View Full Version : Will gas prices ever go down?

07-02-2008, 07:17 PM
I don't know about you guys, but I didn't live through the 70s last time there was a problem with gas or a problem was created. I will not back down and start driving something that gets close to 30mpg, but when it's $40 for not even half a tank of gas this is getting out of hand.

I heard in a documentry on oil a few weeks ago it used to be a lot more expensive in the 20's... try $600 a barrel in todays money and only the rich could afford cars. Now I am not rich, but even if I was these gas prices are taking more money from me than any other expense, even food!

For those of you who have been around twice as long as I have, what do you expect to happen? Do you think the prices will keep growing and never go down except the seasonal changes? Will we ever see $2 a gallon again? Do you think we are going to start drilling into our own supply and bypass the current laws from doing so?

What is going to happen and when? Anyone from any generation is free to comment, but I want to know what the other have observed that I missed.

Joe Walsh
07-02-2008, 07:21 PM
Get used to $5.00+ gallon gas...

1 Billion+ in India
1 Billion+ in China

Who are now buying cars like we did back in the 50s & 60s....

07-02-2008, 07:21 PM
Until the citizens of this country (including myself) get the balls to storm an official building and hold its members hostage until the prices are lowered, its not going to change.

December 21st, 2012 is not that far away :bigcry:

07-02-2008, 07:25 PM
Dom in the 70's gas was high priced just hard to get, long lines, etc.

No! The price will not go down so park your marauder and get a Smart for two car:rofl:

07-02-2008, 07:29 PM
December 21st, 2012 is not that far away :bigcry:

What's the big deal on that date?

I would do whatever I could for change, but I'm not going into office for it, heck I don't like going into any offices!

Iowa Rick
07-02-2008, 07:31 PM
Bull Puckey!!!!!!!! Most Americans (myself included) are overweight. If it comes down to gas for the Marauder or food, I vote with my right foot. We don't need no stinkin food.......................... ............... Sign me crazy in the corn belt. Rick

07-02-2008, 07:35 PM
I am currently eating cheap so I can afford the gas and rental trailer next week for the 65 Chevy!

07-02-2008, 07:44 PM
What's the big deal on that date?

I would do whatever I could for change, but I'm not going into office for it, heck I don't like going into any offices!


07-02-2008, 07:48 PM
I only drive 4 blocks to work:D. 3 years ago I drove 60 miles per day, and sold my GTP cause I didnt want to pay for 91 or better(to just drive it out going to work). Everyone then was sick of the gas prices. I can guess what its like now.
I dont ever see gas prices below $3.00 we are used to getting bent over and will just learn to deal with it.
I work in a parts store and I had a guy come in the other day and had to go back out to his car to dig for change just to buy a (one) spark plug. ($1.64) he couldn't get all 4. How is he going to buy a gallon of gas? He's just trying to get the car to run. Also have people trying to return all kinds of stuff that they had laying around. Had a guy that wanted to return brake parts that he got in 2003:eek:, a chick came in with paint that was used and wanted to bring it back. (so she could get gas-she told me so). I had an old guy tring to get to a doctor's appt.(50 miles away) needed antifreeze, tried to write a check (wouldn't clear) only had $5.00 so he couldn't get it. Did he get to the doctor?:alone:
The prices s*ck! We could be a lot worse off. Count your blessings

07-02-2008, 07:50 PM
Dom, 12/21/12 is the date the world will end according to ancient Mayan calender. (I'm putting even odds on it myself).

07-02-2008, 08:06 PM
Gas will never go down more than a few cents, but then it's gonna continue to gradually climb over the long term. Get used to the idea of $5.00+ for gas. At least we don't have to wait in long lines and see the "no gas" signs in the front of stations like we did in the '70's.

We are finally catching up to the reality that most of the civilized world has been living with for decades.

07-02-2008, 08:15 PM
You ALL need to hit the books. The Mayan calendar does NOT end,it RESETS or recycles on that date. To them, the cyclical rhythm of the lunar/solar travel intersects at that point, nothing more.

