View Full Version : $12-$15 a Gallon is possible?

05-22-2008, 12:03 PM
Are you f*&#@!g kidding me, somebody please wake me up from this nightmare. Forget driving, how the hell am I going to heat my house? I guess we can stop eating to stay warm. Perhaps when the commies take control next January they will nationalize the oil companies...

05-22-2008, 12:07 PM
This is what it may come to.

05-22-2008, 12:11 PM
It is interesting to watch the hysteria build from the "experts" and their doom and gloom outlooks. There will be a certain amount of self correction as demand drops from the high prices. I "predict" a fall in prices in the not too distant future simply based on supply and demand and historic cycles like this. It will cycle but, unfortunately, end up at a higher cost than ever before. It won't keep going up at this rate unless people do not cut their demand at all which is unlikely.

RF Overlord
05-22-2008, 12:18 PM
Where did you get those figures?

This is simply scare-mongering at it's worst. NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE can afford $240 to fill their tank and the world as we know it would end long before this could happen.

05-22-2008, 01:21 PM
Where did you get those figures?

This is simply scare-mongering at it's worst. NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE can afford $240 to fill their tank and the world as we know it would end long before this could happen.

An alleged expert on MS-LSD yesterday. It was carried by a few talking heads on radio/TV this morning.

05-22-2008, 01:58 PM
Somebody can KMA (kiss my ass) if gas gets that high...it would be alot of stealing and killing, as if its not enough, here in the DC metro area.:shake:

05-22-2008, 02:16 PM
I smell a revolution!

05-22-2008, 03:30 PM
On CNN last night there was talk with "experts" that gas will go to $6.00 per gal this year.

I've been pondering what the country will look like at + $4.00 per gal and it's not good. A dominoe effect. At $5.00 per gal we will be in full recession and so will the rest of the world, nationalization or rationing of petroleum products will occur. The longevity of this crisis will be felt for decades.

I will, still have my Marauder, but short trips will be by bicycle and tote cart.


05-22-2008, 03:43 PM
I smell a revolution!

I believe what you may soon be smelling is the by product of glass production from the former OPEC islamo facist states that once existed.

Blk Mamba
05-22-2008, 05:41 PM
I smell a revolution!

I personally agree, and see nothing wrong with going to my local representatives office, and physically throwing him in the street. He is not doing his job, and should not be collecting a paycheck anymore. Don't tell me that federal marshals will kill me, my politicians are doing that now, and I for one am willing to give my life so that this revolution will live. I have preached revolution for more than thirty years and now really sounds like a good time. I love my country, but I don't love what greed has done to it. This is not the country I offered my life for in the past, it is just a facade to cover up theft and hate. No I am not done, but will give it a rest now. I'm sure there are more of us out there, and I wish you would contact me thru private message.:mad2::mad2::mad2:

Blk Mamba
05-22-2008, 05:42 PM
I believe what you may soon be smelling is the by product of glass production from the former OPEC islamo facist states that once existed.

I only wish that were true.

05-22-2008, 05:49 PM
i,m already paying $6.00 for premium here and no sight of it going anywhere but up? i just installed 2 new free flow,n cats on the car and it will save me a few $ at the pumps, i can notice the difference already

05-22-2008, 06:12 PM
I smell a revolution!I do beleive a storm is coming the clouds are darkening slowly. :beatnik:

05-22-2008, 06:16 PM
Its supply and demand. it would never happen. oil would have to be well over 250 a barrel at that point. if oil got that high, then countries like china and india would have no choice but to stop subsidizing their oil (IMO). the rapid increase in demand over the last decade is in part (but not entirely) due to these countries subsidizing their oil to encourage huge economic growth. When these countries can no longer provide these subsidies and citizens start to see the "real" cost of oil at those levels, demand reaches a peak just as it will here. I think $5 gas is the big number where our economy sees an enormous slowdown and a drop in demand.
I say keep ANWR untouched, pump the rest of the world dry before we touch our own resources.

05-23-2008, 03:20 AM
This depends on the international value of the dollar and what "new" international standard oil might be priced with!!:argue: If the dollar continues to fall against world currencies this could certainly happen!!!:eek:

We are in much deeper than anyone realizes and the fix ain't just around the corner!!:shake: We are rapidly becoming the "consumer nation" at the mercy of the rest of the world......."dependency phase" of the 200 year "Democracy Cycle"??

