View Full Version : People are all jerks

05-12-2008, 10:50 PM
Well not all of them, but all of them when I am driving daddys car. All of my cars are currently broken so I had to borrow my dads car. He actually loaned me his 2007 BMW M6 convertible. Ever since someone showed me where the "Lanch Control" button is I have been itching to go to the race track. When I drive this thing, no one will ever let me in to merge and a lot cut me off. Now I have to drive like a jerk to not get jerked around.

It's pretty funny though going to a gas station and seeing someone twice my age with a 7 Series and a suit while I pull up in an M6 waring a Black Flag tee shirt. The car is a ton of fun, but even my friends say the Marauder is still more fun. :burnout: Looks like I picked the right friends. :cool:

Again I don't know if anyone here has ever driven a car that people will not be nice to you in, but I'm telling you an M6 is on the list.

Have you guys had any problems with traffic and if so what car were you driving?

05-12-2008, 11:10 PM
Perhaps people react based on their own experience w/ those that are driving that type of car.

Aren Jay
05-12-2008, 11:12 PM
That is because everyone else in a BMW is a Jerk.

as said above by the sailor.

05-12-2008, 11:23 PM
I never thought of that. Makes perfect since! But I must say my dad is not a jerk... he babys the car and is usually a little too nice to people in general, me being one of them.

RF Overlord
05-12-2008, 11:52 PM
All of my cars are currently brokenDom, what the hell is wrong with your Marauder NOW?!
I don't know if anyone here has ever driven a car that people will not be nice to you in, but I'm telling you an M6 is on the list.I agree w/Diabolical...most people who drive BMWs, Lexuses (Lexi?), etc ARE arrogant twits, so phooey on them.
Have you guys had any problems with traffic and if so what car were you driving?I always have a problem with traffic because too many people on the road think they're WAY too important to be courteous.

05-12-2008, 11:56 PM
Dom, what the hell is wrong with your Marauder NOW?!

Well a part keeps breaking that I bought from a supporter from the site and it's not his fault, he sells them, he doesn't make them... to my knowledge. I don't want to call out this person so I'm pretty much keeping my mouth shut.

This is the second time it's broke and last time it cost me a lotta money because once it broke, it cost me other parts that followed too. I'll PM you if you wish.

05-13-2008, 12:25 AM
Nothing against you motorhead350 or your Dad...don't really know you, but I like your style! I personally just can't stand yuppie scum & most yuppie scum tend to be in cars like that!

05-13-2008, 01:22 AM
Nothing against you motorhead350 or your Dad...don't really know you, but I like your style! I personally just can't stand yuppie scum & most yuppie scum tend to be in cars like that!

That's very true and people with huge egos too. Ya this car doesn't quite fit me so to say, but I'll LOVE it. I noticed most that drive expensive cars are pretty much snobs, but a few are really cool people. Most here in Chicago who drive cars like these have their heads way up their butts... so it's funny to me that you'll catch a guy like me driving a car like this. Most will have the clothes to match the car. I might be a little stuck up, but the car is about the only thing you'll find flashy about me. Inside you'll find a very used pair of converse shoes at the petals and usually find punk bands in the cd player.... Cramps, Fear, Anti-Nowhere League, Reverend Horton Heat.... pretty much anything rockin' that no one really knows of as suppose to top 40 garbage in an ipod. ;) Yup no yuppie at this M6's wheel. :burnout:

RF Overlord
05-13-2008, 02:25 AM
and usually find punk bands in the cd player.... Cramps, Fear, Anti-Nowhere League, Reverend Horton Heat.... How about the Dropkick Murphys? Boston can do punk, too... :D

05-13-2008, 04:07 AM
Reverend Horton Heat.... pretty much anything rockin'

The Reverend's Christmas album from a few years ago is my favorite and it drives my family crazy! Gotta love the Rev's guitar work.

05-13-2008, 05:19 AM
I resent being called a Jerk. (people are all jerks) from above. No non North American Cars in my stable, either. Remember that aggression and youth are rampant pals.

05-13-2008, 05:20 AM
"all my cars are broken" poor baby. Why not stay home and fix one off them?

05-13-2008, 05:29 AM
I had to deliver a customer's car a few months back and actually felt like a dick driving his car. It was a battleship-gray 2007 Lamborghini Gallardo Superleggera. Loud and aggresive but every traffic light was "gawk-fest 2008".

Joe Walsh
05-13-2008, 06:02 AM
I smell a broken/wrecked M6....

