View Full Version : Ridiculous Driving behaviors:

04-16-2008, 12:07 PM
I know that this might lead to some flaming or heated discussions, but please stay civil.
Add your observations from your driving experiences.

How long is your chain?...

Three seconds is rule-of-thumb when going 55mph. Yet at lights, people think that you need to wait at least three seconds to proceed to follow driver in front of them through an intersection. Many times this causes only a scant few to make it through an intersection.
As you observe this behavior, it looks as if the cars have 30 to 40 ft. of invisible chain between them.

4th slowest leads the race…

A very strange phenomenon where you are in the left lane and approaching a traffic light changing to red. As the four cars in the right lane just ahead of you approach, driver #4 thinks he can have a clear shot in the empty lane, sometimes cutting you off as they jump over. Once the light changes green you can watch the slowest race on earth as the driver #4 accelerates and drives at the exact same speed as the lead vehicle in the right lane. You of course cannot pass at all. They were driver#4 in the right lane for a reason.
This happens all of the time! I was able to get in front of driver#4 on a different occasion only to see the same slow race in the rearview mirror.
If you recognize yourself being as driver#4, stay in your slow lane!

I’m not THAT slow…

See also "Granny Racer" & "Interstate Jam" below.

Drivers seeing a large vehicle, such as truck, in the right lane, moving to the left only to end up going the exact same speed as that truck right next to them. This happens all of the time.

Let’s share bumpers…

Changing into lane quickly in front of a slowpoke getting as close as possible while doing it. I guess this will show them!

"Check please!"…
See also "It's all the Rage"
Brake check from someone who thinks that you wronged them.

Leader of the pack…

Drivers who think that they need to be the lead car in any traffic situation. Passing them on the right even leads to a race! Then you have the pack following them, not willing to pass on the right.

Hurry to go slow…

You know the kind; they pull out in front of you in a hurry, and then let off the gas once in the lane regardless of the traffic flow speed! This must be a grey hair thing, they do this most often. Sometimes it is teen drivers who are just learning. My Mother-in-Law did this once while I was with her. I was actually fearful for my life with her driving.


04-16-2008, 12:16 PM
</B>Turning left, five or more miles ahead...

How many times have you followed someone who just would not move the right, even when the road is clear? Only to notice that they eventually turn left, many miles from where you first noticed them in the passing lane.

Interstate jam…

Not to be confused with any disco dances, but where everyone wants to go fast, yet no one actually can because they congest the left two lanes. Many times I go to the far right and quite easily pass the group of fools.

Panic button…

If you get too close to them, even staying in your own lane, they lay on the horn!


Not the Japanese craze of racing, but rather the inattentive driving while doing anything and everything but driving.

Just leave me alone…

Did you ever notice, no matter how remote of a parking area with just one car, someone always parks close to you? How about how close they park to your car!
Same effect occurs when you drive on a lonely road; someone catches up behind you, yet once behind you, they slow to your speed and never pass.

Double trouble…

Double parking even when there is at least one or more spaces right next to the car that they stop at. Then they leave their headlights on to blind you as you try to get around them.

That’s MY spot…

You’re the new guy at work or just visiting a business or a friend and you park in someone’s unofficial parking spot. They either park you in or park as close as physically possible to your car in an effort to let you know that this was their spot.


Please leave this for the ball parks! Pass or back off! I was doing 80mph passing people and some idiot wants to tailgate, indicating that he wants to be in front of me. Once I let them pass, they slow down causing me to unintentionally tailgate them. On another occasion, I move to the right when clear and they continue to tailgate in the right lane. HUH? Just leave me alone (see above).

It’s all the rage…

A Road rage experience, why does someone think that they need to cause any kind of minor situation to become much worse is beyond me.

Free for all…

A toll booth being equivalent to a greyhound track starting gate. I can hear the announcer in my mind "and they’re off!" Ten cars racing for two lanes, comical to say the least.

What a blast!…

You give an inattentive driver who is sitting in front of you at a green light a friendly tap on the horn only to have them get alongside or behind you once moving and then they lay on the horn!

Going my way?...

Ever have anyone follow you home? What’s up with that? I intentionally go away from home, then circle about to see if they are in fact following me or not. This happened to me once when I flashed my lights at someone to show that theirs were not on.

Granny racer…

Having an obviously old lady holding back traffic in the passing lane. As you proceed to pass on the right, they decide they want to race you. So you back off, not wanting to cause any trouble only to have them do the same. So you go to pass again, and the race continues. This happens quite often.

Me too…

You’re stopped at a red light, you notice to your right a driver exiting a business. When the light changes to green, you allow that driver to go in front of you. The next driver leaving the same business assumes that the offer is extended to them also and proceeds to jump in front of you. Now the third driver gets ticked off when you don’t allow them to go also. Keep in mind, they are not part of a funeral procession, yet they act as if they were in one. So sorry to be rude, but if your leaving a business and someone is behind you, I won’t let you go in front of me.