Brace yourselves for some bumpy times folks!!:confused:

My $.02 and concerns!!:cool:


05-23-2008, 05:25 AM
No worries....the world is supposed to end in a little over 4 years anyway!! According to the Myan Calander which stops Dec. 22, 2012.

05-23-2008, 06:39 AM
I personally agree, and see nothing wrong with going to my local representatives office, and physically throwing him in the street. He is not doing his job, and should not be collecting a paycheck anymore. Don't tell me that federal marshals will kill me, my politicians are doing that now, and I for one am willing to give my life so that this revolution will live. I have preached revolution for more than thirty years and now really sounds like a good time. I love my country, but I don't love what greed has done to it. This is not the country I offered my life for in the past, it is just a facade to cover up theft and hate. No I am not done, but will give it a rest now. I'm sure there are more of us out there, and I wish you would contact me thru private message.:mad2::mad2::mad2:

So well said my brotha! Something has to give.:fire:

05-23-2008, 08:05 AM
go-go media trying to incite fear so they can get a Democrat elected

05-23-2008, 11:28 AM
Ford, Chrsler, and GM have all cut production on trucks and SUV's due to their belief that $4/$5 gas will be the norm. Which sounds like bad news for the Challenger, Mustang, and the revived Camaro.

05-23-2008, 11:31 AM
Where are the headquarters of these oil companies? I have a lot of bad ideas... -Yes I have seen Taxi Driver recently.

05-23-2008, 11:44 AM
If oil was removed as a commodity from the market, the price of crude would reverty to supply and demand like it should be.

The SEC and President Bush should pull crude from the commodities market. That won't happen, so, we're Frucked! As long as some iceholes are making big money off this, it won't chage...

Aren Jay
05-23-2008, 04:16 PM
One it won't go that high.

Two, if you need to heat your house there are many alternatives.

Solar water heating, or Geo thermal heating. My sister has the geo thermal and it works great. Essentially she gets free heating year round, and with a heat exchanger system she gets free AC too.

No problems.

05-23-2008, 05:07 PM
What I don't understand is this...

The gas that is already in the ground costs. let's say $3.00 per gallon. That's what your filling your tank up with. The prices rises to $3.50 per gallon and now they want us to pay $3.50 for gas that cost $3.00?

That's like going to the grocery store and the bread is $1.50 a loaf, when you get to the register your told it's not $1.50 anymore it's now $2.00 because the next shipment coming is will be $2.00 a loaf!

Blk Mamba
05-23-2008, 05:18 PM
What I don't understand is this...

The gas that is already in the ground costs. let's say $3.00 per gallon. That's what your filling your tank up with. The prices rises to $3.50 per gallon and now they want us to pay $3.50 for gas that cost $3.00?

That's like going to the grocery store and the bread is $1.50 a loaf, when you get to the register your told it's not $1.50 anymore it's now $2.00 because the next shipment coming is will be $2.00 a loaf!

i have never understood this, three years ago I attempted to purchase 10,000 gallons of gasoline on futures, and was told I could only buy gasoline by the gallon, at the market price, what if the price had gone down, well we know who knew the answer to that all along.

05-23-2008, 05:24 PM
We should have stayed self suficient nation! :beatnik:

05-23-2008, 06:15 PM
Might as well smoke crack and run around all day!

Aren Jay
05-27-2008, 12:18 AM
Everyone says oil is going to fall back to the $60-$90 a barrel level. Gas should stay below $4US a gallon too, after this summer.

But who knows.

05-27-2008, 01:00 AM
No worries....the world is supposed to end in a little over 4 years anyway!! According to the Myan Calander which stops Dec. 22, 2012.

I hope you're right. This is taking forever. :lol:

05-27-2008, 01:23 AM
Where are the headquarters of these oil companies? I have a lot of bad ideas... Many of the big oil companies are located overseas: Royal Dutch/Shell, BP, CITGO, and others...

Chevron and Exxon/Mobil are two remaining American Oil companies... there are probably some more smaller American companies, though.

We're over a barrel... and there's no K-Y around, either.

