View Full Version : Paypal warning

Aren Jay
05-12-2008, 10:11 AM
I just got this email.

Dear<G> </G>PayPal<G> </G>Member,

As<G> </G>part<G> </G>of<G> </G>our<G> </G>efforts<G> </G>to<G> </G>provide<G> </G>a<G> </G>safe<G> </G>and<G> </G>secure<G> </G>environment<G> </G>for<G> </G>the online<G> </G>community,<G> </G>we<G> </G>regularly<G> </G>screen<G> </G>account<G> </G>activity.<G> </G>While<G> </G>reviewing your<G> </G>PayPal<G> </G>accounts,<G> </G>we<G> </G>observed<G> </G>activity<G> </G>that<G> </G>we<G> </G>would<G> </G>like<G> </G>to further<G> </G>verify.<G> </G><G></G>For<G> </G>this<G> </G>reason,<G> </G>limitations<G> </G>have<G> </G>been<G> </G>placed<G> </G>on<G> </G>your account<G> </G>until<G> </G>your<G> </G>will<G> </G>review<G> </G>your<G> </G>registered<G> </G>intormation. In<G> </G>order<G> </G>to<G> </G>resolve<G> </G>the<G> </G>account<G> </G>limitations,<G> </G>complete<G> </G>our<G> </G>online<G> </G>form<G> </G>by<G> </G>clicking<G> </G>on<G> </G>the<G> </G>following<G> </G>link<G> </G>:

htt(((p://www.fotofyn.dk/redirect.paypal.com/?cmd=_login-run (http://www.fotofyn.dk/redirect.paypal.com/?cmd=_login-run) I killed the link.


<CENTER>https://www.paypalobjects.com/WEBSCR-515-20080430-1/en_US/i/logo/logo_VIPwhite_66x27.gif (https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=xpt/User/popup/SecurityKeyVIP-outside)

</CENTER>After<G> </G>we<G> </G>have<G> </G>gathered<G> </G>the<G> </G>necessary<G> </G>information,<G> </G>your<G> </G>account<G> </G>will<G> </G>be reviewed<G> </G>for<G> </G>reinstatement<G> </G>and<G> </G>you<G> </G>will<G> </G>be<G> </G>notified<G> </G>by<G> </G>e-mail<G> </G>of<G> </G>our decision.

We<G> </G>thank<G> </G>you<G> </G>for<G> </G>your<G> </G>prompt<G> </G>attention<G> </G>to<G> </G>this<G> </G>matter<G> </G>and<G> </G>apologize<G> </G>for<G> </G>any inconvenience.

Account<G> </G>Review<G> </G>Department

©<G> </G>2008<G> </G>PayPal<G> </G>Inc.<G> </G>All<G> </G>rights<G> </G>reserved.<G> </G>PayPal<G> </G>is<G> </G>located<G> </G>at<G> </G>2211<G> </G>N.<G> </G>First<G> </G>St.,<G> </G>San<G> </G>Jose,<G> </G>CA<G> </G>95131.


I know it isn't real because I don't have a Paypal account.

I sent it to spoof@paypal.com

05-12-2008, 10:42 AM
I get numerous fraud from ebay and paypal. I always look at the address line to see if it has the company name after the http//.

05-12-2008, 10:54 AM
It is a Phishing attempt looking to gain personal financial information. You did the right thing.

05-12-2008, 11:13 AM

05-12-2008, 12:08 PM
I think paypal also says if they ever did email you about something they always address you by your name in the letter (instead of 'paypal member' etc). Just one more way to tell any future emails validity.

05-12-2008, 12:41 PM
I love getting sent spoof emails to other emails of mine that aren't even connected to anything (eBay, paypal, bank account), sole purpose for them is to collect junk.

05-12-2008, 05:06 PM
I get numerous fraud from ebay and paypal. I always look at the address line to see if it has the company name after the http//.

the best advice anyone can get..........:)

05-12-2008, 05:53 PM
Let me tell all of you, Ebay and Paypal get phished like this. Always hover your mouse over the links and see where the destination is. If it is genuine it will begin with "HTTPS" the 's' meaning secure. Neither will ask you for info and will ALWAYS address you by your username (email address) and never MEMBER or USER. If in doubt, forward to spoof@ebay.com or spoof@paypal.com and let them and their attorneys take care of this growing problem. You will always get a confirmation email.