View Full Version : Allow me to vent at life

05-06-2008, 03:05 AM
I cannot believe what is happening. I really don't wanna grow up, but it's happening and happening fast.:eek: I'm almost through with college, people in my life are getting married, moving away to work 9-5 for the next 30 years, some died, some went to jail... I don't like what I see and I hate change. :( I have to determine what is important now and what can wait. I really want to get headers for the Marauder, paint my Blazer (or at least get a F-ing Radio!) and get that 65 Chevy on the road, but I have keep putting my money into my band right now. Today we are recording at a major studio where major labels send their artist like 3 Doors Down, Disturbed... all these bands I couldn't really care less about, but have a great studio sound.

Just when you think you are done paying dues for the week, someone else has their hand out. There is hardly anytime for myself anymore. I haven't even bought back all my stolen CDs yet and still owe my mom a good chunk for helping me get that 65 Chevy. Projects are due for school, I noticed my bass plaer has been drinking a lot more and I need to keep him stable so sometimes I'm up until the sun comes talking to him up just making sure he's happier with life even if he has to stay sober. My mom is aging and I haven't seen her this bad since I had to sit on my knees in my dads car to see over the dashboard.

I recently came across a picture of my Blazer when I got it stuck in the snow in winter 2001 and I almost felt bad... I haven't seen it shine like that in years. I don't feel old, I just feel like time is flying by and I'm hardly noticing it. Just yesterday it seems like I'm on my way to preschool to draw and learn how to write letters and today I have to go to a bank to pay someone back, run to a studio to record some more songs, find time to get a presentation together for another class to name a few things.

One thing that really ticks me off is when people say that one thing: "If this band doesn't workout what are you going to do?" My responce is always the same thing: Suicide. I'm not going to do it, but I won't tell anyone what they wanna hear me say about taking over my fathers business or anything else totally different from what I want to do with my life. I'm not thinking about that because I know I'm going to stay determine, follow through and make a living off of doing what I want and not what society says I need to do. The funny thing is everyone thinks I'm this 16 year old in a 22 year old body who wants to be a rock star. I'm not that way. There are lots of ways to make money off of a love for music besides getting on that crappy mtv or top 40 and no one seems to understand that because of their lack of knowledge of the music business... screw em.

I just wish there was a way to stop time, go back in time or live in another time being that most everything I like is twice my age... cars, music, women... :P, but people older than me are so much easier for me to get along with. I have been up all night because I cannot clear my mind. I made a list of everything I want and what it's going to cost me. Everything from painting the Blazer to as little as getting new keys made for the Blazer and 65 Chevy and the total cost was off the wall. Looks like everything is going to be on hold for a while, but I have a plan that could score me big bucks in about a year and we'll see how that works... that almost isn't the point. I don't need money to be happy at all. I don't care if I am still living in the same apartment 10 years from now with the incomplete kitchen. Just cars and music that's all that matters... but they will cost you time and money.

Ok I need to find a Black Flag CD to listen to, I think The First Four Years will do.

05-06-2008, 03:30 AM
Just remember................

Life's a biatch, then you die.

05-06-2008, 03:46 AM
Getting close for me... about 3 months to go.. cancer... age 65...putting stuff in order

05-06-2008, 03:49 AM
Dom, I have no idea why your whining. Your young and have your whole life ahead of you and I'm an 18yr old stuck in a middleaged body. :help:

05-06-2008, 04:01 AM
I cannot believe what is happening. I really don't wanna grow up, but it's happening and happening fast.:eek:.

Me either. ;) Focus first on what is most important to you like family, friends, etc. The rest will just fall in line .... or fall by the wayside as not very important. You'll make it through this period of uncertainty .... we all did. :D

Mike Poore
05-06-2008, 04:18 AM
Dom, you'll fall in love/lust, then your decisions will be made for you, and you'll sort of fall into step with the rest of us. You think there are all these options/decisions you need to make; but in reality there are very few.

Meanwhile, gentlemen, I suggest you re-visit post #3 in this thread. That's one of those tough realities, where you have no say, and where the important issues reside.

05-06-2008, 04:27 AM

I read your missive and IMHO your have bit off more than you can chew.

As I see it you have college, band, cars/trucks that require time and resources.

