View Full Version : Was I in the wrong?

04-29-2008, 01:30 PM
A few days ago I was driving everyone around in my Marauder (me, 2 girls and two another friends) and when we started driving I had about half a tank and towards the end of the weekend my light was on. I asked for a little gas money from everyone because we always use my car to get around. It seemed like 10 bucks from everyone would be cool includding me. Well everyone was fine with putting in ten bucks except for one friend. Saying no one he rides with ever asks for gas money and my responce was we are all using my car and getting around going though 50 bucks a weekend... it's all been my expense up until this weekend when I asked for a little gas money.

Normally I would drive everyone everywhere for the weekend, but when I checked my record books I would sometimes exceed 80 bucks in one weekend and not ask for anything... well I had enough and would rather put in ten bucks than 50 and get the same amount of gas. We would always ride in the Procharged Marauder or the Blazer which was better for room, but would be nearly exciting on gas too.

So again everyone had no problem with it except for one friend and his girlfriend even gave me 20 bucks and told him to shut up. He decided that I was being a butthole and took out his own car and just followed around so he would be burning his own gas, which I thought was dumb since we had to look for twice the amount of parking spaces and now we are both consuming twice as much gas for no reason other than spite towards me. His girlfriend was riding me for the first trip saying how dumb that is and one the second she was about to get back into my car just for the sake of having good company as suppose to riding around with one guy who isn't in the best of moods. Later that night he was asking for ten bucks back saying this wasn't fair and in the middle or wasting his breath on me he got hit right in the Olsen Twins by a football and fell to the ground while I almost fell to the ground laughing.

Maybe it's just him, but he would get real mad if I called him a cheap skate because every single time we all eat out he is always asking questions and says he shouldn't have to pay as much because I would eat more chicken wings than him or would even question if the second glass of orange juice is free and make a big deal if it isn't. :shake:

Was I in the wrong to ask for gas money? Do you guys ask for money when you are the source of transportation for the weekend for some weekend buddies?

04-29-2008, 02:13 PM
Naw... You weren't in the wrong. I don't tend to ask for gas money, but I also don't go through $50 in a weekend. That's alot of mileage! Me - I'd rather save the mileage on my car... Next time, suggest he drives, and that you'll pony up $10 towards his gas.

04-29-2008, 02:14 PM
depends on how frequently theyre in your car. with the escalating gas prices, i dont think its too much to ask for some cash if they carpool in your ride more than a couple times a week. and if you wanna fight fire with fire... suggest him to drive you all around and refuse to give any money lol

04-29-2008, 02:29 PM

That was the custom as far back as the fifties when gas was less than .50 per gal. (not exact but close)

Your not wrong.

04-29-2008, 02:38 PM
Well, I do it occasionally when the trip is long or intensive and usually the pony up is low, only a couple bucks are needed as most trips in NYC aren't far as anything we need are relatively close by.

But my opinion is that after many trips of many miles/gallons its not unwarranted to ask for a bit in gas. Then again I don't know how things are in the midwest but out on the east coast, there are no free rides.

04-29-2008, 02:43 PM
Was I in the wrong to ask for gas money? Do you guys ask for money when you are the source of transportation for the weekend for some weekend buddies?
Sounds like you have been doing this before without asking for money. By doing so, you kinda set an expectation that they all were getting a Free Ride again. A "heads-up" at the beginning of the ride that the rules had changed would have been better. Waiting for the low fuel light to come on before dropping the bomb on them was a surprise to some. Your friends should understand this with the current price of gas and not really complain. Reasonable folks would expect to help out. You just caught the one guy by surprise -- maybe he was a little light in the wallet at the time.

No you weren't wrong --- but it probably could have been handled a little differently.

My Rules: My car, my gas. Your car, your gas. Long trip, we split. If the rules change ... let 'em know before they get in.

04-29-2008, 03:01 PM
Am I the ONLY one who noticed this??????

His girlfriend was riding me for the first trip


As for the $$$.... you should have mentioned it before the car ride. But, yes, you friend is being a dick.

Next time you drive, get $10 up front for gas.



04-29-2008, 03:18 PM
i saw it steve but i guess hes a good multi tasker

Aren Jay
04-29-2008, 03:24 PM
Can't stand yah.

I don't ask for money. I ride or drive according to whim. Or where we are going or whatever. I pay half or so for food, and if I pay too much so be it. In the end it works out someone pays for lunch for me or buys chinese food etc...

