View Full Version : Earth Quake

04-18-2008, 08:36 AM
Any one else in the midwest feel the quake last night/this morning?? Its been so long since I have felt a quake I jumped up out of bed half awake half asleep and it took me about 10 minutes to figure out what had happened. 5.2 magnitude this morning and then a 4.5 about 15 minutes ago...feels weird...

04-18-2008, 08:45 AM
I read that it was a 5.4. I didnt read about another following it. I'm in Chicago and did not feel it but several people at work claimed they felt it and reports from people downtown at the time it happened say that they felt the skyscrapers rocking back and forth for about 20 seconds.

04-18-2008, 08:55 AM
The one a few minutes ago shook the china in the cabinets. Since we are in the floodplane at the confluence of the Missouri, Illinois and Mississippi rivers, I dug out the PFD's just in case these quakes are precursors to something like the 1806 New Madrid quake which could make the rivers go funny & put our house in the middle of the river.

Statistically, won't happen. If so, anyone need some slightly wet MM parts?

04-18-2008, 08:56 AM
I think you are right about the magnitutde... Our local paper says 5.2 but all the big news chains said 5.4. Eitherr way it woke me up and freaked me out for a minute. Local news said that we have been getting small aftershocks all morning with the last being a 4.5. Now everyones going to be all freaked out getting ready for an earthquake....

04-18-2008, 09:00 AM
So by PFD's do you mean a life jacket or the little inflatable arm thingies??

If you are talking about a slightly wet trilogy... I might be able to give it a home...:D

The one a few minutes ago shook the china in the cabinets. Since we are in the floodplane at the confluence of the Missouri, Illinois and Mississippi rivers, I dug out the PFD's just in case these quakes are precursors to something like the 1806 New Madrid quake which could make the rivers go funny & put our house in the middle of the river.

Statistically, won't happen. If so, anyone need some slightly wet MM parts?

04-18-2008, 09:06 AM
I didn't feel it, and was heading into the office when it occurred.

A building in Old Louisville lost some of it bricks due to the quake...


04-18-2008, 09:36 AM
I think you are right about the magnitutde... Our local paper says 5.2 but all the big news chains said 5.4. Eitherr way it woke me up and freaked me out for a minute. Local news said that we have been getting small aftershocks all morning with the last being a 4.5. Now everyones going to be all freaked out getting ready for an earthquake....

Looks like your local news was right. This is a quote from an AP article.

"It was initially reported as a 5.4-magnitude earthquake, but the USGS later revised its estimate to 5.2."

04-18-2008, 09:48 AM
Thats probably the only thing they've been right about....

Aren Jay
04-18-2008, 10:17 AM
I've been through 5 earthquakes in Japan and didn't even know it.

04-18-2008, 10:22 AM
I usually feel the earth move when i get up in the morning so no I didn't notice a thing.

04-18-2008, 10:30 AM
lol, i slept right through it. and through the aftershock, hahaha

04-18-2008, 10:41 AM
The one a few minutes ago shook the china in the cabinets. Since we are in the floodplane at the confluence of the Missouri, Illinois and Mississippi rivers, I dug out the PFD's just in case these quakes are precursors to something like the 1806 New Madrid quake which could make the rivers go funny & put our house in the middle of the river.

Statistically, won't happen. If so, anyone need some slightly wet MM parts?
Good thinking. Supercharged or not, it can still be a trick to outrun and outmaneuver an urgently redirected river.

In the event of a catastrophic flood, I hope you and your loved ones survive safely. And also pencil me in for slightly wet kooks and 4.30s.

04-18-2008, 11:03 AM
Slept right through the first. Shook the whole building at work during the second.

04-18-2008, 01:47 PM
I guess if its your first (or second) earthquake, you may get freaked out about it. Unfortunately, as a California native, I've been in Loma Prieta (7.6), Northridge (7.8) and Whittier (7.2) - now I live in Virginia, having moved from a house off the Hayward fault before it let go. I guess I don't notice anything below a 6 any more.

At least, with Virginia I have the potential for snow, and the occasional hurricane; both of which I can plan in advance for and have a strategy to deal with it. Earthquakes just show up, y'know? If my house fell on my 55-gallon water drum, I'm pretty much screwed.

I don't know if I could ever live near the New Madrid fault. Even though California earthquakes get all the P.R. (good press agents, I guess), the New Madrid Fault is the most active fault in North America.

One good thing - nobody got hurt, and we've all got a story to tell over a beer tonight ("Where were you when ...?").

04-18-2008, 02:14 PM
I think you are right about the magnitutde... Our local paper says 5.2 but all the big news chains said 5.4. Eitherr way it woke me up and freaked me out for a minute. Local news said that we have been getting small aftershocks all morning with the last being a 4.5. Now everyones going to be all freaked out getting ready for an earthquake....

I remember one of the last one's here in LA while watching the morning local news the reporter was talking when suddenly jumped and crawled under his desk when the quake started and the camera kept airing and he popped his head up two or three times. It was soooo funny - that dude tried to explain it away for days and it just made his embarrasment worse. I howled!

PR :burnout:

Blk Mamba
04-18-2008, 03:15 PM
Our house is near the shore of Lake Erie, about 4-5 miles from the center of the local fault, it goes off about ten to fifteen times a year, usually 2.3- 3.8, anymore we don't even notice them, but they say if this one ever goes all hell will break loose. I guess it runs down the Ohio River to the Mississippi River. (I lived in Japan in the late 60's, early 70's, and So. Calif. in the early 70's, so I've seen all the quakes I ever want to see.) BTW the local Nuke plant is just 4-5 miles from the center also.

04-18-2008, 06:31 PM
I was still in the bed when the first little bit hit and woke me up from the twilight zone, thoght i was dreamin. Then about 4 minutes later the second half hit. Felt kind of weird sleeping on a foam topped mattress and the bed shaking. Lady friend from work said it shook pictures off her walls things off her dresser.

We have been having weird weather occurances around the past few years. Extended power outages, more snow than seen in quite a while, and now earthquakes.

What's next?

Blk Mamba
04-18-2008, 07:07 PM
My wife says it is all because of the E-quake, and Tsunami a few years back.