However, this combination is demanding more time and money than you can give at this point.

So, decide which has to go on the back burner.

(1) Finish the college first because that will affect your career choices, put the others on hold.

Or (2) pour yourself into the band and see if it will be successful as a livelyhood, then finish college later.

The automotive toys should always be secondary.

Also, life has a way of rewarding those who succeed with a "second childhood" whereby the fruits of our efforts in the working years allow us to indulge ourselves in fullfilling our dreams in the later years. I can testify to that.

Life also has a way of pulling the rug out from under you, so don't hold on too tight to "things". As the old proverb says, "the Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord".


05-06-2008, 04:35 AM
Just remember one thing.
You HAVE to grow old, you DON'T have to grow up!
Take care of the important things in life, then do whatever the hell you want to, before it's too late to.

05-06-2008, 04:51 AM
You're safe ;)

05-06-2008, 06:57 AM
Getting close for me... about 3 months to go.. cancer... age 65...putting stuff in order

Sorry to hear this, makes all else seem trivial. FWIW, I see it as leaving one phase of life for the great unknown adventure that lies ahead.

Dominick, set your priorities, make a plan, try to follow it. Before you know it the whole thing will change and you'll end up somewhere entirely different...

05-06-2008, 07:42 AM
Yup. 22 is exactly the age that you should be feeling exactly what your feeling. I've been through it and remember it well. Now I'm 36, married and have a baby on the way....and my top problem is figuring out when the heck I'm gonna have time to paint my calipers..LOL. Despite what your thread reads...it sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and you'll make it just fine.

05-06-2008, 07:59 AM
Getting close for me... about 3 months to go.. cancer... age 65...putting stuff in order
Very sorry to hear this. :( Really am at a loss for words. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family. Sounds like you have made your peace with the issue and are dealing with this situation well. Hope that I will be able to do the same when the time arises.

05-06-2008, 08:44 AM
Midlife crisis already dom?

05-06-2008, 01:34 PM

I read your missive and IMHO your have bit off more than you can chew.

As I see it you have college, band, cars/trucks that require time and resources.

However, this combination is demanding more time and money than you can give at this point.

So, decide which has to go on the back burner.

(1) Finish the college first because that will affect your career choices, put the others on hold.

Or (2) pour yourself into the band and see if it will be successful as a livelyhood, then finish college later.

The automotive toys should always be secondary.

Also, life has a way of rewarding those who succeed with a "second childhood" whereby the fruits of our efforts in the working years allow us to indulge ourselves in fullfilling our dreams in the later years. I can testify to that.

Life also has a way of pulling the rug out from under you, so don't hold on too tight to "things". As the old proverb says, "the Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord".


Dom, I agree with Pat wholeheartedly with the exception of #2. Your EDUCATION should be the primary mission at this point in your life...Period. THEN you can pour your heart and soul into the band or cars or whatever. Your education WILL be your backup plan. That is the foundation for any endeavor you chose to undertake afterwards. :bows:

Local Boy
05-06-2008, 03:51 PM
cyclopsram...God Bless you, my friend...I pray there will be more days, on the horizon...


05-06-2008, 04:29 PM
Getting close for me... about 3 months to go.. cancer... age 65...putting stuff in order

i thank god my sister made it through this, this past year. shes doing good now and hopefully the worst is over. im very sorry to hear this. god bless

05-07-2008, 03:49 AM
Always try to remember this......

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"........John Lennon

I was/am a big fan of the Beatles and for some reason this has stuck with me from the first time I heard it (1960's??)...........and I've come a LOOOOONG way since then and think about it every day!!!:beer:

Good Luck Dom.....you'll be fine!!:D


05-07-2008, 04:00 AM
Something to think about.....

'A foolish man is awake all night, pondering everything. He is tired when morning breaks and nothing has changed.'

Havamal 23.

05-07-2008, 04:23 AM
Getting close for me... about 3 months to go.. cancer... age 65...putting stuff in order

May you be strong for your family and may God bless you in the journey ahead!


eric jones
05-07-2008, 05:30 AM
Getting close for me... about 3 months to go.. cancer... age 65...putting stuff in order
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I know that most people (me included) in the midst of this terrible disease would not be reading and even more so responding to an automotive forum. It is no accident or coincidence that Motorhead's post would be responded to by someone who is making the most of his limited time. Bottom line Motorhead; enjoy your time and youth. There is always someone less fortunate and it could be worse!
I hope that I have not offended either of you, that is not my intention.

