View Full Version : Vent air

08-28-2003, 09:20 AM
Morning all,
I noticed yesterday that the vent air on my 03A is considerably warmer than the outside air. Knda reminds me of the olden days when a heater control valve wouldn't shut all the way.
Example outside temp is 68 while vent air temp is 79. Have to roll down windows to get cool fresh air. Have also noticed a really musty smell that comes out of vents when vent air is on. Not so much when AC is on.

Just turned 1K and still having problems with hesitation and rough idle, especially when car is under load such as AC on.

I hate to take it back to the dealer as I've been there three times already regarding hesitation and they always say the same thing.
You just need to get about 3000 miles on it and get it broke in.

Any suggestions would be appreciated on any of these issues.

Wonder if I would have better luck at a Ford deaership that sells a lot of SVT vehicles. Opinions?

Thanks and hope you all have a great day and safe and happy Labor Day weekend.


08-28-2003, 09:22 AM
The engine does respond better after 3-4k miles, so I don't necessarily disagree with them. Don't know about the vent air stuff...

MM is a sluggish car from the factory off the line...

08-28-2003, 09:23 AM
Any suggestions would be appreciated on any of these issues.


Put some miles on it.

08-28-2003, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by MAD-3R
ROAD TRIP! Put some miles on it.

Heard that! Bring her to Ennis, we'll get ya fixed up real nice!

08-28-2003, 09:54 AM
I agree that it will feel much better with some mileage on her but hesitation and rough idle ? Should not be that way. Mine wasn't . Can't really comment on the vent air......its too dang hot around here to find out now.

08-28-2003, 09:57 AM

i was having what sounds to be the same issue. after 2 trips to the dealer (no help) i found the temperature setting for the automatic climate control to have heating control when the system was set to something other tha automatic.

example outside temperature 68. climate set to 72 and on vent - results in mine with warmer (not hot) air coming from vents - but with no fan automatically controlled.

reduce the climate set to 68 or below and i get only outside air - no a/c or fan control.

this is not how the system works according to the glove box manual but i swear it's what mine does.

if you find out any more please pass it along.

08-28-2003, 10:16 AM
How the heck did you get 69 degrees dang I need to move to Kansas...Monday morning left for the office at 5:30AM and got to enjoy a nice 77degree 99% humidity trip

RF Overlord
08-28-2003, 12:09 PM
^^^what WolfeBros said...^^^

...about the hesitation and rough idle. It shouldn't do that, regardless of the number of miles...mine has idled smoothly from Day 1. As Logan said, the car does respond better after a few thousand miles, but should not have any driveability issues, even brand new...find a dealer that can tell the difference between his a$$ and a hole in the ground...

08-28-2003, 12:55 PM
Mike, living in New Orleans equates to hot, humid weather and my AC does just about the same thing yours does. My vent temp is hotter than ambient air temp regardless even if I set the temp down to 60 degrees. Must be picking up hot air from the outside air blend door????? I did improve the overall performance of the sytem by insulating the suction line (large line) from the evaporator case and it made a 3-4 degree difference. My outlet temp on Max is 46- 47 degrees depending on outside temp and humidity. Hope this help, and please let me know what dealer says or does to correct problem. I HATE BRINGING MY MM TO ANY DEALER!!!!!!!!!!

Donald R

08-28-2003, 01:18 PM
Guys, these climate control systems have been doing this since at least 1995. I had the same setup on my '96 GM and the problem is related to the blend doors/flaps inside the climate control box, allowing air to bleed across the heater core when you don't want it to. It really really sux to have to turn on a/c to keep the car at 72 while the outside temp is more like 60 or 58, and I was unable to get anything to work on mine from dealer service. I ended up creating a bypass hose to keep hot water out of the heater core, to test my theory, and it definitely worked, but other, undesirable things happen when the heater has no hot water flowing through, like uncontrolled defrost air to the screen on a humid night causing cold spots on the glass which condenses moisture on the glass outside the car as you drive, so you need to keep the heater core hooked up, even in the summer.

My theory, which I never tested, was to find the pneumatic line for the blend door to the heater core and manually control it to see if it was limited by the module in the dash or if it was mechanically limited to keep minimal air flow across the core. I even looked at making my bypass loop solenoid valve operated, but was unable to find any 12V DC operated solenoid-operated valves, in the end. I thought that I had noticed that the 1992 model changeover to the new style platform included electric heater core valves, but never verified that on my '93 before running into this problem, which may have meant that it was not an issue on my old car at all, possibly because the hot water WAS mechanically shut off when not in use for that series of panthers.
