View Full Version : lowndex buying a smart car

05-10-2008, 02:22 PM
At first I thought he was kidding me, but yes, lowndex is buying a "smart" car. I just had to share this with you folks.
How depressing. Say it ain't so lowndex.

I'm just going to focus on Patricia Velasquez instead.



05-10-2008, 02:31 PM
i saw one of these today. ppl arer nuts that thing is a death trap

05-10-2008, 02:32 PM
I saw one go by my school

Theres a smart center in edison, they have easily over 100, 20 ov em inside the tiny edition.

Aren Jay
05-10-2008, 11:33 PM
Smart Fortwos are great little cars.

A little rough around the edges but great little cars.

Half, literally half the length of a Marauder.

It is the only affordable, RWD, Mid engine, Two seater.

05-11-2008, 12:06 AM
It is the only affordable, RWD, Mid engine, Two seater.

Overpriced for what it is, really slow, horrible handling.

0-60 in 14.4 seconds, oh yeah :banana2:

Aren Jay
05-11-2008, 01:26 AM
Overpriced for what it is, really slow, horrible handling.

0-60 in 14.4 seconds, oh yeah :banana2:

It is NA, turbo it and see what happens.

05-11-2008, 08:17 AM
It is NA, turbo it and see what happens.

Get into a minor fender-bender and see what happens.

I thought these were supposed to be city cars where high speed accidents weren't common, I've seen two on the highway now. Are people crazy?

05-11-2008, 11:08 AM
I put a 12" sub-woofer and custom component speaker pods in one when I was in Italy....it was a loud lil ****er but I would never drive one, they always feel like they are going to tip over...

05-11-2008, 12:25 PM
http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=12 638&d=1210454050

Driving this ^^^

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=12 639&d=1210454254

Will not get you this ^^^

05-11-2008, 02:27 PM
It is NA, turbo it and see what happens.

Turbo 700cc 3cyl

0-60 in 14.4 seconds :lol:

Aren Jay
05-11-2008, 03:28 PM
Driving this ^^^

Will not get you this ^^^

No it would only get you a Jessica Alba.

Aren Jay
05-11-2008, 03:31 PM
Turbo 700cc 3cyl

0-60 in 14.4 seconds :lol:
A good turbo will make on a 1L between 75 and 100% more power.

125bhp and 1700 lbs and you will go good.

besides no one drives a 42 to go fast 0-60. They drive them to go fast 0-30. And get 30-40 mpg.

The Cabriolet is like a very fast, street legal cart.

05-12-2008, 09:38 AM
I've seen one in Quakertown, PA on a couple of occasions. I think that they are crazy driving that thing on RT.309!

Co-worker posted a pic of one adding the comment; "great on gas, doubles as a coffin".

05-12-2008, 11:33 AM
I think the real reason people buy these things is that they think it's safe. They tell me 'it has a 5 star rating'. They turn white when I tell them what that really means. If you are in an accident with anything that weighs more than 250# more than your car, the star ratings no longer apply. The vehicle with greater weight will inflict greater damage to the smaller one at a rate roughly proportional to the weight of the two cars. Simple physics.

05-12-2008, 12:07 PM
Unfortunately, my youngest brother is buying one.

Dr Caleb
05-12-2008, 12:33 PM

This thread is hilarious. Microsoft couldn't do a better job of FUD.

And I wonder if anyone else can see how much the other threads of 'BOHICA' and 'Armchair Quarterbacks' have to do with this thread.

Here's some facts, to go with the FUD:


Aren Jay
05-12-2008, 03:00 PM
youtube doesn't work for me anymore.

a fixed it.


did you see this one.

05-12-2008, 03:12 PM

Yet another reason not to drive a sneaker...

Did any1 see the Smart car vs the Ferrari video?

05-15-2008, 07:32 PM
[quote=dflynn5;615096]At first I thought he was kidding me, but yes, lowndex is buying a "smart" car. I just had to share this with you folks.
How depressing. Say it ain't so lowndex.

