View Full Version : hit and run, no note left

07-03-2008, 05:00 PM
Hi Guys,
Last weekend someone parked or tried to park next to my Marauder at my apartment complex and apparently sc***** up my car pretty good on the rear door and the wheel well part of the rear quarter panel. They did not leave a note. Must have been a white or light colored vehicle because there was paint transfer. We have assigned spaces, but no on appears to be assigned to that space. Probably another resident or their guests.

Took it to a body shop. My insurance will pay for it except my $500 deductible. The total cost would have been almost $2,000. Hard to believe (although a good scrape and dent) that it costs that much. Anyway, wish I chose a lower deductible. So I won't have my Marauder for about a week.

I also noticed a few times that the layer of dirt that accumulates on my car overnight sometimes has handprints and smudges on it. I know the little kids play around there so I figure they sometimes climb up on my car when I'm at work. That makes me mad. One time I spotted the mom or babysitter leaning/sitting against my car. Why don't other residents respect other people's property?

Aren Jay
07-03-2008, 05:15 PM
You need a camera system. If you have a window that overlooks your car mount it in your place. If not there are car cameras available. I have been thinking of having made or making a swivel camera for mounting where the interior light goes. Something to swivle to movement and capture pictures. Not sure what I would use yet, but a memory card capture on the camera shouldn't be too hard to hook up.

With video evidence you can get convictions, have tenets banned from apartments, or evicted. Without you have nothing.

Some of these static ones are good though.


07-03-2008, 05:26 PM
I feel your pain. Every door on my MM has parking lot scratches, most are into the metal.

One real wheel well lip has a ding. Wish I could make one claim but nooooo, each one has to be separate and after threee of them in a short period of time it's phiffftz for the insurance.

One or two are from women's rings when they brush up against the car trying to open the door. Diamonds are harder than clear coat.


Blk Mamba
07-03-2008, 05:46 PM
I pulled into my driveway tonight, got out, and looked the MM over a bit, and the first thing I see is a 7" long scratch in the roof panel above the drivers door. This could not be an accident, it was on purpose, I park 100' from any other car just so no damage can happen by accident. I'm really PO'd, I'm thinking of getting one of those cheap buffers they sell at FLAPS, but don't know if I can use it without hurting the paint.

07-03-2008, 05:48 PM
Sorry to hear about the scratches, they seem unavoidable. No matter what I do or how I park, there is a new mark every month.

07-03-2008, 06:02 PM
Why don't other residents respect other people's property?

Because lots of people in the world are D'bags. its that simple. Someone gave my car a good gash down the door, thats 1 to add to the collection of highly visible marks :shake:

07-03-2008, 07:05 PM
You need to you can keep your car indoors.

07-03-2008, 07:11 PM
I went last week to Montreal center. Left my MGM during about 2 hours at the (dark) covered parking of the "Biodome". When I came back home, I saw that somebody had hit my rear bumper. Car is now at the FORD bodyshop. 500 $ for repair + colour. I am pissed off !


07-03-2008, 07:24 PM
I pulled into my driveway tonight, got out, and looked the MM over a bit, and the first thing I see is a 7" long scratch in the roof panel above the drivers door. This could not be an accident, it was on purpose, I park 100' from any other car just so no damage can happen by accident. I'm really PO'd, I'm thinking of getting one of those cheap buffers they sell at FLAPS, but don't know if I can use it without hurting the paint.You didn't get damage from the storm during the last 24 hours? Was sitting on Public Square downtown last night when the storm hit, we were drenched.


07-03-2008, 07:26 PM
Hi Guys,
Last weekend someone parked or tried to park next to my Marauder at my apartment complex and apparently sc***** up my car pretty good on the rear door and the wheel well part of the rear quarter panel. They did not leave a note. Must have been a white or light colored vehicle because there was paint transfer.

This exact thing happened to my DTR MM in February at a Staples parking lot. Creased both left doors in the lower panels. Luckily I had my deductible at $200 and the total job to fix cost about $1300. All is well now.

07-04-2008, 07:41 AM
It seems that some people just don't give a *****. The problem is that they don't even care about their own stuff so why should they care about other peoples. Kids especially need to be taught to respect other peoples property, and if all goes well they'll turn out to be like us when they get older.

