View Full Version : Let's laugh at each other

05-05-2008, 01:18 AM
I was thinking of some stupid/dumb things I have done and thought would be funny to mention and I know some of us have a few tales ourselves...

Once I had to throw up and didn't turn on the bathroom light because I didn't want it to "wake me up" and I ended up missing the toliet and I don't know how some puke landed on the shower door.

Alright what is something you guys have done that you care to share? This could be pretty funny.

05-05-2008, 04:35 AM
I was thinking of some stupid/dumb things I have done and thought would be funny to mention and I know some of us have a few tales ourselves...

Alright what is something you guys have done that you care to share? This could be pretty funny.

Answering this post........

To stay on your theme,
Years ago I was riding shotgun with a friend of mine from a party. His brother in the back seat wasn't feeling too well and went to throw up out the back window. He neglected to roll the window down first......I was glad it wasn't my car.

Hack Goby
05-05-2008, 05:48 AM
Back in the `70`s I was a back seat passenger headed up north for a canoe trip.Were all drinking beer and I just love M&M`s with my beer so after a while I could feel I was in trouble so no problem I just rolled down the window and puked(Right on I-75) That was easy and I was ready for more.We stopped for gas and more beer and when I got out I notice that even though I didnt get anything on the car I blew chunks all over the Apache we were towing.Not a pretty site,beer and chewed up chocolate.

05-05-2008, 06:06 AM
Allright I have one, I was 11 or 12 and it was hot out, my neighbor had a slip n slide, all the kids in the neighborhood were there, so I ran and dove onto it, by the time I got to the end of it my bathing suit was down by my ankles, exposing my junk to the WHOLE neighborhood!!

05-05-2008, 06:14 AM
The dumbest thing I've ever done was get married. 3 times.... and, yes I do know the definition of insanity.

05-05-2008, 06:25 AM
I tried peein out the shotgun window of my cousins dodge diplomat at about 70mph and every drip sprayed back in to the back seat where his friend was sitting. But once i started to go i could'nt stop meanwhile he was doing some kind of a new freakish dance or having a seizure trying to avoid his golden shower. He took it way better than i would have.

05-05-2008, 07:54 AM
To stay on your theme,
Years ago I was riding shotgun with a friend of mine from a party. His brother in the back seat wasn't feeling too well and went to throw up out the back window. He neglected to roll the window down first......I was glad it wasn't my car.I have a similar story....it was me in the back seat. Winter time and too much to drink in college. Very vague memory of it....not sure I even tried to roll down the window. My nice light blue down parka and the floor of the car were covered. It was the beer's fault!!! My college roommate still talks about that blue coat that we hosed down and hung outside the dorm window to air dry. Well, I guess she did the hosing and hanging...almost 30 years ago! Another dear friend cleaned up the car. Never did that again!! :puke:

05-05-2008, 08:12 AM
I have a similar story....it was me in the back seat. Winter time and too much to drink in college. Very vague memory of it....not sure I even tried to roll down the window. My nice light blue down parka and the floor of the car were covered. It was the beer's fault!!! My college roommate still talks about that blue coat that we hosed down and hung outside the dorm window to air dry. Well, I guess she did the hosing and hanging...almost 30 years ago! Another dear friend cleaned up the car. Never did that again!! :puke:

What are friends for? And those are friends worth keeping.

Egon Spengler
05-05-2008, 10:13 AM
wow... great thread to read on my lunch!!! NOT (pushes plate away)

05-05-2008, 10:34 AM
Shamefully, I admit that I do not have any vomit stories to share. :( Well, none involving my own vomit.

05-05-2008, 10:56 AM
Well I hate to admit it but, I was late for work and missed Inspection and Roll Call. About an hour into my tour I had made a Car Stop for Missing Required Equipment ( Brake Lights ). After getting the owners License, Registration, and Insurance Card the operator stated " I know I am required to have Brake Lights but ain't you required to carry a gun? At that moment I reached to feel for my gun and It was not there. I panicked raced back to headquarters and it was still in my locker. Of course I had to bribe the driver with not getting a ticket.