Brother, what drivel people will subscribe to, especially when they decide to not research anything at all. I guess if it isn't on NASCAR or Sports channel during the breaks, some folks just can't be bothered with actually looking.

Oh, and Dom...forget gas that is under $4 for hightest grades. Isn't coming back dude. The world price index for 'petrol' has caught up to us, and seems to be bringing us a bit of the pain our global neighbors have faced for some years now. You think it sucks here? Stay outta the UK, dude. BAck in the late 90s when I was visiting my friend in England for the first time we were tooling around the coutryside and had to fill his diesel Montero Sport 'ute. Well, while he did that I was playing with the pocket currency converter I bought and nearly fudged my pants when I realized he just dumped $80-US into his tank. F-in A! Late 90s bud, nearly 20 years ago, don't even want to see what it looks like today.

Aren Jay
07-02-2008, 09:05 PM
The only time gas prices drop is when everyone switches to something better. Then they, you know who, will outlaw gasoline and it will once again be dirt cheap.

Until then, keep pumping money into your tank and enjoy the ride. or Get a Ural, 2 rear wheel drive. http://www.ural.com/

07-02-2008, 09:48 PM

Very comforting!

07-03-2008, 12:35 AM
Oh ya I know how bad other countries have had it and I know we are still one of the few that has it this "cheap" I was just curious about what has gone on before and what others expect.

07-03-2008, 03:32 AM
Hey Dom Norway is at $8.50 a gallon UK somewhere near $$10.00 per gallon (after money and metric conversons) :)

07-03-2008, 03:32 AM
Will we ever see $2 a gallon again?

NO !!!

We won't see $2.00
We won't see $3.00
And it is rather unlikely that we will ever see $4.00 Premium again.

Once the oil companies find out that you will pay it .... YOU WILL PAY IT. No going back (much) after the cat is out-of-the-bag.

Back in the late '70s, I recall making a bold statement that "It would be a cold day in H3LL before I EVER paid $0.65 per gallon." Boy was I wrong and feeling a bit chilly for a long time. ;)

07-03-2008, 03:39 AM
Hey Dom Norway is at $8.50 a gallon UK somewhere near $$10.00 per gallon (after money and metric conversons) :)
Just remember that when you compare gas prices for these European countries that TAXES are the primary driver of their high costs.

07-03-2008, 04:07 AM
The only small solace I have regarding the gas prices is that it was a lot harder on MY budget back in 1981 when the pump price was about $1.10 and my salary (as a young worker) was about 1/7 what it is now. So, for me, the pain index doesn't equal 1981 until gas is $7.70! Not much consolation!

07-03-2008, 04:14 AM
Just remember that when you compare gas prices for these European countries that TAXES are the primary driver of their high costs.

Yes I know of their tax index and they use the money to help pay for health care. Still it is what you pay at the pump that counts.
I have had people from both Norway & the UK in the last week here in the US on tour. The folks from Norway like taking pictures of large SUV's and pick-ups?

07-03-2008, 06:33 AM
Yes I know of their tax index and they use the money to help pay for health care. Still it is what you pay at the pump that counts.
I have had people from both Norway & the UK in the last week here in the US on tour. The folks from Norway like taking pictures of large SUV's and pick-ups?

Taxes account for about 63-67% (about 2/3) of the cost of fuel in Norway. By comparison, as of 1 July 2008 fuel taxes in the USA are only about 11.6% of the price at the pump. Please take NOTE of who is pushing for higher taxes in Norway. There are some here in the US that would like to do the same to us.

Even though Norway is the third largest oil exporter, the fuel is heavily taxed. The fuel tax for regular fuel pumps (gas stations) in Norway contributed to 63% of the fuel price in 2007 (The tax was USD 1.42 per litre 95 RON petrol). The government refers to the tax as environmental tax on fuels. The tax is subject to much controversy and debate in Norway, specially since Norway has a widespread population and lack of public transportation in rural areas. In 2008 the socialist/socialdemocratic government of Norway further increased the tax for petrol and diesel.

