View Full Version : Vandalized

04-07-2008, 02:52 PM
Some one decided they didn't care for the bumpersticker on my Marauder and they wrote FXXX YOU on it with a black magic marker. I'm 99.9% certain this happened while I was at a gas station an hour outside of Chicago on I-65 on Sunday.

Neat. They did manage to get some marker on the paint too.

I carry spare stickers and replaced it immediately but I still need to get that marker stain off.

Half an hour later some fool in a purple Plymouth Voyager mini-van pulled up to me at 80mph. This idiot was inches away from me (literally inches, I don't get that close when parallel parking).

I dropped the hammer and left him in my dust, reset the cruise for 80, and he did the same thing. This time I let go of the gas and slowed to 50. He stayed right on my bumper.

I grabbed my camera and started taping him. That's when the gut-less coward pulled out. I stayed with him and called the Indiana State Highway Patrol. I had the tag numbers, vehical make, driver description, location, everything...

No dice.

They explained that this happens "THOUSANDS of times a day" and they "don't have the man power to deal with it". I was told to pull over and let him go.

There you have it folks. Feel like being a total d1ck? Hate free speech/ bumper stickers? Wanna tail gate some one? Go right ahead and help yourself! Just do it to a nice car. If I had my old '89 CV that yellow bellied SOB would have ate my bumper (that would have been the first of a three course meal).

Once I figure how to work U-Tube I'm making that idiot known.

04-07-2008, 02:57 PM
Some one decided they didn't care for the bumpersticker on my Marauder and they wrote FXXX YOU on it with a black magic marker.

Just curious, what was on your bumper sticker that made someone so pissed that they had to write over it??

04-07-2008, 02:59 PM
I carry spare stickers and replaced it immediately


If you gotta carry extra stickers, you MIGHT want to reconsider the stickers!!


As for the incidents..... that just sucks. Why people have to vandalize other's property is BEYOND me....

Here's to you getting the marker off



04-07-2008, 03:01 PM
Just curious, what was on your bumper sticker that made someone so pissed that they had to write over it??

Hilary For President



04-07-2008, 03:03 PM
Just curious, what was on your bumper sticker that made someone so pissed that they had to write over it??

Good question...Better question is...what was up with the person in the van?

04-07-2008, 03:10 PM
Hilary For President




The sticker read "Coulter '08". I had extras in the glove box to give to my friends, use on my other ride, tractors, ect.

Ann did say that she'd campaign for Hillary if McCain got the nomination so I don't know what the problem was. (Lol!)

I was somewhat impressed though. In spite of his really light loafers, he did get that mini-van up to speed fairly quickly...

Black Dynamite
04-07-2008, 03:18 PM
I hear ya.....

Someone keyed mine this saturday...

Got it buffed out but not perfectly.

Man was I PI55ED

04-07-2008, 03:36 PM
Try WD-40 it removes permanent Marker.

Stranger in the Black Sedan
04-07-2008, 03:53 PM
Better question, why on earth would you put a bumper sticker on the PAINT of your MM? On the glass is the only place you put a sticker on this nice a car.... Save the bumper stickers for 80s oldsmobiles w/ chrome bumpers.

04-07-2008, 04:19 PM
"I hate mean people"

04-07-2008, 05:21 PM
Coca-Cola. Seriously. Also works when someone uses a permanent marker on a white board. Seriously.

This will win you money on a game show.

04-07-2008, 05:40 PM
Coca-Cola. Seriously. Also works when someone uses a permanent marker on a white board. Seriously.

This will win you money on a game show.

can you tell me where and when this game show is? thanks

Stranger in the Black Sedan
04-07-2008, 05:43 PM
Please use paint products on paint. Coca cola has phosphoric acid in it. If bug and tar remover (mineral spirits) will not take it off, a light buffing compound surely will.

04-07-2008, 06:08 PM
I was at a gas station an hour outside of Chicago on I-65 on Sunday.
Why do so many stories start out at a gas station outside od town on a weekend . . . :rolleyes:


If you gotta carry extra stickers, you MIGHT want to reconsider the stickers!!




I was somewhat impressed though. In spite of his really light loafers, he did get that mini-van up to speed fairly quickly...

Heh, as a former owner I can proudly say they to pretty well, for minivans (fade to flashback . . .)

04-07-2008, 06:31 PM
Maybe this is a sign to leave the bumper stickers off of a marauder?

04-07-2008, 07:51 PM
or next time, follow the mini van and put a bumper sticker on it after the driver walks away - with any luck they won't notice for a while. :D

04-07-2008, 07:56 PM
I don't care who I love. . . or hate, there will be no bumper sticker on my Marauder. My dealer even has no place on the rear of my car.

