View Full Version : Stargate Triva

Aren Jay
06-19-2008, 05:04 PM
If we can talk back to the future, which I only saw the first movie in the theatres once. And I don't cheat by getting all Wiki'ed. I lose.

But in Stargate where I own the DVD's for all the tv shows and movies, and have watch every episode 2 or more times, Although I'm terrible with names so if you ask who the actor or actress was I won't know.

I do know what kind of Black Car O'Neill drives. Do you?

06-19-2008, 05:48 PM
A Marauder?

06-19-2008, 05:56 PM
A black Ford Superduty Diesel, 4-door.

06-19-2008, 06:03 PM
I agree he drove it in the one episode when the plaug was spreading around earth! :beatnik:

Aren Jay
06-19-2008, 06:28 PM
I did say car, when I saw it I had to back it up because I thought it was a Marauder too, but then found out it was a Grand National.

Aren Jay
06-19-2008, 06:34 PM
If you want to talk about Stargate stupidity I could go on and on.

06-19-2008, 08:51 PM
please do go on, and also since its not specified, is this limited to SG-1 or Atlantis also? 'cause Atlantis I know!

Aren Jay
06-19-2008, 09:28 PM
Any Stargate, Atlantis etc....

Anyway, there are a few things I hate, a few things I laugh at and a few problems that, while making good TV, are just plain stupid.

Like that Nuke assualt in Atlantis on a planet full of Pegasus replicators. Then compalining after and talking to the replicators to get them to reason and not continue their attack with the laser satelite. Come on that is just moronic.

The aftermath of the whole Stargate situation is that Earth has 3 ships. Had 10 but lost all of them, repeatedly.

The idea that if you had a stargate you would keep it on Earth and not use it on the moon or Mars or even just have it on a ship in Orbit. Yes originally it was a good idea but after you get ships and stuff it is just plain stupid.

Then at the end there is a Jaffa army that now controls the entire galaxy except for 3 or 4 planets that earth controls and our 3 ships. Then they decide not to be allies any more and everything is fine. Lets see they have 300+ ships, 1000's of planets and they are not going to take over completely because they have honour?

In Atlantis they discuss destorying the Atlantis city/ship and talk about how they could backup maybe 6 or 7 % of the database. Then they get a repreave and a means to communicate and travel back to the SGC and the don't bother to bring in 20X the storage space and backup the entire database? Brilliant minds there.

Some primative men have another Altantis city and they don't convice the people that there is a problem that they need to evacuate their atlantis like city, then you steal it.

On the topic of stealing.

Steal stargates and or DHD's from each unfriendly planet you go to. Then make your own network or just make it such that those who live there cannot use it without you. When you visit you birng a notebook with dialing programme and power supply with you.

In Atlantis if the Jen'I (sp?) are being problematic, then fly past them and beam their stargate up and away, problem solved.

Stop trusting people.

Collect ships, don't buy them if you can steal them, buy them if you can't, and or infiltrate and take over what you can't buy.

In SG1 there is a time when they distract a force of Jaffa (evil ones) buy destroying or damaging a ship that is being built. Why destory the ship when you could just release some symbiot poison on board and steal the ship. But no, poison is bad, you have to shoot or blow them up instead. Action tv is good but stupid as well.

Why don't they have jeeps or Hummers with machine guns that they use on engagement missions?

Or Helicopters, gryoplnes or even Microlights if moving them about are a problem.

Instead they walk everywhere, even if the place they are going is miles away, they walk.

06-19-2008, 11:11 PM
indeed most all are valid points b hell, what sci fi doesn't have its mind boggling quarks?

But I agree with you on the ships, all the time its oh noes, we're ethical so we can't do it despite our dire situation, like the time they went throw the whole indiana jones thing with the jen'i only to lose the ZPM at the end to a bunch of backwards minded natives who want to hide it again. They should have gone back wiped em out and been at full power once again!