I don't have cheap friends.

At college I used to have friends who would argue over paying for something. A guy named Saif would always try to pay whenever we went out for dinner, anywhere they would take cheques. Hiro would have a fight, who could run up and pay first with him and they would always try to pay for everyone and end up spliting the bill. Never saw a more confused clerk at the pizza place. I always paid for gas as I was the only one who had a car.

I would have to say you are both cheap. You for asking, him for refusing. Him a little more than you. Just a little bit.

04-29-2008, 03:52 PM
Naw... You weren't in the wrong. I don't tend to ask for gas money, but I also don't go through $50 in a weekend. That's alot of mileage! Me - I'd rather save the mileage on my car... Next time, suggest he drives, and that you'll pony up $10 towards his gas.

Excellent idea.:D

04-29-2008, 03:53 PM
To answer your question...............


Stranger in the Black Sedan
04-29-2008, 03:57 PM
I can't believe people are giving serious answers.

04-29-2008, 04:02 PM
Man gas too high to NOT ask for for a little something if you are driving your car and especially if you cant front the "wasted" gas over the weekend. I remember when I use to ride the homies around and they would have NO problem giving up 2 or 3 dollars, but gas was 1.50 then. I would have no problem with giving some1 gas money if I am riding with them...IF your friends are not cheap they wouldnt mind...and if they are cheap they wouldnt mind staying home...Thats just MY .02.

04-29-2008, 04:13 PM
Sounds like you have been doing this before without asking for money. By doing so, you kinda set an expectation that they all were getting a Free Ride again. A "heads-up" at the beginning of the ride that the rules had changed would have been better. Waiting for the low fuel light to come on before dropping the bomb on them was a surprise to some. Your friends should understand this with the current price of gas and not really complain. Reasonable folks would expect to help out. You just caught the one guy by surprise -- maybe he was a little light in the wallet at the time.

No you weren't wrong --- but it probably could have been handled a little differently.

My Rules: My car, my gas. Your car, your gas. Long trip, we split. If the rules change ... let 'em know before they get in.

^^^^^+1^^^^ Listen to Charlie, good advice right there.

04-29-2008, 04:16 PM
I can't believe people are giving serious answers.

Yeah, what's wrong with us!?:rolleyes: Dom, you need them to wash your cars spotless before you give them rides, MAKE them earn their way!;)

04-29-2008, 05:19 PM
if your planing on a fairly long trip somewhere like 300 mile or so then i see no problem with everyone rideing in the car spliting on the gas but if your just screwing around racking up miles for nothing then you should,nt ask for gas $. If you cant afford to drive it park it and find someother venue to keep you and your friends entertained . And no this is not your father speaking either lol

04-29-2008, 05:29 PM
The stuff threads are made of.............NOT........:P

04-29-2008, 05:58 PM
It's your call, your doing the driving. Someone has to pay.

04-29-2008, 05:59 PM
The stuff threads are made of.............NOT........:P

As are most of his threads......

04-29-2008, 06:19 PM
Azz or Grass,no one rides for free!Your friend is a putz,sorry but that is truth from your post.I'd rather give you ten bucks(=3 gal)than to drive your azz around in my car.:D

04-29-2008, 07:47 PM
As are most of his threads......

What you're trying to say is??? :confused:

Also Steve I meant to say "riding with me" not riding me, but that would have made up for his ten dollars.


Finally I mentioned gas money in the middle of the weekend, right before we were going off to get some ice cream, so it's not like I asked for gas money while I was driving everyone somewhere... that would have been rude.

04-29-2008, 08:42 PM
Sorry Dom if they were decent blokes and blokettes you shouldn't have had to ask.

04-29-2008, 09:28 PM
nothing wrong with asking. Sounds like cheapskates to me

04-29-2008, 11:19 PM
It's Better To Give You The Ten Dollars, Especially If your Driving. Next Time, Just Drop Him Off In A Gang Infested Neighborhood, That Way He Won't Be Asked, They'll Just Go Into His Pockets And Take His Money...unless Mayor Daley Beats The Gangbangers To Your Friend's Money!!!

04-29-2008, 11:20 PM
Seems worth the ten bucks just to get some alone time with his girlfriend..haha. Is she hot?

04-30-2008, 12:40 AM
MAN !!!

