View Full Version : Another bonus from our friends at COMCAST

Mike Poore
05-12-2008, 04:57 AM
So, last year when I complained about the $99.99 bill from my cable provider, the nice lady said we'd review my statement, and learned that (1) they were charging me for the cable modem that I already owned, and (2) the fee included the cable box/clicker, and a gazillion extra channels they weren't providing at this time. No problem, she said, we'll provide you with a box/clicker, and add the extra channels, sorry we don't offer the Big 10 network.

But, what about the overpayment's all this time, I asked? Not to worry, the nice lady said, we'll just charge you $39.95 a month until it gets all squared up, that will be the easiest way, and by her calculations it should be mid-May 2008.

On April 30, the new bill comes for $62.44, and Barb starts howling. After calling to inquire, I got a "yep, that's correct", answer, and explanation that the next statement would be $145.40/month. :eek:

Can we drop the Tee Vee and just keep the internet cable? Sure, but the price will go from $29.95/ month to $59.95, and by the way, we're gonna charge you $14.70 to have out guy come by for the box and to disconnect the Tee Vee.
OK, come and get your box & clicker & we'll keep the internet cable service. :mad2:

Meanwhile, the guy from Direct TV has us all hooked up, Big 10 network provided, and I'll be talking to the DSL provider this week.

Bu-Byyyeee COMCAST :neener:

05-12-2008, 05:18 AM
Do they also tell you that the service technician was there, but nobody was home? So now you have to reschedule after you took off all day from work.

05-12-2008, 05:44 AM
I just got a 31 page "ComCast Agreement for Residential Services" in the mail. Lots of legalese in it. Glad that they are looking out for MY rights as a customer. :rolleyes:

05-12-2008, 08:40 AM
DirecTv and dsl is the only way to go in my book. Comcast screwed me one to many times. Just my experience.

05-12-2008, 08:48 AM
Do they also tell you that the service technician was there, but nobody was home? So now you have to reschedule after you took off all day from work.

Thats a classic, i ALWAYS get that excuse from comcast. And i work NIGHTS.

05-12-2008, 09:40 AM
I've never had a problem with my Comcast, the tech that came out to hook everything up in the new house I'm living at was really cool. Hooked me up with some free goodies when I ordered the Triple Play. My bill is $117.xx each month and I got the extra HD channels, HD-DVR boxes (2), two remotes and cable phone modem for free. He said he liked my MA-ROO-DER like Whoa!

05-12-2008, 01:27 PM
Enjoy your sign up discount while it lasts. Verizon DSL and DirecTV (w/HD DVR and all premiums but no sports package) runs me about $165 a month total.

Aren Jay
05-12-2008, 02:55 PM
Thats a classic, i ALWAYS get that excuse from comcast. And i work NIGHTS.

I used to get that one from our lazy paper delivery guy. Only problem is I ask how he delivered our paper without leaving footprints in the snow.

We had a similar thing when we had our house alarm installed years ago. They guy said he called three times. We checked the call display, while he was standing in our hall way, and nope, he never called. Back before call display was common. He went all apologetic.

Aren Jay
05-12-2008, 02:56 PM
I get two Cable tv hook ups, digital cable and internet for less than $100 a month.

05-12-2008, 06:02 PM
I've been with comcast since they started and still since i moved to Maryland but when i came to MD they Charge me the more than in Philly (gotta have em all) but will not give me HDTV or on demand.simple push of a button because theres not enough subscribers here....

Sooooo comcast has 22 million subscribers if eack of them paid $1.00 a month thats $22 million a month which come out to $264 million a year. But no one pays that so they must be into the Trillions F*** comcast!!!!! Got dierct tv..

05-13-2008, 03:43 AM
The cable folks don't have a clue......EVERYONE around here is switching from Charter to DSL............BTW, I have had DSL for almost 2 years with NO PROBLEMOS!!!:beer::bows:


05-13-2008, 07:03 AM
They have FIOS now in our neighborhood, may look into that a little later this summer. Comcast has been so-so with performance and reliability but when I do have an internet issue their phone tech guys are really helpful. The absolute worst was Millenium, had a tech guy tell me to go ahead and cancel so there would be more bandwith for him when I called in about internet access problems, lovely.