View Full Version : I almost caught the truck theves!

04-11-2008, 01:55 PM
I was walking home last night and I saw the car that the theves arrived in to steal my truck. I saw that 2003 Olds Aurora black with two guys in it, laughing, short hair, seats halfway back with hoodies on... gangbangers. The only people who would be interested in a truck like mine. I noticed they also had brand new rims on their car. I chased the car, but I couldn't catch them dispite that they were stopped at a red light. :mad2: I caught a little of the plate, but all I have is pretty much a confirm on the car and the people.

They must have been looking for something else to steal. I'm going to foward this info the some big dogs in the city and see what happens. Their car is one of 500 ever built, the car has an IL tag with just numbers with three in the begining and four in the end. I know of the race of the people too. So I'll see what I can do about this.

I called the police to report it, but they told me to call a detective. F-ing useless!!! These were the guys!

I'm never gonna give up. :uzi:

04-11-2008, 02:50 PM
Give it up. The Truck is gone. If you attempt a confrontation, you will be buried.

End of story.... now move on!



04-11-2008, 03:41 PM
Some things are best left alone.

04-11-2008, 03:57 PM
But umm is any of this going to get the truck back?

04-11-2008, 03:59 PM
Some things are best left alone.

This is not one of those things.

04-11-2008, 04:41 PM
If your going to track these people down you better carry some heat and dont go alone.

04-11-2008, 04:51 PM
This is not one of those things.

Like Steve said, you don't know the type of people you're dealing with. Is your life or anyone else's worth a truck?

04-11-2008, 05:24 PM
I never said I was going to take care of this solo, but seems like cops don't care about grand theft auto. I really don't know the first thing when it comes to deal with problems like this on my own, that's why I want Gordons company for this one. ;)

04-11-2008, 05:42 PM
Some things are best left alone.

Let a sleeping dog lie.

Seriously, what are you going to do if/when you confront these "gangbangers"? Say hey, you guys stole my truck, and they laugh and say yeah.

end of story. It wouldn't make a difference.

If in fact these are the people that stole your beloved blazer, do as the police said and contact a detective. You won't solve it yourself Mr. Mcgruff.

People aren't always as they appear. Because the way they were dressed and riding, they're "gangbangers". The fact that they were out for a cruise means they were stealing? come on.:alone:

04-11-2008, 05:50 PM
If you saw the video you would understand. These are the people.

04-11-2008, 06:02 PM
Just be careful. If they are the thieves, and if they are gangbangers, they may not hesitate to kill if confronted.

04-11-2008, 06:09 PM
I think there is a misunderstanding here... I am not going to track these guys down myself. I want to pass off the info to someone who can help, someone who does this for a living that works for the police force. I am just kinda surprized on how little the local guys are helping... if anything you guys have been the most helpful and I never expected what some of you guys did for me.

Like I said I want to pass this info off to someone and have them help me the right way. In no way did I have an intention of tracking them down and confronting them.... that is really stupid and I have no experience with dealing with gangbangers. Even if I did, I wouldn't go without a handful of people I know.

This is really frustrating. :mad2:

04-11-2008, 06:56 PM
Don't end up where they are eventually going, or turn into them. Stay above them. Fate will catch up to them.

04-11-2008, 09:37 PM
Karma is a mo-fo.

04-11-2008, 10:14 PM
If your going to track these people down you better carry some heat and dont go alone.

Don't follow this advice...

Was it the same guy you invited in to "hang out" that night?

Da Dark Jedi
04-12-2008, 12:16 AM
With so many high school youths being shoot and killed this year alone, a new police chief who just made major changes in command & rank by demotion. The city is paying MILLIONS of dolllars on police misconduct alone. You want people to think that CPD is going to Stop their on going case to pursue a 18yr old truck, you're full of jokes (Grard Theft auto).

Now here's my questions!

1) Since you have sooo much info pertaining to the case, why not turn it over to the INS company and let them handle it?

2) Why aren't you working with INS company?

2) You do have FULL coverage RIGHT?

3) How the H*** do you know they're "GB's" are you connected to any set?

4) It's close to 30 days if you ain't got it check the junk yards because it's spare parts now!!! Thats the only reason it was stolen?

Now here's the BIGGE!!!

