View Full Version : Why You Should not Go to Speedway!

05-10-2008, 09:51 PM
A Speedway employee was in the restroom. When he left the restroom he saw a man behind the counter beating his fellow employee.

The man grabed the perp to stop him. The perp got away. Speedway fired the employee for violating their policy of taking no action.

If you shop at Speedway and someone trys to hurt you their policy is to take no action. Do you think the perps will favor Speedway?

Feel free to forward.

Here is their response.

From: sailsmen [mailto:sailsmen]
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 11:19 AM
To: Customer Service, SSA
Subject: Feedback From Speedway.com Sent to: Customer Service

Name: xyz
Email: sailsmen
Address1: Address2:
C ity: State:
Zip Code:
SR Card:
Comments: I am outraged that you would fire an employee, Mark for
attempting to save the life of a fellow employee.

What you have publicly stated is that if a customers life is at stake
your employees are to take no action!

I drive all through out the South East. I will no longer give you my
money, nor will my family.

I cannot give money to a company whose policy it is for employees to
stand by and watch people be beaten to death.

"Evil prevails where good men do nothing".

Sincerely. A former customer.

From: "Customer Service, SSA" <CustServ***ALLC.Com> Save Address Reminder

To: <sailsmen>
Subject: RE: Feedback From Speedway.com Sent to: Customer Service
Date: Friday, May 09, 2008 1:56:33 PM [View Source]

Thank you for contacting us and making us aware of your concerns
regarding our SuperAmerica store located in Roseville, MN.

Confronting a potentially armed robber could have serious consequences
for employees and customers. While it is regrettable this situation
occurred, it is important that we have and enforce policies to ensure
the safety of all our employees and customers during a potentially
dangerous situation.

Please understand that personnel issues are very sensitive and strictly
confidential. Be assured that appropriate management personnel have been
made aware of your comments and concerns.

We appreciate your concern as well as your patronage, and hope that you
will continue to be one of our valued customers.


Speedway SuperAmerica
Customer Service

What I know is that your policy is for your employees to do nothing while someone is being beat to death.

I and my family will not go to a business that fires people for being a hero. I or my family could have been the victim.

I have personally risked my life to save others, why because I know they would do the same for me. What I now know is your company fires people who risk their lives to save others.

05-10-2008, 09:59 PM
thats messed up big time!

I step in whenever I see something like that happening

05-10-2008, 10:08 PM
But you could get hurt or someonelse could get hurt. You are not trained in judo, hostage negoitiation, emergency medicine or psychology.

If anyone including the criminal gets hurt your company could be held liable and if you get hurt your company will have a w/comp claim.

It's best to watch from a safe distance and not get involved in these matters.
Our policy prohibits taking the law into your own hands and you have no right to self defense while on company property, as in your Constitutional Rights are left when you enter the premises.

Our policy will not attrack criminals but will let criminals know they have no fear of being injured or becoming the victim when the commit their heinious acts on our premises. This policy of non-escalation has proven that no violence againest the criminal and they will show no violence againest you.

Your safety and the safety of the criminal is paramount. We want everyone including the criminal to have a pleasant experience at Speedway.

05-10-2008, 10:49 PM
That's why I use deadly force.

Aren Jay
05-10-2008, 11:46 PM
I'm trained in Judo, Tai Kwon Do, Karate, Kung Fu, Tai chi, etc... Have minimal emergency medical training and psychology.

But the best thing to do is cooperate and keep everything non violent. Let them have some money, unless you really need it. If they get violent then you let them have it.

Yes I can stop anyone with one punch. But I would really have to want to, before i would.

05-11-2008, 06:25 AM
"Criminals prefer unarmed victims" Once the dance starts, you have to decide if you will lead or follow. I have been held up at gun point 3 times in my life. I followed the perps instructions and no one was injured. But if it starts off violent it won't get any better so retaliation is called for. Do what is necessary at that moment in time.

05-11-2008, 10:27 AM
THis is why the world is in the situation its in now. No one wants to do anything when they see anything going wrong or bad happening. People are lawsuit happy. Any self respecting court should just throw out a lawsuit of a criminal injured by a victim while commiting a crime.

05-12-2008, 09:32 AM
Pathetic...thanks for the info, I too will avoid such places.

05-12-2008, 06:16 PM
So if i run outta money or food or merchandice i can goto the speedway beat and rob them and get away with it? America what a great country!!!

05-12-2008, 07:13 PM
I'm trained in Judo, Tai Kwon Do, Karate, Kung Fu, Tai chi, etc... Have minimal emergency medical training and psychology.

But the best thing to do is cooperate and keep everything non violent. Let them have some money, unless you really need it. If they get violent then you let them have it.

Yes I can stop anyone with one punch. But I would really have to want to, before i would.

You sir have a dilemma, knowing what you know could get you in more trouble than the perp. Are you registered?