View Full Version : I got cranked today!

07-02-2008, 02:50 PM
I posted this on CVN, but I am doing it here as I don't believe all Vic owners here are on CVN. Plus maybe omeone here will have some ideas.

I learned something about Vics today. The crankshaft pulley on the Vic is whacked. It is more than one piece and is separated by rubber, that drys out and causes problems. Is it the same on Marauders too?

In my Cruiser, I have noticed over the past week that my A/C has been ranging from cold to tepid. The car has been pinging at low speed and two days ago on the way home, I picked up a squeak in the fan belt area. Power seemed down too. It was going in for service tomorrow, so I let it slide.

As I left the station, and as I punched it to get into traffic and I hear a loud squeal, then something like bing bang whack and then no power steering. I looked in the mirrors and did not see anything go flying. I get it off the road and look under the hood and the belt is still there and hanging loosely.

Come to find out, the pulley portion let loose and did go flying to the side of the road. The other part connected to the crankshaft is still there. The work garage of course put a new one on for me today, but now I am concerned about my personal CVPI. Now my A/C is ice cold, no pinging and engine power seems to be back up.

Has anyone else had this happen? Does anyone make a better crankshaft pulley set-up? Kind of disconcerting to think if this had happened on the interstate and my wife was alone or something.

07-02-2008, 06:22 PM
It happens, Ive seen it once at my local Ford dealer.

Its very uncommon and nothing to worry about.

07-03-2008, 03:55 AM
I've seen it too. It is pot luck.