butts, cans, bottles and other garbage from their cars onto the street or side of the road. I think a ticket is too easy. They should be doing 147 hours of community service picking up litter beside the roads. I keep my garbage in the car till I stop next then find a garbage can. It isn't that difficult. If I was a LEO there would be a LOT of littering tickets handed out around here. :eek:

It boils down to this: if you throw trash out of the car you are a lazy, inconsiderate nitwit.

Yeah, this is one of my pet peeves.

Mike Poore
03-12-2008, 07:01 AM

The sign at the top of my street says "SLOW Children". They all seem pretty normal to me. ;)


We saw the sign: "Deaf Child" I nodded to Barb and said, "Look", seeing it, she said, "Deaf Child". I said: "HUH?"

I got swatted for that one.:D

O's Fan Rich
03-12-2008, 07:07 AM
Ashtray's..... use them.
Or quit smoking.

03-12-2008, 07:30 AM
Well then what are those state prisoners supposed to do all day?

03-12-2008, 08:52 AM
I've stopped people for that before as well, usually the ********* comes out in them, and they talk themselves right into a ticket(s).


03-12-2008, 08:56 AM
One of the local counties around where I live at has a $1,000 littering fine.

Local Boy
03-12-2008, 09:20 AM
Littering is really frowned upon here in Hawaii...for obvious reasons...

Please don't contribute to the degradation of your area, or mine...


03-12-2008, 01:25 PM
I'm a smoker, but have NEVER ONCE smoked a cigarette in my vehicles:

I don't want to stick the vehicle up, or potentially burn the interior.
Fumbling with the pack / lighter is about as safe as talking on a cell phone while driving (which I also don't do)
If I need a cigarette that bad, odds are I need to pull over and stretch my legs / rest my eyes and take a break from the drive

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only person that gets pissed when smokers throw their cigarettes on the ground. When one of my subordinates at work does that, I make them pick it up and dispose of it properly.

So, the building where I work (not owned by the company I work for) has instituted a no smoking ban on the property. This includes a huge concrete courtyard (maybe 200x200). They have also removed all asktrays from the premises, and hired additional security guards to advise smokers they may not partake in a cigarette on the property.

You know where I (and other coworkers) have to go to smoke? The dirty, dingy alley behind the building, often littered with homeless begging for spare change (or worse). I know a lady who was, literally, peed on, because she was not willing to part with a dollar... Where was the security then? Off harrassing someone smoking in the center of the courtyard, probably.:rolleyes:

I don't get it... Have smokers move away from the doors, so that the smoke doesn't go in, and doesn't impede the pedestrian traffic? Great. No problems. But this seems a little much - and certainly reduces productivity for smokers, be adding additional time to the "smoke break". Luckily, the smell of smoke covers the smell of human waste that used to permiate from this area... How's this a better solution?

03-12-2008, 02:15 PM
Wow, you guys are harsh!

If a cigarette butt is considered littering what do you think of people that drive Hyundais? That's what I call littering.

It's hardy fair that people get to roll around in ugly cars and NOT get ticketed but tossing an itty, bitty little cigarette butt does.

Heck, my Dad got pulled over for tossing a butt out the window once. He showed the cop his smoke and said "Here it is. I'm still smoking it! I do $50,000 year business at the Farmers elevator in town. If you :censor:ers ever pull me over again I'll take my business elsewhere!"

The next day the Sheriff met my Dad at the coffee shop and appologized to him in front of everybody.

'Round here if you get pulled over for tossing a butt, they're just using it as an excuse to check you out.

It's also a sure fire sign that the cops are really, really bored.

03-12-2008, 07:26 PM
this guy at work tell me tonight "hey, heads up, dont throw you cigarette butts out of the window on the roads anymore"
I looked at him and asked why
"i got nailed on the way home from work last night, $147 ticket for litering":eek:
i just laughed at him. poor S.O.B.

that cop must have been really bored, wouldnt even give him a warning.

thats getting screwed!

that is awesome. i wish all cops would do that. if you disagree you probably dont live anywhere where "wild" fires happen on a regular basis. mostly caused by some ********* and a cigarette butt

Aren Jay
03-12-2008, 07:31 PM
It is funny.

