View Full Version : Upcoming carshow NJ/PA area

07-25-2008, 01:43 PM
I was thinking about tossing this in the NEMO area but I didn't know how many people would see it, figured this would probly be the best place to put it so that the most amount of eyes would be able to see it.

One of the local radio stations 94.5 PST is having their "interactive" carshows again. The first one is tomorrow and i just got notice of it. They do have another coming up in August and they give out a trophy for the largest car club showing. Figure we have a lot of members in this area, if your not doing anything could be worth checking out. If any mods think there is a better place for this please move as you see fit.

I would post the flyer but it is HUGE and i can't edit the pic at work, flyer can be found at pst's website http://www.wpst.com/page.php?page_id=15978&jock_id=2867

Ms. Denmark
07-25-2008, 03:31 PM
Tomorrow's not going to work for my life, but with advance planning, August just might. :) What about you BDJ?

07-25-2008, 05:52 PM
Too late for me also.

07-25-2008, 06:46 PM
This show is only about 1 mile from my house:mad:

Don't think I will make it.

07-25-2008, 07:38 PM
Dark Knight I just looked at is not untill 1PM so I might make it? Call me

609.672.6809 if your going :)

07-25-2008, 08:34 PM
Well I was actually judging interest for the August carshow, i knew tomorrow was way too short notice.

BDJ I do plan on going to tomorrow's show, i'll call you tomorrow it's too late now.

Ms. Denmark
07-26-2008, 08:16 AM
Keep me posted on the August date please.:)

07-30-2008, 03:05 PM