04-07-2008, 08:08 PM
Maybe this is a sign to leave the bumper stickers off of a marauder?

Gee Ryan, When are you gonna sell the DTR because PETA doesn't like the leather seats?

This is a sign to greatly increase the number of bumper stickers on my Marauder. I'm doing the world a favor.

Look at it this way; That dingleberry who felt he needed to bully me on the road was full of intolerance and suffers from a fundamental lack of acceptance.

I'm giving him a choice: Deal with life on lifes terms (including a road full of cars with obnoxious bumper stickers) or continue being angry. Eventually this dim-wit will learn to accept it and be a much happier, much more tolerant person.

Why should I change my ways to suit a crack-pot? What's next? Let him tell me what to listen to, read, or think? Let the terrorist win? Forget it!

He had the right to be annoyed. He had NO right to do what he did.

It unfortunate he got away with it. He'll certainly do it again. If I knew I was going to get 430 miles on that tank of gas, I might have followed him back to his commune and put an end to it myself.

As far as the paint issues are concerned; I've never had a problem pulling them off. I also have no signs of paint damage. They get swapped out every year or two and everything is fine.

This is still my car and I love it. I won't do anything harmfull to it, ever.

Crown Vicman
04-07-2008, 08:38 PM
I hear ya.....

Someone keyed mine this saturday...

Got it buffed out but not perfectly.

Man was I PI55ED

thats funny, my cousin got her marauder keyed 2weeks ago. What is going on with people today. Do they just have to be jealous and ruin a nice car.

04-07-2008, 08:44 PM

The sticker read "Coulter '08".Oh my God!, why would you do that to a Marauder? I would vandalize my own car if I saw that on my bumper.

04-07-2008, 09:09 PM
It seems that black, clean MM attract all kinds of freaks who would take as granted that the owner belongs to special police force or to KKK or to some eastern mafia. Whatever are the grounds building the thoughts of these pot heads, we may admit that the MM is somehow "arrogant" by itself, without even any bumper sticker.

I saw so many weird glances thrown at my car (vs such a few admirative glances from connoisseurs) that I avoid leaving the car out of my sight. Same occurs with my bikes. Paranoia ? Maybe. At least, I am aware of today's lack of respect by the majority...Sad world.


Mike M
04-07-2008, 09:24 PM
Even though I'm voting for McCain, send me one of those bumper stickers, I really like her.

04-07-2008, 09:52 PM
I know the feeling. Mine was egged this past Halloween. RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY HOUSE!! I was up until past midnight in the cold, hosing off the egg, then running through a car wash time and time again (I was really lucky to find one open - was at a BP gas station). The car reeked of old egg for days until it was finally rinsed out of the doors and such. Someone did the same thing to my old Lincoln in the middle of winter while I was at Western Illinois U. It was frozen to the windshield.

Aren Jay
04-07-2008, 10:13 PM
Coulter who?

04-07-2008, 11:02 PM
The sticker read "Coulter '08".
Oh. Yeah. She generates quite a bit of animosity with her demeanor. I have a hard time listening to her. Regardless of ideology, the way she participates in discourse is frightening.

Coulter who?

04-08-2008, 02:03 AM
Sorry to hear about the bad experience on your trip home.

04-08-2008, 07:37 AM
That sucks. There is an idiot on every road nowadays.

RF Overlord
04-08-2008, 08:06 AM
There is an idiot on every road nowadays.AN idiot?!

I drive a lot as part of my job and I find that MOST people on the road today are either idiots, morons, maniacs, or just plain arrogant you-know-whats. It's so bad around here that it's actually noteworthy when someone behaves decently. :shake:

04-08-2008, 08:14 AM
As far as the paint issues are concerned; I've never had a problem pulling them off. I also have no signs of paint damage. They get swapped out every year or two and everything is fine.

More than likely the biggest issue would be the paint underneath would not fade from lack of UV exposure with the rest of the car meaning there could be a slight difference in the color depth after a number of years being on there.

Stranger in the Black Sedan
04-08-2008, 08:21 AM
The biggest issue would just be looking horribly ticky tacky

04-08-2008, 08:28 AM
lol, i know what you mean. When i drive around in my CVPI it seems like people either drive 5 below or start doing stupid crap because they stop paying attention to the road and start paying attention to me. AND whilst parked outside best buy last week, in the first row nonetheless, i came out to find that someone had shown their distaste for the local po-po by spitting on MY newly cleaned car.