O's Fan Rich
05-13-2008, 07:27 AM
Don't worry about people so much Dom... eventually they all die.

05-13-2008, 07:55 AM
Dom: Be very glad your not near me when I am driving a 27 ton bus:):):)

05-13-2008, 07:57 AM
While your at it stay very, very far away from New York City, cabbies will have you for lunch.

05-13-2008, 09:22 AM
What the hell broke? TWICE!!!


I wanna know.


05-13-2008, 10:37 AM
"all my cars are broken" poor baby. Why not stay home and fix one off them?

It's my final week of college, I don't have a car lift and it should all be covered for free. Wanna help?

Bad Merc I totally know what you mean man. I used to be a car porter, but never got to drive something like that!

Joe it's funny that you say that because before I got the hang of the paddle shifters the car would smell when I was done driving it.

Bob I am not really a fan of The Dropkick Murphys, but I hear them on Sirius just about everyday. I prefer The Circle Jerks. :cool:

Jim thanks for the advice. Do not cross Jim and a bus!

05-13-2008, 06:15 PM
I gotta say I understand exactly what you mean. I occasionally drive my parent's 01 Honda odyssey when the weather is harsh and I don't want the MM out in it and to have traction control, but I get cut off left, right, and center, even when I'm going with the flow of traffic.

and people expect me to be a door mat and let a whole line of them in, when the "1 in and 1 out" rule is so commonly held, granted no one likes to be behind a tall dirty minivan, and I'm sometimes guilty of the same sin when in the marauder but damn, if not all the drivers in cars are equal.

And yeah Jim is right, cabs are insane here, sometimes it seems if they even go so far as to take out the most expensive cars out there.

Joe Walsh
05-13-2008, 07:06 PM
I gotta say I understand exactly what you mean. I occasionally drive my parent's 01 Honda odyssey when the weather is harsh and I don't want the MM out in it and to have traction control, but I get cut off left, right, and center, even when I'm going with the flow of traffic.

and people expect me to be a door mat and let a whole line of them in, when the "1 in and 1 out" rule is so commonly held, granted no one likes to be behind a tall dirty minivan, and I'm sometimes guilty of the same sin when in the marauder but damn, if not all the drivers in cars are equal.

I would attribute that to the "Soccer Mom Minivan Effect"...

Many, many Minivans are 'driven', and I use that term very loosely,
by Moms who are completely distracted by their screaming Beckham wannabes,
totally engrossed in a cell phone call,
all while applying make-up in the fully lowered sun visor.

This results in some of the worst, and most dangerous driving on the roads.

I personally assume that any minivan in front of me is an accident waiting to happen...and quite often I am right.

Sometimes I have the misfortune of having them absolutely glued to my rear bumper as if locked on by some invisible tractor beam.
I then have to resort to 'scrubbing them off' on some poor sap who is ahead of me.


There now.....I feel much better....Did I mention that I hate Hondas and Minivans?

05-13-2008, 07:10 PM
My nephew just got home, a jerk in a Lexus almost flattened him in the gym parking lot. Par for the course of course.

05-13-2008, 07:38 PM
A vehicle driven that everyone acts like a jerk to you? Try driving an fire truck on an emergency run. People aren't necessarily jerks, but a bunch of 'tards who can't remember driver's ed.

05-13-2008, 07:51 PM
Dom I think people just give you more respect in the scarier looking Marauder, probably just the crown vic/cop car effect.

I know people have bunched in the left turn lane real far back, and left me alone in the right hand lane just because I was at the front sitting at the light in neutral. Literally like, this
|| <- Me.

05-13-2008, 08:02 PM
haha that still happens to me.

05-13-2008, 08:28 PM
Dom I know what you mean. Just this past Sun I was driving from NY to MD. The trip normally takes me 4.5 hrs, made it home in 3hr 45 min. Litterally did NOT stopon the way.

Anyhow.....I am in the Marauder BTW. There is a small group of us in the left lane, a C55 AMG, Pontiac Grand Prix, and myself bringing up the rear. We're moving quite well, about 90 or so. No big deal. I am leaving some space between myself and the other two. Up ahead in the slow lane there are two cars,a Honda Prius hybrid, and an Explorer. You guessed it, the Prius pulls out to pass the Explorer in front of me, maybe doing 70 or so, I have to slow down and just want him to pass and move over so I can catch my "buddies" ahead.