What value do your INS COMPANY put on it? I've seen the truck $500-800 at best. Since you want to "Keep it real".

And being from a family of LEO's and Fire Chiefs THEY DO CARE, just not on a very old truck. Right now they're trying to save LIVES.

Da Dark Jedi
04-12-2008, 12:24 AM
Sorry forgot to mention a friend just had his 06 Infiniti FX 35 stolen, it's been 30 days his INS paid a nice price to him for his loss. He's mad that they first investigated him, but now he's upgrading.

It's hard to believe you call yourself a man and you're crying on this forum like a child whose mama just to his milk bottle away.


04-12-2008, 07:59 AM
[QUOTE= Their car is one of 500 ever built [/QUOTE]

I think the most important question is....Their car is one of 500 ever built????

04-12-2008, 08:22 AM
Sorry Dom, The truck is a lost cause as much as I can agree that you want revenge and hope you get your truck back, the reality is that its most likely scrapped and you will end up loosing a lot more if you decide to trail these people.
Its life in the big city and it sucks, I've experienced it myself, I woke up and found a guy with his head in the window of my truck stealing my radio and another guy standing their as a lookout, I yelled out and watched them run away. Out of anger I ran downstairs started my truck to chase them and most likely would have ran them down if I saw them. I was pissed for weeks over it but I moved on and realized I would have been in jail if I mowed them down. The few seconds of satisfaction would have turned into a life of agony.

Mike Poore
04-12-2008, 08:25 AM
Why not hire a private dick? If you spend about the same as the insurance company's gonna pay, you're not out anything. I'd think you have enough info to track the bastages down, if you turned it over to a competant investigator.

Once you know who they are .....spend a little more, if you catch my drift.:gangster:

04-12-2008, 08:48 AM
I never said I was going to take care of this solo, but seems like cops don't care about grand theft auto. I really don't know the first thing when it comes to deal with problems like this on my own, that's why I want Gordons company for this one. ;)

Dom, when we were talking in Kentucky, I mentioned something to you. You told me in school some kids were picking on you, you told someone and it stopped. Contact the same person and let them deal with it, especially if it is gang-bangers. Those people and gb do not get along.

That is what you get for $20.

Stay safe and remember 'family' is 'family'.

Da Dark Jedi
04-12-2008, 01:18 PM
Dom, when we were talking in Kentucky, I mentioned something to you. You told me in school some kids were picking on you, you told someone and it stopped. Contact the same person and let them deal with it, especially if it is gang-bangers. Those people and gb do not get along.

That is what you get for $20.

Stay safe and remember 'family' is 'family'.

Man, this is Chi-Town, "those people" are GB's". Dom must have cash cause he ain't got COURAGE. To post up how Dom got played like a Bi**h in school is wrong. 10yrs ago me & the wife watch a teenager walk up on another one and flat out took his life, a passer-by thought he was gonna play the hero role and almost lost his when the youth put the gun in his face. As the young man lie dead in the streets 2 seniors walk up and knew the kid they said "that he got what he deserve", life in the city ain't no LOVE.

In high school a guy tried to play me as a PUNK, in front of my lady, to him in the boys room and BEAT HIS A**! I'm from a family of 7 we handle our biz. Dom handle yours! You live in the Lincoln Park area they won't help you, hell the girls on the South & West side are sticking up people.

Man do you get played in front of the ladies. This is grown folk forum and you post as a 12yr old. And you would'nt know a "Gang-Banger"! The kids you see are "Wankster's", wanna be's, I see them daily. Real GB's already put in work, you see the blood stains and dirt under the nails. Hack you can't get in the annual "Player & Pimps ball". Yes we have them yearly. To all that think I'm alittle "hard" you're right I Love city life, when you walk out that door I keep my head on a swivel. As we say "If you can't stoomp with the men, than keep your A** in the house"!

04-12-2008, 01:54 PM
Hire the A-Team.... They love it when a plan comes together.... of course then they will probably turn your missing truck into some sort of war machine and shoot all sorts of bullets an yet no one will ever get shot or die.... that B.A. guy kills me...

