View Full Version : almost ate the wall

04-16-2008, 02:50 PM
so I was driving south bound on I-95 last night and I'm driving in the left lane doing about 80 mph. usually people move when a crown vic looking car is approaching on their ass but this douche in a crossfire didn't and has doing like 70 in the fast lane. So being like 2 cars behind him I flash my headlights just once and very quickly, just to be like hey I’m back here move it. Then I see his 3rd brake light and passenger brake light up. So I think it’s his turn signal. Oh no it’s his brakes and he slams on them. I hit my brakes and knowing that a 4400 lbs won't stop too well compared to this little car stat to think of how to avoid him I jerk the wheel left and now I’m turned 90 degrees facing the wall and listing to the tires skid like a Mac truck. I recorrect the wheel and without missing a beat I’m back behind this guy. Now I flashed him with my other light for like 3 seconds, then like 10 seconds later he does it again. Let’s just say he thought he was getting pulled over and he moved. This made me sooo pissed and if I did hit him it would have been my fault because I would have hit him in the back.

04-16-2008, 02:57 PM
Did you ever wonder why insurance rates are so high for us under 25 drivers? Dennis

04-16-2008, 02:59 PM
Did you ever wonder why insurance rates are so high for us under 25 drivers? Dennis

:lol::lol:I dont know what else to say

04-16-2008, 03:07 PM
I know what to say..



04-16-2008, 04:24 PM
You give young adults like myself a bad name! Why would you flash your lights for him to move anyway? You're not a cop, slow down and let him move, or simply pass him!

04-16-2008, 04:34 PM
Please Please DO NOT flash people to move out of 'your' way. As stated you are not an officer of the law in an emergency. This same lack of patience caused a serious accident I was in on February 20th, 1996. I was proceeding through and intersection on green light, and there was an eldery lady turning left in front of me at the intersection. She had a blinking red light (stop; then proceed with caution once traffic clears) someone behind her honked her horn to go, and off she went. Then Boom Crash. I did not die, but I was in traction for days and wheelchair / crutches for a few months. Please don't be an 'aggresive' driver.

04-16-2008, 04:44 PM
so I was driving south bound on I-95 last night and I'm driving in the left lane doing about 80 mph. usually people move when a crown vic looking car is approaching on their ass but this douche in a crossfire didn't and has doing like 70 in the fast lane. So being like 2 cars behind him I flash my headlights just once and very quickly, just to be like hey I’m back here move it. Then I see his 3rd brake light and passenger brake light up. So I think it’s his turn signal. Oh no it’s his brakes and he slams on them. I hit my brakes and knowing that a 4400 lbs won't stop too well compared to this little car stat to think of how to avoid him I jerk the wheel left and now I’m turned 90 degrees facing the wall and listing to the tires skid like a Mac truck. I recorrect the wheel and without missing a beat I’m back behind this guy. Now I flashed him with my other light for like 3 seconds, then like 10 seconds later he does it again. Let’s just say he thought he was getting pulled over and he moved. This made me sooo pissed and if I did hit him it would have been my fault because I would have hit him in the back.
Glad you made it through this incident without wrecking your MM or injuring yourself and others. Have we learned anything from this episode? I have highlighted some of the "hints" in bold ^^^ above.

04-16-2008, 04:45 PM
If he keeps this *****e up, every officer will be watching our MMs very closely because of One.

04-16-2008, 04:53 PM
I cant believe this was even posted.. :stupid:

04-16-2008, 07:00 PM
What "other light"? And since that's rhetorical, I'll also ask why do you have police lights on your car? Why do people try to make a Marauder look like a police car? It makes absolutely no sense to me at all.

04-16-2008, 07:28 PM
Remember, your driving for all of us, in our cars, we all represent each other. We should set a good example.

04-16-2008, 07:53 PM
With a difference in speed of only 10 mph, lightly applying the brakes to slow down was all that was needed. The phrase "jerk the wheel" is a clear indicator that you over reacted to the situation.

04-16-2008, 08:26 PM
Remember, your driving for all of us, in our cars, we all represent each other. We should set a good example.
no all you guys are dick heads and you should take life a little less serious. and the left lane is the fast lane in florida I have lights because I'm a reserve firefighter. mostly everyone with a marauder is a dick and i've notced this ever since i went to the SSM annual picnic. and the 90% of the people who own marauders make me want to buy a mustang, and its my car i represent myself so go suck it soft!!!!

