View Full Version : good excuses when getting pulled over

03-27-2008, 10:50 AM
what about?

I just wanted to show that my buddy that was next to me my chrome interst on the back.

My ex wife was back there.

New boots, not used to driving with them, they're heavy.

I heard gas was $.25 cheaper at that place down here (start pointing somewhere in front of you)

They guys on the marauder site talked me into these new parts, I didnt know I was going that fast already.

03-27-2008, 10:58 AM
The only one I know that might have a chance working is:

I'm taking her to the hospital, she's about to have a baby.

And yes, you better have a pregnant woman in the car, or it's your A$$.

03-27-2008, 11:09 AM
How about the "#2" excuse?

Also, the bees excuse from the movie Tommy Boy, not sure if that'll work for speeding though...

03-27-2008, 11:11 AM
"Officer I was trying to get out of your way, but you kept following me."

Egon Spengler
03-27-2008, 11:29 AM

Aren Jay
03-27-2008, 12:59 PM
I had a bee in my car once and took emergency action. When I stopped it flew out the open window. It flew in the same window a few minutes before. People around me were looking at me like I was some crazy drugged out lunatic. I rolled my window up and drove away.

03-27-2008, 01:13 PM
I knew two girls in college that were booking along the freeway at 15-20 over and state patrol clocked 'em. Passenger then intentionally poured her hot coffee in the lap of the driver, and when the patrolman got to the window, he saw two distraught girls yelling about hot coffee and let them off with a warning. I scolded her for it when she told the story, and she honestly felt bad about it, but it was sharp, quick thinking.

Egon Spengler
03-27-2008, 01:19 PM
Ask "Go Mifuni" about bees!!! Mr. Beekeeper himself... a.k.a. MIKE

03-27-2008, 01:50 PM
I got stopped once when I was younger on a hot ass day, and me and my bro had just finish playing ball. The law got me and another car...My "excuse" for speeding was..."We just finish playin ball and I was trying to get some air in the car." He looked at us all sweated up and let us go, but the other car wasnt so lucky! Also, I used the pregnant lady line b4...my daughters mother was on the way to an appt and I said, "Im trying to get them to the doctor...the officer looked at her, looked at and said...slow down, but gave us a tix for a cracked windshield:rolleyes:

03-27-2008, 01:57 PM
Sorry officer, I have DIARRHEA and I was just trying to make it home. I use this twice and got off twice.

03-27-2008, 01:57 PM
i have got 2 in 2 months no excuse just speeding that sucks

but haggis's excuse i'll use for #3 next month hahahahahaha

03-27-2008, 02:04 PM
i have got 2 in 2 months no excuse just speeding that sucks

but haggis's excuse i'll use for #3 next month hahahahahaha

LoL dont let Haggis get you thrown in jail...lawd dont say that to a PG county police...pls dont!

Blk Mamba
03-27-2008, 03:01 PM
My friend got pulled for runnin a red light, when the officer asked did he know why my friend said no. The LEO said you ran that red light, so my friend said green car can go thru a red light. The LEO said no you have that wrong, any man can go thru a green light, but no man is going thru a red light, and let him off with a warning.

03-27-2008, 05:43 PM
A friend of mind was driving a Corvette convertible with me in the right seat, when he got pulled over. As the LEO came walkin' up to the car he commented that "as fast as you were going, you BEST have a pilots license"! My friend pulled out his "multi-engine instrument rating" Pilots License and handed it to the LEO. The LEO looked at it and then handed it back to him and said, "have a nice day". The LEO turned and walked back to his car and drove off.....

03-28-2008, 12:55 AM
A friend of mind was driving a Corvette convertible with me in the right seat, when he got pulled over. As the LEO came walkin' up to the car he commented that "as fast as you were going, you BEST have a pilots license"! My friend pulled out his "multi-engine instrument rating" Pilots License and handed it to the LEO. The LEO looked at it and then handed it back to him and said, "have a nice day". The LEO turned and walked back to his car and drove off.....


