View Full Version : 180 Degrees Out

06-11-2008, 06:08 PM
Well with some family issues ongoing, things are changing for me. I am currently in NJ placing my parents in a assisted living facility, since my dad went into hospital last week with congestive heart failure. Since the doctors said he can't drive anymore that leaves the mom unable to support herself. She can't drive due to early stages of Alzheimer's. We got dad in to a facility that can support his long term needs while at the same time, we're working at getting mom into an assisted living environment at the same facility but in an adjacent building. Then there is the issue of cleaning out their house and selling it....

Now with the wife and I scheduled to move to Vandenberg AFB, CA (on the left coast) next month, this had become an issue. I discussed with my boss on Monday about terminating my move to Vandenberg and redirecting me to the DC area (right coast). As of this afternoon, we will now be heading to the beltway. The national government agency I belong to (at least the offices/divisions I work for) definitely take care of their employees. This will get us A LOT closer for supporting the parents.

As I have already driven my MM to Vandenberg, I'll be shipping the wife out over the next few weeks to retrieve it and drive straight through to DC. So I guess we'll have to start having fun with the CAM'rs.

I was looking forward to meeting up with the Southern CAL MMrs and trying different vineyards throughout the central coast region, oh well.

We are now targeting to be in the DC area around the 3rd week of August.


06-11-2008, 06:45 PM
Keep setting your priorities and remember although you can do super things you are not "Superman".

I always tell myself many a person has gone through what you have and more. IF they can make so can you.

06-12-2008, 06:26 AM
Wow, 180 is right. Bless you for taking care of your family. You're doing the right thing, I'm certain. You can always move to Lompoc after you retire and do the vineyard thing. There are numerous vineyards from N.C. to New York nowadays. Arrange a CAM vineyard tour. I'm sure Haggis knows where to go!

In closing, we all can only hope to have a son and daughter-in-law like you when we're in that situation. You're a blessing and generally those whom are, are also blessed themselves!


06-12-2008, 12:49 PM
Don't forget to relax with your wife, and try not to stress out!

06-12-2008, 01:23 PM
Sorry to hear how your plans have changed for now. Welcome to the MD/DC area and keep us posted of your arrival.

Aren Jay
06-13-2008, 09:41 AM
Talk to and taking care of your parents at this time is one of the best things you can do. It is hard, and requires planning and support from others, but it will make you feel better in the long run. Not getting involved is a short term thing, but you will miss and always think you could have done more to help your parents out.

I took care of my Father through his dimensia until his death a couple years ago. I'm now taking care of my Mom with her problems... I do not regret it.

06-13-2008, 10:48 AM
Wow, 180 is right. Bless you for taking care of your family. You're doing the right thing, I'm certain. You can always move to Lompoc after you retire and do the vineyard thing. There are numerous vineyards from N.C. to New York nowadays. Arrange a CAM vineyard tour. I'm sure Haggis knows where to go!

In closing, we all can only hope to have a son and daughter-in-law like you when we're in that situation. You're a blessing and generally those whom are, are also blessed themselves!

I can only 2nd what Jake said. Your parents are blessed to have you. I took care of my folks in their declining years and it was one of the best things I ever did.

As for your Boss and the Agency you work for, WOW!!!! To have them accommodate your needs like that, something not seen much anymore. Kudos to them!

I am from Northern Virginia and the area and that part of the coast has a lot to offer. You will enjoy it, just be forewarned the traffic can be a bear. And if you do not already have one, get a GPS for getting around. I was just back up there for the first time in about 20 years and without the GPS I would have been lost, even in my old neighborhood.

06-13-2008, 11:37 AM
Sorry to hear of your circunstances but :welcome1: to the CAMMERS area!!!

06-13-2008, 02:31 PM
Thanks all. Prior to moving to the Omaha area in the summer of 1999, I lived in Waldorf, MD (1982-1999) so I am aware of the area. One request to the CAM'rs,....we would LOVE to do a MM meet at Berts once the wife and I get there in the mid-August. We need a break...

06-30-2008, 04:59 AM
Well, we're migrating along.

We were able to get my dad upgraded and moved from the medical unit to the assisted living unit with my mom at their assisted living facility last week.
Got their house on the market, though we still need to clean the house out some more.
Left NJ last Wednesday and drove down to our best mans house in southern MD, then flew back to Omaha on Thursday morning.
Sold the house in NE on Friday and will close on 01 August.
The wife is driving the MM back from Vandenberg and, on the first day (yesterday) she made it to Cedar City, UT. She intends to make it to her brothers place in Denver this evening.
Planning to fly back to DC this Thursday on a house hunting trip, will be looking in southern Anne Arundule/northern Calvert counties in MD.
Planning on the movers showing up the week of the 21st and will depart the NE area the week of the 28th.
Planning to be in the beltway area starting the first week of August, and have reservations at the camp ground at Fort Meade with our camper for at least a month (if needed).

06-30-2008, 05:03 AM
Safe travels my friend!


06-30-2008, 07:19 AM
Thanks all. Prior to moving to the Omaha area in the summer of 1999, I lived in Waldorf, MD (1982-1999) so I am aware of the area. One request to the CAM'rs,....we would LOVE to do a MM meet at Berts once the wife and I get there in the mid-August. We need a break...

I'm sure that can be arranged, at least a mini meet, let us know when you're in town I really enjoy Bert's and would be happy to drive down there.

It's unfortunate you've had to change your plans and you have my best wishes to your family. It's good however that the job was flexible to your family situation because as you know in the end that's what's important!

06-30-2008, 10:28 PM
D.C. area Marauder owners are one of a kind....Go Redshins!!!!!!!!