View Full Version : The Honeymoon is over

05-22-2008, 07:09 PM
Ahhh, back home in the sweltering unbareable heat of home sweet home. We actually got back on Tuesday, after a 19 hour flight itinerary from Anchorage:eek: I have been catching up at work and trying to get unpacked and back into the normal swing of things. I came back with 2,681 photos of Texas, Vancouver, Alaska and everywhere inbetween. I thought for sure I would fill up my 8GB SD card, but NOPE!! 94 pics left:lol: I am in the process of uploading and sorting them as we speak. I will surely post of some of my faves here, and create a link to the hosting site. I would definately like to thank those of you who pointed me in the right direction camera wise. I :bows: to my Nikon D80 Thanks CRUZTAKER OLDEKID BREADFAN etc.. etc..

WOW! The wedding went by super fast, it still seems like a blur. Kara was, of course, beautiful as ever. San Antonio was actually having near record heat that day, almost 100 degrees outside!!!! I, of course had a super 100s WOOL tuxedo on. Yeah, that was fun. The ceremony also flew by as we chatted with each friend / family member for a few. Our musical families performed as planned. My sister played guitar and sang a few songs. Kara's brother also sang a few songs. Kara's uncles and grandparents all sat around and sang 'Country Roads' and 'Grandmas feather bed' together. It was quite a site.
We decided to take an Alaskan Cruise for our honeymoon. What an unbelievable experience it was. The most beautiful landscape and wildlife are abundant. We had several ports of call including Ketchikan, Skagway and of course the 'capital' Juneau. We saw lots of stuff and did lots of stuff and I don't think there is enough bandwidth to say it all. I will have descriptions of most of the pictures being posted at the photo site so you can get a good idea of what we did.

Well, good to be back. Good to have a wife, and most importantly, I was re-united with my Marauder:bigcry: I got a little choked up when we pulled up to the car. Hey, I hadn't cried since the wedding!!!

I think I missed Killjoy getting banned, and well, that seemed like the best drama anyways:lol: See ya around


Blk Mamba
05-22-2008, 07:20 PM
Welcome home, glad you enjoyed yourselves, and remember the way to a happy home is "She's always right", even when she's wrong, she's right. Thats the way to a happy home.

05-22-2008, 07:56 PM
Welcome Home and congrats with everything!

05-22-2008, 09:09 PM
Wow, it sounds like everything went as planned. I'm happy for you and Kara, and I can't wait to see the pictures.

I would also like to officially welcome Kara to the Marauder family.

Congrats, and best wishes to the both of you.


05-22-2008, 09:15 PM
Glad to hear you're home safe. Congrats once again on the nuptuals!

05-23-2008, 04:17 AM
WOW! The wedding went by super fast, it still seems like a blur. ....
Well, good to be back. .... See ya around

Yep, mine was a blur too.

Congratulations and welcome back !!



Looking forward to seeing some of your pics.

Ms. Denmark
05-26-2008, 07:55 AM
Sounds like you two had a great Honeymoon. Your cruise hit a lot of the same ports as ours did last August. We set our pictures up as the screen saver on the computer so we can enjoy the gorgeous Alaskan scenary every day. Never get tired of it and it brings back such great memories, even at the end of a tough day at work! Best wishes to both of you.

05-26-2008, 08:26 AM
Welcome home both of you!

We anticipate some pics...:beer:

05-26-2008, 05:21 PM
Welcome Home.:D

05-26-2008, 05:28 PM
Glad to hear everything went well! Congrats! Hope Vancouver was good to you. My wife has always wanted to do the Alaskan cruise. I'm guessing you would recommend it? We'd save on airfare as we could just drive to the terminal so it would be relatively inexpensive.

05-26-2008, 06:06 PM
Glad to hear everything went well! Congrats! Hope Vancouver was good to you. My wife has always wanted to do the Alaskan cruise. I'm guessing you would recommend it? We'd save on airfare as we could just drive to the terminal so it would be relatively inexpensive.

