View Full Version : love that oil

05-16-2008, 02:43 PM
paid 4.04 a gal today for fuel:puke:...still love my MM but the bicycle is looking mighty good right now:lol:

05-16-2008, 04:40 PM
We are being gouged by everyone...our homeowners insurance went up while our home value went down. Explain that to me. Our car insurance went up. Gas is out of control. Threats of higher taxes. Food prices are up. Way to re-distribute the wealth. Thanks Giant Government. Oh, BTW I will still INCREASE my "carbon footprint" any chance I get. I think I'll start burning those plastic grocery bags in my back yard just to spite ALGORE.

05-16-2008, 04:51 PM
i wish i could buy gas for that price last time i checked here it was 5.60 a gallon and yea i,m going to burn all garbage bags to , the whole econmy is going for a major crap seems like world war three?

05-17-2008, 12:50 PM
Yeah StateFarm raised my Homeowners by a whole dollar .. gas is just nuts.

05-17-2008, 07:17 PM
haha here in Chicago it was 4.34 for 93... and driving that M6 means $20 for a 1/4 tank!

05-18-2008, 12:50 AM
haha here in Chicago it was 4.34 for 93... and driving that M6 means $20 for a 1/4 tank!

Doesn't it seem like we always pay the most in Chicago or am I confusing it with the county taxes or Mayor DALEY's daily profiting?

05-24-2008, 11:34 AM
Am not getting much pleasure from driving my Marauder anymore. :bigcry: I have to be really easy on the gas petal, gas is now up to $4.35 a gallon. PLUS it is almost time for new tires! :shake: :censor:

05-24-2008, 12:10 PM
Im glad I have a daily driver that runs on regular. What the hell are we in for? This is one of those moments in time that everyone will look back at as the beginning of the end.

05-24-2008, 12:30 PM
The only good thing about it is you may get a raise at work due to the cost of living going up. Some companies are good that way. Some.

Aren Jay
05-24-2008, 03:58 PM
Schwinn makes a great folding electric bike.

I'm going to have a good look at one for summer use.

High oil prices are great for us up here.

Keeps house prices high and the higher the oil price the better our economy.

But our gas still costs more than yours.

05-24-2008, 04:46 PM
paid 4.04 a gal today for fuel:puke:...still love my MM but the bicycle is looking mighty good right now:lol:
I paid $4.059 last night for Sunoco 93. I ain't changing my driving habits, yet.

05-24-2008, 05:25 PM
Saw $4.57 last night cruising through the north Chi.

05-24-2008, 05:29 PM
$4.39 west of chicago. Being a second car do you really think that i'm not going to still have fun? Buy a daily driver 4 banger and continue your love of your car more than ever because you'll spend all week missing her.

Stranger in the Black Sedan
05-27-2008, 07:58 AM
Buy a daily driver 4 banger and continue your love of your car more than ever because you'll spend all week missing her.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

Exactly. See me sig and guess which car was added recently. Keeps the miles off the MM too so it will, literally, outlast me.

05-27-2008, 09:00 AM
I think if you can prove yourself a hobbyist you should get $2/gallon gas. Non hobbyists can offset the higher prices with Priae. (Which is the plural of Prius).

The reason this works is because no one elses hobby is going up in price so much. We deserve hobby relief! I haven't seen yarn or doilies double in price...

05-27-2008, 09:58 AM
High oil prices are great for us up here.

Keeps house prices high and the higher the oil price the better our economy.

But our gas still costs more than yours.

Speak for yourself. Sure, high gas prices are helping Alberta (for now), but hurting the rest of the country, and the rest of North America... How heavily dependant on the US is our economy? I'll give you a hint, the correct answer is "very".

While there are more jobs in Alberta, the jobless rate increases everywhere else. The government hides this fact, as more and more end up not even bothering to look (no longer counted), or take a lesser paying retail role, making minimum wage. Pretty soon, your income taxes will be used to help the ailing Ontario - how's that for a turn of events! :D

Gas was at $1.29x for regular here in Toronto, last night. The Marauder is my daily driver, and I don't want another more efficient car (which I wouldn't be able to fit in anyway), but I am driving less. Public transit (train) has become far more affordable means of commuting to work. The only upside is less mileage is clocked on the MM.

How much longer until the increased costs of transportation trickle down to impacting the cost of food, clothes and other NEEDS, not just the WANTS of driving a nice car? :alone:

05-27-2008, 10:18 AM
I haven't seen yarn or doilies double in price...

Actually, you are correct. 6" doilies from Brooklace, a major manufacturer of Doilies among other things, have been the same price for over a year now! Many many things have gone way up in direct proportion to fuel though. Many of our suppliers would announce an annual or semi-annual price increase. Not anymore. Nowadays its more like monthly!!

05-27-2008, 01:18 PM
$4.99 half gallon of OJ
$3.99 loaf of bread

It has trickled down


05-28-2008, 12:43 PM
I think if you can prove yourself a hobbyist you should get $2/gallon gas. Non hobbyists can offset the higher prices with Priae. (Which is the plural of Prius).

The reason this works is because no one elses hobby is going up in price so much. We deserve hobby relief! I haven't seen yarn or doilies double in price...

If only car manufacturers could develop a car that runs on yarn and doilies...