04-08-2008, 01:50 PM
Oh my God!, why would you do that to a Marauder? I would vandalize my own car if I saw that on my bumper.

I don't understand...:confused:

I'd put the same exact bumper sticker on a Bently Continental GT or a Ferrari 365GTB Daytona.

I'm not going to worry about the Sun oxidizing the paint around the sticker. Since I've had the car it's sat outside, overnight just 6 days. (that's due to my two Kentucky trips). Other than that it's garaged or under a shade tree at car shows.

Motorhead350 even commented that my car still smells new.

The red, white, and blue color scheme of the sticker really looks nice on my SB MM too!

I just wonder what the Mini-van driving lunatic thought when he seen I had all ready replaced the sticker.(I assume he was the one that scribled the course language on it).

04-08-2008, 01:56 PM
I never understood why people are get so fired up over silly politics. Right/left blue/red its all the same. Its two people lying to get power - Coulter is just as worse as Al Franklin or whatever his name is.

I personally find it funny that the nut reacted that way. And he had every right to drive like a nut - we all do it until we are caught. Calling the police is like crying to mommie. The driver will get his, either in a wreck or a ticket. Can't save the world if they are all dumb.

04-08-2008, 02:33 PM
Someone carved F U into my trunk lid on the right side.

I live in a nice neighborhood so I think it was just kids or maybe the trash guys as it was done on the day for pick up.

I was swearing for a few days about that one.

04-08-2008, 04:21 PM
Yeah, I've read the owners manual cover to cover and NO WHERE in the manual did it say it was ok for owners to place stickers on their bumpers. Sorry. I love my car. I'm not defacing it with a sticker.

04-09-2008, 09:57 AM
I put the stickers on the black magnetic stuff you get at the hobby store. Then, sticker on-sticker off, and no problem. My stickers say things like "Yukon Axle" and "Flowmaster". So far no Ann Coulter, but it's an idea.

Yeah, I've read the owners manual cover to cover and NO WHERE in the manual did it say it was ok for owners to place stickers on their bumpers. Sorry. I love my car. I'm not defacing it with a sticker.

04-09-2008, 01:19 PM
Bumper stickers do NOT belong on higher class cars like ours. Place them on a piece of **** car, van, or SUV. Putting any kind of bumper sticker on our cars reduce their "class" factor down to POS beater. Not to mention you ruin your paint.

Realtors like to put their names on the side of their cars. I refuse. I think its tacky and horrid looking. Best part is its usually the ones that suck.

P.S. if you have a sticker from the last presidential race or even 2 races ago. TAKE THE GOD DAMN THINGS OFF!!!!!!!

Stranger in the Black Sedan
04-09-2008, 01:48 PM
That's what I think in a nutshell, but apparently some people who own these cars want to sticker them up anyway. It's their choice

04-09-2008, 07:29 PM
Bumper stickers do NOT belong on higher class cars like ours. Place them on a piece of **** car, van, or SUV. Putting any kind of bumper sticker on our cars reduce their "class" factor down to POS beater. Not to mention you ruin your paint.

Realtors like to put their names on the side of their cars. I refuse. I think its tacky and horrid looking. Best part is its usually the ones that suck.

P.S. if you have a sticker from the last presidential race or even 2 races ago. TAKE THE GOD DAMN THINGS OFF!!!!!!!

My car is a POS beater? Sorry about that! I'll ring my butler right away and have him scrape it off immediately!:lol:

Do you mind if I still go cruising through trailer parks looking for fat chicks with it? (heeeeey baby, I've got power windows!) Lol!

Perhaps I should also have the butler clean the dried cow ***** off my work boots before I go have tea and crumpets with the Mayor?

"Higher class"...Geez, it's a Mercury not a Maserati and I'm just a dumb farmboy from "Bootwash" Minnesota. Taking the sticker off isn't going to fool anyone into thinking I'm "high class".

04-09-2008, 07:54 PM
Yeah, I've read the owners manual cover to cover and NO WHERE in the manual did it say it was ok for owners to place stickers on their bumpers. Sorry. I love my car. I'm not defacing it with a sticker.

Does the owners manual mention SS inserts, delete tips, or Zacks CA's? I might be really screwed!

Wow. I can't believe this thread. Really. It was about road rage and how the police are unable to do anything about it. It wasn't about politics. It wasn't about bumper stickers either.

Turns out I catch more "heck" over a 3"x8" peice of tape on MY bumper than the guys that run their cars in the winter and literally blast their MM's with sand and salt. Go figure?