Here is what I bought:

To help keep the miles off my baby, I bought a commute car on steroids.

05-15-2008, 07:43 PM
Overpriced for what it is, really slow, horrible handling.

0-60 in 14.4 seconds, oh yeah :banana2:

Spend $16,500.00 for the car. Spend another another $16,000 to install the Smartuki Option 4 (http://www.smartuki.com/) and Badda Bing baby - you got a Ferrari killer! $32,000.00 and I can beat most Marauders!

My buddy Texas Dave bought a Pontiac GTO - slower and more expensive. hehehehehe.............:lol:

05-15-2008, 07:45 PM
It is NA, turbo it and see what happens.

Smartuki is working on a Suzuki Hayabusa kit with turbo and nitrous. The outcome is projected to yield 300 hp!

05-15-2008, 07:47 PM
Get into a minor fender-bender and see what happens.

I thought these were supposed to be city cars where high speed accidents weren't common, I've seen two on the highway now. Are people crazy?

Check it out:

Look up the Marauder and prepare to be sad.

05-15-2008, 07:48 PM
http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=12 638&d=1210454050

Driving this ^^^

http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=12 639&d=1210454254

Will not get you this ^^^

That's whay I have the Marauder. Plenty of room in the back seat.

05-15-2008, 08:02 PM
I think the real reason people buy these things is that they think it's safe. They tell me 'it has a 5 star rating'. They turn white when I tell them what that really means. If you are in an accident with anything that weighs more than 250# more than your car, the star ratings no longer apply. The vehicle with greater weight will inflict greater damage to the smaller one at a rate roughly proportional to the weight of the two cars. Simple physics.


05-16-2008, 07:03 AM

Did you watch the whole video? They said that nobody would have survived the accident... What more evidence do you need to tell you that this car isn't safe?

As for what grade I got in physics - what part of conservation of energy don't you understand?
If the cars are traveling at the same speed and they crash, the result is that the smaller ones velocity will be affected more - the result is predicted by the ratio of their masses. The larger car has more energy - some of which will be transferred to the small car during impact that will effect it's resulting velocity.
It's been awhile - don't remember all the formulas.
Picture this - If you were able to hit a bowling ball with a billard ball from opposite directions, the billard ball would bounce off and go back where it came and the bowling ball would keep going the original direction. This is what's going to happen when a truck hits your Smart. It's the instantaneous change in direction (high acceleration) that's going to kill most people - if they don't bleed to death after their legs are crushed (per the video).

Just trying to save a life.... don't want to debate. You've been warned.

05-16-2008, 07:53 AM
A 70mph impact = 2 cars hitting head on going 35. Should be survivable but my money is on no one in the Smart car surviving in anything other than vegitative state. I'm pretty sure the physics haven't changed in the last 30 years since I did it.

Dr Caleb
05-16-2008, 08:30 AM
A 70mph impact = 2 cars hitting head on going 35. Should be survivable but my money is on no one in the Smart car surviving in anything other than vegitative state. I'm pretty sure the physics haven't changed in the last 30 years since I did it.

I still love this thread. It reminds me of the story my shop teacher used to tell of a guy coming to his tool crib, and asking for a pipe wrench. He didn't care what size, because he was going to use it as a hammer anyway.

"To generalize and say that the Smart is at a disadvantage in all crashes is unfair,” Kettenbeil said. “We’ve seen numerous times, either in person or on television, where occupants have walked out of a crash regardless of the size of the vehicles that were involved in the accident, and you wonder how that happens.”


Ask yourself - which is more survivable, a crash in a Smart FourTwo, or a crash on a motorcycle. . .

Everyone forgets, the Smart isn't meant to replace a Panther or SUV - it's meant as an alternative to a motorcycle. And it does as well as many cars in crash tests. Crash tests aren't designed to test the survivability of the car, they are meant to test the survivability of the occupants. A 5 star rating means you will probably survive a significant crash in one.