And also these people lose ancient ships left right and center! These huge battle cruisers which could save them a hell of a lotta time and trouble not to mention it being cool to fly around the galaxy in the most powerful vessels in Pegasus, are always on the chopping block for sacrifice the next episode if not sooner. These are precious relics that should be just as important as the city itself, but I could go on and on about 'em, its no use.

Dr Caleb
06-20-2008, 10:06 AM
What were the names of the 4 races found in the 'library' (old guy, stuck by himself for 40 years . . ."

The 'Ancients', The 'Asgard', ____________, _____________.

06-20-2008, 10:52 AM
As seen in Episode S1E10 "The Torment of Tantalus", the 4 races are: Ancients, Asgard, Nox & Furlings.

Hallowed are the Ori!

What were the names of the 4 races found in the 'library' (old guy, stuck by himself for 40 years . . ."

The 'Ancients', The 'Asgard', ____________, _____________.

Dr Caleb
06-20-2008, 12:02 PM
As seen in Episode S1E10 "The Torment of Tantalus", the 4 races are: Ancients, Asgard, Nox & Furlings.

Hallowed are the Ori!


Hallowed is the Orisi McHottie.

Aren Jay
06-20-2008, 07:53 PM
Bacarin was worthy of Worship!

Ahh but what does a Furling look like?

and who was in that spaceship that beamed almost everybody off the Promethius before they both got stuck.

06-20-2008, 08:03 PM
So if a furlong is "equal to one-eighth of a mile (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mile) or 660 feet (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot_%28unit_of_length%29) or 201.168 metres (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metre)." (-wikipedia), then how long is a furling? Since they are humanoid, and the average baby is 22 inches and the average adult is 66 inches, would that make a furling 220 feet?

Back to reality - did Carter ever kiss O'Neill?

Aren Jay
06-20-2008, 08:39 PM
yes. In the past.

06-21-2008, 07:46 AM
I did say car, when I saw it I had to back it up because I thought it was a Marauder too, but then found out it was a Grand National.

I worked an SG for a season, as well as the first season of SG-A. We used one of my fellow Teamsters' black MM, that's the first time I saw one up close. Never read the script for that episode, but I don't remember it being for RDA. Thought it was for an Air Force bad guy character.

The cast on SG were idiots, the cast from SG-A were AMAZING. I have lots of great photos with them, they loved to hang out with us crew. The big stars from SG were all *******s. Period.

BTW, Martin Wood IS THE NICEST guy on the planet, I was his driver for the season. We both got married around the same time, and had great conversations on a regular basis about everything and anything.

06-21-2008, 10:46 AM
I'm a big Stargate fan.

Stargate (First one with Kurt Russel)
(http://tv-links.cc/movie/stargate.htm)Stargate Sg1 the Ark of Truth (http://tv-links.cc/movie/stargate-sg1-the-ark-of-truth.htm)

Stargate Atlantis (http://tv-links.cc/tv/stargate-atlantis.htm)
Stargate Sg-1 (http://tv-links.cc/tv/stargate-sg-1.htm)

06-21-2008, 06:00 PM
I love the shows, too. I've always been puzzled by the lack of firepower they take with them. Even when they take heavier rifles, most likely .308's, no-one takes .50 cals. Back in the early seasons when they were fighting the G'ould and their Jaffa, they'd waste 30 rounds from their P90's (5.7x28) on each jafa when a single .50 would tear them apart.

And as said previously, leaving all the firepower behind - from jafaa staff' to the ships and everything in between.

But: still a huge fan regardless!!!

Aren Jay
06-21-2008, 09:26 PM
Also why don't they take something like 700 men a battalion through the gate and infiltrate the Jaffa / Goauld. A tatoo on the forhead and armour and staff, with some training, and a fake Goauld, to comand them. They could take planets, ships, mines, etc... Stop worrying if you are going to hurt their feelings. As for the symbiote poison, the first time they got it, they should have moved into an area, released it and take everything on the planet, replace the Jaffa Goauld there with their own (men) and removed the bodies.