Reminds me of this blonde joke. :D

03-28-2008, 01:08 AM
A friend of mind was driving a Corvette convertible with me in the right seat, when he got pulled over. As the LEO came walkin' up to the car he commented that "as fast as you were going, you BEST have a pilots license"! My friend pulled out his "multi-engine instrument rating" Pilots License and handed it to the LEO. The LEO looked at it and then handed it back to him and said, "have a nice day". The LEO turned and walked back to his car and drove off.....

haha that is great!

My excuse is I had no idea how fast I was going because the speedo only goes to 140.

The first time I ever got pulled over in the Marauder the cop said I blew his doors off and didn't gimme a chance to say that I was road racing a Lightning. I'm glad I don't do that anymore, I was even more stupid back then. :o

One time I was pulled over in my Blazer and the officer asked if I knew the difference between 70 and 86, I said no because my speedo was broke at the time. He was like "ohh... so what year is this truck?" Memories...:alone::bigcry:

03-28-2008, 03:57 AM
I got pulled over in my MM doing 84 in a 65. I thought that I was cruising at 80. When the trooper told me this, I said " I have to get this thing fixed." He noticed that I was wearing my work shirt and told him that I work for Ford up a ways, and he said "Have a nice day."

03-28-2008, 05:26 AM
"Sir, have you been drinking?"
"Why? Is there a fat chick in my passenger seat???"

03-28-2008, 04:00 PM
If I get a laugh, I let you go. "I was going fast because the dog was hot" (all windows were down) what about the A.C.?....dumb look followed. He got a pass. " :lol:

Walking up to the car "beep" "beep" "beep" "beep" "beep"...the guy is hitting his head on the steering wheel....without missing a beep, up comes the license in his left hand while still (gently) hitting his head on the wheel the whole time he was saying "stupid....stupid...stupid" :lol: He got a pass.

03-28-2008, 04:19 PM
"I am home on leave from Germany and am getting married in the morning. Must be too used to driving the Autobahn." Have only been able to use that one once. :D But it was true.

Aren Jay
03-28-2008, 06:48 PM
I've never had a speeding ticket.

I have been stopped several times and always talk my way out. Yes sir no sir yes sir yes I did, uh ok. Yes sir. (him or her, You can go) thank you sir.

It is odd saying sir to a woman but it works.

I have also been stopped with my dad in the car. Cop (RCMP) swaggers over to the window, I'm driving, my Dad sitting next to me. He leans down on my window looks at me and says " Have you, " looks at my Dad and stops dead takes two steps backwards and says " Hello sir". My Dad said something about being out for a the day, he quickly waved us through. Two days later at another big checkstop. (8 RC's on the road asking questions, highway blocked, 6 cruiser in the ditch just waiting for anyone to try and run, the road is blocked by another 8 cars.) I drive up with a car full of guys behind me from my high school. I'm alone, wiating in the line of cars and the same guy see's me. Points at me and says "you can go" I drive out of the line and off I go, everyone else gets questioned.

In Pakistan back just before the first gulf war. 1990 or 91 december. I was driving with a friend, we had a body guard with us and the police stop us and say they are looking for bandits, we were driving in the bush outside of Islamabad. The cop looks at me, walks confidently over looks at my friend and points at the AKM (improved version of the AK47) between us and asks if it is his dad's. He says it is and off we go.

Later at a police check point while driving to the "Farm" 270 some miles outside the capital, we are stopped and a police officer see's my friends Dad and then just freezes. He realises he is not supposed to stop him and after being coaxed into asking his questions said cop appoligises and off we go. It is Funny/odd driving around with them, the Highest ranking police in Pakistan all ride the "Chips" like Motorcycles and when ever we drove past they would stand at attention and salute.

Later just outside the cyber pass in the Frontier province we were driving sdown the road and some guy who was stopped at a check stop tried to get us to stop too. My friend was driving, his father upfront (with his AKM and Grenade launcher, Me sitting behind him, next to a body gaurd, two more body guards behind us and a second jeep with more body guards behind us, they all had G3 Machine guns) So the guy walks into the road saying we have to stop and everyone gets tense. The friend is told by his father not to stop, and if the guy doesn't move to run him down. We didn't stop, lucky for the guy someone pulled him out of the way.