In Canada we have rather clean ditches and road sides, occasional dead animal or maybe a plastic coke bottle, but no real garbage. When I went to Atlanta I was amazed at all the garbage in the ditches and sides of the freeways.

Now recently I have been seeing the younger or stupid just dropping their garbage. While us nice people, and the older ones looking for and depositing garbage in garbage cans.

Smokers on the other hand seem to think they can drop their butts anywhere. They are fun to yell at though, pointing helps and taking pictures works really good at times.

As for smokers rights, well I say if you can smoke I can drink, if I can't drink alcohol at work, you can't smoke at work. If you are addicted, then you are sick and need to go get help. Cure your mental illness. If you are not, then like me you can drink but not at work or smoke while at work.

03-12-2008, 08:10 PM
Here in Texas that is considered cruel and unusual punishment so, they don't have prisoners clean up roads sides, yet you can adopt a section of road for you and a group of ppeople to clean:confused: ........... go figure. IMHO-we need forced labor so the prisoners can have soemthing to do besides beat each other up in prison. Yep they would be too tired to do anything else at the end of the day.

Well then what are those state prisoners supposed to do all day?

03-12-2008, 08:23 PM
Here in Texas that is considered cruel and unusual punishment so, they don't have prisoners clean up roads sides, yet you can adopt a section of road for you and a group of ppeople to clean:confused: ........... go figure. IMHO-we need forced labor so the prisoners can have soemthing to do besides beat each other up in prison. Yep they would be too tired to do anything else at the end of the day.

i don't know about all that... we have the express lane to death row but cons can't pick up trash? maybe the adopt a highway thing is just cheaper because they dont have to pay guards to supervise inmates etc... some company does it for free gets a tax write off i guess

03-12-2008, 08:44 PM
It is funny.

In Canada we have rather clean ditches and road sides, occasional dead animal or maybe a plastic coke bottle, but no real garbage. When I went to Atlanta I was amazed at all the garbage in the ditches and sides of the freeways.

Now recently I have been seeing the younger or stupid just dropping their garbage. While us nice people, and the older ones looking for and depositing garbage in garbage cans.

Smokers on the other hand seem to think they can drop their butts anywhere. They are fun to yell at though, pointing helps and taking pictures works really good at times.

As for smokers rights, well I say if you can smoke I can drink, if I can't drink alcohol at work, you can't smoke at work. If you are addicted, then you are sick and need to go get help. Cure your mental illness. If you are not, then like me you can drink but not at work or smoke while at work.

I smoke at work all day long. I'm smoking right now!

The world is my ashtray!!!!

No jail can hold me!!!!

Seriously, a cop that writes tickets for a cigarette butt is as stupid as hiring a brain surgeon to paint your house. Haven't they got anything better to do?

What a waste of resources...There was 6,000 unsolved murders last year. Yet there are cops that are sooo bored they need to ticket the common smoker?

Is this the true meaning of the phrase "thin blue line" ? I think "jumping the shark" is much more appropriate in this case.

03-12-2008, 08:48 PM
If I were an LEO I would tell them they threw a butt on the ground and if they can pick that butt up with their but I will let them go with a warning.:D

For those who think it's not litter put them on your pillow and sleep on them,then tell me in the morning if it's still not litter!

03-12-2008, 09:01 PM
[quote=Leadfoot281;593464]I smoke at work all day long. I'm smoking right now!

The world is my ashtray!!!!


wow, honored to meet u. can u autograph this pic for me.

Local Boy
03-12-2008, 09:09 PM
The world is my ash tray?...Leadfoot281???

Do what you want at home...