The sarcophagi should be collected at all cost. Yes with too much use it isn't good but if you can use it 6 or 7 times that is 6 or 7 times. Not ohh boo whoo she/he is dead. Or fix it so it doesn't drive you crazy.

Same with the hand held healing devices, and make a blood doping with naquadah so everyone can use them, the glove thingies etc...

06-21-2008, 11:05 PM
I love the shows, too. I've always been puzzled by the lack of firepower they take with them. Even when they take heavier rifles, most likely .308's, no-one takes .50 cals. Back in the early seasons when they were fighting the G'ould and their Jaffa, they'd waste 30 rounds from their P90's (5.7x28) on each jafa when a single .50 would tear them apart.

And as said previously, leaving all the firepower behind - from jafaa staff' to the ships and everything in between.

But: still a huge fan regardless!!!

Well, it's hard to spray with a .50, and ammo weight/appearance was a consideration. 5.7 50 rnd mags look waaay cooler than a few 10 rnd .50 mags. (Leg drop-pouches look macho on tv.) Supressive fire with .50s would be impossible, and the FNs were (and still are) the premier CQB subgun. (think caves/ship corridors etc)

All our armourers (Felcan Ind) are/were military guys and advisors, and the FN was the newest kid on the block with a spotless record...and it had the CDI factor!;)

Aren Jay
06-22-2008, 01:38 AM
The P90 was introduced in 1990 hence the name. It is the best of the Sub machine guns, but illegal under the geneva convention. The bullets, not the gun.

The fletchette rounds are great, there are about 5 different types. Why SG teams do not use the 5.7 pistol though is beyond me.

Later season 8 or 9 they use a Barret light fifty. There are so many other guns that they could have used but over all it isn't too bad.

Except no vehicles. No Motorcycles. No Hummers. No FAV's... Even Startrek used a FAV.

Even in the Stargate books they used Helicopters and Tanks.

I think they did use a boat in at least one episode though.

I guess it is an airforce thing, can't walk, fly.

Dr Caleb
06-23-2008, 09:18 AM
And as said previously, leaving all the firepower behind - from jafaa staff' to the ships and everything in between.

But: still a huge fan regardless!!!

In one episode, they were asked this question by a group of rebel Jaffa. The Jaffa did a little target practise with their staff weapons. Carter did with her P90.

The staff weapons just did some surface damage on the targets. The P90 turned it to matchsticks.

As O'Neil explained, staff weapons are terror weapons - not meant for killing but to inflict fear. The P90 kills, first time, every time.

But I agree on the ships. Why, oh why couldn't they get a few cargo ships or even a mothership. But at least the Asgard equipped ships they came up with were superior.

Good stories Taemian. I kind thought they were too big for their britches. Interesting too how so many from SG-1 guest starred on Andromeda, and how Micheal Shanks' wife ended up on SG-1. I like Amanda Tapping's character, but she just isn't the same on SG:Atlantis.

'Ark of Truth' was pretty good though. At least they get to keep this ship and the Asgard library.

Aren Jay
06-23-2008, 08:29 PM
And why is the Asgard library still on the ship?

OK my solution to many of the problems with the Stargate franchise:

1. Capture a ship, keep it.

2. Now that they have an Atlantis stargate bridge, with a Hub, they can move the Atlantis City to the centre of the hub. Seal it up and study the Atlantis core there. Bring the Oddessy their as well and move a team of 100-200+ scientists in to study them intensely. Keep the Oddessy on guard duty, it is the most advanced ship after all, and they could even manipulate time to speed their study time up. Teams go there, spend 10 years studying and come back the next day. They get well paid and earth knowledge advances in huge leaps....