04-16-2008, 08:29 PM
With a difference in speed of only 10 mph, lightly applying the brakes to slow down was all that was needed. The phrase "jerk the wheel" is a clear indicator that you over reacted to the situation.

the ******* in the crossfire brake checked me. so my reaction time and gently applying the brakes would of ended with me sitting shotgun in the crossfire, and not avoiding an accident.

and if you ****s don't have any thing nice to say the :censor: off

04-16-2008, 08:40 PM
Let’s just say he thought he was getting pulled over and he moved. This made me sooo pissed and if I did hit him it would have been my fault because I would have hit him in the back.Duh! I think you just wrote your own ticket. Why do you think that everyone assumes you are a cop, and will just automatically get out of your way? Isn't 70 the posted speed limit on I-95? Do you expect special favors because your car looks like an FHP car? Had you hit him, yes, you would certainly have been at fault.

Get over it. You were speeding.

04-16-2008, 08:50 PM
Hey, as Charlie has said, were glad to hear that you were able to recover as you did.

You told us the details of the incident which was clearly of your own doing. Just take this as a learning experience and move on from this topic. Blowing up is not a good way to communicate with a group.

Even though you are a firefighter, and may have a need for your emergency lights, I'm sure using your lights in said manner would be frowned upon by LEO's.

04-16-2008, 08:51 PM
no all you guys are dick heads and you should take life a little less serious. and the left lane is the fast lane in florida I have lights because I'm a reserve firefighter. mostly everyone with a marauder is a dick and i've notced this ever since i went to the SSM annual picnic. and the 90% of the people who own marauders make me want to buy a mustang, and its my car i represent myself so go suck it soft!!!!

ROFL! You think MM owners are smug? MM owner's are the MOST down to earth people you'll ever meet. EVERY 'Stang owner I've met has the hugest ego just because they drive a 'Stang, slap a CAI/exhaust on it and all of a sudden they're John Force. I think you're just pissed because you realize you were in the wrong and don't want to admit it. What if you got into an accident and killed yourself and the people in the other car just because you wanted to get somewhere 10 minutes quicker? Is it worth it?

04-16-2008, 08:52 PM
Then I see his 3rd brake light and passenger brake light up. So I think it’s his turn signal.

Yes it was his 3rd brakelight, key work is BRAKE :rolleyes:

With a difference in speed of only 10 mph, lightly applying the brakes to slow down was all that was needed. The phrase "jerk the wheel" is a clear indicator that you over reacted to the situation.

If you had gotten his message with the brake lights, you would have had more time to slow down.

Just a little defensive aren't you?

04-16-2008, 08:55 PM
Hey, as Charlie has said, were glad to hear that you were able to recover as you did.

You told us the details of the incident which was clearly of your own doing. Just take this as a learning experience and move on from this topic. Blowing up is not a good way to communicate with a group.

Even though you are a firefighter, and may have a need for your emergency lights, I'm sure using your lights in said manner would be frowned upon by LEO's.

Maybe he joined just to get "the other lights" thinking it's a free pass.

04-16-2008, 09:10 PM
no all you guys are dick heads and you should take life a little less serious. and the left lane is the fast lane in florida I have lights because I'm a reserve firefighter. mostly everyone with a marauder is a dick and i've notced this ever since i went to the SSM annual picnic. and the 90% of the people who own marauders make me want to buy a mustang, and its my car i represent myself so go suck it soft!!!!
:flamer::flamer:So, get a Mustang, and remove yourself from this pool of dick heads. I attended the SSM picnic, and I'm really glad that I missed meeting you. You, my friend, are the dick head. You don't own the left lane in Florida, even if you are a reserve firefighter. You represent nothing here.

04-16-2008, 09:18 PM
Get over it. You were speeding.

i know i was speeding but thats not the point he brake checked me. if people are speeding up behind you in the left lane then move over. and let them pass its common courtesy

04-16-2008, 09:29 PM
Sounds like you needed to hit the wall to correct your perspective.

