View Full Version : Wow I created louds of time today.

Aren Jay
05-17-2008, 07:30 PM
I got up early today, I had to go get my blood pulled out of my arm, so I had to get up early.

Buy 1:30 pm I had done everything it normally would have taken me till 5pm to do.

Even found a great house to buy/have built for me.

and I would be completely debt free.

Just checking to see if a 12' roofed 22'x22' garage can be built with it.

I might end up moving soon.

05-17-2008, 08:19 PM
I got up early today, I had to go get my blood pulled out of my arm, so I had to get up early.

Buy 1:30 pm I had done everything it normally would have taken me till 5pm to do.

Even found a great house to buy/have built for me.

and I would be completely debt free.

Just checking to see if a 12' roofed 22'x22' garage can be built with it.

I might end up moving soon.Can you explain a couple of things?

First of all, why were you having blood pulled out of your arm?

Second, how did you find a great house to buy, that would be completely debt free?

Curious people just want to know. :)

Aren Jay
05-17-2008, 11:13 PM
Hmm first it was supposed to say loads of time, or rather just me creating time.

Actually all I did was wake up early and do something for a change.

Blood was pulled from my arm by a nice nurse or nurses aid or whatever the people who take blood from you at a lab are called.

ie: I had a blood test.

I have a townhouse. Worth say, not the real figure, $50 and the new place is worth say $40. And I owe $7 dollars and would require a couple dollars to move. So should I buy this new place and sell my current place, I would be debt free and have a new place, roughly the same size as what i currently have.

Now on top of this the other option is to renovate my current place but that would cost extra money. I could have my current place renovated, but would owe say $10 or $11 dollars, not the real figures.

Now if I sold the current place I would require a couple dollars to bring it up to snuff, and get good money for it, but I would get that back again, and wouldn't need to change the layout of the kitchen or other rooms...

So in the end if I move I would be debt free, and even though it would be a slight downsize, I would have about the same amount of space, a bigger garage, and be able to get a black lab (dog).

Current place is a no dog place. I would like to have a dog again.

A yard, a seperate garage, a back alley, and a house that is not a garage door and and front door from the front.

Current place is a garage door and front door, in a townhouse condo unit, while it has a backyard, and we have a very nice yard with trees and two great hedges, we can't have a fence or a dog.

Also we can't do anything to the outside that is different than anyone elses place. which is kind of dull.

05-20-2008, 08:49 AM
Phlebotomist is the word for the vampires that remove your blood. ;)

05-20-2008, 08:53 AM
Now you know, if you have too much blood in your system, you'll have to drain some to be able to do things during the day. So cut yourself shaving, and you will have a great day.