He takes offense to my coming up on him and decides to now NOT pass the Explorer, but sit right next to him doing 65-70. We are on the Souther leg of the TPK and it is only 2 lanes. I can't do a thing and can't believe that this guy is doing this. This went on for about 10 miles or so. Just sitting right next to the Explorer. I settle back and am chuckling a lilltle as there is now a traffic jam behind us forming. People are flashing their brights to me and all I can do is raise my hands as this is out of my control.

He finally speeds up to 85 or so which I catch him in a heart beat and moves over as I mouth out "what's your problem". He smiles. I pass him and yeah, got a little immature, as I slowed his ass down by doing to others as they have done to you. I pin him behind me for a few miles and at this point will gladly go 60 or so.

At the toll I let it go and move on, but what a dick move. I would have thought that the Marauder looking like a cop car he would just get out of the way.

So yeah.......people can be bone heads not only with BMW's. Get you car fixed and give your generous dad his back.

Aren Jay
05-13-2008, 10:10 PM
I can only think of one person who drove a BMW who wasn't a jerk. His name was tahlat

He was a condesending, new rich idiot. He thought he could buy his friends at my college, now this may not seem so unlikely, until you find out that at my college, I was dirt poor. My Family were poor. Funnily enough I was one of the few to have a car there, My Mustang, later my Toyota. Now there might have been maybe 3 people who had less money than I did, but the wealthiest was probably Sharouk (sp?) or Sultan. Probably the most powerful too. Except maybe Fuad, my roommate for several years. Anyway. Tahlat, tried to impress everyone with his BMW 3 series. We all laughed at him, so the next weekend he traded it in for a 5 series. We still laughed. Although a few people did use him, but nobody took him seriously. I just ignored him.

While there I met the 3 main types of rich people.

The Mega Rich, unlimited bank accounts, usually old money and very nice people.

The New rich, lots of money but no idea what worth is, they don't value anything. Get it because someone said it was nice, then get something else because someone said it was nice....

The powerful. Not overly rich but lots of power, usually carefully aquired. They are also very nice. They are not overly impressed with money, but they are down to earth. Yes they want more money, but they don't flash themselves. They drive ordinary cars, even cheap cars but they have fun when they can be nobodies. Non mege rich celebrities, A list actors and the like, maybe b-listers etc... Outside at home everyone knows them, but they are not super rich. Away they can be nobodies, like you and me, and they love it.

Some are given away by their names and tend to avoid using them unless they need to go somewhere, get in somewhere etc...

Now there are exceptions to the rules, but invariably the new rich are always the ones driving the latest BMW's.

And the new rich tend to be jerks, or gullible stupid idiots.

05-13-2008, 10:29 PM
If I had a million bucks I'd fix my cars, maybe buy 2 more for less than 10 grand and would sit on the rest. I don't need money to be happy, heck I wouldn't know what to do with it.

05-13-2008, 10:55 PM
I would attribute that to the "Soccer Mom Minivan Effect"...

Many, many Minivans are 'driven', and I use that term very loosely,
by Moms who are completely distracted by their screaming Beckham wannabes,
totally engrossed in a cell phone call,
all while applying make-up in the fully lowered sun visor.

This results in some of the worst, and most dangerous driving on the roads.

I personally assume that any minivan in front of me is an accident waiting to happen...and quite often I am right.

Sometimes I have the misfortune of having them absolutely glued to my rear bumper as if locked on by some invisible tractor beam.
I then have to resort to 'scrubbing them off' on some poor sap who is ahead of me.


There now.....I feel much better....Did I mention that I hate Hondas and Minivans?

Indeed Joe, and I whole heartedly agree, and after driving the van I feel somewhat dirty, and hug the MM when I get back. Although I think I can trump you, picture all of the above "driving" habits only in a H2 Hummer with a 16 year old girl behind the wheel. :shake: (true event, plus the bonus of a few of her colleagues in her ear desperately keeping her limited attention off the road AT NIGHT!)

I tell ya its like the bigger the vehicle gets the more asinine and "shouldn't be licensed" people are.:mad2:

05-14-2008, 08:16 AM
I tell ya its like the bigger the vehicle gets the more asinine and "shouldn't be licensed" people are.:mad2:

haha I hear you on that one.

Oh ya I sware this isn't me....

Aren Jay
05-14-2008, 09:55 AM
If I had a million bucks I'd fix my cars, maybe buy 2 more for less than 10 grand and would sit on the rest. I don't need money to be happy, heck I wouldn't know what to do with it.

Ahh but you would know what not to do with it.

Which is always good.

And the reason people are always jerks, is that you are not one and can see those who are. Jerks are the exception to the rule.

The rule being "takes one to know one."