Ready or not, here I come…

Drivers who are merging with highway traffic that don’t yield and proceed to cut you off.

Arrow isn’t green…

A green arrow expires, yet you still have a green light. The driver in front of you decides that they cannot turn left, regardless of how clear the opposing traffic has become.

04-16-2008, 12:47 PM
Good luck replying to this thread if you're running IE7. :baaa:

04-16-2008, 12:51 PM
I can see in Firefox if it gives people troulbe copy the text into Notepad that will convert it to plaintext then paste it back in - may need to reformat it just a tad (Add a space or two, rebold headings) but then it'll be in Forum format

04-16-2008, 01:16 PM
Breadfan, thanks for the tip, does it work right now?

04-16-2008, 01:22 PM
Still looks a bit funky how about this:

How long is your chain?...

Three seconds is rule-of-thumb when going 55mph. Yet at lights, people think that you need to wait at least three seconds to proceed to follow driver in front of them through an intersection. Many times this causes only a scant few to make it through an intersection.
As you observe this behavior, it looks as if the cars have 30 to 40 ft. of invisible chain between them.

4th slowest leads the race…

A very strange phenomenon where you are in the left lane and approaching a traffic light changing to red. As the four cars in the right lane just ahead of you approach, driver #4 thinks he can have a clear shot in the empty lane, sometimes cutting you off as they jump over. Once the light changes green you can watch the slowest race on earth as the driver #4 accelerates and drives at the exact same speed as the lead vehicle in the right lane. You of course cannot pass at all. They were driver#4 in the right lane for a reason.
This happens all of the time! I was able to get in front of driver#4 on a different occasion only to see the same slow race in the rearview mirror.
If you recognize yourself being as driver#4, stay in your slow lane!

I’m not THAT slow…

See also "Granny Racer" & "Interstate Jam" below.

Drivers seeing a large vehicle, such as truck, in the right lane, moving to the left only to end up going the exact same speed as that truck right next to them. This happens all of the time.

Let’s share bumpers…

Changing into lane quickly in front of a slowpoke getting as close as possible while doing it. I guess this will show them!

"Check please!"…

See also "It's all the Rage"
Brake check from someone who thinks that you wronged them.

Leader of the pack…

Drivers who think that they need to be the lead car in any traffic situation. Passing them on the right even leads to a race! Then you have the pack following them, not willing to pass on the right.

Hurry to go slow…

You know the kind; they pull out in front of you in a hurry, and then let off the gas once in the lane regardless of the traffic flow speed! This must be a grey hair thing, they do this most often. Sometimes it is teen drivers who are just learning. My Mother-in-Law did this once while I was with her. I was actually fearful for my life with her driving.

As for your second post, since you changed it I can highlight the text but cannot copy it (via right click/copy or even directly via ctrl-c)...dunno why...

04-16-2008, 01:33 PM
OK, removed text formatting. Sorry for any problems here. Thanks again Breadfan for your help.

04-16-2008, 01:36 PM
OK, removed text formatting. Sorry for any problems here. Thanks again Breadfan for your help.

No problem looks good!

Stranger in the Black Sedan
04-16-2008, 02:00 PM
Changing into lane quickly in front of a slowpoke getting as close as possible while doing it. I guess this will show them!

I do this. Don't drive slow in the fast lane, plain and simple.

That’s MY spot…

You’re the new guy at work or just visiting a business or a friend and you park in someone’s unofficial parking spot. They either park you in or park as close as physically possible to your car in an effort to let you know that this was their spot.

Done that too. There was a guy double parking in my apt complex which hogged a space near where I wanted to park, w/ his new 6 cyl 05+ mustang, so I parked so close he had to get in the passenger's side. Hey, he never double parked or parked anywhere near that side of the lot again.

Gotta have a little fun w/ people sometimes

04-16-2008, 02:11 PM
I do this. Don't drive slow in the fast lane, plain and simple.

I should have been more clear, this "slowpoke" was in the right lane already. It was my wife, driving +/- 5 mph of the speed limit. She stayed in the right lane the whole trip. Some bonehead came up behind her quickly, tailgated for a short time, then passed in said idiot manner.

Stranger in the Black Sedan
04-16-2008, 02:15 PM
Yeah that is worse. I have fun blocking people who try to do super high speed right lane swooping passes like you are describing. I speed up just enough from a lane over to the left to block and they have to hitthe brakes. Car tetris.

04-16-2008, 02:17 PM
Done that too. There was a guy double parking in my apt complex which hogged a space near where I wanted to park, w/ his new 6 cyl 05+ mustang, so I parked so close he had to get in the passenger's side. Hey, he never double parked or parked anywhere near that side of the lot again.

