View Full Version : Earth Destroying Oil Wells - Pics & Proof

07-13-2008, 12:01 AM
These pisc are proof of the destructive damage drilling for oil does to "Mother Earth". How would you like it if someone drilled holes in your skin, squeezed out the goo just to make their lives better?

Now this Oil Field of destruction was developed in 1962 on our prescious wetlands. As you can see the man made structures have dislplaced flora and fauna for 46 years! Nothing is groing on the man made structures.

When I inspected this "waste land" of a place I only saw one eagle and half a dozen jack rabbits.

These pics are proof as to what drilling has done to Mother Earth. We must continue the 27 year ban on drilling. Stop it before your wetlands ends up looking like these pics w/ so many alligators they started hunting them!





Mike Poore
07-13-2008, 04:54 AM
Um, you're telling us that this wasteland of, say 2 acres has been producing much needed petrolium for 45 years? Not to mention the 45 years of enviornmentally frendly technology and regulation since those wells were drilled.

How did you get there, by bycicle? Surely not in a 4,000 lb + suprecharged gas-guzzler.

I'm just saying ...y'know? We can't have it both ways. ;)

PS, Knowing you though, and the tone of your previous posts, I suspect a bit of tongue in cheek, here.

07-13-2008, 06:06 AM
I drove my gas guzzling E150!

Think of all the ants, earth worms and roaches that were displaced by the "Carbon foot print" of those man made structures.

And those oil pits are so polluted plants are growing in and around them.

When you look behind the pumper you see how lush the trees are. Where that pumper is were once lush trees as well!

Look around the wells you can actually see where some of the oil that came up out of the ground got spilled back down on the ground!

This is what we did in 1962, just imagine the damage we would do today w/ our lust for oil and our hitech destructive equipment. Those ants, earth worms and roaches don't stand a chance!

We have hurt "Mother Earth" so much she does not know if she is getting hotter or colder and is in a state of total hysteria, she is in such a tantrum state we now say "Global Climate Change" for the old saying if you don't like the weather just wait it will change, because we are making it change.

Mike Poore
07-13-2008, 06:25 AM
I drove my gas guzzling E150!

Think of all the ants, earth worms and roaches that were displaced by the "Carbon foot print" of those man made structures.

Look around the wells you can actually see where some of the oil that came up out of the ground got spilled back down on the ground!

This is what we did in 1962, just imagine the damage we would do today w/ our lust for oil and our hitech destructive equipment. Those ants, earth worms and roaches don't stand a chance!

You reeled me right in.... You're good, you're very good...:fishing:

And you made a good point, as well. :up:

07-13-2008, 06:47 AM
I'm glad I saved comment on this post 'til now :coolman: I thought I recognized a bit of humor there. I live in an area that's rich in habitat and outside of a sanctuary, I hadn't seen a bald eagle until last year. Now I'm fortunate enough to see them from my front window or my back deck but there are many who will be fortunate to seen one at all. Good post sailsmen!

07-13-2008, 07:27 AM
I drove my gas guzzling E150!

Think of all the ants, earth worms and roaches that were displaced by the "Carbon foot print" of those man made structures.

And those oil pits are so polluted plants are growing in and around them.

When you look behind the pumper you see how lush the trees are. Where that pumper is were once lush trees as well!

Look around the wells you can actually see where some of the oil that came up out of the ground got spilled back down on the ground!

This is what we did in 1962, just imagine the damage we would do today w/ our lust for oil and our hitech destructive equipment. Those ants, earth worms and roaches don't stand a chance!

We have hurt "Mother Earth" so much she does not know if she is getting hotter or colder and is in a state of total hysteria, she is in such a tantrum state we now say "Global Climate Change" for the old saying if you don't like the weather just wait it will change, because we are making it change.

very well stated. And may I suggest the term for Mother Earth's current state as " Global PMS"???? :shake:

07-13-2008, 07:37 AM
Now I wish I saved an email about ANWR I received earlier this week. The Enviro Nazis are masters of deception. The photos of where drilling would take place there is a waste land, no plants, no fauna, no nothing...

Remind the next one you speak with that their beloved polar bear's favorite meal is baby seal...

Aren Jay
07-13-2008, 09:16 AM
So we should leave all that polution inside the Earth?

Or let it seep out when it gets too full?

Besides Oil is just dinosaurs, dead, rotten dinosaurs.

07-13-2008, 01:23 PM
Besides Oil is just dinosaurs, dead, rotten dinosaurs.

So does that mean that our human graveyards will be the next valuable resource???

07-13-2008, 03:12 PM
There are so many alligators there because we have upset the balance and the alligators are eating the birds.

He has gotten a State Licnese to hunt the alligator.

In that area the top predator is the alligator. An enviroment can only support a top predator if the entire food chain is in tact.

Think of all the birds being needless eaten by those alligators.

07-13-2008, 03:31 PM
As for the birds, that's one less animal that's gonna crap on my car.
As for the aligator..........I've tasted Gator tail and it wasn't that bad :food: , so I guess that puts us back on top of the food chain.

07-13-2008, 04:10 PM
Now I wish I saved an email about ANWR I received earlier this week. The Enviro Nazis are masters of deception. The photos of where drilling would take place there is a waste land, no plants, no fauna, no nothing...

Remind the next one you speak with that their beloved polar bear's favorite meal is baby seal...

I also saw that e-mail and sent to everyone I know. Unreal deliberate deception. The oil is located on the tundra, a speck of land among millions of acres, not in the pictures the government showed everyone. Why doesn't that surprise me????

Aren Jay
07-13-2008, 07:07 PM
Why you do not drill off shore is a real question.

Also should this not be labled the oil wells are destroying the earth and not the other way around?

SC Cheesehead
07-13-2008, 08:03 PM
So we should leave all that polution inside the Earth?

Or let it seep out when it gets too full?

Besides Oil is just dinosaurs, dead, rotten dinosaurs.

So does that mean that our human graveyards will be the next valuable resource???

Det. Robert Thorn: "Soylent Green is people!" (Soylent Green (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soylent_Green), 1973)

07-13-2008, 08:16 PM
Why you do not drill off shore is a real question.

Also should this not be labled the oil wells are destroying the earth and not the other way around?

I didn't notice that Freudian Slip, but when you talk about oil things can get real slippery!

07-13-2008, 09:33 PM
I think I've found my next bumpersticker. :D
