View Full Version : talking and driving and money.

Aren Jay
04-08-2008, 10:23 AM
http://yahoo.workopolis.com/yahoo.aspx?action=Transfer&View=Content/Common/ArticlesDetailView&articleId=lqa20080331File1Arti cle1&lang=EN&theme=yahoo&articleSource=LQA&OldUrl=

04-08-2008, 11:07 AM
http://yahoo.workopolis.com/yahoo.aspx?action=Transfer&View=Content/Common/ArticlesDetailView&articleId=lqa20080331File1Arti cle1&lang=EN&theme=yahoo&articleSource=LQA&OldUrl=
I LOVE it!!

How long have how many of us been demanded to 'multi-task' putting ourselves and others at risk. I have always hated the demands cellular telephony put on 'on-call' workers. If you don't answer while driving, even if unsafe to do so, be ready for an arse chewin by the boss.

I think it would be awesome to see a few precedent cases of company liability and CULPABILITY for forcing/demanding cell phone use while driving. I'd further like to see that responsibility laid directly and punitively at the direct supervisor's feet.

04-08-2008, 11:09 AM
Nothing says you can not pull off the road to answer the phone.

04-08-2008, 11:13 AM
I agree 100%. Had an occassion the other day where I almost got side-swiped by some type of utility truck, simply because the driver was on the phone. He had the phone in his left ear, which pretty much took away his ability to see anything in my lane. Luckily I was in a spot where I could swerve some to my left, punch it, and get around him in time, only to look back at him driving over the line in what would have been the passenger side of my car.

04-08-2008, 11:16 AM
Nothing says you can not pull off the road to answer the phone.

I agree. however:

4 rings to voice mail in a standard ring cadence is 20 seconds. In the vast majority of cases, one does not have 20 seconds to: acknowledge the ring, find a safe place to pull over, pull over and finally answer the phone. Let the boss get voice mail and see if he doesn't have your back side when you DO speak to him.

Sprint/Nextel standardizes the ring to VM at 4. I can't even get to the phone fast enough in the house!!!!

04-08-2008, 11:34 AM
I agree. however:

4 rings to voice mail in a standard ring cadence is 20 seconds. In the vast majority of cases, one does not have 20 seconds to: acknowledge the ring, find a safe place to pull over, pull over and finally answer the phone. Let the boss get voice mail and see if he doesn't have your back side when you DO speak to him.

Sprint/Nextel standardizes the ring to VM at 4. I can't even get to the phone fast enough in the house!!!!

Another reason I do not have a cell phone.

04-08-2008, 02:31 PM
Heck, I used to just yell "Hold On Dangit" into the phone as I fling it towards the passenger seat. Then I pull over. I definitely CANNOT talk and drive.

I got a Bluetooth headset couple years ago, now the phone stays on my belt and I just fling the headset into the passenger seat till I get pulled over.

Aren Jay
04-09-2008, 09:23 PM
I drove through a red light to prevent being rear ended by a guy in a company pickup talking on the phone. He saw me at the last moment and changed lanes but he would have clipped me if I didn't run the light.

He stopped but slid half way through the intersection.

I used to hate having the subaru place guys pick me up, they were contantly driving on the phone while writting down addresses to pick people up.

I myself have my phone in my pocket, turned off.