Gotta have a little fun w/ people sometimesI would never do that, out of fear that when I came back to my car, it would be keyed or vandalized. I think that would just irritate someone, and there are lots of folks out there who don't appreciate their own car, let alone yours.

I do however, park my Marauder some distance away from where I'm going, and often take up two spaces.

04-16-2008, 02:56 PM
"Check please!"…
See also "It's all the Rage"
Brake check from someone who thinks that you wronged them.
I tried this one once. I had someone tailgating me for some time with some really bright lights I changed lanes and they did too. So I got fed up and did a little brake check. Then the Blue and reds light up on top of the car.oops Yea it was a cop. I was not speeding or doing anything wrong but got 2 tickets 1 for tint 2 for fog lights being mounted too low (even though they were not on at the time) He was pretty pissed off and I was about 10yrs younger at the time. I told him I thought he was just some ********* that was tailgating me. The funny thing is I was right he just happened to be driving a cop car at that time.

Blk Mamba
04-16-2008, 03:27 PM
I hate inconsiderate a--holes anyway, but when they get in a car, and prove that they can not drive, courteously I feel like showing them the ditch, regardless who's mother, grandmother, daughter, uncle, Etc. they are!!!!

Stranger in the Black Sedan
04-16-2008, 04:31 PM
I would never do that, out of fear that when I came back to my car, it would be keyed or vandalized. I think that would just irritate someone, and there are lots of folks out there who don't appreciate their own car, let alone yours.

I knew this guy was a little punk and wouldn't do anything about it. I agree a lot of other people would do otherwise.

Double parking just invites someone to do something stupid to your car. I park very far away but not blocking 2 spaces. In my younger years, if I saw some guys BMW double parked in the mall, I would park one of my 70s POS muscle cars a foot off the door. My cars were like 8 colors so what was someone going to do to my car. LOL

04-16-2008, 04:59 PM
The worst is when someone cuts right out in front of you and go like 3 mph, and then you look in your rearview mirror and there's not another car in sight behind you, they can't wait 1.5 seconds for you to go by, but take 20 minutes to get up to speed.

04-16-2008, 05:28 PM
How about the idiot holding up traffic in the left lane of a highway then 200 ft before an exit he cuts over to get off. The worst part is he's not moving any faster than either of the right lanes.

Blk Mamba
04-16-2008, 05:56 PM
How about the A hole that pulls out in front of you just to turn off 200 feet down the road, and there isn't another car in sight.

04-16-2008, 07:07 PM
The last three posts must be the same driver. He sure gets around, LOL!

Sorry that this happened to you, but you got to admit, it sure is funny...

I tried this one once. I had someone tailgating me for some time with some really bright lights I changed lanes and they did too. So I got fed up and did a little brake check. Then the Blue and reds light up on top of the car.oops Yea it was a cop. I was not speeding or doing anything wrong but got 2 tickets 1 for tint 2 for fog lights being mounted too low (even though they were not on at the time) He was pretty pissed off and I was about 10yrs younger at the time. I told him I thought he was just some ********* that was tailgating me. The funny thing is I was right he just happened to be driving a cop car at that time.[/quote]

So.... are you admitting to be the "Leader of the pack" or the "Granny Racer"?

[quote=VicsEvilBrother;606691]... I have fun blocking people who try to do super high speed right lane swooping passes like you are describing. I speed up just enough from a lane over to the left to block and they have to hitthe brakes. Car tetris.

Aren Jay
04-16-2008, 08:57 PM
Sounds like the I drive bad don't get in my way club.

If I'm cruising along at the speed limit and have cruise control on, I wait until I can't anymore and slowly pass the truck, rv or slow poke who is driving in front of me. If you have to slow down (because you are speeding) because I'm passing a slower truck/car/rv etc... too bad for you.

I don't speed, nor do i always go exactly the limit posted speed, I drive where I am comfortable. Personally I don't care how fast you are going or how fast you can go, I drive where I am comfortable.

The left lane is not the speeders lane, it is for passing those who are not comfortable driving at the limit.

If someone is driving slow but speeds up for a hill, I am not going to start speeding to pass them so you can keep speeding. I will sit beside them until I'm ready to pass them particularly when a hill is up ahead. I will eventually pull to the right. But if you are speeding, turn your flashing lights on or too bad.

3 second rule is an old rule that does not take technological advancement into account. Doesn't mean I don't follow it generally, but i don't follow it all the time.

Driving less than the limit means you don't have to follow someone close.

For tailgaters. Turn your tail lights on or start going slower. Yes they may brake check you but then you take their picture, they quickly speed off.

Idiots do not need you to police them unless they directly effect you.