PS. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. :baby:

04-16-2008, 09:56 PM
Threads like this make me miss the supercharger wars and oil threads we used to have on this board.... :shake:

04-16-2008, 10:17 PM
Hey, I only use oil that is from the gulf of mexico! Those dinosuars were fatter than the ones found in the middle east. So there is higher quality of oil now due to that fact ;):P

04-16-2008, 10:26 PM
...common courtesy

Even though I try my best to have "common courtesy" with others, I've learned over the years that this is a disappearing trait from US roadways. I wouldn't ever count on it. Maybe coincidental, but it seems to have become much worse since the "Fast & Furious" movies came out.

Aren Jay
04-16-2008, 11:52 PM
so I was driving south bound on I-95 last night and I'm driving in the left lane doing about 80 mph. usually people move when a crown vic looking car is approaching on their ass but this douche in a crossfire didn't and has doing like 70 in the fast lane. So being like 2 cars behind him I flash my headlights just once and very quickly, just to be like hey I’m back here move it. Then I see his 3rd brake light and passenger brake light up. So I think it’s his turn signal. Oh no it’s his brakes and he slams on them. I hit my brakes and knowing that a 4400 lbs won't stop too well compared to this little car stat to think of how to avoid him I jerk the wheel left and now I’m turned 90 degrees facing the wall and listing to the tires skid like a Mac truck. I recorrect the wheel and without missing a beat I’m back behind this guy. Now I flashed him with my other light for like 3 seconds, then like 10 seconds later he does it again. Let’s just say he thought he was getting pulled over and he moved. This made me sooo pissed and if I did hit him it would have been my fault because I would have hit him in the back.

Your speeding and you complain that he is going slower than you?

Why didn't you pass him on his right?

Oh you can't it is against the law...so is speeding.

Oil in Alberta is better, it comes from dirt. Think of it this way buy Alberta Oil and clean up the environment.

04-17-2008, 02:46 AM

Listen closely...

Watch your mouth on this board.

Profanity and insults will not be tolerated.

Do it again, and you will see how much of a 'dick head' this Marauder owner can be.

Moving on..


04-17-2008, 03:19 AM
Oil in Alberta is better, it comes from dirt. Think of it this way buy Alberta Oil and clean up the environment.

Good one. LOL!

04-17-2008, 05:19 AM
Even though I try my best to have "common courtesy" with others, I've learned over the years that this is a disappearing trait from US roadways. I wouldn't ever count on it. Maybe coincidental, but it seems to have become much worse since the "Fast & Furious" movies came out.
Anyone else notice that when you let someone in front of you whether it be at parking lot, stop sign, etc..... more and more people and not giving the thank you wave :mad2:
Just had to vent.

04-17-2008, 05:36 AM
Anyone else notice that when you let someone in front of you whether it be at parking lot, stop sign, etc..... more and more people and not giving the thank you wave :mad2:
Just had to vent.

I noticed this also! Maybe it's because they are too busy holding their sammich, or cell phone?

O's Fan Rich
04-17-2008, 05:48 AM
My name is Richard Long and I'm a Big Dick....

wait I have a ..

Yes... that's the one!

Whew glad I got that off my chest.....literally!:banana:

04-17-2008, 06:04 AM
Piglit was speeding AND tailgating. That's why he didn't have the option of gently applying his brakes. The guy in the Crossfire was just another Piglit. Both were in the wrong. Two wrongs at 70 mph don't make a right, they usually make a pile of twisted metal.

I agree with oldekid, I happen to like the kind of penile craniums that meet at SSM events.

04-17-2008, 06:40 AM
My name is Richard Long and I'm a Big Dick....

wait I have a ..

Yes... that's the one!

Whew glad I got that off my chest.....literally!:banana:

lmao at least someone has a sense of humor

04-17-2008, 06:43 AM

Listen closely...

Watch your mouth on this board.

Profanity and insults will not be tolerated.

Do it again, and you will see how much of a 'dick head' this Marauder owner can be.

Moving on..


oh sorry....dick head

04-17-2008, 06:49 AM
Well piglet, enjoy your well earned vacation. A little critical self analysis might be in order while you are not otherwise occupied. Dennis

04-17-2008, 06:56 AM
aww i don"t give a **** any more.

