View Full Version : Bio-Diesel - Rolling restaurant Aroma

06-02-2008, 08:05 AM
I did a little traveling this weekend and while on the road I begin to smell food...steak, hamburgers, French fries, or something. Then I noticed the closer I get to this truck ahead of me that is spewing out smoke every time he throttles it, the stronger the smell gets. :confused:When I eventually pass the truck the smell dissipates, and that's when I realize it has to be burning Bio-Diesel fuel. It's amazing how the smell makes you hungry, and even now thinking about it I can sure go for a burger about now.

06-02-2008, 08:35 AM
hmmm..bio-diesel exhaust.....I wonder if Outback sells their used oil?

06-02-2008, 08:46 AM
So who is gonna be the first to convert a MM to run Bio Diesel ?
Saw on some TV show they put a duramax in an old Impala and it hauled butt.
Do not know if the front end of a MM could support one tho

Joe Clancy:beer::beer:

As far as buying Outback used grease mostly they give it away as otherwise they have to pay to have it removed.:beer::beer:

Egon Spengler
06-02-2008, 09:19 AM
You think america is obese now... wait until more and more start using it... the mcdonald's on the highways will be packed!!!

06-02-2008, 09:24 AM
That DuraMax was on Pimp my ride.

So are we saying Bio Diesel may CONTIRUBUTE to global warming?

1) Makes us hungry
2) We eat more junk food
3) Out 'tailpipes' emit greenhouse gasses


06-02-2008, 11:30 AM
3 of my vehicles use BioDiesel.

the 86 and 87 Mercedes, and the F250.

BioDiesel gets you closer to 'carbon neutral'.

06-02-2008, 06:48 PM
Fuel prices creating major challenges for summer touring acts (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24926389/)

Molly Nagel, senior director for artists development for Sugar Hill Records says her artists, the Duhks, are going on tour this summer with a new biodiesel van to save on fuel and help the environment.

"I feel like a lot of bands are going to go that way out of necessity to get through the end of the summer," Nagel says.

I've heard of really small acts that went from town to town filling up at the local greasy-spoon restaurants the whole way.