Pay attention and watch out for talkers. To others or on their phone.

Relax when you drive.

Don't complain when someone isn't breaking the rules and you are. Hopefully you will realise you are in the wrong.

If you don't, well let me point it out, YOU ARE IN THE WRONG!

04-16-2008, 10:05 PM
Sounds like the I drive bad don't get in my way club.

Here, fixed it for you...
Sounds like the "I drive great, too bad these idiots are in my way club."

....The left lane is not the speeders lane, it is for passing those who are not comfortable driving at the limit.

I'm fine with this as long as the *slowpokes stay to the right!

...Don't complain when someone isn't breaking the rules and you are. Hopefully you will realise you are in the wrong.

If you don't, well let me point it out, YOU ARE IN THE WRONG!

I can appreciate your suggestions, but I would like to explain my reasoning of this post topic...

I can understand you assuming that I'm speeding everywhere I go, but I'm really just trying to get to my destination without idiotic delays. I generally travel +/- 10 mph of the speed limit. Obviously, +10 would be when passing.

Your assuming that the drivers I mentioned in the left lane are driving near the limit, this is not the case.

Regardless of the speed limit, I have noticed these "*slowpokes" doing 10-20mph UNDER the speed limit in the LEFT lane at any time of the day. I can understand a truck trudging along at 10-20 under in the right lane, but does that mean that all traffic must to go this speed?

Another example; One night, after midnight, no one but me and another guy for as far as the eye could see, where is he? In the left lane doing 15 under the limit. What makes me laugh is that when I talked to a friend about this, he stated that he NEVER passes on the right. So I would assume that my friend would follow this slow poke in the left lane. Must be nice to have all of that time on your hands.

04-16-2008, 10:11 PM
For tailgaters. Turn your tail lights on or start going slower. Yes they may brake check you but then you take their picture, they quickly speed off.

Do you carry a camera around in your car for this type of situation?

Aren Jay
04-16-2008, 11:49 PM
Do you carry a camera around in your car for this type of situation?

Not always, but I have in the past, not just for this situation. I like taking pictures of places I go.

I will tell you people notice when you take their picture, especially if they are doing something they know they shouldn't.

04-17-2008, 02:10 AM
Sounds like the I drive bad don't get in my way club.

If I'm cruising along at the speed limit and have cruise control on, I wait until I can't anymore and slowly pass the truck, rv or slow poke who is driving in front of me. If you have to slow down (because you are speeding) because I'm passing a slower truck/car/rv etc... too bad for you.

I don't speed, nor do i always go exactly the limit posted speed, I drive where I am comfortable. Personally I don't care how fast you are going or how fast you can go, I drive where I am comfortable.

The left lane is not the speeders lane, it is for passing those who are not comfortable driving at the limit.

If someone is driving slow but speeds up for a hill, I am not going to start speeding to pass them so you can keep speeding. I will sit beside them until I'm ready to pass them particularly when a hill is up ahead. I will eventually pull to the right. But if you are speeding, turn your flashing lights on or too bad.

3 second rule is an old rule that does not take technological advancement into account. Doesn't mean I don't follow it generally, but i don't follow it all the time.

Driving less than the limit means you don't have to follow someone close.

For tailgaters. Turn your tail lights on or start going slower. Yes they may brake check you but then you take their picture, they quickly speed off.

Idiots do not need you to police them unless they directly effect you.

Pay attention and watch out for talkers. To others or on their phone.

Relax when you drive.

Don't complain when someone isn't breaking the rules and you are. Hopefully you will realise you are in the wrong.

If you don't, well let me point it out, YOU ARE IN THE WRONG!
Are you out of your mind!! So when I get cut off, in your theory, I'm in the wrong, you don't have to be speeding to get cut off!! Go take two asprin and lay down, you'll feel better in the morning.

04-17-2008, 03:35 AM
Passing on the right has become so common that I don't think that my local LEO's even care as long as it is done in a safe manner.
I do remember once following a slowpoke in the left lane with an officer behind me, I passed on the right around the slowpoke, and then the officer did the same.

04-17-2008, 03:42 AM
...3 second rule is an old rule that does not take technological advancement into account. Doesn't mean I don't follow it generally, but i don't follow it all the time.

You do the 3 sec. rule and I guarantee you that you will be cut off often! As SD8683 said, you don't have to be speeding to get cut off.

If you think about it, speed limits are the same way!

04-17-2008, 03:48 AM
All this time observing others when perhaps some of the concern lies with the writers and their perceived superior abilities.

04-17-2008, 05:15 AM
The "I'm more important that you" move

You all know this guy, he is the one going from the right lane onto the onramp lane and making it seem like he just got on, and cut in at the last possible moment.