05-05-2008, 11:04 AM
I once meet this fellow named Dominic, haven't stopped laughing yet.

05-05-2008, 01:46 PM
I once meet this fellow named Dominic, haven't stopped laughing yet.

Man who is this guy? Maybe you were thinking me? You know I'm not Dominic, I am Dominck :rolleyes:

Dr Caleb
05-05-2008, 04:16 PM
Well, no puke, and not me but:

I was in Fort Mac, partying with a bunch of Newfs (short for Newfoundlanders). If you haven't partied with Newfs, you haven't lived. So, this one guy, just a huge man - the kind that never seem to be as drunk as they really are, after a night of serious libation he went back to his sisters place.

In order to be nice, he went quietly into her place, and was considerate enough to not turn on the bathroom light when he relieved himself. He did however forget to put the seat back down.

At least, that's the way he remembers it.

What he actually did, (the way we saw it) - was; stumble into the living room, tripped loudly over a footstool (cursing), lift up the top of the coffee table (tipping the lamp and other oddities loudly to the floor) and urinate in the open space onto the books on the lower shelf.

I'll never forget that one.

05-05-2008, 07:17 PM
What he actually did, (the way we saw it) - was; stumble into the living room, tripped loudly over a footstool (cursing), lift up the top of the coffee table (tipping the lamp and other oddities loudly to the floor) and urinate in the open space onto the books on the lower shelf.:rofl:


05-05-2008, 09:41 PM




Aren Jay
05-05-2008, 10:26 PM
Locked myself in the back of a car at a carshow.

05-05-2008, 11:28 PM
one time while test driving cars with a buddy (thats what i do for fun) we took the POS beretta to go test drive some BMWs (and they let us, suckers!!) anyways, afterwards we were driving along and see these two kids maybe 16-17 walking along kicking this big ass box (about 2 1/2 ft x 2 1/2 ft x 2/12 ft) down the side of the road, my buddy reaches on to the dash, grabs this soft taco that was left over from the morning when we started out (about 6 hrs ago) starts to fumble the pass door panel. I KNEW WHAT HE WAS LOOKING FOR, but on berettas the window switch on in the center console, so i reach down and start rolling his window down, he rips the seat belt off and climbs halfway out the window, sitting on the door with his whole upper body out the window. He lets loose with this full-on quarterback style throw! All I saw was this soft taco slowly spining out of its wraper heading for these kids at like 50 MPH (we were going like 30 and he hurled it hard) and just a split second before it reaches these kids, the one closest stops.... bends down... and start to try to pick up this box, the taco went like 2 inches past the top of his head and just splatters when it hits his buddy square in the back and just EXPLODES!!

All I saw has cheese and meat go everywhere... and some lettuce, like his back was ground zero of a taco atom bomb.

OH MY GOD that was funnyist thing I think I ever saw!
I almost pissed myself, I could not stop laughing for 15 mins, my stomach hurt to bad and I was crying.

Just think about it, your just walking along with you buddy, kicking a box, and all the sudden WHAM..... taco to the back! :lol:

Oh god, just think we he got home, his mom would be like, what the hell happened, and this kid would be like " some F()#%*& A$#*(@ threw a taco at me" I mean really how do you explain that, there no way to ever live that down.

Oh god im laughing just sharing this again.... it was so good!!!!........ oh god!

and thats something to laugh about.

Aren Jay
05-06-2008, 01:03 AM
one time while test driving cars with a buddy (thats what i do for fun) we took the POS beretta to go test drive some BMWs (and they let us, suckers!!) anyways, afterwards we were driving along and see these two kids maybe 16-17 walking along kicking this big ass box (about 2 1/2 ft x 2 1/2 ft x 2/12 ft) down the side of the road, my buddy reaches on to the dash, grabs this soft taco that was left over from the morning when we started out (about 6 hrs ago) starts to fumble the pass door panel. I KNEW WHAT HE WAS LOOKING FOR, but on berettas the window switch on in the center console, so i reach down and start rolling his window down, he rips the seat belt off and climbs halfway out the window, sitting on the door with his whole upper body out the window. He lets loose with this full-on quarterback style throw! All I saw was this soft taco slowly spining out of its wraper heading for these kids at like 50 MPH (we were going like 30 and he hurled it hard) and just a split second before it reaches these kids, the one closest stops.... bends down... and start to try to pick up this box, the taco went like 2 inches past the top of his head and just splatters when it hits his buddy square in the back and just EXPLODES!!

