View Full Version : Gas Prices!!!

08-27-2003, 04:36 PM
Guys does anyone knows whats going on with these overinflated gas prices? What is the price per gallon in your area?

Im paying:

Premium: 2.49 <---yes.. two dollars and forty-nine cents

08-27-2003, 04:39 PM
$1.79 for Amoco Premium here in GA which USUALLY has the cheapest gas in the Nation!

08-27-2003, 04:40 PM
It varies but the news today said it should be falling by mid Sept....Whew!!! We all need it for the Marauderville Run----cause some of us will surely want more fuel than others---yeah I said that correctly--vs the other way--yeah==politely said I would say-


RF Overlord
08-27-2003, 04:48 PM
Anywhere between $2.02 and $2.11 here on the Cape...was $1.73 2 weeks ago...this is the most blatant rip-off the oil-mongers have foisted on us in 30 years...I hear they're blaming it on the blackout...WTF does an electricty blackout that happened 2 weeks ago have to do with the price of gas? I simply cannot believe they're allowed to pull this crap...oh, wait a minute...the current President OWES his position to the oil companies... I almost forgot...OK, that makes it all better...

:mad2: :mad2: :mad: :down: :down: :shake: :censor: :uzi: :uzi:

08-27-2003, 04:55 PM
$1.71 here in the Ozarks for 91 octane Premium.

Wage standards in my area severely constrains the ability of people to absorb these exhorbitant fuel costs.

Nothing in the local news to indicate price relief in the short term.
Maybe after the Labor Day driving binge, there may be a decrease.

08-27-2003, 04:58 PM
the current President OWES his position to the oil companies... I almost forgot...OK, that makes it all better...

RF.........I'm hurt :(

08-27-2003, 05:11 PM
Gosh Darn iT! time to get a civic. J/K guys... if gas was 10 bucks a gallon i'd still be driving my beast... just a little less WOT :)

08-27-2003, 05:17 PM
$1.85 and rising at Amoco... Wednesdays and Fridays they have Ultimate = Plus price so thats $1.79



08-27-2003, 05:25 PM
$2.15 or more in oregon for 92.

08-27-2003, 05:26 PM
$1.75 and .36 of that is in taxes!

08-27-2003, 05:32 PM
Trenton, NJ area the goooood stuff is 1.79

08-27-2003, 05:41 PM
If the black out resulted in reducing refinery capacity or stopped delivery then there would be a corresponding increase in price.

There are also several regions in the country that require their own unique formulations resulting in higher cost.

There is also the tax issue usually .25 to .45 per gallon.

The rig count in the Gulf of Mexico is way down, no drilling off California or Florida.

Good news is the recent lease sales are up.

Adjusted for inflation we are still paying less than we did in 1980.

Yes the oil companies are making money and that is a good thing. With the money they make they drill for more oil and that is a good thing.

08-27-2003, 05:43 PM
Just our 2 cents (http://www.nashvillecitypaper.com/index.cfm?section_id=10&screen=news&news_id=25993) from Nashville.

BTW, our price is $1.85 for the good stuff I put in the MM.

When they talk about the blackout affecting prices, I believe they're refering to the refineries that had to shutdown without power. Also, I think some were asked to hold off restarting for a couple of days after the power came back.

08-27-2003, 05:48 PM
$1.749 for 93 octane premium here - tho that is higher than the $1.45 it was just a couple weeks ago.


08-27-2003, 06:08 PM
I officially hate southern california. The prices here are rediculous! anyways... if the refineries ahd to be shut down... that was how long.. 2 days? and another few to startup. The gas here went up at least 30-50 cents a gallon... tell me that i'snt enough to buffer the total revenue lost.

08-27-2003, 06:54 PM
As long as WE are willing to pay high prices
for gasoline, THEY will continue to sell
it at high prices. It's called "GREEDY"
Plain and simple......supply and demand!
Gotta Love It!

08-27-2003, 07:12 PM
Well, I filled up at $1.79 yesterday in Grand Prairie, TX,.. I just moved here from Clarksville, TN where the prices were $1.52 for 94 octane just last week.

I hate to say it but,..... as long as we drive gas powered cars we'll continue to bent over like a preist in prison! LOL

I'm no tree-hugger. but, I wont buy an "alternate fuel" car until they are able to chirp the tires at least!

08-27-2003, 07:51 PM
bought 93 octane for 1.69 on Monday--paid 1.79 today --same station ????

08-27-2003, 08:02 PM
$2.03 for premium (93). That's up $0.35 from a week ago. Welcome to the Holiday weekend. Labor day is around the corner. Yeah right, the pipeline broke my a$$ ! (very fitting, don't you thing?) Sorry about the language.

Every holiday the same darn thing.

08-27-2003, 08:04 PM
I'm with Cruzer...$1.699 yesterday at the QT for 93 octane in Southlake, TX. I won't worry again for two weeks.

08-27-2003, 08:12 PM
Hey Guys (& Gals) .....its the Labor Day weekend coming up. Last chance for the big three day weekend motoring trip to Grandma's or the beach. Those gas/oil bastages know they can have their way with us one last time for the summer. Once the frost is on the pumpkin it will be fuel oil that will go thru the roof. It is all BS........those rackin fraggers :mad2:

08-27-2003, 09:43 PM
Premium is around 2.07! Ain't that a biatcha!