3. Put a ship building facility on Atlantis, and with the time dialation field make ships at a very fast rate. You would need to automate parts and have teams replaced often, people age 10 years in a day after all. Make 20 ships a day, use beam tech to make the parts for free. Make a 305 a ship with a small crew but big capabilites, faster more powerful larger automated and like the Asgard ships able to be run by one person.

4. Make the hub bigger, include internal and external weapons and rings. Keep Atlantis and the Oddessy with in ring range but that is all. Maybe even move it further out and have it in stargate range. Keep the tech that you need out of harms way. In the middle of nowhere between the Galaxy's.

5. Put a 304 in the Pegasus Galaxy, with a stargate and a Goauld Hyperdrive. So if it is captured the wraith can't get to Earth. Upgrade the ship with Asgard weapons, senors, shields, and beam tech and a ZPM. Let teams gate in from the SGC or Atlantis through the hub. The Atlantis show would not need to change much. if at all.

6. For the SGC, move it to the Darkside of the moon, or even to a point outside the solar system. Put the Stargate on a 303, landed on the moon or further out. The Goauld hyperdrive, the first ones, the slow ones, are considered to be 32,000 times faster than the speed of light. With the Cheyenne mountain facility renamed the RGC Ring Gate Command, and using a ring instead of stargate, and with range boosting satelites, if they are needed, to allow beaming to the Dark side of the Moon, with a port/base on the darkside with ring receiving station and port to then use a cargo ship, or Alkesh or whatever ship you like then with the slowest hyperdrive tech a 303 SGC 1 light year out from our solar system, far enough away just in case something goes Boom, and the light would take 1 year before anyone on Earth would know about it.... That the slowest of Goauld ships in hyperspace would take, from moon port to SGC 303 (365.25 x 24 = 8766 hours divided by 32000) 0.2739375 hours to reach or 16.43625 minutes. Surely such a time delay would be a good idea incase of stargate invasion etc... On the SGC-303 there would be sublight only engines, no hyperdrive engines and only port to port evacutation or transport ships. Thus if an explosive or chemical attack is made upon the stargate the earth would be problem free. Even a blackhole sucking through the gate would case no or little problems for the earth before the gate and ship would be destroyed. Even a ZPM explosive would not hurt the Earth. The SGC-303 would carry Asgard beam tech, shields, weapons, and some local point defense 302's.

Teams would leave the RGC, Earth, for the Darkside base/port and within minutes be there load up on to a shuttle/transport and hyperjump to the SGC. Surely that is an acceptable delay for those of us who are cautious. Plus any ships sent to find the Earth SGC would end up in the local middle of nowhere, by tracing the gate. And we have ships and a chair system around earth and a ring system so... Gamma Delta Beta Alpha sites etc...

Why expose the Earth. With the Galaxy link from Pegasus, this becomes even more of a threat, and a low powered one. Should wraith show up on the SGC-303, it is blowen and the crew beamed to transports. Non cloaking transports, and Hyper jump to the port or away to a secondary base. Should the ship be destroyed another is established a short time later. Yes some communication might be delayed 15 minutes but that is all. Asgard ships and Earth upgraded ships, hyper jump much faster, this delay may only be 2 or 3 minutes or less, surely that is an acceptable delay for almost anything.

Dr Caleb
06-24-2008, 09:30 AM
All excellent points D1CC.

But - Earth's primary defence is 'the chair'. What is the flight time of the probes from Antarctica to the dark side of the moon?

The other problem is getting the ship with the G'ouald hyperdrive from this galaxy to Pegasus. Would it not be simpler to use a Wraith Hyperdrive? That way you don't expose them to technology they don't already have, should the ship be captured.

I would say create a new galactic base in the Asgard Galaxy. Keep Asgard and Ancient technology as far away from the Wraith (and Replicators) as possible. Give Atlantis a 'deadman switch', where the lack of human life signs in Atlantis causes a complete system 'format' or large Supernova type explosion. They know how to make a star go Nova - booby trap the star around which Atlantis is orbiting.