But, Please don't bring that attitude to the islands...


03-12-2008, 09:50 PM
Not just inconsiderate, but in Southern California extremely dangerous!

I think you should have a lit one held to your nuts...but hey...that's just me:flamer:

03-13-2008, 04:51 AM
I smoke at work all day long. I'm smoking right now!

The world is my ashtray!!!!

No jail can hold me!!!!

Seriously, a cop that writes tickets for a cigarette butt is as stupid as hiring a brain surgeon to paint your house. Haven't they got anything better to do?

What a waste of resources...There was 6,000 unsolved murders last year. Yet there are cops that are sooo bored they need to ticket the common smoker?

Is this the true meaning of the phrase "thin blue line" ? I think "jumping the shark" is much more appropriate in this case.

John. I do not agree with you on this at all. If you are going to smoke fine, but take care of your butt, I do not want it hitting my car going down the highway nor do I what to see it by the side of the road. Be responsible for your actions and respect the country you live in. To me throwing trash out the car window is one of the most unpatriotic things a person can do.

03-13-2008, 01:58 PM
As for smokers rights, well I say if you can smoke I can drink, if I can't drink alcohol at work, you can't smoke at work. If you are addicted, then you are sick and need to go get help. Cure your mental illness. If you are not, then like me you can drink but not at work or smoke while at work.

Bah... Spoken like a true non-smoker :D We'd speak up, but we're a dying breed :lol: If I wasn't addicted, I seriously doubt I would ever touch a cig again...

Seriously - I firmly believe everyone is entitled to 15-minute breaks (morning and afternoon) and a lunch, and SHOULD take them. I just choose to use mine this way, rather than stand in the line at the Tim Horton's or Starbucks, waiting o suck down an overpriced caffinated beverage...

As for my own battles, I've completely eliminated coffee from my diet, for over 15-months, now. I used to guzzle 7-10 extra large coffees, every day. I've reduced my smoking to about 1/2 pack, per day (barring unexpected stres, or social outings)... All but one is consumed at work, the last one coming shortly after dinner. Slowly, I make progress. Cold turkey has never worked for me, in the past.

03-13-2008, 02:04 PM
Not pointed to anyone specific, just a general observation of human nature:

I've always been amazed at how much non-smokers feel the need to speak to smokers about the evils of their habit/addiction... Like I'm suddenly going to think, "Oh my god! I didn't know this was almost as toxic as eating a hot dog! I'd better stop!!!" Also notable, I find that the worst offenders are often EX-smokers, themselves...

Why do people think that it is acceptable to preach to smokers?

Once, I was smoking at a convenience store, and a hearse pulled up. The driver went into the store and bought a Coke. When he came out, he looked at me and said "Keep smoking those, and I'll be giving you a lift, soon enough." Excuse me!! I responded with "Say one more word to me, and YOU'LL be in the back of your car, today." He quickly got in, and left.

Aren Jay
03-13-2008, 02:50 PM
I want to have a beer with my lunch while on my lunch break. But if I do I can be fired. Yet you complain when I point out you can suck your also legal drug up at anytime while on a break while working. And you complain?

03-13-2008, 04:00 PM
My beer doesn't give you cancer.

03-13-2008, 05:15 PM
One of the local counties around where I live at has a $1,000 littering fine.

What county is that?!?!

03-13-2008, 07:27 PM
You've got a good point Gordon. While in Germany I learned that they would never consider littering out of national respect (patriotism). I don't litter, never have never will. I just have a hard time seeing a butt being a big issue.

My farm happens to be extremely scenic. People dump washers, dryers, tires, ect in the ditches all the time and I'd much rather they dumped their ashtrays out here because I'm the one that cleans this place up. There IS a diffence between a washing machine and a cig butt.

You could do a thorough search of every square inch of this place (all 980 acres) and the only butts you'll see are within 6 feet of my dirt bike (which I diassembled today).