Similar to above ^

This guy pulls onto the right hand shoulder inorder to pass everyone. I guess that is their personal lane. Then when you pull out over and block them they get so pissed it looks like they're going to explode :mad2:

04-17-2008, 05:33 AM
All this time observing others when perhaps some of the concern lies with the writers and their perceived superior abilities.

My superior driving skills, perceived or real, do not change the fact that the bad drivers that I wrote about do indeed exist. Most of what I wrote about is just to vent as they are quite annoying to be around. I literally see at least one of the behaviors on my trip to or from work everyday.

04-17-2008, 05:34 AM
The "I'm more important that you" move

You all know this guy, he is the one going from the right lane onto the onramp lane and making it seem like he just got on, and cut in at the last possible moment.

Similar to above ^

This guy pulls onto the right hand shoulder inorder to pass everyone. I guess that is their personal lane. Then when you pull out over and block them they get so pissed it looks like they're going to explode :mad2:

I see that all the time when I visit NYC area. Surprise, surpise, that's where your from.

04-17-2008, 06:28 AM
How about the A hole that pulls out in front of you just to turn off 200 feet down the road, and there isn't another car in sight.

oooooo i hate that! when someone cuts out infront of you, and there is no one behind you. especially when they just putt along after they smashed the gas to get out there..... thats when i use my strobe lights;)

04-17-2008, 06:35 AM
These offenders are all members of a nationally-recognized organization for this purpose: the Anti-Destination League.

04-17-2008, 06:35 AM
Passing on the right has become so common that I don't think that my local LEO's even care as long as it is done in a safe manner.
I do remember once following a slowpoke in the left lane with an officer behind me, I passed on the right around the slowpoke, and then the officer did the same.

I HATE it... i refuse to do it. passing on the right is only common on city streets here in MA. i will occasionally do it then but not on a freeway.... Sean back me up, you wouldnt understand until you drive in MA how our passing on the right works. City street=ok highways=enforced lol

04-17-2008, 06:57 AM
These offenders are all members of a nationally-recognized organization for this purpose: the Anti-Destination League.

LOL! That's funny.

Just curious, do they have a logo?

Stranger in the Black Sedan
04-17-2008, 07:04 AM
LOL! That's funny.

Just curious, do they have a logo?

I think they have "stained glass window" logos


04-17-2008, 08:16 AM
I HATE it... i refuse to do it. passing on the right is only common on city streets here in MA. i will occasionally do it then but not on a freeway.... Sean back me up, you wouldnt understand until you drive in MA how our passing on the right works. City street=ok highways=enforced lol
Yup, its crazy out here

Dr Caleb
04-17-2008, 11:07 AM
I'm fine with this as long as the *slowpokes stay to the right!

I can appreciate your suggestions, but I would like to explain my reasoning of this post topic...

Regardless of the speed limit, I have noticed these "*slowpokes" doing 10-20mph UNDER the speed limit in the LEFT lane at any time of the day. I can understand a truck trudging along at 10-20 under in the right lane, but does that mean that all traffic must to go this speed?

Another example; One night, after midnight, no one but me and another guy for as far as the eye could see, where is he? In the left lane doing 15 under the limit. What makes me laugh is that when I talked to a friend about this, he stated that he NEVER passes on the right. So I would assume that my friend would follow this slow poke in the left lane. Must be nice to have all of that time on your hands.

The law around here (and I assume most places) is, if you aren't passing someone, you should be in the right lane. Even if you're speeding, it should be in the right lane till you need to pass someone.

In practise, this almost never happens. Especially during crush hours, because there isn't enough room to handle the traffic. So, people drive in both lanes, bumper to bumper, all the time. This become normal for many. Even, as you point out, if they are the only one on the road.

People have forgotten about the 'rules' of the road, and have gone with convention. Seems like the police have too (passing on the right).

I don't ever pass on the right, and it drives people mad. I'll sit behind them till they move. If they aren't going to move, I move to the right lane, and let other people convince them to move. I can be such an ass when I want to be. ;)

Aren Jay
04-17-2008, 09:15 PM
The worst traffic thing everyone forgets is what to do when the traffic light goes out.

It becomes a four way stop.

Not a drive through flooring it.

Not a Four cars one after the other go through.

A four way stop. First there stops then goes, even for turns.

04-18-2008, 06:08 AM
The worst traffic thing everyone forgets is what to do when the traffic light goes out.

It becomes a four way stop.

Not a drive through flooring it.

Not a Four cars one after the other go through.

A four way stop. First there stops then goes, even for turns.
What is sad is that most drivers in my area do not know how to operate a four way stop sign properly.

04-18-2008, 07:29 AM
What is sad is that most drivers in my area do not know how to operate a four way stop sign properly.

it is taught very well here in MA. and if you break the "right of way" then then guy behind you will let you know with his high beams.... and you wont be happy. generally though, most people are pretty generous around here

04-18-2008, 10:54 AM
How long is your chain?...