06-24-2008, 01:53 PM
I love watching Stargate. Oneill drives a F250 superduty. The episode where he takes his clone to highschool, and the episode with the interdimensional creatures being seen (you see him filling up at a gas station)

06-24-2008, 02:10 PM
loved SG-1

Aren Jay
06-25-2008, 10:28 AM
All excellent points D1CC.

But - Earth's primary defence is 'the chair'. What is the flight time of the probes from Antarctica to the dark side of the moon?

The other problem is getting the ship with the G'ouald hyperdrive from this galaxy to Pegasus. Would it not be simpler to use a Wraith Hyperdrive? That way you don't expose them to technology they don't already have, should the ship be captured.

I would say create a new galactic base in the Asgard Galaxy. Keep Asgard and Ancient technology as far away from the Wraith (and Replicators) as possible. Give Atlantis a 'deadman switch', where the lack of human life signs in Atlantis causes a complete system 'format' or large Supernova type explosion. They know how to make a star go Nova - booby trap the star around which Atlantis is orbiting.

Darkside of moon would be expendable. Earth Defense would be Earth only. Ships would defend the rest and fall back to Earth in time of need. That is the point the SGC should be expendable, and not kill everyone on Earth when they blow it up, have a black hole flood through, or bio agent etc...

To go to the Pegasus galaxy with a Gouald hyperdirve you could do two things. One use the stargate link to ship the new hyperdrive in, the old one out. Or use a second ship to power the hyperdrive. In the show non hyperdrive ships are always pickybacking a ride through hyperspace.

Wraith Hyperdrives are not very good which is why they must make those stops along the way, as pointed out when Rodney blew up a Hive ship with the Satelite laser.

Asgard moved, and the old replicators are now in the Asgard Galaxy, plus others. It might be nice to invade and remove them from a Galaxy but don't do it until you have a few 1000 ships and know how to use the Ancient & Asgard tech.

Aren Jay
06-26-2008, 12:21 PM
The reason I like Stargate so much is that the Scify realism is not tainted like it is in other realms.

Startrek is an aniseptic Communisim, rife with power hungry admirals waiting to go crazy, have a coup, or just make bad choice after bad choice. Captains running their own little dictatorships breaking the rules as it fits their mood and spouting dogma.

Starwars is a mystic journey amoungst an elite who look down at mere mortals who need to be coddled or controlled.

Stargate does have it's stupidity faults, the whole keep it a secret on Earth, but everyone else has the "Right" to know conflict.

Anyway with it's faults it is still better.

Aren Jay
06-27-2008, 07:00 PM
Back to the trivia, why are Ha'Tak Pyramids 3 sided but the Pyramids they land on four sided?

06-30-2008, 04:34 AM
Back to the trivia, why are Ha'Tak Pyramids 3 sided but the Pyramids they land on four sided?

Because that adds up to seven and everyone knows that seven is a lucky number.

06-30-2008, 07:48 AM
I just watched the original "Star Trek" series episode "The City on the Edge of Forever". It's the one with the time portal where McCoy goes back in time to 1930's Earth, and Spock and Kirk follow to try and retrieve him. Joan Collins is the guest star on this episode.

When the go down to the planet with the time portal, the time portal looks a much earlier version of the Stargate. It's a big ring, and has a short column in front of it where the DHD would be. It was also built by an ancient civilization a million years ago. I guess the Stargate people were Trekkies, huh?

Aren Jay
06-30-2008, 10:09 AM
Perhaps a favourite episode of Dean Devlin & Roland Emmerich?

The Original Startrek was less Pansy and more real. Even Enterprise was wrapped up in the goody two shoes atmosphere. (the episode where a civilization goes searching for help to cure a plague but the doctor says he won't help them because the dying civilization should be left to die so the lesser developed people things can then flourish) Stupid stupid stupid Startrek Bull... Kirk would have had bones whip up a cure in no time, established a trade pact and brought another world into the Evil Communistic control of the Federation.