Aren Jay
05-07-2008, 06:45 PM
Don't worry you are still young enough that your dead end band is nothing to worry about. Yet.

You are young enough that it doesn't matter yet, but if you want to cheange things for yourself we old people have advice for you.

1. Sell the Chevy. make money doing it. Pay mom back.
2. Take profit and other money, half of what you have, and invest in the stock market. Buy popular stuff that isn't going to dissappear any time soon.
3. Try some day trading, it will take a couple years before you understand how the markets work, and a couple more before you make any money.
4. Read books from Crammer and O'Leary. Trump and others. Understand what risk is and what you need to do to make money.
5. Bands are fun but do not pay the bills. 1 in 10,000 bands make it rich. that means 9999 in 10000 bands fail.
6. Buy life insurance now.
7. Save the other half of your money, bonds, high interest locked away accounts, keep this money in reach but don't spend it.
8. Have a slush fund account. Money to spend and enjoy. Marauder parts come from this, holidays, etc... Band and fun money.
9. Your band should be making you money. You want to be rich and famous, why? because money is fun to have.
10. Do not wait till you are older to have fun. Also do not wiat till you are older to make money. Retirement at 65 sounds fun, until you are 65. Then it sucks.
11. Take risks now, but don't be stupid.

Remember not everyone is supposed to survive this world we live in. This is why they make motorcycles or people don't wear seatbelts or join gangs or get into knife or gun fights. Stupid people who are not supposed to live to be old. Natural selection at work. Yes they look like they are having fun, now. But in 20 years if they survive they regret it. Poor broke, dead...

As for those of us with problems, we deal with them or try to. We leave our mark, record our thoughts, make videos to show family and friends.

12. Get organized.
13. stay healthy, eat right, exercise not excessively and meet and enjoy other people.

At 22 in college things are hectick they are supposed to be, it prepares you to go from being a kid who can do anything to being an adult who can't.

Don't dump your band get a 9-5 and retire from life now.
live your life but be prepared so that you can retire at 45. Enjoy the fresh air and smell the roses.

14. Prepare, you are changing. Mentally, it is dawning on you that life sucks.
15. Change it. Make it for you.Grab control, there are all the followers in life and then there are the rich and successful. How many people get rich working for someone else? None. Unless they own stock.
16. House. Buy now or save up for it now. Plan a budget for the future. When you are 45 you will smile and think of how for the past 23 years you planned ahead, and now you are ready.
17. 45 is 23 years away. More than your entire life so far. No time for fun, hahahahaha.
18. College ends, then what. Most kids in college take general studies. Ie: They don't know what they are doing. Plan now, pick something you like, change it later if you need to. Take some business courses.
19. Don't look back. Look forward!
20. Be happy. If you don't know what makes you happy find out. Do it, stay happy. Girls boys dogs cars etc... Do it be happy. Music makes you happy, enjoy it, do not let it control you. So many people have the drive and ambition to succeed that you need it too, but you need to enjoy getting there or you are just wasting your time now.

and finally travel.

Find out what is out there, see for yourself. GO to Jamacia, Bahamas, London, Paris, Rome, Venice, Moscow, Tokyo, LA, Vegas, explore the music scenes the history the culture have fun.

As for our 65 year old friend, wow, nothing prepares you unless you do it yourself. Leave us with memories and friendship and happiness. We all send our good tidings your way and hope for the best. Never give up.

Blk Mamba
05-07-2008, 06:57 PM
Just remember................

Life's a biatch, then you die.

Life's a *****, then you marry one!

05-07-2008, 07:49 PM
Getting close for me... about 3 months to go.. cancer... age 65...putting stuff in order

WOW...I am lost for words...

05-07-2008, 09:11 PM
Follow your passion and you will be happy at what you do.

I could write a multi volume set of all the negative events, I have to think hard to remember them.

The successes are easy to remember. Had I given in to just one of these negative events my life would be marked by failure.

My life is triumph.

