View Full Version : Oldest Disease

Aren Jay
05-02-2008, 08:51 PM
There is a disease that everyone has. It has very bad effects in some and almost no effect is others. It causes some to lose consciousness sometimes at random but usually after a long day. Others have learned to control this disease and live with it but it takes a great deal of mental control and meditation. Giving in and losing control will bring temporary relief from this disease and has become so common place that everyone just about thinks of it as a natural occurance. Hallucinations are a common side effect of this disease and while some report never having them it is suspected that they just do not remember. In extreme cases total loss of will is present and the disease turns people into wandering Zombies able to act in any number of natural ways even with simple communication. These people often find themselve away from where they were when the disease materialized and with no memory of how or when they lost complete control. This zombie like state has even been documented as being of such a disasociative state that people have commited murders while in the zombie state.

Some have tried a cold turkey cure but almost all have failed to cure this insidious disease. They start to hallucinate with greater effect and finally lose consciousness, unable to function.

While it is known that being unconscious due to a blow or shock is not the same as the disease laspe it is equally unnerving. This disease does have some medications to help cope with it and even nullify it for a short term, though there is not a Cure, so far that has proved effective nor are any vaccines likely in the near future.

Like drinking, driving while suffering a fit, of this disease can be as or more deadly and has been known to kill many people every year.

So I say we should do something, what I do not know, but something to combat this disease, and it's devastating effects, no matter how benign it may seem we need to stop this disease in it's tracks.


Blk Mamba
05-03-2008, 03:59 PM


05-03-2008, 04:10 PM
wtf is the point of this?

Local Boy
05-03-2008, 04:35 PM
You should just "choke your chicken" more often...then you'll be fine...LOL

ALO...you know the rest

05-04-2008, 06:30 AM
The disease of which he speaks is "being awake". Stay awake too long and you will hallucinate and die.

05-04-2008, 08:28 AM
I thought the disease was called Work. LOL. But then again, when we work too much, we stay awake too long, so that makes sense.

05-05-2008, 04:58 AM
What's life without a few hallucinations every now and then?

05-05-2008, 05:27 AM
mmmm i hallucinated for awhile! i ponder it sometimes. it was a cunning and baffling disease!

according to the new england journel of medicine.
" the disease begins with a M and ends with a E"


Aren Jay
05-05-2008, 06:22 PM
At least I post my Joke threads in the lounge.

The hydrogen MPG thingy thread is still in the Community forum.