View Full Version : Listen to this B.S.

07-26-2008, 09:26 AM
I took my truck to a shop that has done work for me in the past like tuning the Marauder as well as building a good tranny for it. A few weeks ago I decided to take the 65 Chevy to the guy for some work. I told him my budget would be $1,000 because I was going to supply the parts. I wanted a new carb, head gasket and wiring installed. I ordered the wiring and got it for $375 and could get a $50 mail in rebate. He asked me why I ordered the part because not only could he get it cheaper, but now that I am bringing my own parts, he would have to charge me more for labor so he could make money. So I cancel the order on the wiring and he orders it and the total comes to $409. :mad: I asked him why he did that because I thought he was going to save me money. His responce was that I was told him I was quoted the same amount though Summit.... I never ordered a single thing though them and I found the wiring in Classic Industries.

So I bite the bullet and let the wiring slide. Before I ever trailered the truck over I was asking 6 weeks in advance to make sure they got to work on it instantly or the next day because I didn't want it sitting around while he was making the easy money by tuning cars. I would check back every 2 weeks and even 2 days prior to the drop off, every time I got the same answer. "Yes Dominick it'll be fine, now I gotta go." -Click. Soon as I pulled the C-10 up the guy had the nerve to call my Blazer junk, after all the b.s. I had to go though to get it back and he know it too, my pride and joy is being insulted before the pickup is even off the trailer.

When I take my pickup off and I call the next day guess what? The truck is sitting. A few more days go by and the truck is sitting. I kept checking back week after week to make sure this wouldn't happen and guess what? It did. The truck isn't looked at for over a week. I kept calling and was told other cars had to be tuned and a Road Runner was in for work, my reply was I didn't see it when I took the truck there so WTF? The reply was he was waiting on parts and now they are here. :eek: HELLO!? That's what I was planning, but no, not me, no service for me. I had most of my parts on hand and they could have at least taken the engine apart to tell me if it's worth saving or not, but nope.

So a few days go by and they finally start work on it. There was a water test and turns out my block is toast. I told them to get going on the wiring. A few days later I get a call saying this will take 20-30 hours and they charge $50 an hour for work. I said no way am I paying $2,000 in parts and labor just to make the headlights turn on. So I said I would pick it up, but didn't know when because I was trying to score a free trailer instead of a very unsafe U-Haul.

I put my engine on ebay in hopes that I could sell it to pay off some people for Marauder parts and getting that pickup on the road. One guy called me saying he would take the engine in exchange for having his shop do the wiring and I could borrow his trailer and get my truck out of the current shop. Sounded like a good deal so I was to take care of this monday and get the truck out of the other guys place this week. The guy on ebay decided not to pick up his phone anymore so I was stuck with an engine hanging in my garage and the truck still in the same place.

My posi on the Marauder broke so I needed a new one. I had another shop take the broken one out so I could drive to AuBurn and get a new one the next day. I get to the shop at 8:30am and wait until they open at 9... which turned into 9:20am. I call up the guy who has my truck to explain that ebay fell apart and I would have the truck gone friday. Before I can say a word this guy is insulting me, my truck and really ticking me off. "Why am I stairing at this ugly red truck?" "That's funny I thought your truck was blue." "Why do you keep buying these piece of ***** trucks?" First off he said there was no way I could make it to Auburn and back to Chicago from 9am-3pm, so I had to come get my truck that day. I said no I have to deal with the Marauder. "If this truck isn't picked up today, it will be a $100 a day storage fee or I can call a tow truck and tow it to a random spot and crush it." :mad2: There was no contract to sign that said that, nor was there anything on this guys walls in his shop that said that either.

So now I had to go cancel my plans to get a new posi for the Marauder and get the C-10 just so he wouldn't keep charging me more money because I backed out on his $2,000 wiring plan or to keep it from being crushed. On the way over my Blazers starter went out about 5 miles from the guys house and I had to have someone turn the key while I happily hit the starter as hard as I could with a seat bracket.

