View Full Version : Royal Treatment

04-20-2008, 06:29 PM
It just occurred to me that I never properly thanked Dennis Reinhart and his crew for giving me the Royal treatment when I arrived at their shop in Florida. I have never been made to feel so welcome in a shop before, and I really appreciate it. It really deserves a very public "Hats off" to Reinhart Automotive for being such a class act. Jackie even drove over on her day off just so we could say "Hi" in person.
One other thing: There is no feeling like pulling into a shop to have work done on your Marauder and finding out that there are already seven, count'em SEVEN Marauders in various states of tune already at the shop being worked on. Seven Marauders is more than there are in my whole province, let alone at one performance shop. You know your car is going to be treated right when a shop has that kind of experience.
Can't wait to see the end result, and look forward to working with Reinhart again in the future.

04-20-2008, 06:59 PM
And you drove all that way to have him do what? Hopefully, not just an oil change.

04-20-2008, 07:02 PM
Well heck, no. You have to change the plugs, too.

04-20-2008, 07:04 PM
Your makin me wanna drive down there to get some work done

04-20-2008, 07:08 PM
Well, it would be about 500 miles less travel for you, which would be a bonus!
BTW: The traffic getting around NY/NJ and Boston, even at 9pm is insane! I don't know how you guys cope with it. A traffic jam in rush hour up here is usually about an hour vs a normal 15 minutes to get anywhere in the city, and it usually takes a snow storm to make it happen.
Oh, and I think that in addition to the oil and plugs he might be throwing on a little blower, some brakes and Naakes. Something like that, anyway. I don't remember exactly.