View Full Version : Progressive Insurance sucks!!!!

03-29-2008, 08:44 AM
I had a meeting with the insurance company and all they wanna gimme is $3,000 for my truck dispite that I put in a $4,700 engine in it two years ago and lost probably over $1,500 worth of CDs. It gets better. If I take the cash they own the truck no matter what, I cannot buy it back even if it's recovered. I was going through the paper work and I had to sign a waver saying it was okay to drain all fluids and remove all filters when they find it and people only do that before they crush a car. :mad2:

What a bunch of jerks. I even had a picture confirming that it's in great shape and not another rust bucket in someones backyard. So it's stolen and I get nothing in return unless I wanna say bye bye to it forever.

Is there any insurance that offers a buy back if the vehicle is recovered?

03-29-2008, 08:58 AM
State Farm does.

Mike Poore
03-29-2008, 09:29 AM
How long will they give you to settle the claim, Dom? And do they expect you to pay premiums until it's settled? For $3,000 it might be in your best interests to sand bag, for a reasonable time, taking the chance it might be recovered.

03-29-2008, 09:35 AM
I had Progressive for 8 years and then they had their "rate hike" in Florida- it went from $160/month for the Marauder to $240 and I have not had a violation on over 5 years. I have Geico now, the same coverages (100/300/100, 250 deds on comp. and coll. and rental car coverage) now on TWO cars and it's $144/month. Progressive can piss up a flagpole.

03-29-2008, 09:41 AM
Once again, another reason for anyone that owns a "collector" vehicle, or one they've put lots of money into, to have it appraised.

Your insurance company is doing their job. They're offering you what the vehicle is worth in the general market. They don't suck. It's not their fault you failed to have the vehicle properly inspected and valued.

03-29-2008, 09:44 AM
They don't suck. It's not their fault you failed to have the vehicle properly inspected and valued.


You FAILED in having your Truck properly insured.



03-29-2008, 09:54 AM
Once again, another reason for anyone that owns a "collector" vehicle, or one they've put lots of money into, to have it appraised.

Your insurance company is doing their job. They're offering you what the vehicle is worth in the general market. They don't suck. It's not their fault you failed to have the vehicle properly inspected and valued.

Most auto insurance policies insure the vehicle for Actual Cash Value which means what it is worth. Not the selling price, not new less depreciation or replacement with a similar vehicle but all considerations. They are offering you ACV based on what they have determined it is worth based on the information they have.

Research what a similar vehicle in similar condition is selling for plus/minus adjustments to equate your actual vehicle. Demonstrate what $3,000 will actually purchase in your area compared to what you had.

I beleive you actually posted a similar vehicle for sale.

With documentation you can still have it appraised. It's done on a regular basis.

03-29-2008, 09:58 AM
Most auto insurance policies insure the vehicle for Actual Cash Value which means what it is worth. Not the selling price, not new less depreciation or replacement with a similar vehicle but all considerations. They are offering you ACV based on what they have determined it is worth based on the information they have.

Research what a similar vehicle in similar condition is selling for plus/minus adjustments to equate your actual vehicle. Demonstrate what $3,000 will actually purchase in your area compared to what you had.

I beleive you actually posted a similar vehicle for sale.

With documentation you can still have it appraised. It's done on a regular basis.

My Basic insurance (Nationwide) covers current market value.

Adding an Engine, Stereo.... whatever... IS NOT COVERED.....

UNLESS, you add it to your policy.



Paul T. Casey
03-29-2008, 10:29 AM
I'm sure your coverage was for 80% of Blue Book value, as is most insurance. The KBB numbers are based on condition and mileage of the vehicle. I'm guessing, regardless of condition, the value was around $3300. When you wrote the first check for your coverage, you accepted these terms. I've been through the same before. Read the policy carefully next time. I'm also guessing if it does ever get recovered, it probably will be time for the crusher.

03-29-2008, 10:33 AM
when i had my tahoe, i got the extra $2,500 insurance for the stereo, you can lock it, but glass breaks easy and wire cutters work well. it only cost me $15 extra a month, that was allstate.

But the C suckers at all state "dont insure sport bikes" so i took my business to country insurance, the MM full coverage, the blazer liability, the rocket full coverage, only $131 a month (married discount, multi-vehicle discount, and a clean record now)

03-29-2008, 11:19 AM
State farm for me.