07-03-2008, 08:01 AM
In the late 80's i was making $4.25 an hour and paying $.95 a gallon
Now I make $28.00 an hour and pay $4.50 a gallon.
In two years when i'm a no longer an apprentice i will make $43.00 an hour and probably be paying $6.00 a gallon.
Late 80's .22% of pay an hour went for a gallon
Now '08 .16% of pay an hour goes for a gallon
In two years .13.9% of pay an hour will go to a gallon of gas

This is my personal experience with the price of fuel as per what i make, I feel that i had a normal job for my age then and that i also do now. But the thing is if i was 16 now and made minimum wage at ? $7.00 ? i would seriously be parking my car for long periods trying to save for the next 5 gallons. Now what if you were 18 and freshly moved out and on your own? Forget it because it would not be a luxury that you could afford. I moved out when i was 17 and never came crawling back, I worked my a** off to get to where i'm at and that was only possible because the economy was doing well. Our youth is never gonna make it like a lot of us did, anyone my age living in a decent job community had it easy even if it didn't feel like it. I can't possibly see how these kids are gonna survive in this world the way things are today. These gas prices amongst many other products have to decline or america is heading to a financial ruin far worse than anything ever seen or felt. I have my kids futures to worry about and i see nothing but problems for them to be able to build a life of their own especially when just the price of fuel will cost them .64% of a hours wage. The prices have to go down and i believe they will go down some. Its pretty pathetic that they have us wishing that it would go down to $3.00. I'm still asking for $1.50, where it was not so long ago. If your gonna ask for the impossible then ask for the complete impossible, thats my motto.

07-03-2008, 08:07 AM
Hey Dom Norway is at $8.50 a gallon UK somewhere near $$10.00 per gallon (after money and metric conversons) :)

Oh heck ya I am fully aware of the prices in Europe and how they had been $8 a gallon for the past 20 years and I am sure is it much higher now as you stated.

07-03-2008, 08:16 AM
This is what will happen:

Gas prices will continue to go up and there will be a breaking point for American labor. Soon the cost of living will go up in a result of crowded public transit which will increase taxes in order to handle the stress loads, gasoline will increase of course but this is a luxury item, food will increase to cover shipping costs, and all merchandise will increase. Prices across the board, needs and wants, will increase. More so then they are now by the way.

As a result the minium wage will have to raised in order to ensure the average I did not go to college joe can continue to vote, get mail, get sick, and consume. This will of course continue to push prices up again. Eventually we will stumble to a medium where people can make "5.25" an hour and still "live."

This is the rough spot of thet climb - eventually we will peak and lay stagnat and think we are okay, until the next cycle of price increases.

Sadly the price of gas is largely an economic problem and not a political problem. Regardless of Congress, the President, who ever is in office - gas prices will climb. Its supply and demand. Less productive drilling is one problem. Coupled with the 3rd world become new world and developing and consuming more is even more of a problem. Drilling in our country or off shores wont bring prices down - they will bring them down 5 to 10 cents, which in turn will only climb more. Drilling more is like taking a step back to go 4 forward.

I do not see prices coming down at all, I just hope my income can go up as fast! Two jobs or public transit, or both in the not too distant future!

We need a new source of energy sadly, and thats expensive and no one wants to pay for it now, so we will all pay at the pump!

07-03-2008, 08:21 AM
Sadly the price of gas is largely an economic problem and not a political problem.

Well they can do something about it. I mean some presidents and created jobs and others have made them fade away. I'm sure other people in other offices can do so too. Maybe we will see change for our advantage in the next couple of years. Not to bash anyones views on who they support and why, I'm just saying for observation.

07-03-2008, 09:08 AM
Jobs are easy to make - Dwight put jobs on the table by rebuilding the infrastructure. Thanks to him we have highways to speed on. And for the military to use should we be invaded.

Our current government fiscal policy is not going to be able to create many jobs. We are paying for the war, right or wrong, we are paying for it no denying that. Health care, schools, lower tax revenues, poor economy. The next president will be hard pressed to find money to create the new jobs.

