View Full Version : Maybe stealing my truck was a lession

03-14-2008, 11:44 PM
I have been thinking about this the past few days and I think I learned a lot from this. A few of my friends said I really changed since the theft occured and that I have been really angry lately too. A vehicle shouldn't have to take an effect on me the way it did. If I needed a truck in my life to complete myself that just proved how weak of a person I actually am or maybe I'm just a really really devoted gearhead... I don't know.

This thing is special too don't get me wrong, but if I found it more loyal than people in general I guess it says how distant I was from reality or something like that. I learned not to get attached to things now, but the truck almost seemed like a family member being in my life for 17 years. Not matter what "Like A Rock" it was always there... running or not. ;)

Now I'm getting Suzy (The Marauder) out of storage in the next day or so, but never really felt the same connection. Maybe I really am a materialistic person which is someone I never wanted to be. I am still devoted for it coming back to me and would rather have it than the insurance money.

Does this make since to anyone?

P.S. I am not on drugs, but I just had a ton of Wasabi on some 7-11 Sushi.

03-15-2008, 01:16 AM
Oh man...7-11 sushi? That can't be good. :)

03-15-2008, 01:41 AM
Oh man...7-11 sushi? That can't be good. :)

Oh it was. ;)

03-15-2008, 04:04 AM
Dom, we do get attached to material things in our lives. Who else is to say that's wrong. Think about a child and their blankie....no matter how tattered and torn, it becomes part of them. Your anger is part of the grieving process. Let it happen and let those feelings move on. When one door closes, new ones open. It's all part of us being ourselves.

See you soon. :grouphug:

Mike Poore
03-15-2008, 04:07 AM
Just don't snort that wasabi tuff. :rolleyes:

You're response was as it should have been, Dom.

I don't believe it!
It happened
Those bastages
Why me, it's a plot, right?
I'll hunt 'em down and murder their families
Why hasn't anyone else done something?
It's really gone, isn't it?
damn it
OH well
move onSome of us share, and some don't let it out. Time heals, and repairs, we move on, and, sadly, those who don't, sometimes become deeply scared and bitter. Sometimes there's a lesson to be learned, sometimes, many.

03-15-2008, 05:54 AM
You are not alone.

After Katrina about 1.5 million people, those who lost all their material goods and those that did not, realized more than ever it's just a lot of junk.

After Katrina an older couple I know walked out of their house with only their shirts on their backs. They are very well off financially.

They were looking to rent after Katrina in an unsafe part of the city. We moved to an apt in another city waiting for the infrastructure, doctors/police/firemen/schools, to be rebuilt before moving back to the N.O. area. I told them we would rent them our house for the same cost as our apt, which was about 10% of the market rate for our house, that an empty house is a sad house.

They agreed and I came in to meet her at the house to give her keys and instructions. I was showing her the master bedroom were we had large his/her closets and said Jeanette just put our clothes on the kids beds and you and Henry can hang up your clothes.

Jeanette said no that's ok. I insisted and she said Billy we have no clothes! Realizing I had foot in mouth syndrome I said yes you do you have Robin's and Henry has mine.

Well I got the best deal on that. Henry is retired and the more he gets nervous the more he cleans and gardens. When we got our house back it was spotless and the garden looked great.

Last week I found some gold cuff links in my closet that I had tired to sell to Henry 6 years ago. I called him up and told him I wanted to give them to him, I don't beleive in letting things sit.

Henry bought me lunch and I gave him the gold cuff links. When we left he said thanks, I lost all mine in Katrina.

I had forgotten that he had lost everything in Katrina. Why you might ask. Both him and his wife collect art and antiques and are patrons of the arts!

The reason why I forgot he lost everything in Katrina?

Becasue Henry and Jeanette know and show that they lost nothing in Katrina!;)

03-15-2008, 11:08 AM
I own nothing that cannot be replaced.

I would feel a loss if it were a pet, or person, but not an item. Would I be pissed, hell yeah! But.... life goes on.... that is why they make insurance.

Get over the truck, move on from it. I am SURE you can find somethingto take it's place.... singing lessons perhaps?




03-15-2008, 01:02 PM
Your also a young guy, realitively speeking, and as you go thru life you learn how to put things into proper prespective. Don't be so to hard on your self, you had a vehicle stolen, its alright to be pissed, learn and move on. Good luck, your going to be alright.

UAW 588
03-15-2008, 05:08 PM
Maybe it's time for a new truck. Ford makes the best money can buy. Hell I'll even give you a X plan to purchase one.

03-15-2008, 05:22 PM
f em all... the ones who dont understand woulnt untill it happens to them about something they love

03-15-2008, 05:37 PM
f em all... the ones who dont understand woulnt untill it happens to them about something they love

haha I still have that attitude in a way. I still want it back ya know?

If I get a replacement I'll probably just get another K5 Blazer. Ford makes great vehicles, but nothing made today really interest me and there is really nothing on the market at all that is like a K5 Blazer. I think Ford ran the Bronco longer than Chevy did the Blazer, but GM called it a Tahoe until the end of the 99 model year. :rolleyes:

Thanks for the offer man, maybe I will look into it.

03-15-2008, 07:38 PM
f em all... the ones who dont understand woulnt untill it happens to them about something they love

When you have seen hundreds of thousands of those around you lose all of their material possesions you will understand.

03-15-2008, 09:34 PM
you talking hurricane katrina or something?

i was talking like a buddy saying "dude why you all pissed off ever since you truck got stolen"

those morons dont understand, same as people who dont understand when a pet dies and they say "its just a cat/dog" they dont understand that its a member of the family, i feel that way about my cats and my MM.


Aren Jay
03-16-2008, 10:19 AM
A lesson or a Lesion.

I think it started out as a Lesion, but has it evolved into a Lesson?

Is the Lesson, park in a garage, use a deactivation system, wheel boot/clamp.

Magna Volt!

03-16-2008, 10:23 AM
There is NO lesson to be learned from having your vehicle stolen. It sucks.

03-16-2008, 10:32 AM
Five years from now will it matter?