03-29-2008, 11:21 AM
My Basic insurance (Nationwide) covers current market value.

Adding an Engine, Stereo.... whatever... IS NOT COVERED.....

UNLESS, you add it to your policy.



Current Market Value of what, a Marauder, Grand Marquis, a stock Marauder, average selling price of all Maraduers in the USA or a similarly equipped Marauder in similar condition in your area? How can your engine not be covered?

ACV is and has been the norm for most insurance policies including homeowners. Many buy Replacement Cost coverage for their Homeowners.

Stated Value is the MOST an Insurance Company will pay.

Agreed Value is just that both you and the insurer Agree on the value before the insurance is put in effect.

03-29-2008, 11:22 AM
I Have Farmers Great For Me.

03-29-2008, 11:35 AM
I had Progressive for 8 years and then they had their "rate hike" in Florida- it went from $160/month for the Marauder to $240 .....

Wow! :eek:

I pay $45/month for full coverage and a $250 deductable.

I am sure my location has a lot to do with that but dayummmm!

03-29-2008, 11:41 AM
average selling price of all Maraduer in a in similar condition in your area?




03-29-2008, 04:01 PM
Steve is right I should have had it checked out, but I did back everything with proof of purchase. Radio, engine, tranny everything, but it was no good.

Now the insurance company doesn't need to know that I'm 22 with a 500+hp car because my rates with sky rocket! :eek:


03-29-2008, 04:03 PM
Now the insurance company doesn't need to know that I'm 22 with a 500+hp car because my rates with sky rocket! :eek:



You gotta take the good, WITH the bad...



03-29-2008, 05:06 PM
yeah i think since you wernt paying the extra insurance on the motor and stereo they dont thing they should cover it.

03-29-2008, 05:23 PM
I spend about $240/mo, but that is for three drivers (me my wife and, 21 yr old son) the Marauder, 1995 Towncar, 1996 E-350, 1996 Bronco, 1994 Bronco, 1979 F-600, 1973 F-250 and a 1976 F-150 4x4. (all with big blocks)
all with 100/300/100 coverage, uninsured 100/300 and underinsured 100/300. the MM, TC, and the 96 Bronco also have replacement coverage.
Farmers with various discounts

and I have the right to buy back the remains if I want... I checked.

03-29-2008, 05:31 PM
Take the check and don't cash it, in hopes that your truck will be recovered.
God luck.

Aren Jay
03-29-2008, 07:39 PM
Ahh everyone is kicking motorhead while he is down, am I too late to join in?

03-29-2008, 08:47 PM
Ahh everyone is kicking motorhead while he is down, am I too late to join in?

Yes you are.

Aren Jay
03-29-2008, 09:27 PM
Your truck is gone, take your money and run.

Buy a bar boot, it is one of those wheel locks. Put one on your Marauder and pickup.

Then mount a video camera on your vehicles (pointed at) while parked.

Did you have an Alarm?

03-29-2008, 09:41 PM
Progressive is a quality company.

Keep in mind they were started to insure drunks & druggies. Well they sold to all the drunks & druggies they could so they started selling to "normal" people.

Some of that the customer is a "drunk & druggie" mentality still exists in Progressive.

You can get the car appraised w/ documentation and submit what other similar Broncos sold for in your area for comparables.

03-29-2008, 09:58 PM
I do not have an alarm and I fear that the people maybe back for the Marauder because I had the Marauder Jacket in the back. I know they got to it and now they know I have a Marauder too. I'm getting an alarm and hoping they use the Marauder for bait and it'll lead me to them (tracking). Plus I'll have an alert and something waiting for them if I get to the car in time.

03-29-2008, 10:04 PM
I do not have an alarm and I fear that the people maybe back for the Marauder because I had the Marauder Jacket in the back. I know they got to it and now they know I have a Marauder too. I'm getting an alarm and hoping they use the Marauder for bait and it'll lead me to them (tracking). Plus I'll have an alert and something waiting for them if I get to the car in time.