I am not saying spend less or tax more - just saying our current situation. We elect people whose views mirror ours on how to handle this situation.

Happy voting swing states!

Dr Caleb
07-03-2008, 09:58 AM
Dom, when I started driving, gas was $0.34 per Litre for my Dad's '75 Buick. It was $0.41/l in my 79 Corvette.

Gas just went up yesterday to $1.34 per Litre. $1.44 for 92 octane for the Marauder.

Gas doesn't go down. It may drop a few cents in the short term, but never for very long. Just get used to it, or do something about it. There are only 2 choices.

07-03-2008, 12:12 PM

I see all that stuff on the news today...Im sure 50 years ago they said the same thing...:rolleyes:

07-03-2008, 01:12 PM
Consider the source... the news that is, not Zack. Media is bad like tv and not the fun kinda bad like sinning!

07-03-2008, 01:16 PM
What's the big deal on that date?

I would do whatever I could for change, but I'm not going into office for it, heck I don't like going into any offices!

12-21-12.....Sounds like a joke.

07-03-2008, 01:17 PM
12-21-12.....Sounds like a joke.

My moms birthday a few years ago was supposed to be the end of the world 6-6-06, but we are all still here.

07-03-2008, 01:18 PM
Oh - i must also say im dissapointed in everyone here. Everyone is already saying never.

Complacency; Our death warrant.

07-03-2008, 01:29 PM
Its not complacency - its just safe talk :) no need to stir the flames of politics or views on a car site blog.

07-03-2008, 05:09 PM
Down 6 cents to $4.73/gallon (premium)

Blk Mamba
07-03-2008, 05:27 PM
You ALL need to hit the books. The Mayan calendar does NOT end,it RESETS or recycles on that date. To them, the cyclical rhythm of the lunar/solar travel intersects at that point, nothing more.

Brother, what drivel people will subscribe to, especially when they decide to not research anything at all. I guess if it isn't on NASCAR or Sports channel during the breaks, some folks just can't be bothered with actually looking.

Oh, and Dom...forget gas that is under $4 for hightest grades. Isn't coming back dude. The world price index for 'petrol' has caught up to us, and seems to be bringing us a bit of the pain our global neighbors have faced for some years now. You think it sucks here? Stay outta the UK, dude. BAck in the late 90s when I was visiting my friend in England for the first time we were tooling around the coutryside and had to fill his diesel Montero Sport 'ute. Well, while he did that I was playing with the pocket currency converter I bought and nearly fudged my pants when I realized he just dumped $80-US into his tank. F-in A! Late 90s bud, nearly 20 years ago, don't even want to see what it looks like today.

The "late 90's" was only ten years ago in my book, and I watched the entire discovery channel report on the Mayan calender, and the narrator was the one that led everyone to believe that it predicted the end of the world, (due to the alighnment of the universe, not our solar system) not some figment of our imagination. I for one do not subscribe to this thinking due to my beliefs, but am always ready. By the way what is wrong with watching NASCAR?

07-03-2008, 05:54 PM
The "late 90's" was only ten years ago in my book, and I watched the entire discovery channel report on the Mayan calender, and the narrator was the one that led everyone to believe that it predicted the end of the world, (due to the alighnment of the universe, not our solar system) not some figment of our imagination. I for one do not subscribe to this thinking due to my beliefs, but am always ready. By the way what is wrong with watching NASCAR?

Well, the NASCAR thing was just a dig at the general lack of desire for people in the country to be willing to pick up either a book or the computer mouse and do some research on subjects, rather than the all-too-common apathetic "the-TV-learned-me-this" behavior. I suppose I am being a curmudgeon and possibly somewhat harshly critical. But that's me, like it/hate it, I don't care. It's my blunt and honest opinionated self.

And as far as the Discovery channel,
"Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear." - Benjamin Franklin

What I mean by that quote, to be perfectly unambiguous, is that we need to question and uncover to truly learn, being told something without having the effort that involvement brings destroys our innate curiosity which is one of the greatest defining characteristics the human animal possesses.