Three seconds is rule-of-thumb when going 55mph. Yet at lights, people think that you need to wait at least three seconds to proceed to follow driver in front of them through an intersection. Many times this causes only a scant few to make it through an intersection.
As you observe this behavior, it looks as if the cars have 30 to 40 ft. of invisible chain between them.
Chain length (dry road, no precipitation, not on the phone):
Behind a car at a stoplight turning green: 4-10 feet until faster than 25 mph
Urban roads and expressways: 1-2 carlengths
Rural roads and expressways: 3-5 carlengths

04-18-2008, 11:23 AM
Chain length (dry road, no precipitation, not on the phone):
Behind a car at a stoplight turning green: 4-10 feet until faster than 25 mph
Urban roads and expressways: 1-2 carlengths
Rural roads and expressways: 3-5 carlengths

If you wait 3 seconds around my way you'll hear 30 people beepin their horns behind ya, that's if someone hasn't already rearended you!

Aren Jay
04-18-2008, 11:39 AM
Right of way.

In an uncontrolled intersection the person on the right has the right of way.

This applies to parking lots. Although most people do not know this. And those of us who do, know that most people do not.

People on my right think I'm being nice, people on my left honk and swear.

04-18-2008, 12:00 PM
If you wait 3 seconds around my way you'll hear 30 people beepin their horns behind ya, that's if someone hasn't already rearended you!

but you live in Hyde Park.... hell your lucky if someone doesnt rearend you w/o the stop light lol

04-18-2008, 12:39 PM
Yeah, you definitely don't have to be speeding or breaking the law to run in to these other types of drivers. They are definitely out there.

In regards to teh driver that pulls out in front of you and then doesn't get up to speed, especially when there is no other car behind you, this one is even more frustrating on a 4 lane road and they pull in to the lane you are in (left or right). If they felt the strong desire to have to pull out before you pass the least they could have done is not pull in the lane you are already in. Especially when the speed limit is 45+ mph and they won't be up to speed by the time you get to them...

04-18-2008, 01:41 PM
but you live in Hyde Park.... hell your lucky if someone doesnt rearend you w/o the stop light lol
Yeah, no kiddin. Lol

Dr Caleb
04-18-2008, 02:26 PM
Right of way.

In an uncontrolled intersection the person on the right has the right of way.

Or, people turning right. (vs turning left). If people remember the 'on your right' part, they usually forget the 'turning right' part.

Especially, as you say, if traffic lights go out.

generally though, most people are pretty generous around here

Around here too, but they generally turn into idiots when behind the wheel of a car. Or semi (*gulp*) :) especially in the spring. It's a seasonal disorder thing.

04-19-2008, 04:46 AM
I have never heard of a "3-second rule". :rolleyes: I was taught the "2-second rule" or the "1 car length for every 10 mph rule".

At 60 mph, the 2 second rule gives you 176 feet clearance to the car ahead. The old car length rule gives about 120 feet (60/10*20). At 80 mph, these numbers increase to 235 feet and 160 feet, respectively. I suspect that the car length rule is a minimum and that the 2-second rule contains a safety buffer. My natural driving habits put me in about the middle of this range -- at about 1.5 seconds or so.

I feel that 3 seconds is too much. If you need 264 feet to stop your car from 60-0 mph, you better work on reaction times or get new brakes. :P If this is what is being taught now in driver education, they must not know that they just decreased the maximum capacity of any road by 33% since there is more empty space between cars. Its safety overkill -- except for the very timid and insecure driver who probably needs retraining or a bicycle anyway.

I try never to "hang" in the left lane and will always move to the center lane whenever the opportunity presents itself even if I am doing 5-10+ mph over the limit. I don't really understand why people will "hang" in the left lane to do speed enforcement and feel "entitled" just because they are doing the speed limit. That only bunches people up, increases vehicle density, and decreases safety. These people are idiots --- and fail to see the impact they have on traffic behind them.

If I see someone approaching from the rear (I check the rearview mirror every 5-10 seconds), I will slide over and let them go. And I will move over in sufficient time as to not impede them at all. This is just common courtesy in my opinion. I expect the same courtesy from other driver's on the road -- but unfortunately too many folks exhibit the same attitude as DiabolicalCC --- "Too bad for you". Now that is a terrific attitude out there on the road. :rolleyes:

04-19-2008, 05:55 AM
I have never heard of a "3-second rule". :rolleyes: I was taught the "2-second rule" or the "1 car length for every 10 mph rule".