:stupid: :eek:

03-30-2008, 06:00 AM
State Farm.:down: :cheesed: O.K. let's get started. In 1998 I had them for 18 or more years. I got hit by a DUI from behind while I was moving (30 in a 35 zone, witness placed him at 70 +). He had State Farm. They jerked me around for 5 weeks before offering below blue book.:mad2: Somewhere along the line they offered to just pay off the car. Generous because I had one car payment left on the 92 Marquis:tantrum:. >>>cut to the chase. I dropped them. :razz: They treated me like a criminal the whole time, made me drive to the agent who hit me office....45 miles away to get the check, didn't have it ready, etc. Argued with me when I wanted to go to the car to retreive personal property. Had the odasity to send me a customer survey afterwards. I was not favorable in my responses. I Found out how to spell new words :censor: filling it out. I Found out how to use new words :censor: filling it out.

Now a friend is in the exact same boat (victim of being hit, didn't cause the accident). They're dropping State Farm for the same reason.

Customer service, a lost art. :shake: Customer appreciation, gone too :depress: Customer Loyalty................

03-30-2008, 06:10 AM
I do not have an alarm and I fear that the people maybe back for the Marauder because I had the Marauder Jacket in the back. I know they got to it and now they know I have a Marauder too. I'm getting an alarm and hoping they use the Marauder for bait and it'll lead me to them (tracking). Plus I'll have an alert and something waiting for them if I get to the car in time.

If you are planning on shooting then remember the criminal dosen't care who he shoots, there will be no hesitation by him.

03-30-2008, 10:34 AM
:stupid: :eek:

How is that dumb? I know they'll be back, plus with tracking it'll lead to their arrest.

03-30-2008, 10:42 AM
LoL you must never saw that insurance commercial with the guys in the escalade..."What are you 19?!?!" "Get some grown man insurance!"

But I know that my other car was called "totalled" and I had the option to keep it or give it to the ins company...But I guess they figure with a stolen car, its not going to get recovered 1 way or another. I think if you show paperwork on the motor they MAY work with you, but those cds are a lost I'm pretty sure...

BTW...State Farms here....

03-30-2008, 11:56 AM
They told me I had to insure the engine and tranny, which I neer told them about because i figured it wouldn't have made a difference to them.

03-30-2008, 12:37 PM
They told me I had to insure the engine and tranny, which I neer told them about because i figured it wouldn't have made a difference to them.

Well..... now you know, and gotta pay for thqat knowledge.

As for the "bait".... get over it. Move on. Why cause more drama and possible risk to yourself. If they can find the other car, they can find you.

NOT worth it.... IMO.



03-30-2008, 07:37 PM
The reason I see the Marauder as bait is because they found my Marauder jacket in the truck. "Made exclusively for Mercury Marauder Owners." They'll look that up and wait until they see that car in the street. I would bet they would come back for it. If they don't that would be nice, but if that's gone too and I can track it... well that's good in my book because there is a chance I can catch these guys.

04-01-2008, 05:20 AM
R.I.P Dominic.....

04-01-2008, 05:50 AM
Insurance companies only care about how much they will have to pay! THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU! They dont care how many years you have been a loyal customer, how much you have paid in , etc, etc,. Insurance companies sell you a promise, then raise your rates or cancel you if you use it period! THEY DONT CARE.

04-01-2008, 08:47 PM
R.I.P Dominic.....

Gordon why don't you be my body guard. I know you know a few things about firearms.

03mara300b I totally see it the same way!

04-01-2008, 11:49 PM
i still say find em, set em on fire, put em out by peeing on em, then leave em laying in the street half dead.

04-02-2008, 03:53 AM
Gordon why don't you be my body guard. I know you know a few things about firearms.

03mara300b I totally see it the same way!

True, but I do not believe you can afford me.

04-02-2008, 05:16 AM
You can only defend yourself or someone else from a life threating situation.You have to be in a position where you have no retreat and believe you will die. You can not defend property. In Chicago the jury will give you no mercy. Chicago is the number one most Anti-restrictive gun city in the US.

Aren Jay
04-05-2008, 07:40 PM
i still say find em, set em on fire, put em out by peeing on em, then leave em laying in the street half dead.

That is a bad idea, you would leave your DNA. Don't you watch CSI?


I still say Magna Volt them. We all know tasers kill.

04-07-2008, 12:48 AM
True, but I do not believe you can afford me.

What can I get for $20?

04-07-2008, 04:39 AM
OOPS, Double negative. Anti gun, gun restrictive .