Are you missing out on the opportunity of a LIFETIME or WHAT ?!?!?!?!?

With that many WOMEN riding in your car,
why aren't you asking them to wash it in their bikinis ???

If they would do that for me, I'd forget all about the gas money !!
It would also make your dick friend look like and even bigger dick
if his girlfriend agreed to do it !!! :banana2::banana2::banana2:

04-30-2008, 04:34 AM
Sounds like you have been doing this before without asking for money. By doing so, you kinda set an expectation that they all were getting a Free Ride again. A "heads-up" at the beginning of the ride that the rules had changed would have been better. Waiting for the low fuel light to come on before dropping the bomb on them was a surprise to some. Your friends should understand this with the current price of gas and not really complain. Reasonable folks would expect to help out. You just caught the one guy by surprise -- maybe he was a little light in the wallet at the time.

No you weren't wrong --- but it probably could have been handled a little differently.

My Rules: My car, my gas. Your car, your gas. Long trip, we split. If the rules change ... let 'em know before they get in.

Not this time Charlie, I do not agree with your logic.

Tell the wanker either pay up or walk and since you received $20 from his girlfriend, give her some change. ;)

04-30-2008, 04:53 AM
No you were not wrong...only thing wrong is letting that many people ride in your car at one time and not having a surcharge $ for getting to experience a primo vehicle :D :P ...anti up or get out...

04-30-2008, 05:20 AM
It's called "joy riding" with gas prices today it cost big $$ to do so. If you want to use your car then you are doing so to "show" it off so you pay. Back in the day it was cheaper now you need to be carefull with todays cost for a gallon a gas.

Personally I would not ask for any help with gas since I am telling everyone "hey I'll drive" If you want to drop a few buck on the dash after the weekend then fine.

04-30-2008, 05:35 AM
It's called "joy riding" with gas prices today it cost big $$ to do so. If you want to use your car then you are doing so to "show" it off so you pay. Back in the day it was cheaper now you need to be carefull with todays cost for a gallon a gas.

Personally I would not ask for any help with gas since I am telling everyone "hey I'll drive" If you want to drop a few buck on the dash after the weekend then fine.

nicely put ^^^

take the high road, next time your friend drives, make it a point to chip in for HIS gas.

04-30-2008, 06:09 AM
MAN !!!

Are you missing out on the opportunity of a LIFETIME or WHAT ?!?!?!?!?

With that many WOMEN riding in your car,
why aren't you asking them to wash it in their bikinis ???

If they would do that for me, I'd forget all about the gas money !!
It would also make your dick friend look like and even bigger dick
if his girlfriend agreed to do it !!! :banana2::banana2::banana2:

lots of D!CK and GIRLFRIEND in that post.... ;)

It's called "joy riding" with gas prices today it cost big $$ to do so. If you want to use your car then you are doing so to "show" it off so you pay. Back in the day it was cheaper now you need to be carefull with todays cost for a gallon a gas.

Personally I would not ask for any help with gas since I am telling everyone "hey I'll drive" If you want to drop a few buck on the dash after the weekend then fine.

i still joy ride around.... yes prices are high, but i enjoy driving my car and just cruising around enough that i cna justify spending the extra money on it.

Dom, you are not in the wrong.

whenever my friends and i go out, for a longer trip then normal, we all pitch in. no matter what. if you cant pitch, someone will usually cover you. its just common practice. like previously said, East Coast= no free rides

04-30-2008, 06:48 AM
Dom, your friend is not a real friend if he doesn't want to at least share the cost. You probably should have made the request up front but he should have still helped with the cost. He is a freeloader plain and simple. Those people you don't need around you. I had the same thing happen when I was your age. My friends didn't have cars and I was the transportation. We took a road trip where I paid for the gas as they claimed they didn't have any money. I ran short while out and we didn't have enough gas to get back. They THEN had money for gas AND FOOD!!!! That was the last time they ever went anywhere with me. If I were you, I'd let him drive from now on and see how long he does it without asking to be compensated. Don't let people use you. That's what this person is.... a user:mad2:

04-30-2008, 08:21 AM
[quote=hot-rauder;611663]lots of D!CK and GIRLFRIEND in that post.... ;)

hot-rauder you beat me to that one!!:banana:

05-01-2008, 02:52 AM
No u was not in the wrong. Gas is a big issue today. If we take my car, I'm asking for gas money. No if ands buts about it.