08-30-2003, 06:39 AM
It's worth every cent in my MM, but I am taking my bike to work more offten now.

08-30-2003, 08:13 AM
Oh boy...you guys really touched on my sore spot....OwOWOWOW!

The fact of the matter is that the oil companies really are screwing us, and have been for years. In my mere 32 years on this planet, I've seen the price of gas go up,...and up...and up....AND UP! When I was born Feb '71, gas was still about .25/gal. And that was high-test. Nowadays, STL's getting an average of about 1.80/gal for the sweet stuff, lil' less for the junk. Every time this happens, there's a great hue and cry in the press about price gouging, and some senator somewhere, who's just tired of listening to his constituency gripe, makes yet another empty promise to investigate and say mean things to Big Oil. Of course, these investigations have been going on for years...they've never been fulfilled...and Big Oil keeps on a-gouging. This latest excuse is such rank bull**** that anybody can tell...even Big Oil doesn't believe their own excuses anymore, but they put 'em out anyway. I can see the boardroom now:

CEO: "What's happening up in NYC?"

some misc. exec: "Oh, the blackout's still going...looks like they'll have it fixed by tomorrow."

CEO: "Great! Add another .25 to the price per gallon."

s.m.e.: "But sir, we've got a surplus right now...are you sure?"

CEO: (takes out gun, shoots exec, calmly puts gun away) "Anybody else?"

rest of execs: "No sir! .25 it is!"

I'm a conservative. I voted straight-ticket Republican in the last election. But I'm not stupid, and I am a realist. Big Oil's got this country by the throat and the balls, and they don't give a good gawddam what they do to it or how. So much for being free for the pursuit of happiness...looks like that pursuit's gonna take place in one of those cr.a.pp.y Honda hybrids that can't even get out of it's own way, let alone mine...

08-30-2003, 08:34 AM
Sign of the times to come??

Nope - they're here already!!

08-30-2003, 09:02 AM
Adjusted for inflation gas is cheaper than it was in 1980.

The cost of getting oil in the US is going up and up. Most new discoveries are in deep water requiring massive investments and several years before a return is made.

And don't forget the .25-.40 tax per gallon!

Much of the US is off limits to drilling, in particular a palce in Alaska where no people and virtually no wild life live that is the size of the airport in DC yet has 20% of the oil that is in Saudi Arabia is off limits.

There is so little wild life there that when the debate was going on in congress a well known enviromental group posted another areas photo showing caribou and led everyone to beleive it was a photo of the area in question.

The 10 year return on the S&P is 10.1 and the 10 year return on the typical energy fund is 9.54. It would appear the energy companies are making less than the S&P 500.

the fat bastid
08-30-2003, 11:03 AM
i heard that the whole drilling in alaska thing would lower our dependence by about 2% and its not worth it. then again i only know what other people say...not like i acutally know whats going on there. awh well.

i hate how people say that the gas prices are market based. no they are not, they just go up. have you ever seen them go down and stay down? not really. they go up .50 cents, back down .30 cents and everyone thinks its a great deal since its gone down. bah! bahhhhh!!

i'm only 22 but when i started driving gas was .98 cents a gallon, and now its 1.97. gas has doubled in 5 years and the money i make hasnt. according to some stats we already make 17% less then we did 30 years ago and it only seems to be becoming more disperportionate. a conversation i had with some co workers a long time ago when i was making 5.50 an hour (minimum wage is 5.15):

"when i was working minimum wage was $1, you kids make so much more."

"how much was a movie?"

"30 cents"

"so you could work 1 hour and afford to see a movie, i can't"

btw, last night a movie cost me $9 and it sucked.


08-30-2003, 01:02 PM
You guys oughta get a load of L.A. prices . . .

$2.49 gallon 91 octane

Movies . . . $11.00

08-30-2003, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by Petrograde
. . . Clarksville, TN where the prices were $1.52 for 94 octane just last week.

$1.52 a gallon for 94 octane?!?!???? We haven't seen prices THAT LOW here in California in years!!! And all we get is the crappy 91 octane "premium" fuel here!!!!!!!!!!

08-30-2003, 05:35 PM
93 Octane is $2.05 on Long Island.

08-30-2003, 05:47 PM
Saudi Arabia is holding check on crude at $30.+ per barrel (42 gals./barrel) divide that by 60% approx. rendered to gasoline and you begin to see the price structure.

As for California gasoline prices, we all know the "clean air" requirements that state has mandated...clean gas...higher prices!!

Maybe DR should look into zinging the hybrids......

08-30-2003, 06:57 PM
What's up with this "10% ethanol" gar-bage in the gas here in STL?!?!?:confused: :confused:

Y'know, I bet this stuff is what's makin' my engine run cruddy...
:mad2: :mad2: :mad2:

08-30-2003, 08:16 PM
Bought a tankful of 93 for $1.65 today

08-30-2003, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by mercman
Bought a tankful of 93 for $1.65 today That's great.:up: