View Full Version : Windows Users: Get Virus Patch

08-13-2003, 08:03 AM
Hey guys,

For those of you who are Windows users...which is probably most...there is a new virus out there that does NOT travel via email. Rather it travels through the internet "attracted" to WIndows programs....particualarly those with Cable, DSL or other High Speed connections.

Symptoms are contstant shutdowns of the computer and freezes. But there is a patch available from Microsoft that will protect your computer. I just downloaded the patch to mine here at home and will do the same to the one at work and my laptop.

The microsoft patch can be found here: Security Patch (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/security/bulletin/MS03-026.asp)

This virus is no joke. I heard about it yesterday and got the link from our local paper today after reading the article....this is the most serious virus in some time. Take 5 minutes and protect your investment.

Have a great day!


08-13-2003, 08:17 AM
Aol Dial up. The most secure means of conecting to the web. And the most frustrating.

Dr Caleb
08-13-2003, 08:32 AM
Originally posted by Marauder57
Hey guys,

For those of you who are Windows users...which is probably most...there is a new virus out there that does NOT travel via email.


This is what I do for a living - it's really bad! This in not a virus - it's a worm, so updating your virus scanner is useless.

First, if you have Windoes 95, 98 or Milennium (ME) your are not affected. Don't worry. (other than having to put up with Windows ME....it's like driving a Yugo...)

Windoze 2000, 2003, XP - worry.

Things to do:

Get the latest service pack - SP4 for 2000, SP2 for XP.

Run Windows Update and get ALL the hotgfixes. After Friday Windows update MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE. This worm may be set to attack Windows Update on the 16th.

If you have the virus

1) Under Start -> Run type in "shutdown /a" to stop your computer from shutting down.

2) go to:
http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.blaster.worm.removal.tool. html
to get the removal tool. It fits on a floppy, but you MUST have the latest service pack to use it.

3) Upgrade to Mac OS X or Linux :-)

My systems are getting between 60 and 100 hits per hour from this worm, but AS/400's and Linux are immune. And I have only 1 internet address visible to the world!!

If Bill Gates had a nickle for every time Windows got a virus....Oh! Wait...He does!

08-13-2003, 08:38 AM
Thanks Dr. Caleb for the clarification...I did not find anything on the normal Windowsupdate page for the worm....but I keep pretty well updated...but it has been at least a month since I was there....

The link I gave in my first post will give you the preventive "fix" if you don't already have it....other wise contact Dr. Caleb.....

I know we don't always take these things seriously....but this one seems VERY serious....worth the 5 minutes...for sure.

Oh and in my opinion AOL is a virus...... ;)

08-13-2003, 08:40 AM
Hey Mad......................I'm dial up AND 98SE..........................

so that means I'm double safe?:lol:


Long Live #3
08-13-2003, 08:49 AM
Thanks M57!

08-13-2003, 08:49 AM
Can't break something that never worked write to begine with. :lol:

And Symantics once did detect AOL as a virus. IT was halarious.

I use to work for them.

Dr Caleb
08-13-2003, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by jefferson-mo
Hey Mad......................I'm dial up AND 98SE..........................

so that means I'm double safe?:lol:


Nope. Dial up does not protect you from this worm. The Internet range for AOL is always a major target.

And Windows IS the virus! :lol:

Dr Caleb
08-13-2003, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by Marauder57
Thanks Dr. Caleb for the clarification...

Anytime, glad to be of service!

Originally posted by Marauder57
The link I gave in my first post will give you the preventive "fix" if you don't already have it....other wise contact Dr. Caleb.....

Updating Windows will prevent the infection, but the link I gave is if you already have the worm...PM me, email me or I can PM anyone my work email address if they need more info. Not much I can do from here, but I'll help where I can.

Be aware - downloading Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 on 56k dial up can take 16 HOURS. Get a friend with high speed to put it on a CD for you.

Originally posted by Marauder57
I know we don't always take these things seriously....

Oh and in my opinion AOL is a virus...... ;)

I still get attemped infections DAILY from worms like "Nimda" and "Code Red". These are a couple of years old. People couldn't care less sometimes about keeping their systems secure. Most likely people who also don't wash their cars and only change the oil when the motor blows...

08-13-2003, 09:29 AM
AOL Dialup is safe. I know.