04-17-2008, 07:02 AM
i got a better forum **** this site, **** you *******s, **** the useless information you guys give and **** sun-shine state marauders you are a bunch of old grumpy douches except, red and blackmoible and a few others.. i posted the same post on another site and the reaction was totally different. south Florida stangs ftw.

04-17-2008, 07:08 AM
Wow...talk about burning bridges.


04-17-2008, 07:09 AM
» Stats Members: 4,086 - 1 = 4,085

04-17-2008, 07:28 AM
i got a better forum **** this site, **** you *******s, **** the useless information you guys give and **** sun-shine state marauders you are a bunch of old grumpy douches except, red and blackmoible and a few others.. i posted the same post on another site and the reaction was totally different. south Florida stangs ftw.

Well, I guess being from Fl. you hqve lots of beaches to lounge on,,cause thats where you will be spending time rather than on this board. The SSM group are a great bunch of owners and members. You had your warning.

04-17-2008, 07:29 AM
i got a better forum **** this site, **** you *******s, **** the useless information you guys give and **** sun-shine state marauders you are a bunch of old grumpy douches except, red and blackmoible and a few others.. i posted the same post on another site and the reaction was totally different. south Florida stangs ftw.

Does your mommy know you type badwords on her computer? Don't go away mad, just go away, I'm sure there won't be anyone here blocking your exit lane to do that... of course you could always hit your "other" lights.

See what happens when little boys get hold of grownup toys.

04-17-2008, 07:33 AM
i got a better forum **** this site, **** you *******s, **** the useless information you guys give and **** sun-shine state marauders you are a bunch of old grumpy douches except, red and blackmoible and a few others.. i posted the same post on another site and the reaction was totally different. south Florida stangs ftw.

Hey, I'm not old!

04-17-2008, 07:42 AM
I guess this is a good example of why the original 'Target Market' for Marauders was Adults.

04-17-2008, 07:46 AM
Here (http://www.southfloridastangs.net/sfsforum/showthread.php?t=30717) is the link to his other post he mentioned.
The first 11 posts almost encourage the use of lights & sound of LEO in an illegal manner.:nono: :down:

04-17-2008, 07:57 AM
Hey, I'm not old!Oh crap! I am!


O's Fan Rich
04-17-2008, 08:30 AM
lmao at least someone has a sense of humor

Yeah, but I'm old.... and well, I think you should slow down and relax too....

Fast and Furious was just a movie ( or 2) and it ( they) sucked too.

Drive careful and have a nice life. Say YO to your Momma for me.....

04-17-2008, 08:37 AM
Wow what a total tool lol.

Even with having my cowl hood people still seem to melt out of my way and that's with NOT tailgating them and NOT flashing any lights at them.

You'll learn your lesson one day when you do that to the wrong person who is having a bad day and decides to take their anger out on you.

04-17-2008, 08:44 AM
» Stats Members: 4,086 - 1 = 4,085

:lol: :drink: :banned:

blu marauder
04-17-2008, 08:50 AM
90 degrees to the wall at 80 mph and you correct it without skipping a beat
you jerked the wheel at 80 mph
then you get back on this car

04-17-2008, 08:55 AM
Bye bye....:wave:


04-17-2008, 08:58 AM
"Extra, extra! Read all about it! Another angry teen lashes out on the internets!"

that was great lol. listen, bottom line is, other drivers WILL NOT drive the way you want. ever. now get over it and drive responsibly or you will be going into that wall the next time bc of your arrogance. again, no they will not drive how YOU WANT.

ps. :banned:

04-17-2008, 09:24 AM
I nominate this thread to be moved to the Y.D.F.U. Forum. What's that you ask. Well Rich and I talked about this a few weeks ago. It is our idea for members, such as piglet50, so they can have their thread immortalized in this category. Anyone wondering what not to do, or what not to say, could visit this YDFU forum. piglet50; YDFU

04-17-2008, 09:24 AM
Wow I didn't read this thread and look what I missed!

I like how you flash your lights, nearly rear end someone, and nearly careen into a concrete barrier, and when you save the car seconds later you got back for round two!

You were lucky enough to get a warning shot for dumb move #1, should take the hint before going back for more...

