View Full Version : Superchips Upgrade Information

08-23-2003, 02:46 AM
Called Superchips to find out what their upgrade policy is. According to Superchips' customer service, here are some important points worth noting:

1. If the Superchips MicroTuner does not contain the file which supports your vehicle's PCM code, your tuner will be reprogrammed by Superchips at no charge. The tuner must be sent back to Superchips to be reprogrammed. This policy remains in effect indefinitely.

2. The only way to tell what "build date" your tuner has, is to look on the back of the tuner at a dated sticker. There is no end-user method to determine build date (i.e., resident firmware versions) from its display electronics.

3. In the specific case of the additional programming code required to adjust for rear-end gears/speedo correction, THERE IS NO UPGRADE PATH. That is, if you have already purchased a MicroTuner, and when and if the gears/speedo programming is added to the #1725 tuner, and should you decide that you want that feature, you will need to buy a completely new tuner at its regular price.

4. According to Superchips' customer service, there is no longer a customer Marauder available to them for gear testing, and there is no other Marauder available to them at this time to take its place. Therefore, at this time, the completion date for the additional programming to adjust for rear-end gears/speedo correction is unknown.

5. If you should ever take your car to the dealer--FIRST, RELOAD THE FACTORY PROGRAMMING from your Superchips MicroTuner back into your car's PCM as a precautionary measure. Why? Should the dealer ever reflash your PCM and erase the Superchips custom data, you will no longer have a copy of the data to reload available in the tuner (this is the method by which they employ their copy protection scheme). You will have to send your tuner back to Superchips and pay $200 for them to reprogram your tuner.

08-23-2003, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by ColePerformance
. . . Superchips have already purchaced the gears for my car in R&D. They are trying to find the time to do the install in the next 2 weeks . . . Cole

That's great! I was hoping that was all still underway, and that customer service was just misinformed.

08-24-2003, 10:34 PM
3. In the specific case of the additional programming code required to adjust for rear-end gears/speedo correction, THERE IS NO UPGRADE PATH. That is, if you have already purchased a MicroTuner, and when and if the gears/speedo programming is added to the #1725 tuner, and should you decide that you want that feature, you will need to buy a completely new tuner at its regular price.

This part stinks. There should be an upgrade path for this rather than buy a whole new tuner, especially when this development is still going on, and in effect, the program is incomplete without it.