04-12-2008, 04:24 PM
I don't know you from anything, but I will say this. If you are not prepared to take the confrontation full circle (you figure out what I mean) if it comes to that, then leave the turds alone. I am the type that I do not let things like this go. I do not recommend biting off more than you can chew. I also would hate to hear you got hurt. Just know that I feel your concern and understand completely. Pick your battles wisely. I'll probably get flamed for saying this, but it is what it is. If something takes you to that point and you get "satisfaction", never post or speak of it. Enough said. Most importantly, this should be a lesson that leads you to get trained to take care of yourself. I learned a while ago that my favorite weapon is the one the other guy brings to the fight. (not trying to sound tough) Just as well you turn your rage into a good learning experience and go start learning. :cool:

04-12-2008, 06:20 PM
why were you walking? did they steal the MM too?

04-12-2008, 10:17 PM
Naa I take the L around Chicago during the week. Believe me I know a GB when I see one... I went to school with them, I was friends with a few too. The people that helped me in high school had names to work by, I have no names. Da Dark Jedi you clearly have no understanding of what a car can mean to someone. I posted looking for advice, not for you to rub it in my face that my truck is gone and I am a cry baby for being upset... this has never happened to you I'm guessing. Have someone kidnap your mom and than have someone tell you to quit being upset about it see how it feels... this thing means more to me than most people and my parents were not the nicest people to me earlier in my life so it was more important to me... sad yes, but true.

I'll get it back, I'll make sure those theves get what they deserve. It'll be back in my hands soon listening to some good old Doo Wop while roaring the open headers... mmmmmmm. :burnout:

Da Dark Jedi
04-13-2008, 12:25 AM
I had my car stolen on graduation night, the gun put dead in my head. Two older brithers of mine were BS's(Blackstone Ranger). My mother's older brother was police sargent at the time, I got the car back in less than 24hrs. I was connected back then. When my wheels was stolen family members said I had gotten soft at my age. They're right I don't heal as fast. I put the word out about my wheels and a unfortunate incident occured two weeks later, I'm VERY SORRY I did it that way. I've been shot, stabed, two concusions, jaw fractured mouth wired shut for two months sipping food through straws. I put in work, if you called those WANKSTER'S wanna be gangsters "GB's" why were they hanging with you? Did you slap box after school, wrestle on a team, no you did their homework thats your association. I grew up in Englewood (to people who wants to know Englewood has the second highest murder rate in the US), I had a pass because of my family's rep at the time. When I had a gun held to my head I swore I would NEVER get played like a PUNK, SISSY, WUSS or a BI**H again (didn't have my head on a swivel). You had a sorry life if you can put "kidnapping a mother" as the same as a car. If you can make sure the thieves "Get served" you would have gotten the truck back already. Or, somebody is in some ICU somewhere, thats connected. You would not have posted in this forum "Oh somebody help me my 18yr old truck was stolen".

This is not "rubbing it in your face" , this is making sure you step up and be adult about this matter. I hope you get strapped and find the PUNKS, put them in a grave or ICU. But understand, what goes around comes around. "Crybaby" no, acting like a B***h yes!

Oh since you from the city bring folks mom in a conversation like this would get you HURT, DON'T do this again! You don't know S*** ABOUT MY FAMILY so DON'T mention my mother!!!

04-13-2008, 06:00 AM


http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=DETECTIVES+for+hire+in+chica go&btnG=Search

04-13-2008, 06:04 AM
Da Dark,
Shut it off man. This is a friendly forum. I don't post a lot, just asking you to bring it up a level. The guy is venting and thats OK. No need to take anything personal. He obviously has a great deal of feelings for his ride. Whatever, not for me to question that. You would be surprised what I have been driven to hurt someone over. I bet you are the same way with some things. Right? You sound like you have some Street Smarts and are in the same area. Is it possible you can help him? Put the word out in your contacts? Just a thought.:)

Da Dark Jedi
04-13-2008, 07:33 AM
Da Dark,
Shut it off man. This is a friendly forum. I don't post a lot, just asking you to bring it up a level. The guy is venting and thats OK. No need to take anything personal. He obviously has a great deal of feelings for his ride. Whatever, not for me to question that. You would be surprised what I have been driven to hurt someone over. I bet you are the same way with some things. Right? You sound like you have some Street Smarts and are in the same area. Is it possible you can help him? Put the word out in your contacts? Just a thought.:)

