View Full Version : What a wild drive home.

Dr Caleb
04-02-2008, 08:53 AM
So, I'm leaving work Monday afternoon. Nothing special, had to rack a couple servers, and I can work the rest of the day from home setting them up.

Nice spring day, clear roads, bright and sunny. I'm just getting to Anthony Henday drive, on the Yellowhead nearing the city limits, and go to pass someone doing 90 in a 100 zone, and I shoulder check, check in front of me, hit the gas and signal - when all the cars in front are peeling off in both directions, heading for the ditches. Complete carnage.

A semi was heading toward me, going eastbound in the westbound lanes. :eek:

Lucky I was driving the F-150, as it doesn't mind the ditch at high speeds.

Here's the video from someone eastbound, a couple KM down the road.


No one but the driver of the Semi was killed, no one seriously hurt. Lots of fender benders in the ditch, and a few minor injuries from cars rear ending each other in the crowded ditches.

Talk now is that the driver was Type 1 diabetic and may have been in a 'coma'. Personally, being type II diabetic, I know what hypoglycemia is like, and don't think I could have driven for 1/2 hour on the wrong side of the highway for 40km like reports say this guy did.

Close call! They always let you know where priorities lie.

04-02-2008, 08:58 AM
OH MY damn...Other then the driver it is amazing no1 else was hurt...And umm whats up with 2 degrees @ 6???

04-02-2008, 09:05 AM
OH MY damn...Other then the driver it is amazing no1 else was hurt...And umm whats up with 2 degrees @ 6???

This happened in Canada, eh. 2 degrees celsius = 35.6 degrees fahrenheit

Dr Caleb
04-02-2008, 09:06 AM
OH MY damn...Other then the driver it is amazing no1 else was hurt...And umm whats up with 2 degrees @ 6???

Yea, I think the driver was a zombie. Hypoglycemia is like that feeling when you wake up and are still tired - but worse. You can't walk straight, let alone drive a truck.

2 degrees is nice. Beautiful for early spring.

04-02-2008, 09:12 AM
Glad to hear your ok, but one question...did you need new underwear ;)

04-02-2008, 09:15 AM
Glad to hear your ok, but one question...did you need new underwear ;)

Glad to hear you are uninjured Glenn. But, you have to admit that that^^^ is funny.

04-02-2008, 09:49 AM
jeebus! glad you ok

Egon Spengler
04-02-2008, 09:50 AM
Good avoidance... which one is you in the video? Any of them?

Dr Caleb
04-02-2008, 09:52 AM
Glad to hear your ok, but one question...did you need new underwear ;)

Glad to hear you are uninjured Glenn. But, you have to admit that that^^^ is funny.

Quite funny. :) Thanks Larry and Gord. I actually checked, and there is a fist sized piece missing where the pucker factor created a vaccume. i don't think there is anything wrong with the truck ethier. No bent rims, no steering problems. Many vehicles that went into the steep ditch did a nose plant, and lost their front end. I went in at speed, and think I actually got some air.

And that kids is why you don't ever talk on a cellphone while driving. You don't know what's coming in the next 2 seconds, or how much that cellphone will take away from your reaction time. It's the difference between 'well connected' and 'hood ornament'.

Dr Caleb
04-02-2008, 09:54 AM
Good avoidance... which one is you in the video? Any of them?

I haven't seen the full length video yet. The lady who was taping was doing so for about 20 minutes before the crash. I hit the ditch about 5 minutes before the crash.

04-02-2008, 09:57 AM
Can I use that.... "Well Connected and Hood Ornament" ???

Glad evertyone is O.k. I saw it on the news at 7:00 this morning..

Gotta' pay attention out there. A fine example of random events.

04-02-2008, 10:49 AM
Glad you are OK!

I almost missed you were in Canada, that would explain the "doing 90 in a 100", I was wondering where that'd be, and I take it not MPH but KPH. :)

04-02-2008, 12:46 PM
Crap! We saw that earlier today on TV here at work. Most Heinous! Glad you are OK!

blu marauder
04-02-2008, 01:30 PM
Yeah glad your ok.
That Nikki booth from the emergency response unit is hot!!!

04-02-2008, 01:59 PM
Wait you went into the ditch 5 minutes before the crash of the semi? As in you avoided it and then 5 minutes later he crashed?

I am not smart

04-02-2008, 02:40 PM
OH MY damn...

Thats what i said!

Good thing your safe, but that had to of been scary :eek:

Dr Caleb
04-02-2008, 04:15 PM
Wait you went into the ditch 5 minutes before the crash of the semi? As in you avoided it and then 5 minutes later he crashed?

I am not smart

Hehe, no worries Eric. The Semi driver drove on the wrong side of the highway for 1/2 an hour, nearly 40km. 20 Miles. Doing highway speed. Many people hit the ditch, I had lots of company. I was expecting men in black suits to be jumping from car to car. If it had been at night, there would have been many dead. But it was just after lunch.

Which is why I don't believe the Diabetic Coma story. The road over that distance is not straight or flat. It is hilly and curvy, with several overpasses. You can't accidentally drive that far on the wrong side of the road if you are not in control of your vehicle..

04-02-2008, 05:32 PM
god damn thats nuts. insta flame too

Aren Jay
04-05-2008, 08:14 PM
Those are confusing roads there, but I wonder how he ended up on the wrong side of the road.