07-03-2008, 06:26 PM
Dom, 12/21/12 is the date the world will end according to ancient Mayan calender. (I'm putting even odds on it myself).

I coulda sworn it was the aztecs :confused:

Still, if they could predict worlds end, why didnt they predict the downfall of their civilization? ;)

Blk Mamba
07-03-2008, 07:02 PM
They thought that the tall light skinned man that came was their savior, as written in their religious texts, he was actually (Balboa, I believe), the one who stole all there gold, and innocence, because of their child like intelligence. That ended their civilization.

Aren Jay
07-03-2008, 07:22 PM
Just remember that when you compare gas prices for these European countries that TAXES are the primary driver of their high costs.

Also remember in Europe when they use Gallons they mean Imperial Gallons. 4.54L = 1.0 Imperial Gallons.

1.22x US gallons = 1.0 Imperial Gallons.

3.7L = 1.0 US Gallons.

07-03-2008, 08:32 PM
I am currently eating cheap so I can afford the gas and rental trailer next week for the 65 Chevy!

Guess no more oysters for you.!!

07-03-2008, 09:05 PM
I coulda sworn it was the aztecs :confused:

Still, if they could predict worlds end, why didnt they predict the downfall of their civilization? ;)

That' a very good question. You should ask gja. Whatever you do DON'T ask me anything. I'm stoopid.

Why am I so stoopid? I don't know. In my 36 years on this Earth I've only watched 50 or so laps of NASCAR racing. Yet, the facts are in, and I'm stoopid.

Dom, Will you please accept my humble appology for giving you wildly inaccurate information on the Mayan calendar?

It's time I pick up the broken peices of my shattered life, continue NOT watching NASCAR, and attempt to learn everything about everything.

gja, don't let this post offend you. While you are "blunt, honest and opinionated" I'm just an a$$. :D

07-04-2008, 07:17 AM
Who owns 67% of the untapped oil below US Land? Answer "Big Gov't"

Who owns 100% of the untapped oil off US Coast? Answer "Big Gov't"

Who refuses to sell this oil? Answer "Big Gov't"

How much is this oil that "Big Gov't" refuses to sell? The same amount of oil we are currently buying from the Middle East.

For every dollar of gasoline "Big Oil" makes 4 cents profit.

For every dollar of sales "Big Oil" makes 8 cents profit.

For every dollar of gasoline "Big Gov't" makes 15 cents in taxes.

The average price paid for a gallon of gas in March 2008 was 10% lower in todays dollars than March 1982.

Chemical, Non-auto mfg, drug, alchohol and tabacco industries in 2007 were more profitable than "Big Oil" in 2007.

In 2007 the market capialization of "Big Oil" which consist of 184 companies was $1.6 trillion. "Big Gov't" takes $4.5 trillion per year in taxes.

Exxon sells 3.2% of the World Supply and owns .62% of the World's known reserves.

Stop "Blood for Oil" by lifting the ban on US Oil. Made in USA Oil protects USA jobs!

Continuing with the Enviromentalists policies of the past of Offshore Drilling Moratorium in place since 1981, no Nuclear Additional Power, No Coal Power, No Wind Power, No Hydro Electric Power, No Shale Power and now they are opposing Solar Power in the desert and yes energy costs will continue to rise.

Why - c here;

09-02-2008, 09:57 AM
That' a very good question. You should ask gja. Whatever you do DON'T ask me anything. I'm stoopid.

Why am I so stoopid? I don't know. In my 36 years on this Earth I've only watched 50 or so laps of NASCAR racing. Yet, the facts are in, and I'm stoopid.

Dom, Will you please accept my humble appology for giving you wildly inaccurate information on the Mayan calendar?

It's time I pick up the broken peices of my shattered life, continue NOT watching NASCAR, and attempt to learn everything about everything.

gja, don't let this post offend you. While you are "blunt, honest and opinionated" I'm just an a$$. :D

In any case here is a very well veted link by a scholar of FAR too many years for me to question.

09-02-2008, 01:04 PM
No. Gas prices will never go down (significantly).