When I got the guys place the truck was all ready to go in the driveway. (Yes this guy works out of his house, but has quite a bit of stuff.) I was so mad at this guy I wanted to say more swares than your average mainstream hip hop song, but I was so mad I couldn't speak nor look at him. I came alone so I had no one to help me push the truck up the trailer. So the guy doesn't call anyone over, he just grabs a forklift and pushes the truck on the trailer with nothing to soften the blow. He was saying how I "needed to get rid of this junk and call daddy if I wanted to make it look nice", because my dad gave me a ride over there before so he's seen the M6. I said "I don't do that, I am not a brat." "Oh come on, you don't work. You have the money. You have a nice fast Marauder, why are you wasting your time with these piece of ***** trucks." "First off I saved to make the Marauder fast, the C-10 I am on a budget with and don't make this about what I do for money, that is none of your business. Not everyone can have a 9 second 2003 SVT and I don't need to go fast all the time, heck you insulted the Marauder before." "Really when?" "Last time you were tuning it, you said it was junk because it wasn't a Chevy, I have 2 Chevys." "Oh ya hahaha."

After the truck was loaded on the trailer I didn't shake hands or even say thank you for the wasted time or money he caused me, but I did ask him one thing as he walked away. "Hey, do you insult all of your customers cars?" "Yup haha!" and that was it.

You maybe wondering why I even bothered going to this guy and here is why: A former member off this site recommended him for tuning for the Marauder and he did a great job. The work was done in a few days, and the car was great. The guy would even give me a free root beer when I could come pickup the Marauder even if it was 2am because of what I would have to do earlier that day. I know of another member off this site who went to this guy and had the same problem as I have recently, the car just sat, no work was ever done. I guess this guy is just in it for the easy money of tuning. When I wanted to explain what happened with ebay the guy said "I don't F-ing care, I have cars to tune. Get your piece of ***** out of here."

The place is called Simpson Performance and is near Rockford, IL. If you want to do me a big favor and call him and tell him that this is no way to treat a customer, please do so. I would for you. Machanics are some of the worst people I know, if they can't stick you for parts they will find something else. PM me if you want the number and tell him how he will not be seeing your Marauder for his poor customer treatment.

I'm done.

Also wither I liked a car or not, I would never call a customers car a piece of *****, I don't think anyone deserves that unless there was a conflict, but there was none that I started. There is more to the story, but this is the trimmed fat version.

Joe Walsh
07-26-2008, 09:41 AM
Sorry Dom,

I won't read 'War and Peace' posts....

(Can you supply a Cliff's Notes version)

07-26-2008, 09:44 AM
Dang Dom.....do what I do, when ever talking about someone who needs work done on there vehicle, no matter what it is, bring this guy up and tell them how bad he was to you. When I get screw badly like this I NEVER pass up a chance to bad mouth the shop or business.....

07-26-2008, 10:16 AM
I can't believe he called that piece of crap a POS, what an a**, was he at least kidding a little? I would have to think if he was serious then you would have bailed at hello.

07-26-2008, 10:33 AM
What goes around, comes around...dom!

07-26-2008, 10:35 AM
For the record, Corey at Simpson Performance is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet.
I dont know what transpired between you 2 Dominick, but Im pretty sure there are some details being left out.
Dominick, the faster you learn Automotive work is NOT or NEVER done on YOUR timeline, the better off you will be.

07-26-2008, 10:40 AM
As a professional technician, I think the guy was probably right. JMO :shake:

Mike Poore
07-26-2008, 11:19 AM
Just an observation ...the guy has a performance shop ..read he makes a living tuning cars, and I assume, is not in the restoration business. And you take him a truck with wiring issues a blown motor etc. It's what we say in these parts ....don't go to a pizza joint and expect to get a fabulous steak. In all fairness to you, though, he should have turned the job down, with a polite, "sorry, Dom, I can't use my time doing a restoration job".

When I got my ACL replaced, I went to the best knee guy I could find, not a brain surgeon.

Learn your lessons, grasshopper, folks learn their trade, and pay their dues to make (gasp) money.

Lesson two: don't go driving up in a BMW M6 conv looking to get work done on the cheap.

07-26-2008, 11:36 AM
I didnt even make it thru the whole story...but from post in the past...get rid of ALL your cars! Public transportation and walking... :lol:

07-26-2008, 11:52 AM
I didnt even make it thru the whole story...but from post in the past...get rid of ALL your cars! Public transportation and walking... :lol:

Yes it would a fair course of action for you Dom:)

07-26-2008, 12:21 PM
Why did I even post this... Looks like I made another mistake this week. :mad:

07-26-2008, 01:02 PM
I hope you use this experiance as an encentive to learn how to do it yourself.

When I was your age I was driving Ford Fairmonts. I paid for work to be done a couple times but after getting jerked around one too many times I decided to tackle the work myself. Best decision I ever made.

A '78-'83 Ford Fairmont is no more technically complex than your '65 Chevy.