All I saw has cheese and meat go everywhere... and some lettuce, like his back was ground zero of a taco atom bomb.

OH MY GOD that was funnyist thing I think I ever saw!
I almost pissed myself, I could not stop laughing for 15 mins, my stomach hurt to bad and I was crying.

Just think about it, your just walking along with you buddy, kicking a box, and all the sudden WHAM..... taco to the back! :lol:

Oh god, just think we he got home, his mom would be like, what the hell happened, and this kid would be like " some F()#%*& A$#*(@ threw a taco at me" I mean really how do you explain that, there no way to ever live that down.

Oh god im laughing just sharing this again.... it was so good!!!!........ oh god!

and thats something to laugh about.

you realize we are laughing at you for being an idiot right?

05-06-2008, 04:02 AM
you realize we are laughing at you for being an idiot right?

I'm laughing because that story was just insane.....LMAOPIMP :rofl:

05-06-2008, 04:06 AM
:laugh: :laugh:

" I know I am required to have Brake Lights but ain't you required to carry a gun? "
That IS funny, Freddie .... Now !!

I have a similar story....it was me in the back seat. Winter time and too much to drink in college. Very vague memory of it....not sure I even tried to roll down the window. My nice light blue down parka and the floor of the car were covered. It was the beer's fault!!! My college roommate still talks about that blue coat that we hosed down and hung outside the dorm window to air dry. Well, I guess she did the hosing and hanging...almost 30 years ago! Another dear friend cleaned up the car. Never did that again!! :puke:

I'm telling ............ ;)

05-06-2008, 04:11 AM

I tried peein out the shotgun window of my cousins dodge diplomat at about 70mph and every drip sprayed back in to the back seat where his friend was sitting. But once i started to go i could'nt stop meanwhile he was doing some kind of a new freakish dance or having a seizure trying to avoid his golden shower. He took it way better than i would have.

I can totally see that happening! :lol:

05-06-2008, 04:24 AM
When my best bud and I were Teens,he had a 72 torino that if you drove down the road,turned off the ignition for a minute or so they turned the key back on it would backfire and sound like a shotgun. Well we used to get people riding bikes,walking,jogging or whatever. As we drove by I would scream at the top of my lungs LOOK OUT! and he would hit the key and scare the living daylights out of people. We did go thru alot of mufflers but the entertainment value was well worth it.

Mike Poore
05-06-2008, 04:24 AM
Ever throw a lit firecracker out the window, only to have it come back in the rear window, and land on the rear seat? :eek:

When there's time I'll tell about the test drive in the Rabbit at Shockley VW, in Frederick. ;)

05-06-2008, 05:08 AM
When there's time I'll tell about the test drive in the Rabbit at Shockley VW, in Frederick. ;)I got all day!

Or you can give us the up close and personal version in Carlisle.


SC Cheesehead
05-06-2008, 06:15 PM
My buddy and I were out goose hunting a number of years back, and after crouching down in a blind for a while, I had to pee.

My buddy warned me to stay low, so that the geese wouldn't spot me and veer off.

Anyway, I hugged the brush line along the fence, found an open spot, and started to relieve myself.

Unfortunately, the stream managed to hit the fence wires, which were electrified.....I been all over the country, sowed my share of wild oats, and had me some experiences, but NOTHING has ever come close to the sensation I had the instant that pee hit the fence.:eek:

Even now, thinking about it makes me cringe.:sweat:


Aren Jay
05-06-2008, 07:03 PM
My Mom was in her new condo and saw some guy not paying attention moving her grass. So when he came close to the exhaust vent for the built in vacuflow vacuum system, she had me turn it on. The guy must have lept 4 feet. I really does sound like a jet engine.