At 60 mph, the 2 second rule gives you 176 feet clearance to the car ahead. The old car length rule gives about 120 feet (60/10*20). At 80 mph, these numbers increase to 235 feet and 160 feet, respectively. I suspect that the car length rule is a minimum and that the 2-second rule contains a safety buffer. My natural driving habits put me in about the middle of this range -- at about 1.5 seconds or so.

I feel that 3 seconds is too much. If you need 264 feet to stop your car from 60-0 mph, you better work on reaction times or get new brakes. :P If this is what is being taught now in driver education, they must not know that they just decreased the maximum capacity of any road by 33% since there is more empty space between cars. Its safety overkill -- except for the very timid and insecure driver who probably needs retraining or a bicycle anyway.

I try never to "hang" in the left lane and will always move to the center lane whenever the opportunity presents itself even if I am doing 5-10+ mph over the limit. I don't really understand why people will "hang" in the left lane to do speed enforcement and feel "entitled" just because they are doing the speed limit. That only bunches people up, increases vehicle density, and decreases safety. These people are idiots --- and fail to see the impact they have on traffic behind them.

If I see someone approaching from the rear (I check the rearview mirror every 5-10 seconds), I will slide over and let them go. And I will move over in sufficient time as to not impede them at all. This is just common courtesy in my opinion. I expect the same courtesy from other driver's on the road -- but unfortunately too many folks exhibit the same attitude as DiabolicalCC --- "Too bad for you". Now that is a terrific attitude out there on the road. :rolleyes:

Gotta give that a ^^^^+1 :up:

04-19-2008, 06:22 AM
[B]I try never to "hang" in the left lane and will always move to the center lane whenever the opportunity presents itself even if I am doing 5-10+ mph over the limit. I don't really understand why people will "hang" in the left lane to do speed enforcement and feel "entitled" just because they are doing the speed limit. That only bunches people up, increases vehicle density, and decreases safety. These people are idiots --- and fail to see the impact they have on traffic behind them.

If I see someone approaching from the rear (I check the rearview mirror every 5-10 seconds), I will slide over and let them go. And I will move over in sufficient time as to not impede them at all. This is just common courtesy in my opinion. I expect the same courtesy from other driver's on the road -- but unfortunately too many folks exhibit the same attitude as DiabolicalCC --- "Too bad for you". Now that is a terrific attitude out there on the road. :rolleyes:

This is one of the causes of road rage, accidents, and traffic jams. I understand a speed limit is set for a reason, but if there is traffic running 5-10 over the speed limit in a safe manner and they come up on someone running the speed limit or slower in the left lane it holds up the entire group.

If traffic can run along safely at 5+ mph then leave the lane open. It is not your job to sit out there and impede traffic or just be totally clueless in the left lane. I will say this though - if the car in the left lane is doing at least the speed limit and is actually trying to pass another car I will not tailgate them. I might be frustrated, but I still maintain safe following distances. And I am not sure the law here, but if someone is just sitting in the left lane I will just get over in the right lane if clear and continue on my way. I have seen enough of it that if I just sit behind them hoping they get over I will be there for a long time.

Now, the CVPI does a decent job of getting people to move over when they see the car so I guess that is one benefit...

Central Iowa highways get this all too often. And the worst offenders are normally from one of 3 neighboring states: Minnesota (these drivers are top of theleft lane list in Iowa), Nebraska (2nd place), and Missouri. Not sure why that is, but that is how the driver through Iowa.

04-19-2008, 07:29 AM
This is one of the causes of road rage, accidents, and traffic jams. I understand a speed limit is set for a reason, but if there is traffic running 5-10 over the speed limit in a safe manner and they come up on someone running the speed limit or slower in the left lane it holds up the entire group.

This is one thing i've never understood. People that drive along in the left lane at or less than the speed limit. You'd think they'd get a clue and move over, when everyone has to go by them in the right lane. Even worse they have the nerve to try and go in race mode when you're going by.

04-19-2008, 07:56 AM
You'd think they'd get a clue and move over, when everyone has to go by them in the right lane.
Not very likely. Take a real good look at these "clueless" folks as you pass ... you just know that they still have to have Momma come over and tie their shoes in the morning. ;)

04-19-2008, 08:09 AM
Not very likely. Take a real good look at these "clueless" folks as you pass ... you just know that they still have to have Momma come over and tie their shoes in the morning. ;)

I was trying to figure out a way to describe "that look" :eek:

04-19-2008, 08:09 AM
I have never heard of a "3-second rule". :rolleyes: I was taught the "2-second rule" or the "1 car length for every 10 mph rule".

At 60 mph, the 2 second rule gives you 176 feet clearance to the car ahead. The old car length rule gives about 120 feet (60/10*20). At 80 mph, these numbers increase to 235 feet and 160 feet, respectively. I suspect that the car length rule is a minimum and that the 2-second rule contains a safety buffer. My natural driving habits put me in about the middle of this range -- at about 1.5 seconds or so.

