View Full Version : The Economy Stinks!

05-24-2008, 10:30 AM
At least for me...
As some of you know I took a buyout package from my company at the end of January.
I was happy to go, as the company has some major problems. I'm an outside sales rep, with an ego to go along with the job title, so naturally I thought I'd get something better in a month, two tops...
I've got 2 months to go on my package, then it's dipping into savings to pay bills. Plus the constant thought in the back of my mind that I don't have a job...and on top of everything else I'M BORED! I went from being gone from Tuesday to Friday every week to home every day for the last four months. Needless to say my wife is going nuts with me moping around every day.
On the plus side, the MM is spotless and the Rays are 7 games over .500.
Thanks for letting me vent!

05-24-2008, 10:46 AM
Man i'm sorry to hear that. So my turn I'm a third year apprentice plumber making just now what i made in 2001, i've been living off of visa checks for the last two and half years just now being able to pay bills with what i make, three kids and a mortgage, and worst of all my wife that i've been with for 20 1/2 years (started dating at fourteen my freshman year) developed a rapid form of breast cancer that yes did spread into her limph nodes last fall. So now after chemo and radiation it will be a waiting game to see if it comes back for the rest of our lives. So medical bills, children, repayment of loans, and slow work you can say that i'm botteling it all up and i would that to take this time to appoligize for the beating that i am gonna throw at the next a**hat who crosses me. There its all out, thank you for your time, Bob.

blu marauder
05-24-2008, 11:33 AM
the economy stinks for me as well
ive only worked 3 out of the last 11 months
with no relief in sight. cant find a job that will cover my bills and mortgage.
unemployment has run out, and i'm going through my savings trying to keep up. i don't have kids or the medical issues that marauding4life has, so i cant
imagine the pressure that you feel. so hang in there, i hope things get better for us and anyone here in similar situations.

05-24-2008, 01:38 PM
Man i'm sorry to hear that. So my turn I'm a third year apprentice plumber making just now what i made in 2001, i've been living off of visa checks for the last two and half years just now being able to pay bills with what i make, three kids and a mortgage, and worst of all my wife that i've been with for 20 1/2 years (started dating at fourteen my freshman year) developed a rapid form of breast cancer that yes did spread into her limph nodes last fall. So now after chemo and radiation it will be a waiting game to see if it comes back for the rest of our lives. So medical bills, children, repayment of loans, and slow work you can say that i'm botteling it all up and i would that to take this time to appoligize for the beating that i am gonna throw at the next a**hat who crosses me. There its all out, thank you for your time, Bob.
I thought I had it bad that my wife lost her job, but Jesus Christ..."BOB" You pretty much left me speechless. Well my ears are open for you on one of these Sundays, when we meet, VENT ALL YOU WANT. I'll just make sure I'm not the guy to cross your path.:beatnik:

05-24-2008, 01:50 PM
It Sure Stinks For Me Too.work Is Slow Down So Much I Dont Even Look At The Work Hrs Any More.because Ill Just Get More Piss Off.

05-24-2008, 02:34 PM
Thanks Drew

Local Boy
05-24-2008, 03:34 PM
I'm sorry to hear some of you guys having great difficulty, right now...

Wishing you guys, and your loved one's, ALL THE BEST...From the Hawaiian Islands...


Blk Mamba
05-24-2008, 03:40 PM
And I was pi$$ed because I have to work 55 hrs. a week, sorry to hear of your bad luck, and hope things turn around for all of you.

Aren Jay
05-24-2008, 04:01 PM
Time to start your own business.

05-25-2008, 05:24 AM
A friend was a resident watchmen for an historic residence. We found a box of letters from the 1850's.

80-90% of every letter described everyones health in detail.

When you have your health you have everything.

05-25-2008, 05:45 AM
I have Becky :beer:

05-27-2008, 12:17 PM
I'm trying to stimulate the economy, so where's my check?