Dude you DON'T know me. SO don't play me like a PUNK or SISSY, I been looking on this forum since day 1 in 2002. I know what this forums is about, so don't talk down to me, I kept it friendly, BUT I don't like ANYBODY calling out my MOM, saying what happens if she is kidnap... In my HOOD then way the streets are Dom would have his BUTT STOOMPED PERIOD. You DON'T talk about peoples MOM's. Bring it up to what level? You chose to butt in, then stick your thumb in his mouth, and tell him to pm the people who may take the time to worry about his problem. No I wouldn't be surprise what you may have done in the past. Do you compare your mothers Love to a truck, I hope not. I seen off duty cops put a bullet in the chest of other men for talking to their ex's. Did you come running home cause you got pick on. S*** happens all across this country and no man is continually crying over an 18yr old truck. Did you notice how I said "man". Please, if I even ask anybody for help on an 18yr old truck they'll try and B***h slap me everyday I walk down the streets. This city has 14-20yr old walking down the streets with pitbulls, police won't do a thing until they break the law. Dom is a GROWN MAN he say he knows these "WANKSTERS" because he went to school with them and hung with'em ( these types of low lifes). Than he should be MAN enough to deal with them in what manner he so choses. He post crying, venting, you say it and move on. He's walking around with his head up his A**, than he should move to the burbs.Then he states "My parents weren't nice to me in my early years" please he got feed a roof over his head and clothes on his back, heat in the winter. Crap just cause he didn't get the toys he wanted?!

A PIECE of property means more to him then his blood (mother & father). He already states that. READ his comments. His MOM is a good person his father is a hard worker, I don't need to meet them to praise them. If he's man enough to say how they were "not nice to him" as a young person in any public board he doesn't deserve the decency he's getting. My mother TOOK us to chruch every Sunday, when we would go to grand parents house , Big MAMA had us read the the GOOD BOOK (Bible) on a Saturday morning, I thought that was mean thing to do, my father worked 2 jobs to feed seven ( 5 boys & 2 girls) children. He won't say how much his INS company will pay him for it. I know it's nobodys business, but he put this out there. This is the type of CHARECTER you defend! I HONOR parents, thats the way I was raised, whatever their faults. I hope people on this board does also.

Like the saying goes "You gotta bring some A** TO get some A**". You should have also notice I said get strapped a put these PUNKs in a ICU unit somewhere! But BEWARE what goes aroud comes around! MLK rest his sole got bricked in this city he left stating how violent it is here.

04-13-2008, 07:58 AM
I never said I was going to take care of this solo, but seems like cops don't care about grand theft auto. I really don't know the first thing when it comes to deal with problems like this on my own, that's why I want Gordons company for this one. ;)

The truck was just property. It is not worth your or someone else's life.

04-13-2008, 08:50 AM
I wish I knew everything like you Da Dark. You should get more fiber in your diet so you can clear your mind. I'm out.

Da Dark Jedi
04-13-2008, 09:14 AM
I wish I knew everything like you Da Dark. You should get more fiber in your diet so you can clear your mind. I'm out.

I prey everyday for the good LORDS strength. This is cold cruel world I live in. I show up at funerals to some of the parents I know who lost children to random acts of HATE. I drive with the New Testament Psalms Proverbs in my glove compartment. My mind is clear, my Lord God helps with this, fiber won't do this. I don't "know everything" so don't play me as a child! PEACE BE WITH YOU.

04-13-2008, 07:18 PM
Ok though guy just find my truck to shut me up. If you cannot help, I do not need anyone telling me to give up and quit being upset about it. What I meant by using a mom for an example was someone you cared a lot about. I never meant any offence toward you or anyone. I just don't think you know how much that truck meant to me... actually I think about only three people on this whole form get the picture.

I want justice... is that better. Like I said no one gives a hoot about a 18 year old Chevy, but I'm not no one.

04-13-2008, 07:23 PM
Dominick..... at THIS point... unless you get the truck back, I would not post up about it on THIS Forum.

You did not have it properly insured. It is 18 Yrs old. It has been over a month.

Do the math.....