I cleaned the marker off my bumper today with a damp cloth and some elbow grease. All is fine. Hopefully no one is loosing any sleep over my bumper sticker but if you are; chill out. They aren't contagious so your car is still safe and sound.

Tomorrow will be a wonderfull day if you stop worrying about my rear-end. True, the world is coming to an end, but it's not my fault.

I still have the only Marauder in the country with a bumper sticker and that's the way I like it.

04-09-2008, 08:20 PM
I hope you didn't take offense to anything I said. I'm not in favor of bumper stickers, but I do enjoy reading them. I also am not a huge fan, or actually no fan at all of Ann Coulter. I think you have the right to do what ever you wish with your car, and also to support whomever you wish in the form of bumper stickers.

I guess my real problem is with Ann Coulter, not you. The only place I would consider applying her bumper stickers would actually be on the center of my rear tires. That would make each and every burnout something really special.

It is wrong for anyone to alter our cars in any way. I do agree with you on that point.


04-10-2008, 04:18 AM
My car is a POS beater? Sorry about that! I'll ring my butler right away and have him scrape it off immediately!:lol:

Do you mind if I still go cruising through trailer parks looking for fat chicks with it? (heeeeey baby, I've got power windows!) Lol!

Perhaps I should also have the butler clean the dried cow ***** off my work boots before I go have tea and crumpets with the Mayor?

"Higher class"...Geez, it's a Mercury not a Maserati and I'm just a dumb farmboy from "Bootwash" Minnesota. Taking the sticker off isn't going to fool anyone into thinking I'm "high class".

Does the owners manual mention SS inserts, delete tips, or Zacks CA's? I might be really screwed!

Wow. I can't believe this thread. Really. It was about road rage and how the police are unable to do anything about it. It wasn't about politics. It wasn't about bumper stickers either.

Turns out I catch more "heck" over a 3"x8" peice of tape on MY bumper than the guys that run their cars in the winter and literally blast their MM's with sand and salt. Go figure?

I cleaned the marker off my bumper today with a damp cloth and some elbow grease. All is fine. Hopefully no one is loosing any sleep over my bumper sticker but if you are; chill out. They aren't contagious so your car is still safe and sound.

Tomorrow will be a wonderfull day if you stop worrying about my rear-end. True, the world is coming to an end, but it's not my fault.

I still have the only Marauder in the country with a bumper sticker and that's the way I like it.

John, stop now your killing me...:rofl:

Thanks for the good laugh this morning and sorry to hear about your car being vandalized.

04-10-2008, 04:56 AM
Putting a bumper sticker on or not is just a personal preferance, I have one:


Aren Jay
04-10-2008, 10:07 AM
Oh her, I hate her just 3 steps less than that Nancy Grace broad. Boston legal had a great episode of Nancy Grace.

Aren Jay
04-10-2008, 10:08 AM
You should put your bumper sticker not on your bumper but on the inside of your back window.

04-11-2008, 01:23 PM
John sorry to hear about all of that. I had a bumper sticker in my Marauder in 2004 before the election on my rear window that read Republicant 04. I pretty much put it on to piss off the other students at my college and it worked too. ;) I've decieded not to put any more stickers on my car, but my truck had a few on the rear and side windows.

People shouldn't give you a hard time or tell you that you are wrong because your optinon differs from someone elses. Do what you want to your car, say what you want and above all be what you want. I would keep a few extra stickers on my car too if I knew I had potential to have it removed so that's a good move. ;)

Now go clean off that car and slap on a new sticker. Be sure to listen to Johnny Cash when you drive away laughing at the world. :burnout:

04-11-2008, 05:20 PM
Putting a bumper sticker on or not is just a personal preferance, I have one:

Oh snap! I thought I had the only car with a bumper sticker! Good one!

04-11-2008, 05:26 PM
John sorry to hear about all of that. I had a bumper sticker in my Marauder in 2004 before the election on my rear window that read Republicant 04. I pretty much put it on to piss off the other students at my college and it worked too. ;) I've decieded not to put any more stickers on my car, but my truck had a few on the rear and side windows.

People shouldn't give you a hard time or tell you that you are wrong because your optinon differs from someone elses. Do what you want to your car, say what you want and above all be what you want. I would keep a few extra stickers on my car too if I knew I had potential to have it removed so that's a good move. ;)

Now go clean off that car and slap on a new sticker. Be sure to listen to Johnny Cash when you drive away laughing at the world. :burnout:


Hey, if I have to look at Al Franken bumper stickers here, they should at least get to see my Coulter sticker!

Al Franken.....sheeesh.:shake:

BTW, Love the album Dom! Also, your directions got me through Chicago in great time too.