As I was walking to my car in a parking lot I saw a guy leaning against the front fender. I made the horn beep with the remote, and he didn't move just looked around. I then hit the panic and he seemed startled and moved off the car. When I got near my car I asked him if it was his, and he said "NO" and I replied "That's right so stay the ****** off it !!"

07-04-2008, 09:38 AM
Hi Guys,
Last weekend someone parked or tried to park next to my Marauder at my apartment complex and apparently sc***** up my car pretty good on the rear door and the wheel well part of the rear quarter panel. They did not leave a note. Must have been a white or light colored vehicle because there was paint transfer. We have assigned spaces, but no on appears to be assigned to that space. Probably another resident or their guests.

Took it to a body shop. My insurance will pay for it except my $500 deductible. The total cost would have been almost $2,000. Hard to believe (although a good scrape and dent) that it costs that much. Anyway, wish I chose a lower deductible. So I won't have my Marauder for about a week.

I also noticed a few times that the layer of dirt that accumulates on my car overnight sometimes has handprints and smudges on it. I know the little kids play around there so I figure they sometimes climb up on my car when I'm at work. That makes me mad. One time I spotted the mom or babysitter leaning/sitting against my car. Why don't other residents respect other people's property?

I cary a Car Cover in my trunk. Once you get used to using one it is not hard to take off and replace. Roll the back up twoard the roof, and the front likewise. Then pull toward you rolling into a a donut. They even sell them with a padding that would have eliminate most scratches. Not a dent though. Some deterent to damage. Especially if you are at work. When not a daily driver I would keep it covered. It also deters theives who don't want to work too hard.

Mike Poore
07-04-2008, 09:52 AM
Um, about your deductible? Rather than lowering it, you may want to consider raising it. The savings in premiums may make up the difference in an occational repair. Check with your agent, though, and see if doing so makes sense to you.
Sorry about your bad luck, but in this case, I might consider paying for the repair, out of pocket, and shop around for a better price, rather than turning it in to my insurer, depending upon your claim(s) history.

We're talking about savings in the long term, here, not right or wrong. ;)

07-05-2008, 08:14 PM
Thank you for all of your condolences. Sounds like we have all experienced as much.

The only other time I can remember something similiar also happened to my Marauder was one time I staid at a motel near work since we were working late nights. This was about December last year. I got in my car the last day to drive to work and noticed my mirror was out of position. It was flipped toward the car. I didn't know they could be flipped back, neat feature. Anyway, I flipped it back into place but noticed a definate scratch on the front of the mirror housing. Someone obviously had parked to the right of me and backing out had gotten too close and scratched/flipped the passenger mirror back. I didn't bother doing anything about that one. There wasn't a car next to me (or they decided to not park there).

Oh, and I remembered another one. I went to Costco and was decently parked away from other cars. Some idiot decides out of all of the spaces to park in front of me with a big truck (F-150 or something). They parked and where touching my front bumper causing a scratch/gash. Why does some idiot park so damn close? Maybe they didn't notice they were touching my car, but why THE HELL DID THAT TRUCK PARK SO DAMN CLOSE? It was so darn stupid. Just leave a little gosh darn room, you idiot, especially since you are driving some big darn truck. Why the hell would someone pull so far forward? That one made me mad. I could have wrote down their license plate, but I didn't want any trouble. I was mad though. I just left furious.

I do have the official car cover. Used to use it when the car was cleaned. Its a daily driver. But my brother-in-law made fun of me saying something to the effect that you only use car covers if the car is going into storage or non-operation. So I felt kind of stupid whipping it out at work or at the train station.

How do you clean a car cover when the outside gets so darn dirty after awhile?

07-06-2008, 04:31 AM
When I got near my car I asked him if it was his, and he said "NO" and I replied "That's right so stay the ****** off it !!"
That's ^^^^ great !!! :2thumbs:

07-06-2008, 02:51 PM
I feel for ya as well---my daughter's new Honda '07 with 5K miles after 11 mos ownership--got hit in her apt. parking lot 2 days ago--she is so upset--right front fender and bumber--pulled bumper apart --I'd say about 25 to 3K damage- she is trying so hard to make it these days and she has some dumbass do this --like said here already--some people don't care----if the AH lives there he is prolly parking elsewhere cause daughter is patrolling each evening with camera for vehicle that left paint damage on hers---hope it wasn't a visitor in the area----

07-06-2008, 05:16 PM
I feel your pain. Every door on my MM has parking lot scratches, most are into the metal.

One real wheel well lip has a ding. Wish I could make one claim but nooooo, each one has to be separate and after threee of them in a short period of time it's phiffftz for the insurance.

One or two are from women's rings when they brush up against the car trying to open the door. Diamonds are harder than clear coat.


Everything is harder than the clearcoat on these cars! I use to flip everytime I saw another scratch on the car, now I just sigh.

Blk Mamba
07-06-2008, 05:18 PM
You didn't get damage from the storm during the last 24 hours? Was sitting on Public Square downtown last night when the storm hit, we were drenched.


No, but drove thru a minor hail storm and was afraid I would get damage, but didn't.

Aren Jay
07-07-2008, 01:20 AM
Cleaning a car cover is easy. Put it on your car, then wash it, not the drive through kind. The stand there with the stick kind of car wash.

Then towel dry it, take the cover off and make sure you do not get it dirty when you bag it.

Then wash your car.

A camera with motion detection for in car use the is best idea. Nothing beats have a video or pictures of the moron when they hit you. Plus they usually get out and look before fleeing.

Stranger in the Black Sedan
07-07-2008, 04:21 AM
Yeah I am still dealing w/ a body shop because of a parking lot hit and run on the MM rear bumper cover about a month ago. Luckily it was the plastic cover only and no metal got involved. The collision shop I used was one of the more expensive ones but the repair they did is not good enough for me, so they are re doing it again this weekend. This is one reason I bought a house out in the middle of nowhere, I can garage my stuff and I don't have to worry about people screwing it up. I used to park in a parking lot every day before I bought the house, and a separate commuter car. I still only have one very tiny ding on the entire car after 2 years, and you can barely tell where it is.

07-07-2008, 09:28 AM
The only time I see any respect given for other peoples' vehicles is at car meets. Even then some people allow their rugbrats to touch, drool and finger everything that doesn't belong to them. The quality of parenting in general has dropped dramatically in the last fifty years.

07-07-2008, 09:53 AM
Get one of those alarms that goes off if the wind is too strong, people won't touch your car then, nor will the kids because they won't want to be annoyed.

07-07-2008, 10:10 AM
Sorry to hear about your car that really sucks .

Stranger in the Black Sedan
07-08-2008, 08:38 AM
Get one of those alarms that goes off if the wind is too strong, people won't touch your car then, nor will the kids because they won't want to be annoyed.

There was a car like that in my apt. complex. I wanted to jump on the roof and cave it in. If I thought about doing something, someone else at some point will actually do it.

07-31-2008, 08:41 AM
Well, someone done scratched up and dented the hood now. WTF? No note left. I have a sneaking suspician that it might have been the yard maintenance people at the apartment complex. They trimmed the bushes in between the carport and the fence. I bet you that was when it happened. But I'll never really know. I only noticed it when I actually got out of the car in Downtown Mountain view. I couldn't see the scratches from the drivers seat.

Stranger in the Black Sedan
07-31-2008, 09:06 AM
When I used to live in an apt, I would always get really nervous when the yard guys would string trim or mow right up to cars. Ah the joys of living in an apt, I don't miss those days

07-31-2008, 09:25 AM
When I used to live in an apt, I would always get really nervous when the yard guys would string trim or mow right up to cars. Ah the joys of living in an apt, I don't miss those days


Where are you in Laplata? My Grandmother's house, where my Dad grew up, was on St Mary's Ave... You liking it there?

10-19-2012, 08:03 AM
Hi Guys,
Last weekend someone parked or tried to park next to my Marauder at my apartment complex and apparently sc***** up my car pretty good on the rear door and the wheel well part of the rear quarter panel. They did not leave a note. respect other people's property?

Sorry for the blurry photo. But here was a picture of the damage back then from this hit and run.

03-17-2014, 12:20 PM
Just had this done last week. No note left. :-(

03-17-2014, 12:23 PM
Just had this done last week. No note left. :-(

Twice ... that would make me extremely unhappy. :flamer:

03-17-2014, 12:23 PM
i think its time to move.....

RF Overlord
03-17-2014, 12:28 PM
People who do that should be forced to watch their car get crushed then handed a bus schedule.

03-17-2014, 01:55 PM
Just had this done last week. No note left. :-(

God I hate most people.

Sorry for your troubles.

Sent from The White House on taxpayers dimes.