Go get yourself a 500 peice mechanics set of tools at Sears (Craftsman) and start tearing this stuff apart. Buy some cold beer and invite KNOWLEDGEABLE friends over to help you with it. Have donuts and burgers available, ON SITE. Driving to a restaraunt wastes time. Done correctly you should have that motor out, disassembled, and inspected for $40 worth of beer and burgers. In the process you will learn how to do it yourself.

Ask lots of questions and learn everything you can or you will keep going through this nonsence the rest of your life.

07-26-2008, 01:21 PM
I love how everyone shares their feelings on here, what I hate is when we color peoples problems with insults. Dom, I just wanna say..that sux! AND I searched out there until I found people(or friends) that cared enough about me and my needs mechanically that I WAS a priority.

If a shop doesnt take you seriously, they dont want your business...they want cash, and there's a big difference...WE ARE NOT ATMS for idiot mechanics with no ethics or people skills! Those kind of guys will perish in this market we live in!


Aren Jay
07-26-2008, 01:27 PM
He does have a point though.

Why are you screwing around with these chevy "junk" trucks?

You have a Marauder what else do you need, besides another Marauder.

Anyway get all quotes in writting, have him sign it and he is legally bound to full fill the contract. If he doesn't you can sue or if he charges you more you can sue for the difference.

Get everything in writting.

And also, don't go back to him.

This should be in the storyboard.

07-26-2008, 08:28 PM
He does have a point though.

Why are you screwing around with these chevy "junk" trucks?

You have a Marauder what else do you need, besides another Marauder.

Anyway get all quotes in writting, have him sign it and he is legally bound to full fill the contract. If he doesn't you can sue or if he charges you more you can sue for the difference.

Get everything in writting.

And also, don't go back to him.

This should be in the storyboard.

Nice logic. I should get rid of my old pick up and haul firewood in a second Marauder. Why restore a classic muscle car or vintage pick-up truck when you can just buy a used Marauder instead? Brilliant.

Hiring a $200+/hr Lawyer to go after a guy that doesn't get your wiring harness installed also makes sence...only if you are a lawyer. $5,000 later he'll really be hurting.

Doms asking for help people. Jeez.:shake:

Aren Jay
07-26-2008, 08:55 PM
Small claims court you don't need a lawyer.

Wouldn't we all tune in to see Dom in front of Judge Mathis arguing his case?

If you need to haul firewood, you need a trailer and an ATV.

07-26-2008, 09:16 PM
I don't understand why people have to knock other peoples stuff!! I don't care if the guy is not used to working on an incomplete car, its just unprofessional, Dom do what you enjoy, don't let that douche bring you down!

I would love to build an old Chevy someday, maybe a 63 or 64 nova

Mike Poore
07-27-2008, 04:02 AM
Doms asking for help people. Jeez.

Naa, he's venting, John, and, apparently, just like when we were kids, there's no one at home listening. My assessment is, we're the family, support group, advisor's, and whatever each of us wants to give, or take from this group. Some shout in the dark, some pray, some tell their girlfriends, some write letters to the editor, some jump off bridges, and some post on the internet. In a way, it's all the same.

Bottom line, Dom, we've all gotten screwed over, in just about every way you could name. Learn your lessons, and yes, you're destined to learn every goddamned one of 'em. Yours was a very minor bump in the road, some here have buried their children or spouses, and most all have lost one or both of their parents, take your lumps, and move on, son. It gets worse, but makes you strong, and most of all, wise.

07-27-2008, 12:36 PM
I'd like to hear "The Rest Of the Story".....

07-27-2008, 01:04 PM
I'd like to hear "The Rest Of the Story".....
Not Dom's side..... not the shop's side.....but the "third side" of that story, you know ....the truth.

07-27-2008, 01:11 PM
Call him up and ask... want the number PM me.

Egon Spengler
07-27-2008, 01:38 PM
I gave up on reading

07-27-2008, 06:51 PM
Dominick, I will give you some free advice. If it offends you, just tell me to drop dead. But, after reading many of posts for months on end, it's obvious you are a Type A personality.


I know. Type A people are easy for me to spot because I was one until I was 43 years old...... thanks to my job, the nepotism and the people I had to work with. If I had not changed my ways, there is no doubt in my mind that I would be dead by now of a massive heart attack.

Ease up, enjoy life. Don't let things you have no control over worry you so much. Try it and see if you feel better.

07-27-2008, 07:31 PM
If Dom and I were closer (geographically), I would be more than glad to help him with the wiring.

