View Full Version : Got into it over a handicap parking spot

03-12-2008, 08:42 AM
Got into it with a guy over a handicap parking spot.

So I went to the 7-11 to get a Pepsi. The parking lot is full so I had to park on the side. As I got out of the car this white Jeep comes driving in way too fast with rap music blaring and whips in the handicap parking spot.

This big guy gets out wearing clothes that were two sizes too big. I didn't see a tag or plate so I said hey buddy that is a handicap parking spot just in case you didn't know. He sticks out his chest and starts to walk over all puffed up like a roster http://www.taurusclub.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/x.gif and tells me mind my own business because old men don't want to get beat down. So I did what every Southern boy would do, I went Redneck.

He backed off got in his Jeep and left. I don't have a lot of pet peeves but it is hard enough to be a handicap person in this world without the help of some ass trying to make it harder or that person having no empathy for their fellow man.

Rant off.

03-12-2008, 08:50 AM
Nice, yeah I feel the same way. Those spots are there for a reason not because your just too lazy to park somewhere else and walk a little bit more to do whatever you need to do.

03-12-2008, 08:59 AM
Right freaking on man! I get PO'd and challenge them too. My mother had MS and was in a wheelchair for over 30 years before she passed away.Back then there were no concessions for the handicapped such as special parking spots,ramped sidewalk curbs at corners or handicapped accessible entryways.
Mostly they don't try getting froggy though,I'm around 6'3" and a svelte 275#,lol.I had to be a big boy as I had to get her into and out of bed and pick her up when she fell from the time I was a kid.
I have no tolerance for anyone that messes with kids,or old or handicapped people!

Egon Spengler
03-12-2008, 09:11 AM
What exactly is "going redneck"

03-12-2008, 09:32 AM
Yeah, I understand what you did - it get's to me, too.
But if you go redneck like that in LA -- 50/50 you get shot.

03-12-2008, 09:33 AM
Grats, I hate lazy ass wannabe tough guys. You did the right thing.

03-12-2008, 09:54 AM
shoulda wooped his ass southern syle lol j/k

03-12-2008, 10:43 AM
My god - just last week I was waiting patiently for a spot so..... instead of staying IN THE MIDDLE of the lane and blocking traffic, I stayed hard to the right. Well, it worked - people drove around me, including some dick in a Cadillac SRX who "tried" to swoop in real fast while the guy was trying to back out for me. I put the mortal fear of god in this man. He was my size and height but I am big, dumb and fearless with balls of steel. He argued that I wasn't waiting for the spot. We ended up chest to chest and I was steady in his face. He moved his car. Needless to say - I went home and came back with the Taurus. Didn't wanna get the baby scratched up.

03-12-2008, 10:51 AM
What exactly is "going redneck"
being stupid as i recall

SC Cheesehead
03-12-2008, 10:54 AM
What exactly is "going redneck"

To paraphrase an old Louie Armstrong quote about jazz....

"If you can't feel it, I can't hardly 'splain it to you..."



03-12-2008, 11:38 AM
Since my grandfather is handicapped (can't walk that well) I can't stand when I see assh*les do that. When I used to work for Shaw's, it was a bit snowy outside, plenty of spots though, some jerk in a BMW pulls right into a handicapped spot. I was shoveling the walkway's. Needless to say, I buried his car with snow before he got back out. Brought me inside to my manager, manager told him, "Sir, it is a handicapped spot, would you have rather have it towed instead?" :D

03-12-2008, 12:56 PM
You went redneck on him and he was able to walk away? You must be getting soft in your old age!!!!:D

03-12-2008, 02:53 PM
You went redneck on him and he was able to walk away? You must be getting soft in your old age!!!!:D
NO just wiser:P

03-12-2008, 03:08 PM
"To paraphrase an old Louie Armstrong quote about jazz....'

"If you can't feel it, I can't hardly 'splain it to you..."

Reminds me of the quote about Harley's,
"If I have to explain it to you you wouldn't understand anyway!"

03-12-2008, 05:14 PM
Next time don't say anything to the person, Call the Police and tell them 2 guys are getting into it over a Handicap spot, when PD comes just tell them the other guy left and point out he is parked in the handy cap spot. . Here in Florida it's a $250.00 dollar fine.

Bradley G
03-12-2008, 05:37 PM
They raised it in Il too.
Next time don't say anything to the person, Call the Police and tell them 2 guys are getting into it over a Handicap spot, when PD comes just tell them the other guy left and point out he is parked in the handy cap spot. . Here in Florida it's a $250.00 dollar fine.

03-12-2008, 10:24 PM
My wife has MS and we sometimes need to use a handicap spot. She refuses to use them unless she absolutely has too. Sometimes when I know we will have a long way to walk or I know she is doing poorly but trying not to admit it to herself I have to insist.

Anyway, she is not always in a wheelchair, and sometimes she is not even using a cane. Even though you may not be able to tell by looking, that doesn't mean that it is easy for her to walk, especially any distance or when she is fatigued. Sometimes she walks into a place under her own power but has to be practically carried by the time we are returning to the car.

The problem is we have gotten some really crappy looks and even had people get indignant with us. Unless you have experienced the devestation of a progressivly debilitating disease you can not really imagine what it is like.

Yours was obviously a case of abuse, but please think twice before you confront someone in that situation. Some people, like my wife already feel crappy about having to use the space and people that think they are protecting the disabled sometimes are not helping.

Again, this doesn't apply to the situation you described. I'm just using this opportunity to make another point.

BTW: If anyone is ever in the position of needing information or resources about Multiple Sclerosis, feel free to PM. My wife and I are very active in the fight against the disease. She runs a group, counsels, and fundraises. I run a group for family members and a charity golf tournement. It's a lousy thing to have to live with but there are a lot of resources to help.

03-13-2008, 08:26 AM
It's certainly not worth a confrontation and not anyone's place to do so. Call the Police.

In my town, the PD created a Disable Parking Monitoring Team made up of members that volunteer at the PD in either the TRIAD program or Citizens Police Academy Alumni. I am a member of this team. While I have been too busy to actually go out and do it, we are sworned town employees, in this capacity, and can give out $200 tickets if we see a vehicle without the proper tags or placard. We take pictures of the vehicle, write up and leave the ticket and submit copies to the PD to be processed. We are never to confront the person, if they're there. Once a ticket is written, they'll have to go to Town Hall to contest it. We use FRS radios back to police dispatch so if we need help, we can get it.