Very very highly highly recomended!! Just remember, the cost of your cruise tickets will be about half of what you spend on the vacation. Vancouver was very nice. The one day we were there I got up at 4:30 to walk down to the pier and get some sunrise shots with the mountains. My only complaint, which is true with any big city, is that there were probably 4 or 5 guys that asked me for change. Usually, its the old guys with the long beards that beg. These guys were younger than me, and looked fairly cleancut. I just told them that my wife has all the money (which is true) Make sure you bring at least three pairs of gloves and rain gear. Although, you probably have a similar climate there in Vancouver. I'm working on the pics, I've got some up on photobucket already. I'll show you this one pic from the wedding. When Kara and I decided on the cake situation, I had told her that I don't need a grooms cake. Well, much to my surprise, she had one made for me!

05-26-2008, 06:11 PM
Heres a few from Vancouver: The Pier we embarked from
http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm135/KaraAndRyan/Honeymoon%20Day%20One%20Vancou ver%20BC/DSC_0895.jpg
A gull also on the pier
http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm135/KaraAndRyan/Honeymoon%20Day%20One%20Vancou ver%20BC/DSC_0806.jpg
Looking back at the pier as we departed
http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm135/KaraAndRyan/Honeymoon%20Day%20One%20Vancou ver%20BC/DSC_0991.jpg

05-26-2008, 06:18 PM
The 'Coral Princess'
http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm135/KaraAndRyan/Onboard%20the%20Coral%20Prince ss/DSC_0650.jpg

Onboard the cruise ship, looking out at Port
http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm135/KaraAndRyan/Onboard%20the%20Coral%20Prince ss/DSC_0538.jpg
Los Patios: The lawn that we got married on
Kara looking radiant as ever in her beautiful dress

05-26-2008, 06:23 PM
Wow, nice shots! Sorry about the panhandlers....its an ongoing problem here. There was a recent article about it and how they are getting more and more aggressive. The city keeps building new developments and seem to be pushing the homeless into other areas...but like you said, not so different than other big cities.

05-26-2008, 06:27 PM
The sun breaking through the clouds a little.
http://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm135/KaraAndRyan/Honeymoon%20Day%20One%20Vancou ver%20BC/DSC_0840.jpg

Like I have said, the D80 kicks some serious behind. As I was warned, the built in pop up flash is garbage, just enough to get the job done. The learning curve on the camera is not bad at all. I found myself discovering things as I went along and they all made sense. So, my next mods: BIGGER LENS:banana: and a speed light of some sort. Of course like the Marauder, there is about a million things I want to buy for it, some that cost more than the Marauder!! About half the time I spent experimenting on manual modes with the shutter priority and aperature priority, and full manual. The other half I wanted to get the shot and learned to trust the 'Auto' setting. Its actually a very intelligent camera and will many times produce optimal results.

05-26-2008, 06:30 PM
Nice shots! Sorry about the panhandlers....its an ongoing problem here. There was a recent article about it and how they are getting more and more aggressive. The city keeps building new developments and seem to be pushing the homeless into other areas...but like you said, not so different than other big cities.

Thanks! Photobucket really shrinks em down and they look pretty gritty now that I see them posted here, but oh well. They were all about 2-3mb each origanally. I even took a few in 'Raw' setting. I could print out life size pictures!!!

05-26-2008, 06:56 PM
Great job Ryan! It looks like you got some very nice shots. I'm sure you have many more to share.
Kara looks lovely too. Another great job. :beer:

05-26-2008, 09:06 PM
I even took a few in 'Raw' setting. I could print out life size pictures!!!

Hey Ryan,

Get me those images and I'll print them up for you.


05-27-2008, 07:56 AM
Congrats Ryan and best wishes to you both. Your pics are great. thanks. only about 2600 to go. We want to see them all. Enjoy summer and your new marriage in our steamy paradise. Dennis:)