I feel that 3 seconds is too much. If you need 264 feet to stop your car from 60-0 mph, you better work on reaction times or get new brakes. :P If this is what is being taught now in driver education, they must not know that they just decreased the maximum capacity of any road by 33% since there is more empty space between cars. Its safety overkill -- except for the very timid and insecure driver who probably needs retraining or a bicycle anyway.

I try never to "hang" in the left lane and will always move to the center lane whenever the opportunity presents itself even if I am doing 5-10+ mph over the limit. I don't really understand why people will "hang" in the left lane to do speed enforcement and feel "entitled" just because they are doing the speed limit. That only bunches people up, increases vehicle density, and decreases safety. These people are idiots --- and fail to see the impact they have on traffic behind them.

If I see someone approaching from the rear (I check the rearview mirror every 5-10 seconds), I will slide over and let them go. And I will move over in sufficient time as to not impede them at all. This is just common courtesy in my opinion. I expect the same courtesy from other driver's on the road -- but unfortunately too many folks exhibit the same attitude as DiabolicalCC --- "Too bad for you". Now that is a terrific attitude out there on the road. :rolleyes:

Very well said!!

Blk Mamba
04-19-2008, 05:44 PM
A lot of these people we have described here belong to CUS, (Center of the Universe Syndrome), my wife and I started numbering these by their particular driving styles years ago, and finally gave up, there are just too many of them. I personally can't stand to be behind someone doing the speed limit in the left lane, he knows I want to pass, and won't move over, because he is my personal speed enforcement officer, I usually get upset, and pass him on the right.

Aren Jay
04-20-2008, 03:29 PM
The french girls used to worship me at College.

04-21-2008, 07:36 AM
The french girls used to worship me at College.


04-21-2008, 07:58 AM
He lost me too????

04-21-2008, 08:17 AM
A lot of these people we have described here belong to CUS, (Center of the Universe Syndrome), my wife and I started numbering these by their particular driving styles years ago, and finally gave up, there are just too many of them. I personally can't stand to be behind someone doing the speed limit in the left lane, he knows I want to pass, and won't move over, because he is my personal speed enforcement officer, I usually get upset, and pass him on the right.

Most of the time its a matter of them not paying attention. I will sometimes stare at their rearview mirror and side mirrors and they just don't look into them very often at all. Next time you are in this situation, stare at their mirrors. Eventually, you will see them glance into the rearview, and then hurriedly look to the right and put on their blinker.

04-21-2008, 08:59 AM
I've tried the "mirror stare", sometimes this works, most of the time they just don't care.

Aren Jay
04-21-2008, 09:04 AM
C.U.S. Worship...

ok I lost you.

04-21-2008, 09:31 AM
I've tried the "mirror stare", sometimes this works, most of the time they just don't care.
There are some folks running around in Northern Virginia that have not looked in their rearview mirrors since 1989. :rolleyes: Others have their mirrors adjusted to look at themselves or to look at the kiddies in the back seat. :rolleyes: Try making "eye contact" with them. ;)

04-21-2008, 10:17 AM
There are some folks running around in Northern Virginia that have not looked in their rearview mirrors since 1989. :rolleyes: Others have their mirrors adjusted to look at themselves or to look at the kiddies in the back seat. :rolleyes: Try making "eye contact" with them. ;)

i check my rearview mirror every about 30 seconds or so.... and the sideview mirrors every couple minutes

04-21-2008, 11:18 AM
i check my rearview mirror every about 30 seconds or so.... and the sideview mirrors every couple minutes
I suspect those ^^^ times (ie. every 30 seconds and every couple of minutes) are too long. I check the mirrors much more frequently. My reasoning is that "when something happens and you have to take emergency action, you don't have time to check the mirrors". You should be constantly aware of what is around you (front, sides and rear) at all times so that you can react immediately --- especially when you don't have time to check to the sides and the rear. And I scan the road several cars to the front -- 'cause I don't want to wait for the car in front of me to light up his brakes before I take action. But hey, that's just me. ;)

04-21-2008, 01:34 PM
I suspect those ^^^ times (ie. every 30 seconds and every couple of minutes) are too long. I check the mirrors much more frequently. My reasoning is that "when something happens and you have to take emergency action, you don't have time to check the mirrors". You should be constantly aware of what is around you (front, sides and rear) at all times so that you can react immediately --- especially when you don't have time to check to the sides and the rear. And I scan the road several cars to the front -- 'cause I don't want to wait for the car in front of me to light up his brakes before I take action. But hey, that's just me. ;)

well i used to check more frequently, but since i have been driving a delivery truck, which has no rearview mirror, i find myself not checking it as much.:o i should start checking more often again.