05-01-2008, 06:06 AM
[quote=hot-rauder;611663]lots of D!CK and GIRLFRIEND in that post.... ;)

hot-rauder you beat me to that one!!:banana:

now there is a post with Beat D!ck and Girlfriend:bows:

05-01-2008, 06:52 AM
Sorry Dom if they were decent blokes and blokettes you shouldn't have had to ask.
That's it in a nutshell right there. Being chauffered around all weekend in a luxury car is a privilege. Your friend might want to look into how much renting a limo and driver for a weekend costs. 10 or 20 bucks toward gas is peanuts.

05-01-2008, 07:28 AM
your right! AND YOUR SO CALLED FRIEND IS AN IDIOT! just remeber that when he asks to barrow some cash next time! anytime me and my buddies go on a road trip to a NMRA or fun ford weekend event and we are using my car, they give up some gas money without me even asking for it! there and back!
whats $10-20 bucks among friends?

05-01-2008, 08:36 AM
If you invited them out for a drive then they are your guests. It is bad form to ask money from your guests. :o

PR :burnout:

05-01-2008, 09:44 AM
^^ dont give this guy a ride! lol i'm jokin!

Aren Jay
05-01-2008, 09:44 AM
If you invited them out for a drive then they are your guests. It is bad form to ask money from your guests. :o

PR :burnout:


And if you have to buy your friends, that is what you do. If you agree before to go dutch, food gas hotel etc... that is done before you leave. Just because you have a big car a fast car doesn't mean you get to ask for gas $$$ after the fact.

It sounds like you wanted to take your car. Like you asked them to come with you. Asking for money after you have started your trip is not in good form.

Either agree, best in writting, ahead of time and sign a contract. Or pay for yourself this time and let them drive next time.

Why didn't you take this guys car? Too small, being cozy with the girls in the backseat is more fun than sitting behind the wheel. (yes more fun than behind your Marauders wheel)
(and no it doesn't matter what they look like, in the dark or with lots of beer, no one is ugly.)
Now if he asked if they could take your car, or they all asked you along only because of your car, or you are there because you have money. Then ask for money from them, yes. Otherwise no.

05-01-2008, 03:43 PM
As are most of his threads......

Most of Dom's threads/posts are rather intriguing.

Yours are predictable and consistent.


05-01-2008, 07:26 PM
If you invited them out for a drive then they are your guests. It is bad form to ask money from your guests. :o

PR :burnout:

Good point, but even if i'm invited i always offer to kick in a few bucks whether they take it or not, that's just me. Also, if i do the inviting i may not take the money, it's just nice to know they at least offered to help and that alone earns my respect.

Unfortunately, friendships break up over issues like this. A true friend will understand and hold no ill feelings.

05-01-2008, 08:26 PM
maybe he would have felt better if you had asked for $ 10 worth of kerosene.:eek:

Muuuussssst stoooop hand from typppppiiinggg
Sorry couldn't resist.

05-01-2008, 08:47 PM

(and no it doesn't matter what they look like, in the dark or with lots of beer, no one is ugly.)

:rofl:Ha haaa:lol:

05-02-2008, 12:32 AM

And if you have to buy your friends, that is what you do.

It sounds like you wanted to take your car.

Why didn't you take this guys car? Too small

Now if he asked if they could take your car, or they all asked you along only because of your car, or you are there because you have money. Then ask for money from them, yes. Otherwise no.

If I wanted to buy friends and drink beer I would joint a frat, but I'm not interested in either. Now we always take my car or my Blazer. The reason being everyone is nice and relaxed. The other guy has a 95 Ford Mustang GT convertible which is very clean, but slow and small. I would be fine riding shotgun, but that would be rude to his girlfriend and I don't do those types of things.

Going in my car is a common thing amongst us when we are all together and the reason I asked for cash was because we went around so much all weekend. This wasn't a trip to the movies or Pep Boys and boom I'm asking for 10 bucks... it was after going through half a tank with everyone thoughout the past day or so.

I would have no problem riding in someone elses car and if they need cash, I'm always willing to help. Like I said it was a weekend thing and not just a trip to a store or something.

05-02-2008, 12:33 AM
maybe he would have felt better if you had asked for $ 10 worth of kerosene.:eek:

Muuuussssst stoooop hand from typppppiiinggg
Sorry couldn't resist.

I knew that was going to come from someone!
