View Full Version : Slightly Less fun with the Marauder - first ticket

07-17-2008, 08:06 PM
I got my first ticket in the Marauder today on the way home from work.
It wasn’t for doing 148 mph. It wasn’t even for speeding. It wasn’t for demonstration of acceleration or racing. It wasn’t for loud mufflers or cutting some a-h off in traffic.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Get this – it was for lightly tinted license plate covers. Seems the traffic light revenue cameras might not be able to read the plates… I had the same covers on the Touareg for over two and a half years, then as soon as I got the plates for the Marauder in December I put them on with the covers. I’ve driven past literally scores of LEOs without ever being stopped. The LEO was a state trooper. He was very nice and courteous. He wrote me for obscured plates (as in dirt or something blocking it) rather than for tinted covers. Obscured plates are $22 and no points. Tinted plate covers are $136 and I think he said 3 points. I think he also knew that my window tint was too dark, but didn’t do anything about it. He said something like “I was also looking at your window tint, but it looks like it is probably ok.” I think if I had been a jerk instead of respectful, he might have written me for that as well. Before he walked up to the car, I shut mine off, rolled both drivers side windows down so he could easily see into the car as he walked up and also put my empty hands on the upper left side of the steering wheel so he could see them when he walked up. I watched in the mirror and he had his hand resting on his side arm as he walked up until he saw my hands and could see that the rest of the car was empty. I always do those things when I get pulled over (not that it happens all that often).
When I rode with my police officer friend and neighbor in Texas, I got a new respect for what those guys go through on traffic stops late at night by themselves. So I try to make it as least threatening as possible for them when I get stopped.
When I got home I took off the covers.
Well, if that is the worst ticket I get in the car, I will be happy. <o:p></o:p>

07-17-2008, 08:10 PM
Should have offered to take them off on the spot to avoid the ticket altogether.

07-17-2008, 08:10 PM
Gotta love Colorado law :confused:

07-17-2008, 08:28 PM
Gotta love Colorado law :confused:

Yeah. I didn't know they were illegal. I think they were legal when I bought them, but now that they are putting up so many traffic cameras to make money, they changed the law to make sure the cameras can see the plates. Looking at them after dark (with no lights on them), the plates were very legible. It wasn't much tint.
But ignorance is no excuse (I know because I keep trying to use that, or all the concussions, or the drugs as an excuse and it has never worked...)

07-17-2008, 08:34 PM
I got a ticket for the same thing on my other car a while back...My father was a DC police officer and he took it off once...I put it back on...but the police I got a ticket from was the METRO transit police...WTF...I asked could I just take it off he said no and kept writing...

07-17-2008, 08:50 PM
A spray can of Gloss-Cote from a hobby store will do much the same thing. (or gloss clearcoat)

or so I'm told...

I once got a ticket in the mail from the golden gate bridge, and they sent a copy of the picture. it wasnt even close to being me or to being my number, I sent it back with a note, they sent me a apology letter.

07-17-2008, 09:06 PM
A spray can of Gloss-Cote from a hobby store will do much the same thing. (or gloss clearcoat)

or so I'm told...


I didn't have them on to try to avoid camera tickets, I just liked the way they looked (mine is black and the tint was light moke). Also, it seems like it is easier to get the dead bugs off of the smooth plastic than it is from the plate itself.
But thanks for the info.

07-17-2008, 10:46 PM
You should have showed him some cleavage!

07-18-2008, 12:18 AM
A spray can of Gloss-Cote from a hobby store will do much the same thing. (or gloss clearcoat)

or so I'm told...

I once got a ticket in the mail from the golden gate bridge, and they sent a copy of the picture. it wasnt even close to being me or to being my number, I sent it back with a note, they sent me a apology letter.

Mythbusters has debunked this, along with many others.

or maybe it really does work, and they said it doesnt, so people don't try it.

07-18-2008, 05:58 AM
You should have showed him some cleavage!

Or started crying :bigcry: lol

07-18-2008, 06:17 AM
I worked on wednesday, between all the normal craziness I dealt with, I attempted to run some traffic. I stopped 5 cars and wrote 4 tickets and 2 warnings. Out of those 5 cars ,three were female drivers who almost immediatly started crying once stopped. By the end of the night i was starting to develop a complex.

07-18-2008, 07:27 AM
In this real estate market?
By the end of the night i was starting to develop a complex.

07-18-2008, 08:45 AM
complex? That is funny. 10 points!

Ms. Denmark
07-18-2008, 03:36 PM
Got pulled over in the Marauder for talking on my cell phone for 20 seconds while creeping along in bumper to bumper traffic (while being detoured due to road closure, and being due at a conference while still an hour away.) Answered my phone when a colleague called to check on my whereabouts and the LEO got behind me just as I put the phone to my ear." Tears "(of frustration at being on the road for 2 hours stuck in detour hell) and "cleavage "didn't help. And to make it all perfect, every other car going past ,as I was being ticketed, had a driver with a cell phone to his ear.:)

07-18-2008, 05:38 PM
You should have showed him some cleavage!

How did you guys know I had "man boobs"???

07-18-2008, 05:45 PM
I worked on wednesday, between all the normal craziness I dealt with, I attempted to run some traffic. I stopped 5 cars and wrote 4 tickets and 2 warnings. Out of those 5 cars ,three were female drivers who almost immediatly started crying once stopped. By the end of the night i was starting to develop a complex.

I may have to take my shoes and socks off to add that high, but doesn't 4 tickets and 2 warnings add up to 6 stops? Unless, someone cheated and asked for two...

I saw the same officer today on the way home in almost exactly the same place. I waved at him and he waved back. Maybe one day if he sees me do something really stupid, he'll take a little pity on me.

07-18-2008, 07:31 PM
I may have to take my shoes and socks off to add that high, but doesn't 4 tickets and 2 warnings add up to 6 stops? Unless, someone cheated and asked for two...

I saw the same officer today on the way home in almost exactly the same place. I waved at him and he waved back. Maybe one day if he sees me do something really stupid, he'll take a little pity on me.

I think he's still hoping for a second chance on some cleavage action, next time where a tight tank top, I'm sure you'll get a break!:lol: