View Full Version : Don't talk to the police (Video)

07-29-2008, 08:14 PM
A friend of mine posted this on another forum and I thought I would share it here

Eight reasons even the innocent shouldn't talk to the police

In one of the more engaging, convincing and easily understood presentations I've ever seen, Prof. James Duane (http://www.regent.edu/acad/schlaw/faculty_staff/duane.cfm) of the Regent University School of Law explains why even angels devoid of the slightest moral blemish should never speak to police officers, tax collectors or other law-enforcement agents investigating crimes. Duane assumes no malice on the part of the police -- just human failings and motivations. In a 27-minute lecture, he details the legal pitfalls people can wander into even by telling the absolute truth.


Of course, "innocence" is relative. At the very beginning of the video, Prof. Duane addresses the -- literally -- unknowable extent to which federal laws and regulations have grown, so that even the government itself has no idea how many punishable offenses there are. It's very easy for people with clean consciences to admit to violating laws and regulations they never knew existed.

What about the other side of the debate?

Responding in the same classroom to Prof. Duane, Office George Bruch of the Virginia Beach Police Department says ... the professor is absolutely right.


07-30-2008, 04:00 AM
Very simple why doesn't the FBI and all other LEO have a $30 voice recorder when they are questioning someone?

Answer because it is legal for them to lie to you but illegal for you to lie to them. In the event they pursue charges for lying or obstructing justice they don't want the jury to hear them lying to you.

I agree w/ what the Professor's point is, 55,000 new laws passed in a lifetime. Tried to buy cold medicene lately you need a drivers license and your personal data is scanned.:mad2:

The Feds tell us how much water our toilet can use and now we can only by non-incandescent bulbs. If we break one of these new bulbs the area must be evacuated and a hazmat team brought in. http://www.wikio.com/video/270253

Where is the next tea party? I say we bring back the guillotine.

Having said that I have spoken to police after quickly surmizing their intentions. Had I not spoken I would have been arrested, although innocent I would have been processed and had to post bail. By answering questions and explaining I have never been arrested. In the end they said because I was honest and it's obvious I am not here to do anything wrong.

Dr Caleb
07-30-2008, 10:23 AM
I saw that on another forum too. Sage advice. In Officer Bruch's video, he says it's pretty rare someone either doesn't incriminate themselves because they think they can outsmart the professional interrogator, or simply do the prosecution's work by confessing (even to stuff they didn't do!). It's also pretty rare that he arrests someone who he thinks might be innocent.

You have the right to shut the he11 up! Do your defence attorney a favour, and exercise it!

Worth 45 minutes of your time to watch the videos.

07-30-2008, 11:44 AM
I am gonna go do something illegal right now to see what happens-

07-31-2008, 08:06 AM
Very simple why doesn't the FBI and all other LEO have a $30 voice recorder when they are questioning someone?

Answer because it is legal for them to lie to you but illegal for you to lie to them. In the event they pursue charges for lying or obstructing justice they don't want the jury to hear them lying to you.

There is a great blanket statement. Most departments require any contact with the public to be on their video system, video and audio. In four years in the detective bureau every interrogation I had in station was recorded. Don't generalize what the police do. We all don't live in po-dunk or corrupt areas.

07-31-2008, 09:23 AM
If your arrested just give them your name and ask for a lawyer.

nuff said!

07-31-2008, 10:30 AM
As recent as 4 years ago a man holding public office was convicted of lying to the FBI on the basis of the FBI agents notes which were never allowed to be entered as evidence.

Why didn't the FBI agent have a $30 recorder? It was a former Federal Prosecutor that told me why.

How many are audio taped before they are arrested?

I realize many patrol units utilize video cams and that is good.

How many detectives that are investigating cases in the field tape record?

Why is it legal for the government to lie to you but illegal for you to lie to them? Particularly when there is no undercover operation?

If there is government in your area there is corruption and abuse of power.

With 55,000 new laws passed in the average lifetime who among us is not subject to arrest?