View Full Version : dazed & confused sighting....

08-15-2003, 08:05 PM
I got back from Dallas tonight and instead of driving right home, i just had to go to the office. When I returned to the parking lot I couldn't figure out what was wrong with my remote door unlock button. Then I looked at the tags and lo and behold, the Marauder was from New Jersey!! It was parked on the same floor on the same ramp, just a different side.

Whoever owns this car - I am guessing - is staying at The Palmer House Hotel - which is adjacent to the parking lot. I left a few Slowpoke calling cards on the windsheild; lets see if the owner turns up somewhere.

Now I am back home with a freshly burped baby.

Life is good...

08-15-2003, 09:40 PM
Welcome back... having a kid changed my outlook to travel in a nasty way, myself...

I had a similar situation back in 1995. I was headed out to where my GTA was parked, at work, in order to bring it around to the front of the office building. My wife (then girlfriend) was headed home (Sweden) for what we thought was for good (we met when she came to Canada on a brief 3 month assignment from the home office). So needless to say the mood was sombre and I wasn't thinking clearly.

I approached "my" black 1987 GTA and took out my keys. Damned key wouldn't go all the way in the keyhole on the driver's door. *sigh* Not only am I in a bad mood to begin with, but my damned car is acting up again, the piece of crap! So I fiddled with the key for the longest time, stressed that my wife (GF) was waiting out front with all her luggage. Never occurred to me to try the passenger's door, so I kept attacking the driver's door keyhole with increased intensity and rage.

I took a step back to assess my options, and noticed a rusty dent on the driver's door just above the keyhole. Oh great!!! Someone tried to break into my car!!! Wait... since when do dents rust within 2 hours or so, since I last saw my car?

At this point, I'm kind of having an out-of-body experience, not knowing what's going on. I stepped back and raised my head a bit and spotted the antenna on the front fender was extended... only it was a black fixed unit, not my metal power antenna. WTF? Wait.. this ain't my car...

I look above the roofline and immediately spot another black GTA sitting right next to it.

Another employee in the company had a black 1987 GTA (with much higher mileage, and a lower option content) and although he usually parked in the lot serving another building in our campus, he was at my building that day and took advantage of an empty spot beside my own car. Even the front wheels were turned the same way.

I guess it was revenge for almost having caused his GF to break up with him, in 1993. She was at my building after hours taking a french lesson, I was parked out front, she thought it was her boyfriend that had come to wait for her. After her course was over, she comes out, I'm long gone, she gets pissed off, goes home ready to kick his behind and leave him, and meanwhile the poor bastard is still back at HIS office with his car still at his usual parking spot, waiting for her to call him when her course was over!

Donny Carlson
08-15-2003, 11:17 PM
Here's another out of body experience, but with a little different twist.

Until a couple of years ago, license plates in Alabama stayed with the car when you sold it or traded it in. I came out of the post office one afternoon, went up to my Isuzu Trooper in the lot, and the key wouldn't fit. In fact, I didn't have the right key. WTF? I thought, did I pick up somebody's keys by mistake? This was my trooper, all right - had the same dealer name on the back, and it was my plates.... then I looked at the row behind the Trooper and saw my new Silverado pickup and realized this was my TRADE that had been sold to somebody in the neighborhood.

Bonus story - passed the Trooper - which was FLAWLESS when I traded it in (Bright Red, new Bridgestone offroad tires, custom wheels) two weeks later and it had been sideswiped, tore to complete heck. :eek:

08-16-2003, 06:07 AM
Originally posted by ColePerformance
Back Already?.................how was the Party?



I went to Dallas to see a major account... and of course to have a drink with Logan!