Simple physics.

Mmmm, no. Inelastic collisions are pretty complex physics. That's why they computer simulate and ultimately real-world crash test them.

05-16-2008, 08:43 AM


05-16-2008, 09:57 AM
Mmmm, no. Inelastic collisions are pretty complex physics. That's why they computer simulate and ultimately real-world crash test them.

Sorry to oversimplify, I was just trying to speak about crash phenomena in its simplest terms. Working at a major automotive OEM, I am quite familiar with the major interior impact requirements (FMVSS 201, 208, etc) and know how to meet them. You are correct, it is very complex but I think you'll agree that, IN GENERAL, you have a better chance of surviving an accident if you are in a heavier vehicle based on the more simple concept of conservation of energy, etc.

And motorcycles are completely out of the equation... any significant impact is unsurvivable. A motorcycle hit the side of a van in front of my house last week at no more than 20 mph and he was messed up. He will survive but will most likely have long term effects.

Dr Caleb
05-16-2008, 12:34 PM
Sorry to oversimplify, I was just trying to speak about crash phenomena in its simplest terms. Working at a major automotive OEM, I am quite familiar with the major interior impact requirements (FMVSS 201, 208, etc) and know how to meet them. You are correct, it is very complex but I think you'll agree that, IN GENERAL, you have a better chance of surviving an accident if you are in a heavier vehicle based on the more simple concept of conservation of energy, etc.

No worries. I took honours Physics in University, and 'simple physics' doesn't describe a car crash. :) That just stood out to me.

The other option too, other than being in the heavier vehicle, is to be going slower. That's the concept many in this thread have to get used to. We in North American just aren't used to the class of vehicle Europeans call a 'city car'. It's completely insane to fire up the F-350 to go 6 blocks for a quart of milk. But if you live in city limits, the Smart Car is perfect to drive yourself to work in.

The 'City Car' is meant for people to drive on secondary highways at the maximum, preferable on city streets at low speed. Fast enough to be a fatality if you're on a motorcycle or scooter, but perfectly OK if you're in a Smart Car, Honda FIT or Mini Cooper. They are cheap, get amazing mileage, and are a snap to park.

And best of all - no one is forcing you to buy one!

And motorcycles are completely out of the equation... any significant impact is unsurvivable. A motorcycle hit the side of a van in front of my house last week at no more than 20 mph and he was messed up. He will survive but will most likely have long term effects.

But he would probably have been fine in a Smart car . . . ;)

Canucksmarauder: Now that looks like some fun, eh! I like the nose stand. WhooHoo!

05-16-2008, 01:15 PM
Hey lowndex. Can you do a quick will leaving me the 04 Marauder in the event of your demise in the Smart car? I promise to take great care of it for you.

Not that I don't believe all the crash tests reports and in no way am I suggesting that the French are smart enough to build a car that will excel in these "staged" events but... Just in case... Because the German designers might have.

05-16-2008, 09:54 PM
Did you watch the whole video? They said that nobody would have survived the accident... What more evidence do you need to tell you that this car isn't safe?

You have a valid point. If I get hit by an SUV, my asrse is toast. Guess I should let the wife drive the car. hehehehe....

As for what grade I got in physics - what part of conservation of energy don't you understand?
If the cars are traveling at the same speed and they crash, the result is that the smaller ones velocity will be affected more - the result is predicted by the ratio of their masses. The larger car has more energy - some of which will be transferred to the small car during impact that will effect it's resulting velocity.
It's been awhile - don't remember all the formulas.
Picture this - If you were able to hit a bowling ball with a billard ball from opposite directions, the billard ball would bounce off and go back where it came and the bowling ball would keep going the original direction. This is what's going to happen when a truck hits your Smart. It's the instantaneous change in direction (high acceleration) that's going to kill most people - if they don't bleed to death after their legs are crushed (per the video).