04-17-2008, 10:30 AM
LOL!! OWNED by Mike. Seriously dude, get a *****ing grip. Like someone stated, you're going to come across a bad mother who just got ***** canned and decides to string you upside down by your feet. What? Oh yea, I forgot, your banned! Sounds like you got a nice tall glass of:

04-17-2008, 10:33 AM
Sounds like your local Stang boys are on the same road of destruction you are too, and/or all the young one's posted up since they don't know any better.

04-17-2008, 11:46 AM
Wow I don't even drive or talk like this

04-17-2008, 12:04 PM
Piglet 50 let's make one thing clear, We in the S.S.M. agree to disagree from time to time, but never disrespect anyone like your did in post #13. You insulted the group and it's members for no good reason and you are totley out of line. If you don't like the Our Group I suggest you move on to some where else. If you expect to be welcome to our meets , and special events you need retract your statement in post #13 .

04-17-2008, 12:07 PM
Piglet 50 let's make one thing clear, We in the S.S.M. agree to disagree from time to time, but never disrespect anyone like your did in post #13. You insulted the group and it's members for no good reason and you are totley out of line. If you don't like the Our Group I suggest you move on to some where else. If you expect to be welcome to our meets , and special events you need retract your statement in post #13 .

He's been retracted, don't worry.

04-17-2008, 12:08 PM
I don't think he is here anymore...

04-17-2008, 12:12 PM
This thread reminds me of a movie quote:

Starsky (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001774/): It was my mother she always used to say it was too much car for me to handle. I couldn't handle the V8.

04-17-2008, 12:13 PM
....followed by crash into the ocean. :D

04-17-2008, 12:32 PM
He's been retracted, don't worry. He's been given a 2 week vacation by the site. I understand everyone has a bad day now and then but posting what he did in post 13 is out of line and disrespectful to all.

04-17-2008, 12:51 PM
He's been given a 2 week vacation by the site. I understand everyone has a bad day now and then but posting what he did in post 13 is out of line and disrespectful to all.

He got it for posts 13, 34, 36, and 37.

04-17-2008, 01:09 PM
He got it for posts 13, 34, 36, and 37. I know :shake:. I hope he calms down.

04-17-2008, 01:26 PM
Here (http://www.southfloridastangs.net/sfsforum/showthread.php?t=30717) is the link to his other post he mentioned.
The first 11 posts almost encourage the use of lights & sound of LEO in an illegal manner.:nono: :down:

What a poser, he dont have a mustang, :lol: although he should sell his car and get one.

O's Fan Rich
04-17-2008, 02:10 PM
Maybe he's been hammered on enough for now. Let's see how he is when the vacations over.

04-17-2008, 02:25 PM
Maybe he's been hammered on enough for now. Let's see how he is when the vacations over.

He definately isnt coming back

04-17-2008, 03:59 PM
» Stats Members: 4,086 - 1 = 4,085

LMFAO :beer:

04-18-2008, 11:48 AM

Listen closely...

Watch your mouth on this board.

Profanity and insults will not be tolerated.

Do it again, and you will see how much of a 'dick head' this Marauder owner can be.

Moving on..



04-19-2008, 06:00 PM
Someone needs to call FHP on that guy, he has made his Marauder out to look like a FHP car with the LED lights. He even has a specialty plate that looks similar to the FHP plate. Maybe this image will help FHP to find out who he is. He is going to end up causing an accident if he keeps this up while driving.

04-20-2008, 02:59 PM
I love this animated gif back on page 3 or whatever....

Looks like the buzzards circling around looking for Piglet's carcass! :D


Aren Jay
04-20-2008, 03:30 PM
I set the vultures or seaguls as my desktop once. BUt it was too blurry.

05-01-2008, 06:36 PM
Someone needs to call FHP on that guy, he has made his Marauder out to look like a FHP car with the LED lights. He even has a specialty plate that looks similar to the FHP plate. Maybe this image will help FHP to find out who he is. He is going to end up causing an accident if he keeps this up while driving.

UMMMM yeah how did you get that picture of my car. :confused:and i have very little respect for a lot of you owners... not all just most. and the equipment in my car by Florida state statue is not illegal so have F.H.P., B.S.O. and any other LEO come to my house and check it out because its not illegal. so yeah I rarely gonna post every on this site and will just use this as a reference site and hope all of you have a great day.