04-13-2008, 07:52 PM
I prey everyday for the good LORDS strength. This is cold cruel world I live in. I show up at funerals to some of the parents I know who lost children to random acts of HATE. I drive with the New Testament Psalms Proverbs in my glove compartment. My mind is clear, my Lord God helps with this, fiber won't do this. I don't "know everything" so don't play me as a child! PEACE BE WITH YOU.I assume you meant to say that you "pray" everyday, instead of prey. Do you also have a dictionary in that glove compartment?

04-13-2008, 09:06 PM
Do the math.....



This doesn't add up to my liking.

Da Dark Jedi
04-13-2008, 09:39 PM
I assume you meant to say that you "pray" everyday, instead of prey. Do you also have a dictionary in that glove compartment?

That's the best you can do! :censor:

04-14-2008, 07:20 AM
That's the best you can do! :censor:Yep, because that's all of my time you get. I won't allow you to hijack Motorhead350's original post by further discussions with me. Have a nice :censor: day!

04-14-2008, 10:16 AM
I won't spend much time either.

Play nice Gentlemen..


04-14-2008, 10:50 AM
Why does this happen whenever I give an update on this situation? I guess I'll have to stop...

04-14-2008, 02:33 PM
The point is not that it is an 18 year old thing so who cares, and let them have it. Its a matter of principle. I would be enraged if someone took my old lincoln, not because its that amazing of a car, but because it's mine and whoever thinks they can get away with ****ing with my things would be dead wrong. PERIOD.

So Dom, like I said before, screw everyone and do what you gotta do, but obviously try in be smart about it.

04-14-2008, 03:32 PM
e-thugz keepin' it real y'all


(sorry i had to)

04-14-2008, 04:21 PM
The point is not that it is an 18 year old thing so who cares, and let them have it. Its a matter of principle. I would be enraged if someone took my old lincoln, not because its that amazing of a car, but because it's mine and whoever thinks they can get away with ****ing with my things would be dead wrong. PERIOD.

So Dom, like I said before, screw everyone and do what you gotta do, but obviously try in be smart about it.

Well said. I agree 100%. My rules are simple keep your hands off my *****. Period. I don't have to be any more clear to those who make me feel uncomfortable. I'm nice when I meet people, but until I know you, I'm thinking of 100 ways to kill you if you get stupid and try to hurt my family or me. My stuff might just get you hurt bad, but that depends on how you respond to the punishment. (BTW, "You" in this post isnt directed to anyone in particular. So dont get sensitive.)

04-14-2008, 04:49 PM
The point is not that it is an 18 year old thing so who cares, and let them have it. Its a matter of principle. I would be enraged if someone took my old lincoln, not because its that amazing of a car, but because it's mine and whoever thinks they can get away with ****ing with my things would be dead wrong. PERIOD.

So Dom, like I said before, screw everyone and do what you gotta do, but obviously try in be smart about it.

Well said. I agree 100%. My rules are simple keep your hands off my *****. Period. I don't have to be any more clear to those who make me feel uncomfortable. I'm nice when I meet people, but until I know you, I'm thinking of 100 ways to kill you if you get stupid and try to hurt my family or me. My stuff might just get you hurt bad, but that depends on how you respond to the punishment. (BTW, "You" in this post isnt directed to anyone in particular. So dont get sensitive.)
agreed :uzi:

04-14-2008, 04:56 PM
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by ChiTownMaraud3r http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?p=605957#post60 5957)
The point is not that it is an 18 year old thing so who cares, and let them have it. Its a matter of principle. I would be enraged if someone took my old lincoln, not because its that amazing of a car, but because it's mine and whoever thinks they can get away with ****ing with my things would be dead wrong. PERIOD.

So Dom, like I said before, screw everyone and do what you gotta do, but obviously try in be smart about it.
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by ryanstickney1 http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/showthread.php?p=605987#post60 5987)
Well said. I agree 100%. My rules are simple keep your hands off my *****. Period. I don't have to be any more clear to those who make me feel uncomfortable. I'm nice when I meet people, but until I know you, I'm thinking of 100 ways to kill you if you get stupid and try to hurt my family or me. My stuff might just get you hurt bad, but that depends on how you respond to the punishment. (BTW, "You" in this post isnt directed to anyone in particular. So dont get sensitive.)
agreed :uzi:

...and this is all I needed to read.

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