View Full Version : Names

Aren Jay
06-19-2008, 10:46 AM
In particular Dog names.

I'm thinking of getting a dog when I get my new house. Currently live in a no dog area.

I will likely get a black Lab, mix.

Previously we had, none named by me:

A black Lab - Max

A black Lab - Bernie, named after a kid that always got into trouble that lived across the street from us. Bernie (the dog) used to get into trouble alot when younger. Like grabbing a ball of wool and running around the house getting the wool tangled in everything, chair legs, table leg, ran round the halls and tied several doors shut, lucky not the main one, etc...

A black husky shepard wolf cross - Smoky He had a habit of biting your ankles. He had huge teeth and those dots above his eyes that made it look like he was watching you even when asleep.

So it can't be that.

Can't be Hersey another of my sisters dogs, a Rotweiller. Nice big dog.

Can't be Dfer, Another sisters dog, a Australian sheep dog. Very smart liked to jump around alot.

Eddie is another name used up on another dog, a Boxer anti snake dog in Australia.

Fancy or Nancy, not sure which, is my sister in Edmontons dog. Some kind of African thing. Fun and fast but gittery like a squirrel.

A friend had a dog named Jack, a Black Lab. Might not want that name either.

So what names are out there?

Has to be something you don't might shouting in public. Can't be too weird like little Demon etc...

Molly is out too, A very good friend had a Newfoundlander dog, he would run it in the provincial park and joggers would take off at high speed yelling bear bear, which even if it was a bear would be a stupid thing to do. Anyway he eventually gave Molly back to his mom as he couldn't go for a walk without causing huge problems.

Egon Spengler
06-19-2008, 11:03 AM
I loved the name we had for my dog.... SMITTY... he was an awesome dalmatian that was very well behaved... see my tattoo below
http://a985.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/10/l_b43d5dced111c89f864962a0e359 2988.jpg

06-19-2008, 12:18 PM
Kenny Blankenship's cat was named Mr. Sphincter, not sure if that helps...

06-19-2008, 12:23 PM
Ivan is a good name they can live up to. My dog manages to prove the name worth. Ivan the horrible ot terrible!

06-19-2008, 12:27 PM
Shadow is a good name for a black dog. :)

Egon Spengler
06-19-2008, 01:09 PM
I wanted to name one of our cats "professor cuddle bottom" but nobody liked it!!!

In the first pic... on the left is Murphy (my late grandfather used to call me that) and on the right is Winston (named after the black dude in Ghostbusters)... go figured right?

The second pic is of the "da funk docta reggie noble"... the family calls him "reggie" I named him after the rapper "REDMAN"

http://a747.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/61/l_38fc8c3b16aa39846abaa61555d4 3aba.jpg

06-19-2008, 01:38 PM
I loved the name we had for my dog.... SMITTY... he was an awesome dalmatian that was very well behaved... see my tattoo below
http://a985.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/10/l_b43d5dced111c89f864962a0e359 2988.jpg
Great name for a dog! Here is my boy Smitty

Egon Spengler
06-19-2008, 01:47 PM
Great name for a dog! Here is my boy Smitty

WOW!!!! LOL! My dad named him that and he was a big part of my childhood... he lived 13 years and we had to put him down 10/31/01... yes halloween and yes a month and a half after 9/11/01... bad year for me being a firefighter and a dog lover!!!

I like that name the best... I was think what I would name my dog if we every got another one and it always came back to smitty haha

06-19-2008, 01:52 PM
WOW!!!! LOL! My dad named him that and he was a big part of my childhood... he lived 13 years and we had to put him down 10/31/01... yes halloween and yes a month and a half after 9/11/01... bad year for me being a firefighter and a dog lover!!!

I like that name the best... I was think what I would name my dog if we every got another one and it always came back to smitty haha

He's named Smitty after Billy Smith the greatest MONEY goaltender NHL hockey has every seen.


06-19-2008, 01:56 PM
Kenny Blankenship's cat was named Mr. Sphincter, not sure if that helps...

MXC is awsome! But I would go with Ruphert or Rauder maybe....

06-19-2008, 04:27 PM
How about "down, damn it" "get of the couch" "nudger" "leave that alone" "Mr. dog" "Hey, you" "get away" "knucklehead" "doofus" "time to eat"...these are all names my dogs "respond" to.

Oh, .......and "mooo"

Aren Jay
06-19-2008, 05:28 PM
Yeah but when the new dog gets out and I have to walk around the neighbourhood yelling, Knucklehead knucklehead etc... I need a name that isn't odd.

Too odd.

06-19-2008, 06:02 PM
Cocoa (a collie-husky mix I had as a kid)
Butch (my dad's Bulldog when he was a kid)
Jasper (a collie-german shepard mix and one of the smartest dogs I ever saw)

06-19-2008, 07:43 PM

06-19-2008, 08:01 PM
We had a German Shepherd/Husky cross named Skipper.

06-19-2008, 09:40 PM
Finally, a post worthy of taking seriously.

We last had Sergeant, a Shep/Mal mix. Was in training to be a service dog, and is now doing well in that capacity. We are allowed to drop by and see him when he's not working. I'll never foster and train another dog that I will have to voluntarily relinquish again; it's too hard.

We also had Satch, a rough collie like Lassie. Had to put her down on her 13th birthday. Still miss her.