Aren Jay
05-28-2008, 12:37 AM
Gas in the UK is $8.33 a US Gallon.

05-28-2008, 04:02 AM
The price of a barrel of oil dropped to $127 overnight. I expect to see the stations out lowering their gas prices this morning. :rofl:

05-28-2008, 05:24 AM
I heard it dropped close to $125, but my paper this am says $128.85.....hmmm

05-28-2008, 10:08 PM
Besides moaning and groaning like little children is there anything that we can physically do as not only a little community like ourselves but as a nation to stop the gouging that these companies are doing to us. I mean taking it raw is not something I am used to. If there is a way to fight sign me up bc "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

05-29-2008, 04:04 AM
Besides moaning and groaning like little children is there anything that we can physically do as not only a little community like ourselves but as a nation to stop the gouging that these companies are doing to us. I mean taking it raw is not something I am used to. If there is a way to fight sign me up bc "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

Severly cut back the amount you drive. I already have. No unnecessary trips. No running to the store for one item. Until everyone starts doing this the price will not come down.

05-29-2008, 05:30 AM
I also see a big change coming for America, but not revolution, but technological solutions. There are products being developed that will make us less dependent on oil, not independent, but due to little demand they haven't been introducted. That will now change. Home heating/cooling, transportation, synthetics, design of buildings, cities, cars, etc, etc. will all experience advances in technology that will make the cost of living affordable in an era of high oil prices.

We have the know how, so rather soon, 3-10 years, these new technolocial innovations will be marketable. Expensive at first but then down right cheap. Like TV's, VCR's, watches, computers, you name it.

Don't lose faith in our ability to adapt. But I'm still keeping the Marauder.

05-29-2008, 05:42 AM
I got an email the other day that is being passed around the internet....you know...like the dont buy gas on a certain day email....well this one says not to buy gas at all from Exxon/Mobil.....just go to other gas stations and that this would cause a price war that would supposedly drive the cost of gas down to like 2.50/gal.

05-29-2008, 06:41 AM
You know they come up with excuses every day and I find it all a bunch of crap. This week it is "Supply and demand". If that were a factor would not premium gas be much cheaper since it is not in as high demand? very few American cars require 91+ oct. gas anymore. I would gander that it sells 1 to 10 or even less. So why is it higher? it sure is not demand. I realize that is a stupid example due to fuel production methods. It is just a hypothetical spin. I just wonder what next weeks excuse will be. I want a hydrogen converter to bolt onto my Marauder! Today!

05-29-2008, 06:47 AM
You know they come up with excuses every day and I find it all a bunch of crap.

Yep, that ^^^^ pretty much sums up my opinion on this subject.

05-29-2008, 09:45 AM
I also see a big change coming for America, but not revolution, but technological solutions. There are products being developed that will make us less dependent on oil....

We have the know how, so rather soon, 3-10 years, these new technolocial innovations will be marketable. Expensive at first but then down right cheap. Like TV's, VCR's, watches, computers, you name it.

Don't lose faith in our ability to adapt. But I'm still keeping the Marauder.

And remember we in America are our own worst enemies. We have enough oil in our own country and the continental shelf to cover us for 100 years, and that's not even counting the coal we have that can cover us for more than another 100 years. Then there's the 104 antique nuclear plants in this country. If we have any balls, we can double the nuclear plants in under 10 years. What's our problem? It's the idiots we keep reelecting who value spotted owls & AlGore above our daily lives. 2 cents...and while I'm at it, 80% of the world's oil is already controlled by governments, meaning the Exxons only control 20%. So why aren't we whining first about OPEC, PDVSA,Pemex, PetroBras, etc.

05-29-2008, 10:11 AM
I believe what you may soon be smelling is the by product of glass production from the former OPEC islamo facist states that once existed.

Call , E mail, and Write your Representatives in Congress to allow drilling any where and tell them to do it NOW!!! There is a Tug of War in Congress where partisan politics is taking place and some of them refuse to co-operate with the other side. Some of Congress wants to stop the stupid spending by such projects such as Nancy Pelosi signing a bill to spend over $600,000 to study the lighting in Wash D.C. Just study it. Both sides are guilty, but one side will not even talk while the country suffers.