05-08-2008, 03:46 AM
Dominick, here is my last words of advice to you. "Be proud, join the Marines'; they will straighten you out.


05-08-2008, 08:18 AM
Stop drinking so much coffee and sitting at the computer all night - and get some sleep!
Learn to prioritize and discard what is not important to you.
Go see a doctor if you continue to obsess - you're way too young to have so many self described burdens on your shoulders.
Having said this - I may not know what I am talking about.

Mike Poore
05-08-2008, 08:23 AM
remember this:

Aren Jay
05-08-2008, 10:08 AM
remember this:

this is very true.

05-09-2008, 10:57 AM
2. Take profit and other money, half of what you have, and invest in the stock market. Buy popular stuff that isn't going to dissappear any time soon.

3. Try some day trading, it will take a couple years before you understand how the markets work, and a couple more before you make any money.

4. Read books from Crammer and O'Leary. Trump and others. Understand what risk is and what you need to do to make money.

6. Buy life insurance now

11. Take risks now, but don't be stupid.

Some really, really bad advice above includes:

2) Stock market investments-ever hear of the very popular stock called Enron? Individual stock purchases are for gamblers, and other fools with more money than brains. Only buy mutual funds for long term investments, as they greatly reduce risk.

3) Day trading is for gamblers and fools (see # 2 above).

4) Books are fine, but many are full of garbage advice. Plan on having to work for a future, without get rich quick schemes. You don't need to take risks to prosper.

6) Cheap term life insurance is OK, buy enough to pay for your funeral & burial expenses. Never buy a whole life policy or any other rip-off "insurance" products.

11) Risk takers are stupid.

Aren Jay
05-09-2008, 11:17 AM
2) mutal funds lose money all the time, only when times are good do Mutual funds make money. If you don't know what you are doing, get a long term government bond or the like, but remember you not going to get rich.

3) day trading is greatly misunderstood. It is not something you bet the farm on, and not really gambling, no more than any other kind of investment. It is even less risky, depending on how you do it, and with modern technology very simple to setup with strict rules.

If you put in an Order for stock, at a set rate and then make an adjustment, over a short time period to sell if it goes up say 2% or down 1%. This can all be set before you start your trading day. Then you pick which stock, again using other technology, telling you who is up or down on the day, all streamed in realtime. Limit yourself to 1-2% and cash out by a set time. If it doesn't move you cash out before the end of the day, or hafter set amount of time. It will move 99% of the time by 1% in a day. Worst is you lose 2% a day. Not much of a Gamble. This is all automated so if the stock crashes in 5 minutes when it detects the 2% limit it automatically sells. Or 1% or whatever.

1 or 2% a day doesn't sound like much. And if you are loseing it isn't that much. Even repeatedly. Gains of 2% are alot over time.

if you make a 2 % gain every even day and lose 1% on the odd days. You still will be making 10+% a month. 330% a year. if you lose 1 % a day it is a decreasing amount.

Basically you lose ever decreasing amounts of money vs making every increasing amounts of money.

Day trading can also be hands on and if you set rules and follow them you minimize your risk.

4)In the USA and somewhat in Canada you can also make money with realestate. Mainly buying a home and diverting your taxes from making the payments. Then investing in bonds etc... Works different in Canada but the idea is sort of the same.

A book like "Millionaire by Thirty" is a good starting point. I havn't read it yet. Only heard about it yesterday.
It is one way, not necessarily the best way but one way, if it interests you try it, if not keep reading. Never believe everything you read, but don't disbelieve it with looking into it.

6) most insurance is hard to collect, except life insurance. Get as much as you can locked in at your young age rate. Pay it now say $25 a year and when you are old it makes a difference. Remember about inflation and count on what costs are now will be 3-4x what they will be when you are old.If you want to leave $100,000 todays funds, then get a $400,000 policy. If you don't know who to make it out to, yet, make it to your estate. Then when you get into a relationship in the future your will can direct all these payments. etc...

11) Risk now, not later. You are young enough to make a few stupid mistakes now. Like a Band. or buying 110 lotto tickets. or Driving your Marauder 8000 miles in a big circle around the USA. etc... Don't start jumping out of airplanes or street racing motocycles. Even if you go broke when your 25 you can still make a comeback. When your 65 it is tough.