View Full Version : HELP with home security

04-27-2008, 10:09 PM
I live on gravel, not much traffic. If you go past my driveway you hit a level B road, sometimes we get people going off roading through it, but usually its around 11-3 at night, and they are usually running open exhaust and they are scaring my daughter to the point she is crying for like 30 mins (shes only 5). Its a road we use to get back and forth across to the back of our feild and so do 2 neighbors. i know thats normal for people to do some 4 wheeling on there but I dont want them going into my yard, which we had someone do about 1 month ago, and we didnt hear them untill they whipped half a donut in my yard so they could turn around. Im looking for something like those things that you lay down across your driveway that rings a doorbell when they are run over, something like that or something to alert me when someone is coming down my road. Not just in my yard tearing up the grass. Any help guys?

Ive had them tear up the ditches, and yard. :mad2:Im fed up, im about ready to shot someone for trespassing (in my yard). If I had some advanced warning of them coming i could get plate numbers, or if they saw me standing there they will just give up.

Help me out here guys.:help:

04-28-2008, 06:59 AM
Is there somewhere you could use the electric eye type thingie from radio shack? When anything breaks the invisible beam a chine or buzzer goes off. Of course, it wil alert you to deer, dogs, etc that goes between the two devices.

I am sure you can find cheaper alternatives.... those are infrared I think...I was thinking of the old fashioned type with a transmitter and reflector that have to be straight line of sight across from each other.

04-28-2008, 07:13 AM
Go to an old service station and ask if they still have one of the hoses that then you run over it a bell rings inside the station.

04-28-2008, 07:51 AM
my folks have one of those invisible beam things and it works pretty well(alerts them when someone is coming down the drive. just put it up high enough that it wont be triggered by smaller animals, then you only have to worry about deer and 4 wheelers setting it off (either way, have your 12 guage ready :) )

O's Fan Rich
04-28-2008, 08:06 AM
This is what we install and what my Dad and I have.


Black Dynamite
04-28-2008, 09:07 AM
Motion activated floodlight. No warning for you but its a deterrent to them.

Use some old railroad ties to construct a low fence. They're too big to drive over without damage and they aren't high enough to obstruct your view.

Otherwise, you may be able to talk to the county and to your neighbors about putting a gate there. I've heard of this happening in SW Iowa.

Hope you find something that works.

P.S. Or you can always use my preferred method below::D

04-28-2008, 09:49 AM
Sprinkle the whole off road part with some nice 4" sheetrock screws, toss a few carpet tack strip's in there, dig some deep holes that they can't see so they'll get stuck. Make it miserable and they won't come back. :D

04-28-2008, 09:57 AM
that would be great if me or the neighbors never wanted to use the road again. I was almost thinking of turning an old harrow upside down, connected to a quick winch and pull it out of the ditch onto the road, they run it over, 4 flat tires., and a gun barrel pointing at thier face.

But Im looking for a warning system. The one fron radio shack that ckadiddle was talking about if kinda like what im looking for.

04-28-2008, 12:19 PM
Here's a cheap one:

04-28-2008, 01:38 PM
P.S. Or you can always use my preferred method below::D

That method usually keeps EVERYTHING from coming back!