View Full Version : Bo has passed

06-02-2008, 05:06 PM
:(Bo Diddley was a giant and only now is he getting some some proper air time. I ran errands for him when he played for Allan Freed's New York Rock and Roll Shows. He was a kind man and he should have had top billing since everyone who was someone covered his style and music.

06-02-2008, 05:39 PM
Its a sad day for rock n roll..

06-02-2008, 05:39 PM
I heard about his passing on the news earlier. He was one of the last living pioneer bluesmen. Who's left? Just Buddy Guy?

I cannot imagine what it would be like to have known him as you did.

06-02-2008, 05:41 PM
RIP Mr. Diddley:(

06-02-2008, 07:03 PM
Indeed a greeat man!

The world will miss you!!!!

06-03-2008, 05:52 AM
He lived a little south of me, in Archer. His influence was felt by a lot of musicians, but he never felt he got the credit he desrved.
RIP Bo...

06-03-2008, 05:55 AM
i saw BO and Rollingstone Ronnie Wood together on stage mid 1990,s in Toronto they were touring as The Gun Slingers, what an awsome show it was in a bar so i was like 10ft away from them , never forget it!

06-03-2008, 06:11 AM
I was a kid(16) and worked all the Rock and Roll shows in New York and Brooklyn. I would do my 8 hours at the candy stand and then I would go backstage and hang with the show people. They could not go out for a smoke or a coffee so I became their 7-11 shopper! But Bo was different, he wanted me to guard his stuff which included his famous guitar and Gerome Green's maracas.

He did not want a drink or a smoke-but he liked to talk and this white boy loved to listen. The same goes for Chuck Berry who I also guarded for. However, he told me to never sell a car you owned-"some day it would be worth more than you paid for it"-I have followed that pearl of wisdom and I went to live in Bo's Washington D.C. area-who said white folk don't listen!;)

06-03-2008, 09:35 AM
I was a kid(16) and worked all the Rock and Roll shows in New York and Brooklyn. I would do my 8 hours at the candy stand and then I would go backstage and hang with the show people. They could not go out for a smoke or a coffee so I became their 7-11 shopper! But Bo was different, he wanted me to guard his stuff which included his famous guitar and Gerome Green's maracas.

He did not want a drink or a smoke-but he liked to talk and this white boy loved to listen. The same goes for Chuck Berry who I also guarded for. However, he told me to never sell a car you owned-"some day it would be worth more than you paid for it"-I have followed that pearl of wisdom and I went to live in Bo's Washington D.C. area-who said white folk don't listen!;)

No one can ever say that you 'don't know Diddley.'
No Mo Bo :depress: - who are replacing these passing icons? :shake:

06-03-2008, 10:21 AM
SO SAD....wished I had a better collection of his music, beter start working on it now.

06-03-2008, 03:51 PM
I when I had all my CDs stolen Bo Diddley was one of them, all I have is a 45 with Bo Diddley on it. I saw him about a year and a half ago because I knew his drummer Sandy, I called him yesterday and said I was saddened by the news and he really appreciated the call. Bo didn't look too hot when I saw him, he couldn't really walk and he played the entire concert sitting down, not only that but he would only play one verse and one chorus of a song and move onto the next one.

Later he said all the things he did and all of the people he played with. I was almost crying because I felt like a ghost was talking to me and he is one of the true founders of Rock N' Roll... the real kind, not what's passed off as Rock N' Roll. I felt really bad that not only him, but most black musicans got screwed out of making money by having white people cover their music (they record company still got the SONG on the radio didn't they! :mad2:) and the blacks were put into the R&B section and Rock N' Roll was for the white rebellious kids.... :bs:

I created a song about a year ago that uses his beat called Back In Chicago... I might post it on my bands myspace for all of you to hear.

Now I wanna go buy my CDs back, but I'll look like someone on the wagon who buys when someone dies. :mad2: I really need to hear the song Crackin Up, it's my favorite of Bo Diddleys work.

Why does Rock N' Roll have to keep dying?

P.S. the good news is Chuck Berry is doing fine, saw him a few months ago and he is still a dirty old man and going strong, probably my biggest influence.