There is really nothing magical about wiring, if you can build a motor, transmission or do body work, you can do wiring as well. You just have to focus and pay attention to what you are doing, i.e., leave the cell in the house, don't have a bunch of distractions around your work area.

That pick-up is a weekend job..... period. It always amazes me how shops charge such big $$$$ to do wiring, as I say, they give it that magical/mysterious b.s..

And before anyone busts my balls, I know that the shop has to make a profit, quarterly taxes and what not. Sometimes if you know the owner good enough, you can make a deal for doing the job for cash and no receipt.... providing that you know the quality of work you are going to get.

Just my .00000002

07-27-2008, 07:35 PM
][/B]Ease up, enjoy life. Don't let things you have no control over worry you so much.

Sheriff gives good advice. Regardless of personality type.

07-27-2008, 07:48 PM
I appreciate your problems, posting here wasn't a mistake, but you should tackle the 65 yourself, its pretty easy to wire one, from a Painless kit or with repro harness.

the engine, if its toast, and you don't know how to build one, just go to your local parts store and order one, we sell generic 350s for $900-1100 for a basic 350. again, installing a small block in a 65-66 is cake. read up, ask questions, stop and post questions when you are stuck (post pictures if needed)

use this frustrating episode to take it to the next level in your life's story.

07-27-2008, 08:19 PM
Machanics are some of the worst people I know, if they can't stick you for parts they will find something else.

those damn "machanics" they are almost as bad as English teachers and rich kids

07-27-2008, 10:26 PM
those damn "machanics" they are almost as bad as English teachers and rich kids

hahahaha oh man :bigcry:

07-27-2008, 10:31 PM
I will say this...I've met some mechanics who were great at what they did, and really cool guys, but could be a pain at times. I've seen a lot when a shop has plenty of work and prefer a particular kind of work, they tend to turn their noses at some jobs. Sometimes they turn it away, which many times is the best for both parties as it avoids issues.

But if this guy is a performance shop and tuner, and if he specializes in Fords or prefers them, and if he has a shop full of work, wiring a '65 Chevy truck is probably not something they care to deal with.

It sounds like this is the case, especially with the way the price was quoted that sounds like a job the shop doesn't really want to do but hard to turn customers away...

I will admit I still don't know what you're upset about, there was so much in that post are there a few key points you can summarize? That story just went in too many directions to follow, I don't know where your truck was being worked at or is Simpson performance the guys driveway garage???

Stranger in the Black Sedan
07-28-2008, 04:40 AM
You have a Marauder what else do you need, besides another Marauder.

I can understand needing more. I work on Chevy stuff for fun too. SBC is go fast cheap stuff. However, I would start doing the work yourself from now on.

07-28-2008, 10:22 AM
haha you bet I am a type A personality and I take no offence to it at all. As far as the wiring I would love if someone (maybe even off here) could walk me though it over a weekend and get it done with me. The engine is toast and I owe a few people so looks like the engine will have to wait at least a month before I can look for a new one. In the mean time I have an engine lift so today I unbolted pretty much all of the engine except the mounts, driveshaft (the tranny is coming out too) fuel line and hood. All of that stuff can be taken out in less than ten minutes, plus I need someone watching this engine when it comes out so I don't hit anything.

If anyone wants to help let me know. I will provide all the food and drinks for the weekend. ;)

Mike Poore
07-28-2008, 12:01 PM
Now you're talking, Dom. I wish I could stop by to lend a hand. :D

07-28-2008, 01:56 PM
Did you say Food?

07-28-2008, 09:40 PM
Yes I did Bob. Want some food in exchange for doing/walking me though the wiring? Drinks too... plenty of root beer! As well as regular.

07-28-2008, 10:07 PM
Bad timing, got the kids sat and sun this week. Probably a week from sunday though. See you tomorrow.

07-28-2008, 10:13 PM
Works for me, we'll talk about this tomorrow.

08-28-2008, 05:50 PM
Yeah he is full of ****. Take your work elsewere man everyone is tryna get over now a days i swear. **** pisses me off

08-28-2008, 10:25 PM
I have decided to take it into my own hands and learn. I already pulled the engine and am getting a new one for free. I still need help on the wiring, if anyone wants to help me and do not even joke about charging me. If I had the ability to help someone on here, I wouldn't charge.

Aren Jay
08-28-2008, 11:07 PM
Best thing you can do is something you can afford to do on your own. Yes restoring a truck is all nice and fine but if you can't afford to do it right, then do it yourself. If you can't do it yourself, don't do it. And if you thought you would try and now know you can't do it, then sell it and move on.