Would I use an ashtray in Cali or Hawii? Sure. I'm in soggy, wet, slushy, snowy Minnesota though. What's a wild fire? I've never seen one.

Diabolical 1cc; If you can't tell the difference between drinking alcohol at work and smoking then nothing I say will make any sence to you. (maybe that's because I'm so mentally ill).:D I'd write more but I have to go photograph some people chewing tobacco.

03-13-2008, 07:53 PM
Not pointed to anyone specific, just a general observation of human nature:

I've always been amazed at how much non-smokers feel the need to speak to smokers about the evils of their habit/addiction... Like I'm suddenly going to think, "Oh my god! I didn't know this was almost as toxic as eating a hot dog! I'd better stop!!!" Also notable, I find that the worst offenders are often EX-smokers, themselves...

Why do people think that it is acceptable to preach to smokers?

Once, I was smoking at a convenience store, and a hearse pulled up. The driver went into the store and bought a Coke. When he came out, he looked at me and said "Keep smoking those, and I'll be giving you a lift, soon enough." Excuse me!! I responded with "Say one more word to me, and YOU'LL be in the back of your car, today." He quickly got in, and left.

Good points! I just ask them to read the warning on the pack to me since I'm so completely stoopid.

I can run circles around the average non-smoker...literally. Some of the most un healthy people out there are non-smokers. My last metric century (that's a 64 mile bike ride to all you non-smokers) I did in 3 hours flat...on a low geared Bontrager steel frame hardtail mountain bike. I finished in front of a lot of non-smokers that had high-end road bikes. I did that with a pack of Camel straits rolled into my shirt sleeve. :lol:

Heck, March 4th I celebrated 10 years without drinking. No one has heard be crying to drinkers about the evils of liver disease or drunk driving.

03-14-2008, 04:53 AM
Heck, March 4th I celebrated 10 years without drinking. No one has heard be crying to drinkers about the evils of liver disease or drunk driving.

Or the Leprechauns peeing in your whisky bottle.

03-14-2008, 02:06 PM
I want to have a beer with my lunch while on my lunch break. But if I do I can be fired. Yet you complain when I point out you can suck your also legal drug up at anytime while on a break while working. And you complain?

Yeah... But, if I go nuts and have a large quantity of my legal drug (say 5 smokes in a one hour period), it doesn't impact the quality of my work for the rest of the day. 5 pints may make work more fun, but the quality of my output may not be there.:beer:

I know many people that spend more time in line at Timmy's, then I do standing outside smoking. I also make a point of coming in early (before 8:00) and leaving later (typically 5:30), to make up for any "perceived" lost time, due to my smoking (I'm the only one in a smaller group).

Again, I really see no issue, assuming I'm a polite smoker (which I am)... Afterall, I'm not: standing near entrance ways, impeding pedestrian traffic; blowing smoke in peoples faces; throwing the butts onto the ground (except in the aforementioned alley, where there's no choice); or otherwise being an ass about it.

Aren Jay
03-14-2008, 02:35 PM
You could put the butts in your pocket and toss them in the toilet when you get back in.

Anyway I'm not going to say you can't commit suicide slowly if you really want to. Like sniffing glue, if that turns your crank, go ahead.

03-14-2008, 04:06 PM
I worked in office that had several heavy smokers and a building owner who locked the outside fresh air vent closed!

My eyes and nose allways burned. My clothes smelled like a full ashtray. It was difficult to concentrate. One of the non-smkoers went on an oxy tank.

The absent rate was high.

When they banned smoking in the blding all the above was cured.:)

03-14-2008, 04:20 PM
I was following a group of teenagers in their car, as they pulled up to the stop sign, the girl in the passenger seat threw a bag of McDonalds garbage out the window...a guy ran up, grabbed the bag and with a polite smile gave it back to the passenger and said "Scuse me, I think you dropped this". Hilarious. Two blocks down the road, she threw it out again.