Just trying to save a life.... don't want to debate. You've been warned.

I appreciate your concern and accurate advice.:bows:

05-16-2008, 09:56 PM
A 70mph impact = 2 cars hitting head on going 35. Should be survivable but my money is on no one in the Smart car surviving in anything other than vegitative state. I'm pretty sure the physics haven't changed in the last 30 years since I did it.

Now drivers can talk on phones to aide distraction at high speeds.:)

05-16-2008, 10:00 PM
I still love this thread. It reminds me of the story my shop teacher used to tell of a guy coming to his tool crib, and asking for a pipe wrench. He didn't care what size, because he was going to use it as a hammer anyway.

"To generalize and say that the Smart is at a disadvantage in all crashes is unfair,” Kettenbeil said. “We’ve seen numerous times, either in person or on television, where occupants have walked out of a crash regardless of the size of the vehicles that were involved in the accident, and you wonder how that happens.”


Ask yourself - which is more survivable, a crash in a Smart FourTwo, or a crash on a motorcycle. . .

Everyone forgets, the Smart isn't meant to replace a Panther or SUV - it's meant as an alternative to a motorcycle. And it does as well as many cars in crash tests. Crash tests aren't designed to test the survivability of the car, they are meant to test the survivability of the occupants. A 5 star rating means you will probably survive a significant crash in one.

Mmmm, no. Inelastic collisions are pretty complex physics. That's why they computer simulate and ultimately real-world crash test them.

Good information. But, if a Hummer hits me, I'm SOL. I'll pray for a Japenese import. My luck and a Harley will t-bone me, crush my skull and everyone watching the evening news will laught their ass off at my corpse.:depress:

05-16-2008, 10:02 PM
I had to drop the coarse just prior to the Final Exam and re-take the class the following term. Blazed a C-.:o

05-16-2008, 10:12 PM
Hey lowndex. Can you do a quick will leaving me the 04 Marauder in the event of your demise in the Smart car? I promise to take great care of it for you.

Not that I don't believe all the crash tests reports and in no way am I suggesting that the French are smart enough to build a car that will excel in these "staged" events but... Just in case... Because the German designers might have.

A little background: Dave is my closest friend and father to my two God sons. Thanks Dave for paying their college tuition.

Anyway, Dave sold me the MY 2004 Marauder two years ago. Since then, I have added a Metal Matrix drive shaft, 4.10 gears, Precision torque converter, JLT ram air, custom Motegi wheels, coil packs, a Speed Freak Industries tune, ....... The only thing left is a Trilogy super charger. Dave is wracked with jealousy and stalks me trying to get his Marauder back.

MINE, it's MINE, MINE. However, if I die, my will states your son's/my godsons inherit the Marauder. Your dear friend, Lowndex.

05-16-2008, 10:45 PM
send this new car to DR or lidio and see what they can do. Just do it before they raise the price of stamps yet again!

Dr Caleb
05-18-2008, 08:45 AM
Good information. But, if a Hummer hits me, I'm SOL. I'll pray for a Japenese import. My luck and a Harley will t-bone me, crush my skull and everyone watching the evening news will laught their ass off at my corpse.:depress:

If you're concerned about the possibility of accidents - perhaps change your driving route? ;) Consider how often Hummers rear end Smart FourTwos . . .

I've seen what a 5 ton truck can do to a panther. I'm not worried at all about being rear ended by one, because it happens so rarely. It's like being concerned my house is going to be hit by frozen urine dropped from a plane.

I fill my car up far more often than my house gets shelled by lavatory bombs - I'm more concerned about the former.

Aren Jay
05-18-2008, 09:32 AM
You can survive many accidents that seem impossible.

Like Bongmonster: http://www.pyrcz.com/images/tf/video/CBS%2021%20News%2004-28-04.wmv

But if he was in a Panther, I wouldn't say he had a better chance.

Funnily enough he now drives a SRT-8 300.