DTR + 4.10's + Eaton swap = Wreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom

03-17-2014, 02:02 PM
I feel your pain. Washed, claybarred, and waxed my car for 5 hours day before the Marauder meet, car was beaming. And even after telling them all this work I did, morons I call friends are getting ready to lean against it. Pisses me off. No common sense or respect.
Then they blow it out of proportion and im the bad guy?:mad2: :mad2: :censor: :censor: :argue: :argue: :stupid: :stupid: :flamer:

03-17-2014, 02:31 PM
Don't touch the car.
Don't eat in the car.
Don't pick your nose in the car.
Wipe your feet before getting in the car.
Don't play frisbee anywhere near the car.
Take everything out of your pockets before sitting in the car.
Put your stinky leftovers in the trunk of the car.
It's always about the car.

03-17-2014, 04:05 PM
I feel your pain. Washed, claybarred, and waxed my car for 5 hours day before the Marauder meet, car was beaming. And even after telling them all this work I did, morons I call friends are getting ready to lean against it. Pisses me off. No common sense or respect.
Then they blow it out of proportion and im the bad guy?:mad2: :mad2: :censor: :censor: :argue: :argue: :stupid: :stupid: :flamer:

It's sad, but the younger generation doesn't seem to have common sense or respect for most anything as you've found out...maybe you can start the re-education of today's youth since you've got it right..keep it up ;)

03-17-2014, 05:15 PM
I feel your pain. Washed, claybarred, and waxed my car for 5 hours day before the Marauder meet, car was beaming. And even after telling them all this work I did, morons I call friends are getting ready to lean against it. Pisses me off. No common sense or respect.
Then they blow it out of proportion and im the bad guy?:mad2: :mad2: :censor: :censor: :argue: :argue: :stupid: :stupid: :flamer:

I was the designated driver 3 years or so ago, parked on a corner of the street...came out of the restaurant /bar to see this guy and girl making out, leaning on the side of my car. A swift "hey, get the **** off my car" and fist balled up settled with a "im sorry" from the two love birds. Ive been arrested for a similar occasion. time to get new friends...

10-14-2019, 10:39 AM
Well, I guess it was my Crown Vic's turn. Was coming back from the grocery and passed by my Crown Vic parked on the street in front of my house, and noticed the driver side mirror was broken off and scratches all down the side of the car. Ugh.

10-14-2019, 10:49 AM
https://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h55/dusmith15/59269327671__FAF8F48D-915A-4B31-A5D4-96C23BAD1B5F_zpseokxevy1.jpg (https://s61.photobucket.com/user/dusmith15/media/59269327671__FAF8F48D-915A-4B31-A5D4-96C23BAD1B5F_zpseokxevy1.jpg.h tml)

10-14-2019, 10:55 AM
https://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h55/dusmith15/59275698850__8889642C-B32C-4F0D-9879-F0EB829D43B6_zpsuhcxdyzp.jpeg (https://s61.photobucket.com/user/dusmith15/media/59275698850__8889642C-B32C-4F0D-9879-F0EB829D43B6_zpsuhcxdyzp.jpeg. html)

10-14-2019, 10:58 AM
https://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h55/dusmith15/59275699783__8DB00E7F-FBE4-4286-AB6B-62C816BB17D2_zpswkhtummg.jpeg (https://s61.photobucket.com/user/dusmith15/media/59275699783__8DB00E7F-FBE4-4286-AB6B-62C816BB17D2_zpswkhtummg.jpeg. html)

10-14-2019, 11:12 AM
https://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h55/dusmith15/IMG_0461_zpso3uovo88.jpg (https://s61.photobucket.com/user/dusmith15/media/IMG_0461_zpso3uovo88.jpg.html)

10-14-2019, 02:16 PM
How do people get away with this crap?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Joe Walsh
10-14-2019, 06:41 PM
Sorry to hear of the damage.

As my Dad always said:
"The masses are a$$es!"

Too many scumbags out there.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

10-15-2019, 09:39 AM
It's epidemic. Local story.

https://www.fox46charlotte.com/news/charlotte-woman-caught-on-camera-keying-tesla-at-park (https://www.fox46charlotte.com/news/charlotte-woman-caught-on-camera-keying-tesla-at-park)

10-16-2019, 09:22 AM
I called the police today and they came and took a report. Not much else they can really do.